Modern Fiction Vocabulary List #8 141) intolerable in·tol·er·a·ble adjective -incapable of putting up with [in-tol-er-uh-buh l] 142) callus cal·lus [kal-uh s] noun -a thickening of or a hard thickened area on skin 143) replica rep·li·ca noun -a copy or reproduction [rep-li-kuh] 144) rasp rasp verb -to utter in a grating voice [rāsp] 145) hostility hos·til·i·ty [ho-stil-i-tee] noun -the state of being hostile; antagonism or enmity 146) gurney gur·ney [gur-nee] noun -a metal stretcher with wheeled legs, used for transporting patients 147) commence com·mence verb -to begin; to start [kuh-mens] 148) billow bil·low verb -swelled out or bulged [bĭl'ō] 149) embalmer em·balm·er [em-bahm-er] noun -a mortician who treats corpses with preservatives 160) sadistic sa·dis·tic [suh-dis-tik, sey-, sa-] adjective -deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on another 1 Modern Fiction 161) id id [id] noun -In Freudian theory, the division of the psyche that is totally unconscious and serves as the source of instinctual impulses and demands for immediate satisfaction of primitive needs 162) ego e·go [ee-goh, eg-oh] noun -In psychoanalytic theory, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and mediates between the person and external reality 163) superego su·per·e·go [soo-per-ee-goh, -eg-oh] noun -In psychoanalysis, the part of the unconscious mind that acts as a conscience 164) egomania e·go·ma·ni·a noun -obsessive occupation with the self [ee-goh-mey-nee-uh, -meyn-yuh, eg-oh-] 165) ethereally e·the·re·al·ly [i-theer-ee-uh l-lee] adverb -in a way characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; intangibly; highly refined, delicate, heavenly 166) opiate o·pi·ate [oh-pee-it] noun -a drug containing opium or its derivatives, used in medicines for inducing sleep or relieving pain 167) coiffure noun -a hairstyle coif·fure [kwah-fyoo r] 168) juggernaut jug·ger·naut [juhg-er-nawt, -not] noun -an overwhelming, advancing force that crushes or seems to crush everything in its path 169) matriarchy ma·tri·ar·chy [mey-tree-ahr-kee] noun -a social system in which the mother is the head of the family 170) martyr noun -a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion 2