THE 3rd. CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST The Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean has received a grant from the Inter American Development Bank - IDB to partially finance the proposed Strategy for the Financial Sustainability of the Indigenous Fund by the Convention of Reimbursable Technical Cooperation No. ATN / 0C-13231-RG. As part of this program, consulting firms are invited to submit their interest to fill out the application form to participate in the Selection Process for hiring of consultancy: FONDO INDÍGENA STRATEGY FOR FINACIAL SUSTAINIBILITY RG-T2078 The objective of the consultancy is to: Assist the FI with the development of a comprehensive financial sustainability strategy and investment to improve profitability of FI capital. To this end invited consulting firms, legally constructed and belonging to IDB member countries with no conflict of interest with the consulting or the convener should have experience in: General Experience a. 15 years of extensive knowledge of the financial actions of international cooperation and proven practice related to the Latin American financial system. b. 10 years working in the design and implementation of financial strategies tested in institutions in the region. Specific Experience c. Proven experience of 12 or more years in the field of financial markets, investment in the stock, bonds and other equity instruments d. 10 years of working experience in financial assistance in NGOs, International Organization and / or private companies. e. Six years of extensive knowledge and management of IFRS - IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards f. Four years of working experience in engineering processes and financial restructuring g. Ability to synthesize and present information to different audiences. h. Spanish and English, spoken and written fluently. The most important legal documents have to be presented in copy as well a summary of their more relevant specific experience. The minimum information to be assessed will be: • Photocopy of the Constitution and legal documents that prove not to be prevented from entering into contracts in Bolivia • Identification of the Firm (Form No. 2.1) • Consulting related experience (Form No. 2.2) • Summary Financial Information (Form No.2.3) The application forms can be downloaded from the page:, More information can be requested at the following address Av.20 of October 2287 esq. Rosendo Gutierrez or telephone 591-2 2423233 Email Please send the documentation as listed above to the Indigenous Fund offices located at Av October 20, 2287 esq. Rosendo Gutierrez, La Paz - Bolivia, no later than 16:00 pm on Friday, May 10, 2013. La Paz, May 03, 2013 INDIAN BOTTOM DOC-2.1 CONSULTANCY: SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY INDIGENOUS FINANCIAL FUND RG-T2078 IDENTIFICATION OF THE CONSULTANT GENERAL INFORMATION: Name: Name of legal representative: Main Adress: City and Country: Telephone: Fax: E-Mail: TYPE OF ORGANISATION (please indicate: Unipersonal , Sociedad Accidental, SA, SRL , ONG, Agencia Especializada de organización internacional pública, etc) NATIONALITY OF SIGNATURE (*) If applicable, according to the characteristics of the Consultant detailing: % Share Name shareholders nationality SI NO The firm, as a whole, is an integral part of the economy of a member country of the IDB and the FI .................................. (insert name of country) The firm has concluded agreement (s) by (the) which (is) a substantial portion of its net profits or other tangible benefits are credited or paid to individuals or companies that do not meet the nationality requirements of the IDB. (*) (*) Legal entities are eligible nationality if they are constituted and operate with the law of an eligible country, if 50% or more of the share capital is owned by one or more persons from eligible countries, if the principal place of business is in a eligible country, if it is an integral part of the economy of the country (eligible) which is domiciled; any substantial part of net income and other tangible benefits are paid in any way natural or legal personnel who do not meet citizenship requirements _______________________________________________ Signature and name of the representative of the firm SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY INDIGENOUS FINANCIAL FUND RG-T2078 DOC-2.2 SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE IN CONSULTING List of services provided in the past 10 years Customer Name Name of consulting and description of the most important tasks Contact: Position: e-mail: Phone: country: Contact: Position: e-mail: Phone: country: Contacto: Cargo: e-mail: Telf.: País: Contact: Position: e-mail: Phone: country: TOTAL (1) fill out only if the contract was executed with a partner Implementation Period (month and year) From: to From: to From: to From: to Original Amount (US$) Final amount (US$) Name of partners % of Participation (1) Participation (1) Amount (1) (US$) ______________________________________________ Representative Signature Consulting Firm DOC-2.3 SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY INDIGENOUS FINANCIAL FUND RG-T2078 SUMMARY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 2007 MANAGEMENT 2012 (State currency) (State currency) Total assets Current assets Inventories Total Liabilities Current liabilities Equity Annual income (1) Net Note: If by its nature, the firm does not have this information, you can replace this information with the budgetary execution of the last 3 steps