OCE/ATM/ESS 588, Winter 2003 THE CARBON CYCLE AND MARINE CARBONATE CHEMISTRY - Lecture 2 Overheads I. The Global Carbon Cycle The major reservoirs and fluxes of carbon in the Earth. Values are in 1015 g C or 1015 g C yr-1 (1015 g is called Gigatons, Gt or Petagrams, Pg) Carbon Reservoirs (exchangeable on time scales of 1000s of years or less) and Fluxes. The data are updated from the compilations of Pilson (1998), Siegenthaler (1986) and the reverences therein. Partition of anthropogenic fluxes for the 1990s is from the IPCC report (2001). ________________________________________________________________________________________ 1015 g C or Reservoirs (Gt): 1015 g C yr-1 Atmosphere: CO2 (288 ppm in 1850) 612 (369 ppm in 2000) 784 Oceans: Biota 1-2 DOC 700 Org C in sediments (1 meter) 1,000 DIC 37,300 Terrestrial: Biota 600-1000 Soil Humus (1 meter) 1,500 Fossil Fuels (identified reserves), gas 44 oil 90 coal, oil sands and shales 3440 Fluxes (Gt yr-1): Net Primary Production, Ocean Land Atmosphere-Ocean exchange Net C export from the surface ocean Sedimentation of Org. C. in the ocean Anthropogenic Changes (Gt or Gt yr-1): Cumulative Changes (Gt): Atmospheric Increase 1850 – 1996 Fossil Fuels Burnt 1860 – 1996 From Plants and Soils oxidized 1860 - 1994 Partitioning of Anthropogenic Fluxes (1990s) (Gt yr -1) Fossil Fuel and Cement Production Atmosphere Accumulation Uptake by Terrestrial Biosphere Ocean Uptake 50 60 78 8-15 0.2 159 258 162 6.3 0.4 3.2 ± 0.1 1.4 0.7 1.7 0.5 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 588 - 1 The next four figures and one table are from the IPCC report (2001) ____ Large fluxes active on short time scales = (730 Pg / 120 Pg yr-1 = 6.1 yr) ------ Fluxes of CaCO3 important on much longer time scales 588 - 2 588 - 3 GPP (Gross Primary Production) Autotrophic Respiration NPP (Net Primary Production) Heterotrophic Respiration NCP (Net Community Production) At steady state NCP = Organic Carbon Export 588 - 4 588 - 5 II. The Marine Carbonate System The carbonate system is defined by the Alkalinity (A) , Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and the chemical equilibria among the carbonate species A. The alkalinity of seawater is the sum of the concentrations of anions that accept protons at the pH of seawater. The concentrations of the species that make up the alkalinity of seawater at pH = 8.2. (without the contribution of silicate and phosphate). Species -log C Concentration % of Alkalinity -1 -1 mmol kg meq kg HCO32.75 1.77 1.77 74 2CO3 3.58 0.26 0.52 22 B(OH)44.00 0.10 0.10 4 OH 5.20 0.01 0.01 0.4 Total Alkalinity (AT) = 2.40 meq kg-1 Note that the species of carbonate and Borate make up > 99% of the AT - Carbonate + Borate Alkalinity AC&B = [HCO3-] + 2[CO32-] + [B(OH)4-] A change in alkalinity is brought about only by the addition or subtraction of charged species. For example precipitation or dissolution of CaCO3 changes the alkalinity by 2 eq for every 1 mole of CaCO3 reacted: CaCO3(s) Ca2+ + CO32B. Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) (sometimes called “total CO2”, CO2) DIC is the sum of the dissolved inorganic carbon species DIC = [HCO3-] + [CO32-] + [CO2] Changes in this quantity are brought about by: (a) addition of fossil fuel CO2; (b) by organic matter synthesis and degradation: CH2O(o.m.) CO2 + O2 ( c) by CaCO3 precipitation and dissolution (via CO32-): CaCO3(s) Ca2+ + CO32- 588 - 6 C. The Carbonate system of equations consist of the Alkalinity, DIC and chemical equilibrium among the carbonate species: (1) AC&B = [HCO3-] + 2[CO32-] + [B(OH)4-] (2) DIC = [HCO3-] + [CO32-] + [CO2] (mol kg-1) (3) K1' K (4) (5) ' 2 HCO H 3 CO2 CO H HCO 2 3 3 KH CO2 fCO2 (Note: the fugasity of CO2, fCO2 is nearly the same as the pCO2 and they are used interchangeably. In seawater fCO2 ~ 0.995 pCO2) Borate Equilibria: (6) (7) BT = [B(OH)4-] + [B(OH)3] (BT is the total borate concentration) KB B(OH ) H 4 B(OH ) 3 - The equilibrium constants are strong functions of temperature and pressure and minor function of salinity so T, S and depth must be known to use K1', K2' KB' and KH' - BT is conservative in seawater and has a constant ratio to Salinity - Since equilibrium constants are known, there are 9 unknowns and 7 equations. All carbonate parameters can be calculated if two are known. Often AC&B and DIC are measured. 588 - 7 D. The pH dependence of the carbonate and borate species distribution is a result of the acid base behavior of these weak acids. The AT and DIC and the equilibria control the pH of seawater. Notice: - at Surface water pH (8.1-8.2) HCO3- dominates DIC, CO32- is next and CO2 is relatively unimportant. ________________________________________________________________ 588 - 8 E. A Matlab carbonate system program to calculate fCO2 from AC&B and DIC as a function of T, S and depth. The program is on the web (co3eq.m) co3eq(t,s,alk,dic) Problems: Titration of Seawater with fossil fuel CO2 1. How much has the DIC, pH and [CO32-] of surface seawater changed by the addition of CO2? Given: T = 20 C; S = 35 ppt; AC&B = 2300 eq kg-1; DIC (preindustrial) = 1970 mol kg-1 From the Program: DIC (mol kg-1) 1970 2000 2020 2030 2040 fCO2 (ppm) 280 323 356 374 393 pH 8.17 8.12 8.08 8.07 8.05 [CO32-] (mol kg-1) 231 211 198 192 192 2. If the total fossil fuel added to date were well mixed in the ocean, what would be the fCO2 of the atmosphere? Given: total fossil fuel added = 258 Gt; total DIC in seawater = 37,300 Gt The increase in DIC is: 258 / 37,300 = 0.0069 0.0069 X 1970 mol kg-1 = 13.6 mol kg-1 Using the program: For AC&B = 2300 eq kg-1; DIC = 1984 mol kg-1 fCO2 = 299 3. If all known fossil fuel reservoirs were burned and become well mixed in the sea, how much of the C will be in the atmosphere and ocean? Given: known fossil fuel reservoirs ~ 3440 Gt Assuming this all accumulated in the ocean, the DIC increase would be (an approximation!): 3440 / 37,300 = 0.092 X 1970 mol kg-1 = 182 mol kg-1 Using the program: for AC&B = 2300 eq kg-1; DIC = 2152 mol kg-1 fCO2 = 743 ppm Atm increase in Gt: (742 / 288 -1) X 612 Gt = 967 Gt Ocean increase in Gt: (2152 / 1970 -1) X 37,300 = 3445 Gt Fraction in the sea: 588 - 9 3445 / (3445 + 967) = 0.78 (A second iteration using 2440 x 0.78 for the amount in the ocean gives a fraction of 0.80.) References: IPCC (2001) Climate Change 2001: the scientific basis, Contribution of Working Group I in the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Houghton et al., eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. and New York, NY, USA, 881 pp. Pilson, M. (1998) An Introduction to the chemistry of the sea, Prentice Hall, N.Y. , 431p. Siegenthaler, U. (1986) Carbon dioxide: Its natural cycle and anthropogenic perturbation, in The Role of Air-Sea Exchange in Geochemical Cycling (Buat-Menard, ed.), Ridel 588 - 10