What was the impact of the October 2000 flood? The characteristics of the catchment, the hydrology of the river and the weather patterns of early October, combined to create a severe flood in Uckfield on 12 October 2000. In total 133 properties are believed to have flooded in Uckfield by water up to 2m deep. The vast majority flooded were High Street shops or commercial properties on the Bellbrook Industrial Estate, although there was also flooding of residential and office properties at the eastern end of the town. Total damage costs for the residential properties were estimated at more than £700,000. Damages to businesses were estimated at almost £17 million. 36 cars were reported as being written off, and a further 30 cars damaged. The vast majority of these were vehicles at a car showroom on the High Street and at a garage on the industrial estate. The following ‘public buildings’ in Uckfield were affected: Uckfield railway station Uckfield Fire Station Council buildings Museum Public conveniences. Manufacturing 12% Public 4% Residential 14% 5 18 16 Office 13% 17 77 Retail 57% Figure 6.2 Flooded properties in Uckfield by category www.geography.org.uk/flooding 1