USING PREVIOUS EXAMS Suitable for: all students who want to do well on their upcoming exams. What to Anticipate: In the final few days before exams your teachers will likely do some inclass preparation with you for the exam you will be writing shortly. One part of that preparation may include walking the class through an exam from a previous year. What are the Advantages of Reviewing Old Exams? a chance to practice working through a test under pretty realistic circumstances a view of the type of questions you are likely to be asked an opportunity to uncover your knowledge gaps and poorly develop skills How Do I Get the Most From an In-class Exam Review Session? Do complete the majority of your studying before the review session. Don’t think that this year’s exam will be just like last’s. Teacher are much too smart for that. Do bring your study notes to class with you that day. It will really help to be able to compare what you have already jotted down with the topics the teacher discusses. Don’t make the in-class review your first look at your term’s work. Do listen carefully for key phrases that indicate the topics the teacher sees as important Don’t forget to go to tutorial in the final weeks before the exams. This is a key time to clear up knowledge gaps and misunderstandings. Do make a list of the types of questions used on the tests in each subject and practice by creating your own exam questions. How can I access old tests and exams for practicing? Some teachers may allow you to photocopy exams from previous years to use for practicing. However, they are not required to do so. Creating your own collection of tests and exams. All your term tests have been returned to you and these make excellent sources for questions that may well be on the end-of-term exam. Your Christmas exams will be returned to you after the Break. Be sure to save them in a safe place. They will make a valuable resource in June when you are writing your end of the year exams. Follow-up Activity: Create a study group of students from your class and work together to create your own exam. Assign a topic section to each member of the group. Set a date to get together to “write” the exam. Discuss the answers after you are finished and plan some extra study time to cover off the areas where you found you were weak.