
DOQ-CGCRE-020 – Revision 06 – Apr/2013-
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Guidance document
Revision 06 – APR/2013
Disclaimer: In case of doubts in translation the Portuguese version prevails. The version given below
may not reflect the translation of the most recent version of the document. Please visit to make sure you have the most up-to-date
version of the applicable document.
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Application Field
Revision background and implementation deadline
Reference documents
General considerations
This document aims to present the definitions of terms used in Cgcre documents related to the activity of
accreditation of laboratories, reference material producers and proficiency testing providers.
This document applies to Dicla and to the following conformity assessment bodies, accredited or
applying for accreditation: laboratories, proficiency testing providers and reference material producers.
This document also applies to assessors and experts working in the accreditation processes of these
conformity assessment bodies and members of the advisory Technical Committees of Cgcre.
Dicla is responsible for revising this document.
4.1 The definition of the term “subcontracting of laboratories” has been changed and the terms "working
as an agent” and “outsourcing” have been deleted. These changes have been made with the purpose of
eliminating mistaken interpretations about the requirements established in the standards NIE-Cgcre-009
and NIT-Dicla-031.
4.2 The definition of the term “updating the scope” has been changed, so as to clarify the cases in which
the updating can be made. A clarification was made about the impossibility of updating scopes to include
tests in products, properties or analytes.
4.3 Examples for the term “accreditation extension” have been included so as to clarify the cases in
which it is necessary to apply for the accreditation extension.
4.4 Terms whose definitions are mentioned in other documents have been included.
4.5 Small changes have been made so as to improve the definitions of a few terms.
4.6 The definitions from VIM have been updated.
4.7 The most significant changes are marked in yellow.
4.8 This document comes into force on its publication date.
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Standardization and related activities – general vocabulary.
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration
ISO/IEC 17000:2005
Conformity assessment – Vocabulary and general principles
ISO/IEC 17011:2005
Conformity assessment - General requirements for accreditation
bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies
ISO/IEC 17043:2011
Conformity assessment -- General requirements for proficiency
ISO 15189
Medical laboratories - Particular requirements for quality and
ILAC P14:11/2010
Policy for Uncertainty in Calibration.
ISO Guide 34:2009
General requirements for the competence of reference material
VIM: 2012
International vocabulary of metrology - Basic and general concepts
and associated terms (VIM 2012).
Conmetro Resolution 3, of July 23 , 2002 Approves the terms of reference – Revision of concepts and
new guidelines for the organization of metrology activities in the
ABNT ISO/IEC Guide 2:2006
ISO/IEC 17025:2005
General Coordination for Accreditation
Laboratory Accreditation Division
Brazilian National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology
Conformity Assessment Body
The definitions that do not refer to the Reference Documents mentioned in item 5 of the summary of this
Guidance Document have been established by Cgcre.
This document has definitions of terms widely used in many documents of Cgcre. The terms used only in
a specific document of Cgcre are mentioned in this document making reference to the document which
mentions its definition.
8.1 Warning
Action to notify the CAB about the non compliance with the standard requirements of the accreditation.
The character of the warning is eminently educative, not configuring a sanction.
8.2 Dicla´s clerical staff
Dicla’s professional responsible for reviewing the application, selecting assessment teams, requesting
costs billing and other clerical activities.
The financial and contractual matters are managed and operated by the Accreditation Support Section Secre/Cgcre.
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8.3 Fortified Sample, Spike Matrix
See NIT-Dicla-057.
8.4 Sampling (ISO/IEC 17025)
Defined procedure whereby a part of a substance, material or product is taken to provide for testing or
calibration of a representative sample of the whole. Sampling may also be required by the appropriate
specification for which the substance, material or product is to be tested or calibrated. In certain cases
(e.g. forensic analysis), the sample may not be representative but is determined by availability.
Note: See also NIT-Dicla-057.
8.5 Appeal (ISO/IEC 17011)
Request by a CAB for reconsideration of any adverse decision made by the accreditation body related to
the desired accreditation status.
