Chapter 9 Outline Gene Transfer, Genetic Engineering, and Genomics Introduction 9.1 Genetic Recombination in Prokaryotes • Genetic Information in Prokaryotes Can Be Transferred Vertically and Horizontally • Vertical gene transfer (VGT) is the transfer of genetic material from parent cell to daughter cell • Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is the transfer of DNA from a donor cell to a recipient cell • Transformation Is the Uptake and Expression of DNA in a Recipient Cell • By integration of a new DNA fragment, the recipient has gained some ability it previously lacked • Transformation was first described by Frederick Griffith in 1928 • Competence is the ability of a recipient cell to take up DNA from the environment • Conjugation Involved Cell-to-Cell Contact for Horizontal Gene Transfer • In conjugation, a donor cell transfers DNA directly to the recipient • The donor cell forms a conjugation pilus to make contact with the recipient • The F factor DNA in the donor replicates by the rolling-circle mechanism • Conjugation also Can Transfer Chromosomal DNA • High frequency of replication (Hfr) strains can donate chromosomal genes rather than just the F plasmid • The F factor attaches to the chromosome using an insertion sequence • Conjugation is usually interrupted before the entire chromosome is transferred, • The recipient remains F- (called a recombinant F-) • If an integrated F plasmid breaks from the chromosome, taking a fragment of chromosomal DNA, it is called an F' plasmid • Transduction Involves Viruses as Agents for Horizontal Transfer of DNA • In transduction, a virus (bacteriophage) carries a chromosomal DNA fragment from donor to recipient • In the lytic cycle, virulent phages • destroy the host chromosome • replicate themselves • destroy the cell • In the lysogenic cycle, temperate phages integrate their DNA into the host chromosome (as a prophage) • Virulent phages perform generalized transduction • A fragment of host cell DNA ends up in the phage during packaging, which they transfer to a new host cell • In the lysogenic cycle, the prophage eventually excises itself from the host chromosome • Sometimes it takes a few flanking host genes and leaves a few phage genes behind 9.2 Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology • Genetic Engineering Was Born from Genetic Recombination • Genetic engineering involves changing the genetic material in an organism to alter its traits or products • A recombinant DNA molecule contains DNA fragments spliced together from 2 or more organisms • Specific fragments can be obtained by cutting short stretches of nucleotides with a restriction endonuclease • The fragments are joined by DNA ligase • Genetic Engineering Has Many Commercial and Practical Applications • The genes responsible for producing human insulin can be cloned into bacteria • Bacteria could be genetically engineered to • break down toxic wastes • produce antibiotics • Plants have been engineered using microbial genes for • herbicidal activity • viral resistance • Cows produce more milk when injected with bovine growth hormone produced by engineered bacteria • Specific nucleotide sequences in pathogens allow us to identify them using DNA probes • Recombinant vaccines can be safer than traditional vaccines using killed or attenuated microbes • DNA vaccines are being developed in which a gene serves as the vaccine 8.3 Microbial Genomics • Many Microbial Genomes Have Been Sequenced • Hundreds of microbial genomes have been sequenced since the first in 1995 • Many of which are pathogens • Segments of the Human Genome May Have “Microbial Ancestors” • As many as 200 of the 35,000 human genes are essentially identical to those of Bacteria • They were passed down from early ancestors of humans • Microbial Genomics Will Advance Our Understanding of the Microbial World • Knowing genomes of bacteria that cause food-borne diseases can help us • develop detection methods • make food safer • It can help us identify microbes that cannot be cultured in the lab • Environmental genomics helps us understand how microbial communities function • Improved biosensing • Comparative Genomics Brings a New Perspective to Defining Infectious Diseases and Studying Evolution • • Functional genomics attempts to discover • the function of proteins coded for in a genome • how the genes interact, allowing the microbe to grow and reproduce • Comparative genomics compares the DNA sequence of one microbe to another similar or dissimilar organism Metagenomics is identifying the previously unseen microbial world • Techniques are now being developed to analyze and understand all the genomes within a microbial community