Mithriel M - Marine and Coastal Ecology Research Center

Mithriel M. MacKay
Curriculum Vitae
Email: Phone: (830) 688-9878
Skype: mithriel1962
Ph.D. Candidate, Texas A&M University at Galveston; Department of Marine Biology Interdisciplinary
Program, initiated August 2009. Anticipated date of graduation; May 2015, Dr. Bernd Würsig, adviser
Master of Marine Resources Management (MMR), Texas A&M University at Galveston, 2008-2009
Bachelor of Science, Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts; Medical Technology, 1984
Medical Technologist (Certificate program), Lynn Hospital School of Medical Technology, Lynn,
Massachusetts, 1984
Paramedic Training, Kendall County Training Institute, Boerne, Texas, 2003
Emergency Medical Technician, San Antonio College in conjunction with Bandera County EMS,
Bandera, Texas, 2001
Teaching Experience
Marine and Coastal Ecology Research Center; Director of Education and Research, Puerto Rico and Texas
o Marine Mammal Observer/Protected Species Observer - Instructor
o Mysticetus Cetacean Tracking Software - Instructor (
o Tropical Marine and Coastal Ecology program in Puerto Rico
o Collaboration with University of Alaska Southeast for Marine and Coastal Ecology program
o Humpback Whale Ecology Field Intensive
o Invasive Species; Origins and Impacts
o Wildlife Photography
o Aerial Survey Methods for Marine Megafauna
Texas A&M University at Galveston; Graduate Teaching Assistant
o MARB 689: Evolutionary Biology
o MARB 689: Marine Vertebrate Ethology
o MARB 689: Ecological Processes in the Marine Environment
o MARB 689: Marine and Coastal Ecology in Puerto Rico
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston Texas, Life Support Education Lab; Training Center
Faculty, Training Center Coordinator for physicians, nursing, ancillary staff, paramedics and EMTs
o Advanced Cardiac Life Support
o Pediatric Advanced Life Support
o Basic Life Support
o Introduction to Phlebotomy
o Basic Dysrhythmias
o 3 lead EKG
Bulverde-Spring Branch EMS Academy (Paramedic and EMT)
o Anatomy and Physiology
o Prehopital Trauma Response
o Cardiology for Prehospital Providers
o Pediatric Emergency Medicine
o Geriatric Emergency Medicine
o Prehospital Obstetrics
o Pharmacology
LPMH Associates
o Advanced Cardiac Life Support
o Pediatric Advanced Life Support
o Basic Life Support
Other teaching experience and tools
Distance learning instructor tools (Elsevier, Saba Centra, WebCT, TTVN, Moodle, Live Mood)
Developed web based laboratory curriculum for Baptist Hospital System employees
After school enrichment program at Butler Elementary School, Avon, MA
Clinical Preceptor for Laboratory Fellows, Medical Technology, and Medical Laboratory Technician Students:
 Tufts University Medical School at New England Medical Center, Boston, MA
 Northeastern University at New England Medical Center, Boston, MA.
 St Phillips College At University Hospital, San Antonio,TX
 University of Texas at San Antonio at University Hospital, San Antonio, TX
Research Experience
 Seasonal Occurrence Patterns and Behaviors of Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)
Wintering off Puerto Rico
o Lab: Marine Mammal Behavioral Ecology Group (Dr. Bernd Würsig), Texas A&M University at
o Principal Investigator: Mithriel M. MacKay
o Seasonal Occurrence Patterns and Social Behaviors of Humpback Whales off Puerto Rico, USA
 Pender Bay Humpback Whale Monitoring Program, Australia (The Kimberley)
o Goojarr Goonyool Aboriginal Corporation at Two Moons Whale and Marine Research Station,
Department of Parks and Wildlife, the Western Australian Marine Science Institute, and the
Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST) at Curtin University.
o Field team lead: Land based observations
 Humpback Whale Abundance Survey; an assessment of circle-back and cue counting methodology
o Murdoch University & Blue Planet Marine, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
o Principal Investigator: Amanda Hodgson (Murdoch University)
o Administrator: Amanda Hodgson (Murdoch University) and Sam DuFresne (Blue Planet Marine)
o Aerial observer: Partenavia aircraft
 Marine Mammal Research Associate: Smultea Environmental Services
o Aerial Observer, Marine Mammal Observer
o Analysis of data collected obtained during aerial surveys of cetaceans in the Pacific Ocean,
including behavioral and foraging ecology of cetaceans off Southern California.