Note: Adverse decisions include the refusal to accept an accreditation application, the interruption of the
assessment process, the request of corrective actions, the changes in the accredited scope, the
decisions to refuse, suspend or cancel the accreditation and any other action that prevents
obtaining the accreditation.
8.6 Activity Areas:
Area including the economic activities in which testing objects are obtained or produced.
The activity areas are established in NIT-Dicla-016.
8.7 Filing of the Accreditation Process
Action to definitively terminate an accreditation application, at any time before it is granted, at the request
of CAB or by virtue of Cgcre decision.
8.8 Scope Update
8.8.1 For the case of testing and calibration laboratories, as well as for medical testing laboratories, the
update scope is a slight modification to the Scope of Accreditation which does not imply the inclusion of:
a new service of calibration, testing or examination;
new parameters, properties or analytes in calibration or testing services already accredited;
a new product for a testing already accredited;
a new material for an examination already accredited
a new method or technique of examination, calibration, testing or preparation of the item to be
examined, calibrated or tested, for an examination, testing or calibration already accredited.
Note 1: Updating the scope shall not require the detailed review of the method, as it shall remain
essentially the same. More complex changes in the scope require an application of the accreditation
Note 2: Examples of situations that can lead to updating the scope are:
changing the version of the standard and/or procedure without changing the respective method or
technique mentioned in the standard or procedure;
inclusion of the standard for a testing already accredited that uses method and procedure identical
to the testing already accredited.
for a calibration laboratory: small modifications to the calibration and measurement capability
derived from the reduction of the contribution to the uncertainty from the calibration of standards or
equipment used in calibration;
small changes in the measuring range or in the level of quantification that do not come from the
introduction of a new measurement method or technique and preparation of the testing or
calibration item.
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8.8.2 For the case of proficiency testing providers, the updating of scope is a slight modification to the
Scope of Accreditation that does not imply the inclusion of:
new parameters in the proficiency testing scheme already accredited;
new proficiency testing schemes, even for the same activity area, test class and/or service group;
new method for the determination of the designated value and of its associated uncertainty for an
accredited proficiency testing scheme.
Note 3: Updating the accreditation scope may consist in changing the frequency of the scheme.
8.8.3 For the case of reference material producers, the updating of scope is a slight modification to the
Scope of Accreditation that does not imply the inclusion of:
new reference materials in the same subcategory of reference materials or in a new subcategory of
reference materials;
new property in a produced reference material;
new characterization technique of the produced reference material.
8.9 Measurement Audit
Interlaboratory comparison performed by the Metrological Reliability Sector (Secme) in order to assess
the competence of a calibration laboratory, accredited or applying for accreditation, by Cgcre, to perform
a specific calibration.
Note: A measurement audit can be performed for calibration and testing laboratories that perform
internal calibration.
8.10 Authentication
See NIT-Dicla-061.
8.11 Follow-up assessment
Assessment carried out at the facilities of CABs or their clients with the purpose of assessing the
effectiveness of the implementation of corrective actions taken by the CAB.
Note: A follow-up assessment is performed when the analysis of the documentary evidences of
corrective actions implemented by the CAB is not enough to assess this effectiveness.
8.12 Extraordinary Assessment
Assessment carried out in order to: investigate complaints, evaluate changes in CABs, supplement the
plan of a regular assessment or monitor CAB´s performance.
8.13 Assessor (ISO/IEC 17011)
Person assigned by an accreditation body to perform, alone or as part of an assessment team, an
assessment of a CAB.
Cgcre´s note: The term "technical assessor" can also be used to name an assessor who is qualified to
assess specific scopes of accreditation.
8.14 Lead assessor (ISO/IEC 17011)
Assessor who is given the overall responsibility for specified assessment activities.
8.15 Senior assessor
Assessor who, in particular situations, is authorized to perform some of the lead assessor functions in
the assessment process.
Note: The functions that a senior assessor can perform are defined in NIT-Dicla-005.
8.16 Biosecurity
See NIT-Dicla-061.
8.17 Biosafety
See NIT-Dicla-061.
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8.18 Method Blank or Reagent Blank
See NIT-Dicla-057.
8.19 Travel blank
See NIT-Dicla-057.
8.20 Spike Blank
See NIT-Dicla-057.
