Proteasome Assay to Test Caspase-Like Activity The kit used for this assay is as follows: Proteasome-Glo Caspase-Like Assay Promega Cat # G8641/2 Lot# 229815 This kit contains: Proteasome-Glo Buffer (10ml) (G854A) Luciferin Detection Reagent (1 Bottle) (V859A) Z-nLPnLD-Glo Substrate (50µl) (G857A) The day before the assay: - plate HT-22 and CHIP OE cells in 6-well plates at a density of 100,000 cells per well incubate at 37ºC over night The day of the assay: - Resuspend Luciferin Detection Reagent in 10ml of the Proteasome-Glo Buffer Prepare Proteasome-Glo caspase-like assay reagent by adding 50µl of ZnLPnLD-Glo susbstrate into the luciferin detection reagent Incubate the proteasome-glo-caspase-like assay reagent at RT for 60min to remove unconjugated aminoluciferin Into a white 96-well plate add equal volumes of proteasome-glo reagent to samples (i.e., add 100µl reagent to 100µl sample) Incubate for 1hr at RT protected from light Measure LUMINESCENCE o Remove all filters from the plate reader o Want to detect all the light produced during the reaction o Set the Gain (manual) to 100 NOTE: The susbtrate containing reagent can be stored at 4ºC for one month.