 The Minke Whale Project, Friday Harbor San Juan Island, Washington
o PI: Jonathan Stern Ph.D.; Behavioral ecology of minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) on
historical feeding grounds off the Pacific Northwest, USA.
 Population Survey of Bottlenose Dolphins in Galveston and Houston Ship Channels
o Lab: Bernd Würsig Ph.D., Marine Mammal Research Laboratory, Texas A&M University at
o Principal Investigators: Mithriel M. MacKay and Bernd Würsig Ph.D.
Investigation of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): population census with highresolution digital photography. Excess of 30 hours as operator investigator during small vessel
approach (bateau/Boston Whaler). Photos of fins, scarring and other unique characteristics are
matched to photos of bottlenose dolphins from previous studies to investigate longevity in this
 “Dusky Dolphin foraging behaviors and vocalizations”
o Lab: Bernd Würsig Ph.D., Marine Mammal Research Program, Texas A&M University at
o Principal investigator: Robin Lea Vaughn
Dusky Dolphin population fin matching
o Lab: Bernd Würsig Ph.D., Marine Mammal Research Laboratory, Texas A&M University at
o Lead: Sarah Piwetz
Gill net surveys of Green Sea turtles (Chelonia mydas)
o Lab: Andre Landry Ph.D. , Sea Turtle and Fisheries Ecology Lab at Texas A&M University
o Lead: Tasha Metz Ph.D.
Coastal Zone Management (CZM):
o Thomas Linton Ph.D. and Melanie Lesko Ph.D., Texas A&M University at Galveston
o Lead: Mithriel M. MacKay
 Development of a research proposal and team to investigate coastal zone management
strategies in Galveston, Texas, and Puerto Rico
 Capstone Research: Analysis for Strategic Unity of Ideas and Concepts in the
Management of Coastal Margins; City of Galveston Texas and Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, August 2009
 Regner,M., Staszak, L., MacKay, M., Taylor,KM., Noack,L., Linton, T., 2009, Analysis
for a Strategies Unity of Ideas and Concepts for the Management of Coastal Margins:
City of Galveston, Texas and Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Final Report)
 Staszak, L., Noack, L., Regner, M., MacKay, M., Hancock-Taylor, KM., Gunn, J,
Linton,T., 2010, Examination of Coastal Zone Management Strategies of the City of
Galveston, Texas and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico: A comparison of techniques
for the mitigation of anthropogenic impacts and natural disasters to local coastal zone
ecology and economics (Final Report)
"A rapid assessment method examining the ecological health of tidal marine wetlands in Galveston Bay,
o Lab: Anna Armitage Ph.D., Coastal and Wetlands Ecology, Texas A&M University at Galveston
o Lead : Lindsey Staszak
Proposed Wetlands Ordinance: prepared at the request of The City of Galveston, Texas
o Thomas Linton Ph.D.