8.21 Calibration (VIM)
Operation that, under specified conditions, in a first step, establishes a relation between the quantity
values with measurement uncertainties provided by measurement standards and corresponding
indications with associated measurement uncertainties and, in a second step, uses this information to
establish a relation for obtaining a measurement result from an indication.
Note 1: A calibration may be expressed by a statement, calibration function, calibration diagram,
calibration curve, or calibration table. In some cases, it may consist of an additive or multiplicative
correction of the indication with associated measurement uncertainty.
Note 2: Calibration should not be confused with adjustment of a measuring system, often mistakenly
called “self-calibration”, nor with verification of calibration.
Note 3: Often, the first step alone in the above definition is perceived as being calibration.
8.22 Internal Calibration
Calibration performed by calibration or testing laboratory, accredited or undergoing accreditation, in their
working standards and measuring instruments, belonging to calibration service groups that are not part
of the scope of the accredited laboratory or the scope requested by the applicant.
8.23 Withdrawing Accreditation (ISO/IEC 17011)
Process of terminating accreditation in full.
8.24 Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) (based in ILAC P14)
Lowest uncertainty of measurement that a laboratory can achieve when performing calibrations or
measurements within the scope of its accreditation.
Note 1: This term replaces the term "best measurement capability".
Note 2: The CMC is published in the scope of accreditation of the calibration laboratory.
Note 3: If the calibration laboratory uses more than one method to perform a given calibration or
measurement, in a specific range, the respective CMC will refer to the method by which the
laboratory obtains the lowest measurement uncertainty in this range.
8.25 Biological Resource Centers (BRC)
See NIT-Dicla-061.
8.26 Testing class:
Set of tests related to one or more quantities.
Note: testing classes are established in NIT-Dicla-016.
8.27 Technical Committee (for advising Cgcre on accreditation activities)
Advisory committee, composed of technical experts in one or more calibration service groups, testing
classes, activity areas, or categories of reference material, linked to Cgcre and operating under the
supervision of Dicla/Cgcre, whose function is to assist it in matters related to accreditation of CABs,
within one or more fields of operation.
8.28 Interlaboratory Comparison (ISO/IEC 17043)
Organization, performance and assessment of measurements or tests in same or similar items by two or
more laboratories in accordance with predetermined conditions.
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8.29 Granting of Accreditation
Act to grant an accreditation from a formal application, comprising the steps of the application review,
documentation review, measurement audit/proficiency testing, initial assessment, decision on
accreditation and formalization of accreditation.
8.30 Sample set from the same site
See NIT-Dicla-057.
8.31 Whistleblowing
Manifestation expressed by a person or organization, reporting actions, performed by Cgcre or
organizations which Cgcre holds a formal agreement, which may be illegal.
8.32 Normative Document (ISO/IEC Guide 2)
Document that provides rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results.
8.33 Guidance Document
Document intended to guide and advise on the application of a standard or the performance of a specific
activity of conformity assessment.
8.34 Testing (ISO/IEC 17000)
Determination of one or more characteristics of an object of conformity assessment, according to a
8.35 Duplicate
See NIT-Dicla-057.
8.36 Fortified Sample Duplicate, Spike Matrix Duplicate
See NIT-Dicla-057.
8.37 Proficiency Tests (ISO/IEC 17043)
Determination of laboratory performance by means of interlaboratory comparisons.
8.38 Accreditation Scope (ISO/IEC 17011)
Specific conformity assessment services for which accreditation is sought or has been granted.
Cgcre´s note:
The detailed scope of accreditation may vary depending on the modality of accreditation or technical
field of CAB´s activity. Generally, the following information is included:
- For calibration laboratories: calibration service group, accredited services, calibrated standard or
instrument (e.g.: liquid in glass thermometer, standard weight, laboratory glassware etc.); range of
service, calibration and measurement capability.
- For testing laboratories: activity area, testing class, testing description, tested product (for example:
concrete, steel bars, food, fabrics, etc.), standard or procedure.
- For medical laboratories: description of the examination, the methodology, the examined material
and the used standard operating procedure.
