LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment Division: Business Discipline/Program: Computer Applications and Office Technologies Course Number and Name: CAOT 061 Introduction to Office Machines Program Contact Person: Elsie Linares ______________________________________ Phone: x4188_______________________ Reviewed by: Elena Reigadas, SLO Assessment Coordinator Attach additional pages as necessary. Institutional Course Intended Outcomes Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate speed and accuracy on the 10-key pad of 5 the computer, proper keying techniques or alpha-numeric input, and use dexterity drills to increase speed and accuracy. Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success At least 75% of students will show satisfactory performance as measured by the software application assessment tool. Date April 24, 2014 Summary of Data Collected Use of Results Two sessions were offered for 2012-2013 Academic year. 21 students were enrolled. 100% of students achieved satisfactory performance based on the course assessment requirements. The results reflect that the intended outcomes are being met based upon the intended outcome. However, cost of the textbook is prohibited; the semester being reduced in length makes it difficult for students to complete all of the assignments. The setup of the classroom (environment) is not ergonomic thereby creating stress and bad techniques. Student attendance and not having the lab available as it was in the past (no open lab) contributed toward some students failing to achieve intended outcome. We need an instructional assistance in the lab to assistants students, maintain longer hours for students, have better control over the equipment, and make available reference copies of the textbook for students. 5 2. Determine strokes per hour using self-timed exercises and At least 75% of students will perform at least Two sessions were offered for 2012-2013 Academic year. 21 students were enrolled. 100% SEE SLO #1 2 operate the calculator by touch method. 10,000 keystrokes per hour as measured by the software application. of students achieved satisfactory performance based on the course assessment requirements. 3. Solve business math problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and percentages. At least 75% of the students will perform satisfactorily. Two sessions were offered for 2012-2013 Academic year. 21 students were enrolled. 100% of students achieved satisfactory performance based on the course assessment requirements. SEE SLO #1 January 28, 2011 Attach additional pages as necessary. Institutional Course Intended Outcomes Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate speed and accuracy on the 10-key pad of 5 the computer, proper keying techniques or alpha-numeric input, and use dexterity drills to increase speed and accuracy. 5 2 2. Determine strokes per hour using self-timed exercises and operate the calculator by touch method. 3. Solve business math problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and percentages. Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success At least 75% of students will show satisfactory performance as measured by the software application assessment tool. Summary of Data Collected Three sections are offered for the Fall 2010 semester. 85% of the students show satisfactory performance as measured by the software application assessment tool. At least 75% of students will perform at least 10,000 keystrokes per hour as measured by the software application. Three sections are offered for the Fall 2010 semester. 85% of the students show satisfactory performance as measured by the software application assessment tool. At least 75% of the students will perform satisfactorily. Three sections are offered for the Fall 2010 semester. 85% of the students show satisfactory performance as measured by the software application assessment tool. Use of Results The results reflect that the intended outcomes are being met based upon the intended outcome. The textbook will undergo a significant update in Fall 2011. We will reassess outcomes to see if the new textbook changes results. The results reflect that the intended outcomes are being met based upon the intended outcome. The textbook will undergo a significant update in Fall 2011. We will reassess outcomes to see if the new textbook changes results. The results reflect that the intended outcomes are being met based upon the intended outcome. The textbook will undergo a significant update in Fall 2011. We will reassess outcomes to see if the new textbook changes results.