instructions to new authors submitting an online mesa air proposal

(2 pages)
Complete the Proposal Submission Form on the MESA Website.
Go to the external MESA Website at:
Select “Internal Site”
You will be asked for a login and password. Please contact Sharon Fentiman at if you do not already have this information.
Once you are in the Internal MESA Website:
 Select “Publications and Presentations”, and then
 “Proposal Submissions” subheading
 The online Submission Form is the first option, followed by a “how to” document
and examples.
 The submission form will ask you to register for a personal user name and
password (instructions are included), which you will use each time you submit a
proposal online. If you are having difficulty registering, click “contact”. This will
put you in touch with the person at the Coordinating Center who will be able to
assist you.
The online proposal submission can be completed in stages. As a submitting author you
can set up part of your proposal and save it, and then can complete it at your
convenience. Once a proposal submission is complete, an automatic notification is sent
to the appropriate P&P Coordinator for processing.
The P&P Coordinators are:
MESA Air and MESA Genetics P&P: Sharon Fentiman (
Main MESA P&P:
Karen Hansen
MESA Air Data
When submitting proposals online that include MESA Air exposure data, be sure to
check the MESA Air Data box toward the end of the form. If this is not checked, the
proposal will automatically be forwarded to the main MESA P&P Coordinator instead of
to the MESA Air P&P Coordinator, which may delay the review of your proposal.
New Author List
Your coauthors can be added to your proposal by clicking on the name in the scrolldown menu of the “New Author” section. Authors who are not on this list are not yet in
the MESA database, so you will need to add their names to the system under the “New
Authors” Form (located above the “Proposal Submissions” heading). Once the New
Author Form is completed, the author will be added to the database and you can then
select the author’s name for your online proposal submission.
MESA Air Proposals:
After the MESA Air P&P Coordinator receives the completed online proposal, it will be
reviewed by the MESA Air P&P Committee for approval. Approved proposals that are
strictly MESA Air (typically, those that do not include health or genetics data) will then be
sent on to the MESA Air Steering Committee for final review and approval (the SC meets
the third Monday of every month, and manuscript submissions should be made at least a
week prior to these meetings). You will be kept informed of each approval status and
will be forwarded any comments from the Committees regarding your proposal.
Manuscript No.
Once approved by the P&P Committee, your submission will be assigned a Manuscript
number. MESA Air Manuscript numbers begin with “P”; MESA Genetics Manuscript
numbers begin with “G”, and main MESA ancillary manuscript numbers begin with either
“AC”, “AL”, or “AM”. Please include your manuscript number in any correspondence
related to your proposal (including abstracts and pen drafts based on that proposal).
Proposals Requiring Revisions:
If the P&P Committee approves your proposal pending minor revisions, the proposal will
receive a manuscript I.D. number in the database. However, it will not be forwarded for
Steering Committee approval until the revised proposal is received by the P&P
coordinator via email attachment, and re-reviewed by the P&P Committee for approval.
When submitting your revision, please also include a cover letter outlining the changes
made to your revised proposal in response to the Committee’s major comments and
suggestions. The revised proposal receives electronic expedited review by the P&P
Committee and, if approved, will be sent to the Steering Committee for final approval.
If your proposal is not approved by the P&P Committee because major revisions are
deemed necessary, your manuscript will not receive an I.D. number. You will be asked
to revise and resubmit, addressing the major comments and suggestions that were
made by the P&P Committee. Once your revised proposal is approved, it will be
assigned a number in the database.
MESA or MESA Genetics Proposals related to Air Pollution:
If your proposal includes health or genetics data, it will first be reviewed by the MESA Air
P&P Committee and then forwarded by the MESA Air P&P Coordinator to either the
MESA or MESA Genetics P&P Coordinator for approval by the appropriate P&P
Committee. MESA P&P meets to review proposals the 2nd and 4th Wed. of each month;
the Genetics P&P Committee meets the 4th Wed. of each month - see schedule located
online -
Approved P&P proposals will then go to the MESA SC for final approval and possible coauthor nominations (this generally takes another week or two for SC approval).