- For proficiency testing providers: activity area or calibration group, name of the scheme established
by the proficiency testing provider, frequency and description of the proficiency testing item, method
used for the determination of the designated value and of its associated uncertainty.
- For reference material producers:category, sub-category and the matrix of the reference material, the
property, including ranges and uncertainties associated with the property value, in addition to the
characterization technique of the reference material.
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8.39 Expert (ISO/IEC 17011)
Person designated by an accreditation body to provide specific or specialized knowledge regarding the
scope of accreditation to be assessed.
Cgcre´s note: Experts are qualified in levels, according to the functions that they can carry out in the
assessment process, as established in NIT-Dicla-005.
8.40 Examination (ISO 15189)
Set of operations having the object of determining the value or the characteristics of a property.
8.41 Extending Accreditation (ISO/IEC 17011)
Process of enlarging the scope of accreditation.
Note: examples of situations that can lead to extension are:
a) In the accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories:
– include a new calibration service group, new activity area or new testing class;
– include service items in calibration service group, activity area or testing class already accredited
and in facilities for which they are already accredited;
– include tests for a new product, even if the laboratory is already accredited for this testing in
another product;
– include new types of facilities;
– improve the calibration and measurement capability of the calibration services and/or expand the
measuring range, in the case it causes the inclusion of new methods or changing in a method
already accredited or that needs a detailed review of the procedure by the assessment team;
– new parameters, properties or analytes in calibration or testing services already accredited;
– include or update the standard and/or method developed by the laboratory, in the case of
significant changes which require a detailed analysis.
b) In the accreditation of medical testing laboratories:
– enlarge the number of associated facilities;
– enlarge examination or materials items;
– include or change methods and/or standard operating procedure, in the case of significant
changes which require a detailed analysis.
c) In the accreditation of reference material producers:
– include new subcategories of reference materials;
– include new reference materials in the same subcategory of reference materials or in a new
subcategory of reference materials;
– include new property in a produced reference material;
– include new characterization technique of the produced reference material.
d) In the accreditation of proficiency testing providers:
– include new parameters in the proficiency testing scheme already accredited;
– include new proficiency testing schemes in different activity areas, testing class or service group.
– include new proficiency testing schemes in a activity area, testing class and/or service group
already accredited;
– include new method for the determination of the designated value and of its associated uncertainty
for an accredited proficiency testing scheme.
8.42 Supplier of Assessors/Experts
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Organization that provides its professionals to act as assessors and/or experts in the assessments
performed by Cgcre.
8.43 Accreditation Manager (AM)
Dicla’s professional in charge of managing initial, extension and maintenance accreditation processes for
accreditation of CABs and of providing technical support to the assessment team.
Note: Financial and contractual matters are managed and operated by the Accreditation Support Section
- Secre/Cgcre and are not the responsibility of the Accreditation Manager (AM).
8.44 Quantity (VIM)
Property of a phenomenon, body or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be
expressed as a number and a reference.
Examples: mass, length, volume, electrical resistance etc.
8.45 Calibration service group
Set of calibration services related to one or more quantities of the International System of Units (SI).
Note: Calibration service groups are established in NIT-DICLA-012.
8.46 Associated Facility
Facility off-site the CAB permanent and mobile facilities where CAB support activities are performed.
Associated facilities shall be necessarily subordinated to a CAB that performs services in
permanent, customers and/or mobile facilities.
The following examples are considered associated facilities: (i) departments of the organization to
which the CAB is linked, that perform clerical and support activities to the CAB, (ii) sampling
collection sites, (iii) place of custody of equipment, (iv) vehicle for transportation of a sample or
equipment and (v) office where technicians are allocated.
8.47 Customer Facility
Facility of the service requester or place indicated by him/her, where tests, calibrations and/or sampling
of substance, material or product are performed for this customer.
Note: The customer facility can be transferred to the laboratory continuously. In this case, the laboratory
shall provide accredited calibration, test or examination services for the client who gave him such
8.48 Mobile Facility
Laboratory unit, installed in a vehicle equipped or constructed for the purpose of acting as a laboratory
where tests or calibrations are performed.
A mobile facility can be built in a container that is transported from one location to another.
