
Articles that have prepared in the framework of BIOKENAF project
Non-food crops: From Agriculture to Industry, International South Europe
Symposium (Bologna, 15-16/5/03)
E. Alexopoulou and M. Christou. 2003. Kenaf: a non-food crop for Southern Europe.
In Agroindustria, Vol. 2, Number 2/3, pp. 133-136.
2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection
(Rome, 10-14/5/2004)
1. E. Alexopoulou, M. Christou, A. Nicholaou and M. Mardikis. 2004. BIOKENAF: A
Network for Industrial Products and Biomass for Energy from Kenaf. In Proc. of
the 2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate
Protection (Rome, 10-14/5/2004), pp. 2040-2043.
2. A. Fernando, P. Duarte, J. Morais, A. Cartoga, G. Serras, S. Pizza, V.
Godovikova and J.L.Oliveira. 2004. Characterization of kenaf potential in
Portugal as an industrial and energy feedstock-the effect of irrigation, nitrogen
fertilization and different harvest dates. In Proc. of the 2nd World Conference
on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection (Rome, 10-14/5/2004),
pp. 169-172.
3. N. di Virgillio, M. T. Amaducci, A. Vecchi, G. Venturi. 2004. Effects of
Environmental and agronomic factors on kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) in Po
valley. In Proc. of the 2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and
Climate Protection (Rome, 10-14/5/2004), pp. 271-273.
4. E. Alexopoulou, M. Christou, A. Nicholaou and M. Mardikis. 2004. The influence
of sowing time and plant population on kenaf growth and yields. In Proc. of the
2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection
(Rome, 10-14/5/2004), pp. 304-307.
5. A. Fernando, P. Duarte, J. Morais, A. Cartoga, G. Serras, S. Pizza, V.
Godovikova and J.L.Oliveira. 2004. Characterization of kenaf potential in
Portugal as an industrial and energy feedstock – The Effect of different
varieties, sowing dates, plant populations and different harvest dates. In Proc.
of the 2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate
Protection (Rome, 10-14/5/2004), pp. 281-284.
6. N. Danalatos and S. Archontoulis. 2004. Potential growth and biomass
productivity of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) under central Greek conditions.
II. The influence of variety, sowing time and plant density. In Proc. of the 2nd
World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection
(Rome, 10-14/5/2004), pp. 319-322.
7. N. Danalatos and S. Archontoulis. 2004. Potential growth and biomass
productivity of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) under central Greek conditions.
II. The influence of fertilization and irrigation. In Proc. of the 2nd World
Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection (Rome, 1014/5/2004), pp. 323-326.
8. S. L. Cosentino, E. Riggi and G. D. Agosta. 2004. Leaf photosynthesis in kenaf
(Hibiscus cannabinus L.) in response to water stress. In Proc. of the 2nd World
Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection (Rome, 1014/5/2004), pp. 374-376.
9. E. Riggi, S. L. Cosentino, and M. Mantineo. 2004. Gas exchange and water
stomatal behaviour in kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) as affected by artificial
light intensity during night measurements. In Proc. of the 2nd World Conference
on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection (Rome, 10-14/5/2004),
pp. 377-380.
10. S. L. Cosentino, G. Agosta, V. Copani and G. Testa. 2004. Yield and
development of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) crop in relation to genotype,
sowing time and plant population in Mediterranean environment. In Proc. of the
2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection
(Rome, 10-14/5/2004), pp. 381-383.
11. A. Gonzalez Moreno, E.F. de Andres, I. Walter and J. L. Tenorio. 2004. Kenaf
responses to irrigation and nitrogen fertilization in central region of Spain. In
Proc. of the 2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate
Protection (Rome, 10-14/5/2004), pp. 395-397.
12. E.F. de Andres, J. Gonzalez Cortes, A. Ayuso Mateos, M. Perez Rodriguez, A.
Gonzalez Moreno and J. L. Tenorio. 2004. Growth and yield of three kenaf
varieties in two Spain locations. In Proc. of the 2nd World Conference on
Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection (Rome, 10-14/5/2004), pp.
Renewables 2004, International Conference on new and renewable energy
technologies for sustainable development, 28 June to 1 of July, Évora,
Fernando, A., Duarte, P., Morais, J., Catroga, A., Serras, G., Mendes, B.S.,
Oliveira, J. S. (2004) Characterization of Kenaf potential in Portugal as an
industrial and energy feedstock. Oral communication
VII Simposio Luso-Espanhol de Relações Hídricas das Plantas (Faro, 27-29/09/04)
E.F. de Andrés and J.L. Tenorio. 2004. Crecimiento de kenaf (Hibiscus
cannabinus) y producción de biomasa con diferentes dosis de riego. In: “VII
Simposio Luso-Espanhol de Relações Hídricas das Plantas”. Universidade do
Algarve. pp. 37-40. Faro, Portugal.
Presentation of the BIOKENAF results in Murcia (17-21/9/05, Industrial Crops
and Rural Development)
1. Biomass yields of kenaf in Southern Europe (Alexopoulou et al) Oral
2. Kenaf Biomass Production in Extremadura (Spain) (Tenorio et al.)Poster
3. Irrigation and N-Fertilization effects on kenaf growth and biomass productivity
in central Greece (N.G.Danalatos and S.V.Archontoulis) Poster presentation
4. Sowing time and plant density effects on growth and yield responses of kenaf in
Spain (N.G.Danalatos and S.V.Archontoulis) Poster presentation
5. Effects of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on growth and yield responses of
kenaf in Spain. (E.F. de Andrés, A. González Moreno, I. Walter, L. Ayerbe, and
J.L. Tenorio) Poster presentation
Presentation of the BIOKENAF results in Paris (17-21/10/05, 14th European
Biomass Conference)
1. BIOKENAF A European Network for the Biomass Production Chain of Kenaf
(Alexopoulou et al.) Poster presentation
2. Crop different sensibility to photosynthesis quantum efficiencies from fast
chrorophyll a flourescence in kenaf (Tenotio et al.) Oral presenatation
3. Effect of sowing time on seed production on kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) in
Sicily (Consentino et al.) Oral presentation
4. Effects of growth, productivity and biomass quality of kenaf of soils
contaminated with heavy metals (Fernando et al.) Oral presentation
5. Characterization of kenaf potential in Portugal as an industrial and energy
feedstock – the second of crop management, 2nd year experiments (Fernando
et al) Poster presentation
6. Growth and biomass productivity of kenaf as biomass crop in central Greece
(Danalatos et al) Poster presentation
7. Leaf photosynthesis of kenaf (variety Everglades 41) as affected by different
light intersity and temperate regimes (Danalatos et al) Poster presentation