Clarification and Assignment of Resident Special Educational Experiences by Rotation Rotation ACH Inpatient ACH Outpatient BHRI Inpatient Required Educational Experience Outpatient Clinic - The ACH Inpatient resident MUST attend outpatient clinic regardless of other workload Required Schedule Location Frequency 20% (at a minimum, Weekly clinics are generally attend 2 half day scheduled all day Monday & clinics/week, if census Wednesday; afternoon on is low – attend more Friday & Spina Bifida Clinic outpatient clinics) 1st, 2nd & 4th Thursday. Attend ALL Spina Bifida Clinic is located at ACH Clinics Neurosciences area, 2nd floor. Community Rehab – Outreach Clinic Attend at least one Check the ACH clinic (Easter Seals with Dr. Schulz and/or clinic during the schedule or contact faculty Texarkana with Dr. Tompkins) rotation member for dates & times Cardiac Rehabilitation Attend the clinic 3x Observe Pts: Mezzanine Director: Mark Williams (once per month) M, W or Th Level in during the rotation; 2 hours each Health observe at least 2 of time Management the following cardiac Center rehab activities: PLEASE Call Intake, exercise Ahead-Mark testing, patient Williams education, exercise 202-1765 training Community Rehab – Prison Attend either one at Laura McGowan has this Community Rehab – Timber Ridge least once during the schedule rotation Verification Method Impaired Driver Evaluation POC: John Johnson E-mail from resident to Jennifer Crow specifying date & time Observe a road test at least once during the rotation TBD TBD E-mail from resident to Jennifer Crow specifying date & time E-mail from resident to Jennifer Crow specifying date & time E-mail from resident to Jennifer Crow specifying date & time E-mail from resident to Jennifer Crow specifying date & time Rotation BHRI PGY-1 Outpatient Required Educational Experience Wheelchair Clinic Required Frequency Observe at least once during the rotation Cardiac Rehabilitation Director: Mark Williams Attend the clinic 4x (every week) during the rotation; observe at least 2 of the following cardiac rehab activities: Intake, exercise testing, patient education, exercise training Observe at least once during the rotation Urodynamics - Observations can be coordinated through Bennie Craft, RN, 526-6990 Ext:1137 (Also ACH contact Nabil Bissada/Debbie Barrow 364-2632) Interventional Procedures Observe at least 2x per month Schedule Once per month on Monday – check with Dr. Kiser for schedule Observe Pts: M, W or Th 8:30 & 3:30 Location Verification Method E-mail from resident to Jennifer Crow specifying date & time Mezzanine Level in Health Management Center E-mail from resident to Jennifer Crow specifying date & time Urology Clinic, 2nd floor room 2M in the OPC Dr. Ghaleb has clinic Wednesday AM (Location TBD), Thursday (Stephens Building, 11th floor), Friday AM (Spine Center-2nd floor). Also, Dr. Firnhaber has clinic on Monday & Wednesday AM (Spine Center- 2nd floor), Tuesday AM & Wednesday PM (Stephens Building, 11th floor) E-mail from resident to Jennifer Crow specifying date & time PLEASE Call Ahead-Mark Williams 202-1765 Wednesday AM E-mail from resident to Jennifer Crow specifying date & time Rotation Required Educational Experience UAMS Amputee Clinic Required Frequency Monthly BHRI Functional Capacity Evaluations w/ Jason Hanan (2026767) Observe at least once per rotation Vocational Capacities Clinic a) vocational testing (psychologist) Observe at least once during the rotation b) physical work capacity testing (OT/PT) Vocational Capacities Clinic Observe at least once during the rotation c) Vocational rehab staffing conference Observe at least once during the rotation Schedule Location Dr. Brown generally has clinic the 3rd Wednesday of the Month in OPC 4th floor (surgery clinic); patients should be listed in WebChart. Tuesdays BHRI from 10:00 Physical am to 2:00 Therapy pm behind Christ the King church on Rodney Parham Every Tues NLRVA Bldg AM* 89, 2nd Fl Voc Rehab Every Tues PM* NLRVA Bldg 170, GB wing hallway Verification Method E-mail from resident to Jennifer Crow specifying date & time E-mail from resident to Jennifer Crow specifying date & time 1) E-mail to Dr. Means from Dr. Roger Williams 257-1669, pager 1504 2) resident must log patients seen E-mail to Dr. Means from Randy Regester, PT (257-2978) or Alice Bradford, OT 257-3012 Every Wed 8:30 AM* NLRVA Bldg 89, 2nd Fl Voc Rehab E-mail from Dr. Roger Williams or Alice Bradford, OT Rotation Required Educational Experience Amputee Clinic (run by attending physiatrist – Jose Escarda, MD) Brace Clinic (run by attending physiatrist – Johnny Smelz, MD) Wheelchair Clinic (power & manual) (run by attending physiatrist – Johnny Smelz, MD) Required Frequency Observe the clinic ≥3x during the rotation Observe the clinic ≥2x during the rotation Observe the clinic ≥2x during the rotation Procedures Clinic with Amir Qureshi, Observe/participate MD VA Inpatient VA EMG All Rotations Schedule Location Verification Method 2nd & 4th Tues of every month from 9:3011:30 AM* NLRVA, Bldg 89 1st floor, Rm 101 1) e-mail to Dr. Means from Mr. Ralph Jackson 257-1610 4th Mon of every month beginning at 8:30 AM* NLRVA, Bldg 89 1st floor, Rm 101 2) resident must log patients seen 1) e-mail to Dr. Means from Mr. Ralph Jackson 257-1610 2nd Mon of every month beginning at 12:30 PM* Every Tuesday (Manual) Clinics are listed on PM&R BHRI call schedule or by contacting Regina @ 257-6046 NLRVA, Bldg 89 1st floor, Rm 101 2) resident must log patients seen 1) e-mail to Dr. Means from Mr. Ralph Jackson 257-1610 LRSD Football Season TBD 2) resident must log patients seen VA Little Rock, 7A 134 1) e-mail to Dr. Means from Dr. Qureshi or Regina 2) resident must log patients seen Urodynamics – VA Urology, Gean Allen, 257-6903, VA pager 2571022 #1239 Sports Medicine Opportunities: High School Football Games Patrick Kortebein, 688-9221 pager Work collaboratively and TBD Email to Dr. Means (cc Jennifer Crow) from resident stating when/where Rotation Required Educational Experience collegially with the other physicians and health care professionals involved in sports medicine (physical therapist, athletic trainers, coaches, nutritionists, nurse, and sports psychologist) Communicate effectively with athletes, coaches, parents, and other appropriate individuals regarding the diagnosis and management of injuries and the impact on sport activity Understand the role of athletic trainers and physical therapists in caring for sports injuries Obtain experience in the organizational and operational requirements associated with providing for the medical and health needs for professional, collegiate, and youth athletic teams in season and off-season Required Frequency Schedule Location Verification Method Note: Clinic activities should be assigned at the beginning of the rotation and coordinated with the call/post-call coverage schedule. Please coordinate this with your attending faculty member. *Subject to cancellation – confirm in advance and notify Jennifer Crow/Dr. Means prior to the clinic if a scheduled clinic is cancelled.