The laboratory that performs services in mobile facilities may or may not be subjected to a
permanent facility.
8.49 Permanent Facility
CAB unit built at a fixed and defined location where calibrations, tests, examinations, proficiency testing
schemes and production of reference materials are performed.
Note:The facility of a particular customer used by the CAB, continuously, to render services for other
customers is considered a permanent facility.
8.50 Termination of Suspension (or Resuming of Accreditation)
Action that allows CAB to resume the accredited activities.
8.51 Laboratory
Organization or unit of the highest rank of an organization, covered by a single management system,
under which the following objects of accreditation are performed: tests, examinations or calibrations.
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8.52 Designated Laboratory (CONMETRO, Resolution no. 03, 2002)
Laboratory with competence to have, perform or reproduce, as well as disseminate, the unit relative to a
quantity, not available at Inmetro, and whose national standardization is essential to the development of
the Country. They are:
– Hour Service Department of the National Observatory (DSHO/ON, in Portuguese);
– National Metrology Laboratory of Ionizing Radiations (LNMRI, in Portuguese) of the Radiation
Protection and Dosimetry Institute (IRD/CNEN).
8.53 Detection Levels
See NIT-Dicla-057 – also refer to VIM.
8.54 Instrumental Detection Level (IDL)
See NIT-Dicla-057.
8.55 Lower Level of Detection (LLD)
See NIT-Dicla-057.
8.56 Level of Quantification (LQ) / Minimum Quantification Level (MQL)
See NIT-Dicla-057.
8.57 Method Detection Level (MDL)
See NIT-Dicla-057.
8.58 Practical Quantification Limit (PQL)
See NIT-Dicla-057.
8.59 Maintaining Accreditation
Follow-up process of an accreditation granted through reassessments, measurement audits, proficiency
tests, extraordinary assessments and other mechanisms of surveillance and decision-making regarding
the results.
8.60 Accreditation Mark
Mark used by Cgcre to be identified.
8.61 Biological Materials
See NIT-Dicla-061.
8.62 Writ of Prevention of Suspension
The writ of prevention of suspension that immediately suspends the accreditation of a CAB, without
previous notice, with the purpose of avoiding possible damages to society health and safety or risks to
the environment.
8.63 Standardized Method
Method developed by a standardization body or other organizations whose methods are accepted by the
concerned technical sector.
8.64 Measurand (VIM)
Quantity intended to be measured.
8.65 Modality
Field of operation of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) characterized by one or more standards or
guides, which establish requirements applicable to such bodies.
Note: The following modalities are defined:
Calibration and testing laboratories in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025;
Medical testing laboratories in compliance with ISO 15189;
Reference material producer in compliance with the document ISO Guide 34;
Proficiency testing provider according to ISO/IEC 17043 standard.
8.66 Monitor
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Assessor who performs the monitoring of the assessment team members.
8.67 Conformity assessment body – CAB (ISO/IEC 17000)
Body that performs conformity assessment services.
8,68 Administrative Process (Process)
Formalized process with the purpose of handling situations that may lead to the application of a sanction,
with the possibility of defense and contradictory by the CAB, in a deadline of 20 (twenty) days counting
from receiving Cgcre´s communication.
8.69 Measurement audit program
Planned program to assess the competence of applicant laboratories for initial accreditation, extension
or maintenance of accreditation in a quantity, available on an ongoing basis to meet the requests of AMs
or technical assessors, according to demand studies conducted by Secme.
8.70 Regular program of measurement audit
Short-term program designed to assess the competence of laboratories accredited for calibration of a
particular type of artifact, with a fixed number of participants, in which applicant laboratories for
accreditation and laboratories that perform internal calibrations may be included.
8.71 Reference Material Producer (ISO Guide 34)
Body (organization or company, public or private) that is fully responsible for project planning and
management, assignment of and decision on property values and relevant uncertainties, authorization of
property values and issue of the certificate or other statements for the reference materials it produces.
8.72 Proficiency testing provider (ISO/IEC 17043)
Organization which takes responsibility for all tasks in the development and operation of a proficiency
testing scheme.
