7th grade Homework Week of: November 22 , 2010 Please note that there are times when lesson plans and homework will change throughout the week. Teachers will always clarify the specifics of an assignment in the classroom. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Mrs. Daniels Language Arts See calendar below Mrs. Fuller Science Mr. Gerome Social Studies Mrs. Katsilometes Math Mrs. McMahon Math Mrs. Jimenez Language Arts Finish Questions A + B, Due Tomorrow. Questions A+B Due. Monday Mrs. Timberlake/ Mrs. Jenkins Language Arts Tuesday See calendar below Mr. Goodman Math Mr. Goodman Social Studies Finish Section 2.3 Mrs. Treblas Language Arts See calendar below Mrs. McDermitt Math No Homework Mrs. Wesoloski Science Formative No Homework Optional Turkey Day Ratios/Proportions Wednesday Thursday Friday Specials Team Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Mr. Frankmann French Also see: http://harmonfrench .wikispaces.com Mrs. Kinnan Lifeskills Mrs. Sanford & Mr. Sarmiento Spanish Miss Kurtz Health/PE SEE LANGUAGE ARTS AND READING CALENDAR BELOW Friday November English Calendar Mon Tue 1 2 In class: Final class period in computer lab to work on narrative- due at the end of class No School Wed 3 In class: What scares people? T-chart for fear Begin World War II unit Lit circles to determine calendar Assessment on SAT/ACT words (Timberlake only) HW: follow group calendar to read novel Thu 4 Mini-lesson: compound sentences In class: The Bracelet Reading skill: close reading Executive Order 9066 Fri 5 Mini-lesson: compound sentences Map Literature circles HW: follow group calendar to read novel 8 9 10 11 12 Mini-lesson: subordinating conjunctions Mini-lesson: subordinating conjunctions Mini-lesson: subordinating conjunctions Mini-lesson: subordinating conjunctions Mini-lesson: subordinating conjunctions In class: “I Remember Pearl Harbor:: Newspaper articles from San Francisco Pictures from internment Literature circles Literature circles Dealing with Problem Race” Museum Literature circles websites/picture book picture books HW: follow group calendar to read novel HW: follow group calendar to read novel HW: follow group calendar to read novel 15 16 17 Mini-lesson: subordinating conjunctions Mini-lesson: subordinating conjunctions Mini-lesson: subordinating conjunctions Literature circles – share information Rabbit in the Moon with different groups Last day to meet in literature circles HW: follow group calendar to read novel HW: finish novel 22 23 In class: making connections to present In class: making connections to current day through research of current day newspaper articles “President Signs Law to Redress Wartime Wrong” p232 29 Characteristics of science fiction p410413 “The Veldt” by Bradbury and Rule of notice contradictions 30 In class: Reading Summative “The Veldt” by Bradbury HW: follow group calendar to read novel 19 Mini-lesson: subordinating conjunctions OAA Half-length summative In class: Present solution HW: study for SAT/ACT 18 Mini-lesson: subordinating conjunctions Dessert Exile: Chapter 5 Review for assessment Assessment on SAT/ACT words (Timberlake only) 24 25 26 No School No School No School November Reading Calendar Mon Tue Wed Fri 1 In class: Share Narratives 2 8 In class: Introduce Academic Vocabulary List #4 and multi- genre assignment – rubric and list 9 In class: Finish going over academic vocabulary and mini lesson on friendly letters- Dear Miss Breed 10 11 In class: Practice academic vocabulary In class: Practice academic vocabulary and write friendly letter from perspective and introduce I AM poem of character 12 In class: Practice academic vocabularyMedia Center for an Island Adventure *Style, Tone, Mood *Genres *type I AM poem 15 In class: Practice academic vocabulary and create 1st piece of writing from multigenre list 16 In class: Practice academic vocabulary and create 2nd piece of writing from multi-genre list 17 In class: Practice academic vocabulary and create 3rd piece of writing from multigenre list 18 Academic Vocabulary List #4 Assessment – wrap up multi- genre pieces 19 In class: Media center to type multigenre pieces 22 In class: Review academic vocabulary lists 1-4. 23 In class: Share mulit-genre pieces 24 25 26 29 In class: Science Fiction Short Story 30 In class: Science Fiction Short Story No School 3 In class: Read” Lamb to the Slaughter” Thu No School 4 5 In class: Finish ” Lamb to the Slaughter” Media Center for an Island Adventure *Comparing Texts *Citing Sources No School No School