o Lead: Joshua Gunn and Mithriel M. MacKay
Research Tools
small boat operation
clinical laboratory analyzers
Fin Matching /photo-identification
light microscopy
high resolution digital photography
chemistry & hematology analyzers
Mysticetus Cetacean Tracking Software
Laboratory Information Systems
MS Power Point
emergency vehicle operator training
Big Eyes binoculars
MS Word
Professional Organizations
 Society for Marine Mammalogy
 Red de Investigadores para el studio de los mamiferos marinos de Centroamerica y El Caribe
(RIEMMCCA) [Network of Marine Mammal Specialists of Central America and the Caribbean
Society for Marine Mammalogy]
 Gulf Coast Student Chapter-Society for Marine Mammalogy
American Heart Association Instructor Network
The Society for Conservation GIS
Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network
American Association of Blood Banks
American Society for Clinical Pathologists
Professional Certifications
PADI open water diving certification #11010R1876
Texas Department of Health: Licensed Paramedic, July 2003 # 141048
Texas Department of Health: EMS Instructor, Certified: #141048
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER): 24hour , meets 29CFR1910.120
Texas Parks and Wildlife Boater Safety course
ISO-00700: National Incident Management System, FEMA
American Society of Clinical Pathologists; Medical Technologist/Clinical Laboratory Scientist,
October 1984: #158561
American Association of Blood Banks BS, MT(ASCP) #33850
Methods of Teaching EMS , San Antonio College, San Antonio, Texas, 2004
AHA Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support: Provider
AHA Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support: Instructor
AHA Basic Life Support for Healthcare Professional: Provider
AHA Basic Life Support: Instructor
AHA Pediatric Advanced Life Support: Provider
AHA Pediatric Advanced Life Support: Instructor
Neonatal Resuscitation Program: Provider
International Trauma Life Support: Instructor
International Trauma Life Support: Provider
Geriatric Education for Emergency Medical Services: Provider
Advanced Medical Life Support: Provider
Grants, Awards and Recognition
Research Advisory Council, Texas A&M University, field research support
MARB (Marine Biology) Mini Grant, Texas A&M University at Galveston
Research Advisory Council, Texas A&M University, field research support
Sea Space Inc. Scholarship
Galveston Graduate Student Association Travel Grant ,Texas A&M University at Galveston
MARB (Marine Biology) Mini Grant, Texas A&M University at Galveston
Erma Lee and Luke Mooney Graduate Travel Grant (academic year 2009-2010)
MARB (Marine Biology) Mini-Grant: Texas A&M University at Galveston
Texas A&M University at Galveston, PhD Development Award
Recognized by JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) and
CAP (College of American Pathologists) accrediting agencies for the following:
o Providing an easy to interpret written guide for nursing staff (reducing errors up to 100% )
o Exceeding inspection standards
National Honors Society
Professional Service
 Director of Research and Education ,The Marine and Coastal Ecology Research Center;, Texas and
Puerto Rico, USA
 Protected Species Observer , SAExploration;, Cook Inlet, Alaska, USA
Ship, land, and aerial observations aimed at protecting marine mammals with special attention to
endangered beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas), during seismic exploration
 Marine Species Observer HDR Inc:, San Diego, California, USA
Collection of data from aerial platforms for analysis of abundance, behavioral, occupancy and habitat
use, of marine species. Southern California contract with The Department of the Navy.
 Marine Biologist-Marine Mammal Observer,Geo Marine Inc:, Port Angeles, Washington, USA 2011
Killer Whale (Orcanus orca) species observers (ecotype identification with Southern Resident Killer
Whales as the target species), contract with National Park Service
 Marine Mammal Research Associate, Smultea Environmental Consulting Services
behavioral ecology of marine mammals
Analysis of behavioral data including aerial surveys
 Training Specialist, University of Texas Medical Branch Training Center Faculty
Lecture and curriculum development for physicians, nurses, paramedics, EMTs,
physician assistants, and ancillary personnel.
 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Texas A&M University, Galveston,
 Paramedic, instructor, Bulverde-Spring Branch EMS,
2004- 2007
 Paramedic, Bandera County EMS,
 Emergency Medical Technician, Gemini Ambulance Service,
 Blood Bank Supervisor, Education Officer, St. Luke‘s Baptist Hospital,
Returned as a bench technologist after completing EMS training
clinical laboratory analysis of blood and body fluids. Hematology, Chemistry,
Urinalysis, Blood Bank, Immunology
 Education Specialist, Sea World San Antonio,
2001 Season
Education for families and school groups focusing on marine ecology
 Blood Bank Specialist, University Hospital, San Antonio, Medical Technologist/Clinical Laboratory
 Senior Medical Technologist/Safety Officer, New England Medical Center,
Brockton Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Medical Technologist
Hematology, Chemistry, Blood Bank, Urinalysis
 Reference Technologist, American Red Cross Blood Services,
Identification of rare blood types, red cell antibodies, and preparation of compatible
blood products for transfusion.