8.73 Complaint (ISO/IEC 17000)
Expression of dissatisfaction, other than appeal, expressed by any person or organization to a
Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) or Accreditation Body (OA), relating to the activities of that body,
where a response is expected.
8.74 Brazilian Calibration Network (RBC)
Set of Cgcre accredited laboratories that perform calibration services on standards and/or measuring
8.75 Brazilian Testing Laboratories Network (RBLE)
Set of laboratories accredited by Cgcre to perform testing services in raw materials or industrial products
and perform examinations on samples from humans for prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring
purposes in human health, in accordance with specific standards.
8.76 Reducing Accreditation (ISO/IEC 17011)
Process of withdrawing accreditation for part of the scope of accreditation.
8.77 Accreditation requirements
Conditions established in standards, regulations or related documents and that are applied by Cgcre for
CAB accreditation purposes.
8.78 Sanction
Act by which the accreditation body applies a penalty due to a breach of an accreditation requirement.
8.79 Authorized Signatory
Person authorized by the CAB to be responsible for:
Laboratory: for the content of calibration certificates, test or examination reports issued by the
Proficiency testing provider: for the contents of reports regarding the proficiency testing schemes
issued by the provider;
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Reference material producer: for the content of certificates and/or statements of reference
materials produced by the producer.
Note: The authorized signatory shall be able to interpret the results presented in the documents issued
under his/her responsibility and technically discuss aspects of their content.
8.80 Accreditation symbol
Symbol issued by Cgcre and authorized for use by the CAB in order to indicate its accredited condition.
8.81 Technical Subcommittee or Working Group
Subdivisions established in the scope of the Technical Committee, with the purpose of supporting it, due
to the diversity of issues covered by its field of operation. Its composition is based on the performance of
specific activities and does not comprise a formal organizational structure within the Technical
8.82 Subcontracting by laboratories
Temporary or permanent subcontracting of another laboratory to carry out part of the calibration, testing
or examination services with the purpose of including the results of the subcontracted party in a
calibration certificate, testing or examination report of the contracting party which holds the accreditation
Note 1: This definition applies only to testing, medical testing and calibration laboratories. The definitions
and requirements of subcontracting for reference material producers and proficiency testing
providers are listed in ISO Guide 34 and ISO/IEC 17043.
Note 2: Any other contracts or service transfers of tests, examinations or calibrations are not considered
subcontracting. These situations are not allowed by Cgcre in the accreditation activity.
Note 3: It should be understood as "part of the services" the situations in which the subcontracted party
carries out some of the tests, examinations, measurements or calibrations, in a certain test or
calibration item. In calibration, the “item” is the measuring standard or instrument to be
calibrated, while in testing the “item” is the sample of the object, product or material to be tested
or examined.
Application examples:
Multimeter calibration: the laboratory performs the calibration of the DC voltage and current, AC
voltage functions and some ranges of the AC current function and subcontracts another laboratory
for the calibration of the resistance function and the other ranges of the AC current function;
Calibration of a set of standard blocks: the laboratory calibrates the 1 to 100 mm blocks and
subcontracts the calibration of the 0,5 mm block;
Calibration of cylindrical ring gauge: the laboratory calibrates the diameter parameter and
subcontracts another laboratory to calibrate the roundness parameter;
Test in a sample of a certain toy: the laboratory performs all the tests, except the phthalate test by
gas chromatography and/or mas spectrophotometry, for which it subcontracts another laboratory;
Sampling of wastewater: the laboratory carries out the sampling of wastewater in a wastewater
plant and the necessary tests in the sampling site and subcontracts the conduction of the tests that
involve analytical chemistry and microbiology;
Test in a sample of water drawn from a well: the laboratory carries out tests that involve analytical
chemistry and subcontracts the conduction of tests for the determination of volatile organic
Calibration of a hardness measuring machine: the laboratory carries out the calibration of the
hardness measuring machine scale and subcontracts another laboratory to perform the calibration
of the penetrator.
8.83 Suspending Accreditation (ISO/IEC 17011)
Process of temporarily making accreditation invalid, in full or for part of the scope of accreditation.
8.84 Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
See NIT-Dicla-061.
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