 Medical Technologist, Lynn Hospital,
Presentations, Seminars, Lectures, and Publications
Rincon Tourism Association’s Celebration of Humpback Whales off Puerto Rico
Seasonal Occurrence Patterns of Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) off Puerto Rico, USA
Society of Marine Mammalogy Biennial Conference Poster
Association Patterns of Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) off Puerto Rico USA
Rincon Tourism Association’s Celebration of Humpback Whales off Puerto Rico: Humpback
Whale Life History and the Importance of Smaller Habitats
Tres Palmas Marine Sanctuary Public Outreach Festival: Stakeholder investment in protecting 2012
Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) habitats
Society of Marine Mammalogy Biennial Conference Poster
Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) mother-calf occupancy off Puerto Rico
Gulf Coast Student Chapter Symposium, Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)
wintering off Puerto Rico; occupancy, movement and habitat use in near shore areas
Ocean Chat: University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Tres Palmas Marine Sanctuary: Presentation for public celebration and outreach
“Humpback Whales Life History”
Presentation for Bay Area Divers Club, Houston, Texas: Humpback Whale Ecology
Presentation of graduate research at the Gulf Coast Student Chapter Conference
Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) wintering off Puerto Rico
Presentation of poster: Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi.
“I-Sea-U: Imagery Search for Elusive Animals Underwater”
Wetlands Ordinance for the City of Galveston, Texas
Preparation of wetlands ordinance, prepared at the request of the Ike Recovery Committee
Guest lecturer at St Phillips College, San Antonio, TX
Medical Laboratory Technician program
Topic: Blood Bank analysis, compatibility, and special procedures
MacKay,M., Pomerantz, D., 2008, Calculations for Medication Administration, Jones and Bartlett (Text)
Staszak, L., MacKay, M., Gunn, J., Logwood, A., Noack, L., Regner, M., Hancock-Taylor, M., Linton, T.,
Analyses of Coastal Zone Management Strategies of the City of Galveston and Commonwealth of Puerto Rico:
A comparison of techniques for the mitigation of anthropogenic impacts and natural disasters to local coastal
zone ecology and economics.( manuscript in preparation)
MacKay, M., 1999, Blood Bank Manual for Physicians and Nurses, Internal publication for the
Baptist Health System (5 hospitals). Volumes posted on all patient care floors in the Baptist Health
System, San Antonio. This volume replaces the manuals required by JCAHO.
MacKay,M., 1999, Laboratory Medicine for Physicians and Nurses, Internal publication for the
Baptist Health System (5 hospitals). Volumes posted on all patient care floors in the Baptist Health
System, San Antonio.
Volunteer and Outreach Activity
Francisco Menendez Primary School, Cortes, Manati, Puerot Rico, USA: Humpback Whales
Whale Fest, Rincon Puerto Rico department of Tourism
Whale Fest, Rincon Puerto Rico department of Tourism
Eco-School of Culebra: ¿Donde Estan Las Ballenas Jorobadas?
Coralations of Culebra, Puerto Rico: Public Participation in Data Collection, Making A
Difference in Protecting Marine habitats
Galveston Graduate Student Association Fund raiser: Graduate Student Calendar
Galveston Graduate Student Association: Ft. Crocket yard sale
Saba Centra Instruction and Training modules: for Texas A&M University
(College Station, Galveston, and Corpus Christi) staff and students
Society of Marine Mammalogy Gulf Coast Student Chapter: Symposium Coordinator
Science Fair Judge; Cloverleaf Elementary School, Pearland, TX
Outreach at Ball High School, Galveston, TX: Marine Ecology (as a member of)
the Student Chapter, Gulf Coast Society for Marine Mammalogy)
Galveston Beach Cleanup, Galveston Graduate Student Association
Sponsored at Texas A&M University at Galveston
Judge: Graduate Student Marine Biology Symposium, Texas A&M University at Galveston
Judge: Texas A&M at Galveston, Regional School Science Olympiad, grades 6-12
Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network
Bandera County EMS; volunteer EMT and Paramedic
Bandera Bulletin Columnist; EMS community service information
4H Leader; Forestry and Astronomy Club
Girl Scouts of America; Leader, Daisy, Brownie, and Junior troops
Boy Scouts of America; Assistant scout master, cub scouts leader