Microsoft Innovative Teachers Programme Grant Applications Pack This document includes: o Software Grant Application Guidelines o Software Grant Application Form o Grant Application Authorisation Form Innovative Teachers Programme Software Grant Application Guidelines The Innovative Teachers programme is designed to provide educators with the support and tools that they need in order to use technology effectively and raise standards of teaching and learning. Any qualified teacher, pre-service teacher or learning support assistant based in the UK is eligible to participate. Please visit the Innovative Teachers website to learn more about the benefits of participation One of the programme objectives is to build a national network of Communities of Practice & Expertise (CPEs) that work together to improve teacher education and student learning through the use of technology. When organisations form communities of practice and expertise (CPEs) then they are eligible to apply for a two year software grant to facilitate work associated with the Innovative Teachers programme. What is a Community of Practice & Expertise? In its most basic form, a CPE is a partnership agreement between an organisation concerned with the professional development of educators such as Local Education Authority or an Initial Teacher Training department and a cluster of schools/colleges. The CPE may also include other educational and not for profit organisations who are committed to providing technologyrelated professional development opportunities to members, practicing teachers and/or prospective teachers. The partnership should have the aim to develop, test and refine effective practices through applied research/learning projects. Grant applicants must organize their CPE around a specific area of interest, to be chosen by them, and develop curricular, training, and professional development materials that use technology to enhance pedagogy. Individual CPEs will be connected with other such communities through the network of educators involved in Microsoft’s Innovative Teachers Programme. This wider collaboration will be facilitated through a private online community and national events that will allow for communication, collaboration, and sharing of best practices. What will grant recipients receive to help them build CPEs? Software licenses for current Microsoft® desktop applications and operating systems including the current Microsoft Windows® operating system and Microsoft Office (estimated value of up to U.S. $2,000 per license) Access to professionally produced online software-support materials Online collaboration and community-building tools for designing and sharing best practice models In addition: Grant recipients will be given the opportunity to contribute submissions of their CPE work for inclusion in case-studies and communications associated with Microsoft’s Innovative Teachers Programme. Grant recipients will be provided with learning materials to enable them to progress through the Innovative Teachers Programme and will receive monthly electronic programme updates to keep them abreast of what’s new. Grant recipient CPE projects that are identified as exemplary by the Innovative Teachers Advisory Board will be entered into the annual awards for the programme and will be featured on the Innovative Teachers website. What will grant recipients be required to do once they receive the grant? Register for the Innovative Teachers Programme in order to gain access to support materials and online communities for collaboration. Work with their CPE partners to develop curricular, training, and professional development materials in the area of interest using the software products and support materials provided by Microsoft. Conduct technology-related professional development programmes in the area of interest with faculty members, prospective teachers and practicing teachers using the software products provided by Microsoft and the Innovative Teachers Programme training materials. The CPE programme can be a stand-alone professional development unit, or it can be integrated into an established professional development programme. Use the community tools provided by Microsoft to facilitate discussion and collaboration among the local CPE partners, among the local CPE partners and other CPEs around the country with a similar area of interest, and between the local CPE and the larger national network. Participate in the establishment of Innovative Teachers Programme case-studies by submitting at least six “promising practice” submissions per year to Microsoft. A promising practice is an innovative application of technology that shows potential for improving teaching and learning within the CPE’s area of interest. Promising practice submissions must be packaged within the Virtual Classroom Tour template provided to ensure quality and consistency. Submit an Innovative Teachers programme review to Microsoft on a six monthly basis. Programme reviews will explain how the CPE is using the software and using the community tools; identify the number of faculty, prospective teachers and practicing teachers who are participating in the CPE; and include any relevant data related to student outcomes. Respond to Microsoft inquiries related to promotional activities as they arise during the initial 2-year grant period. Mention the Innovative Teachers programme or include the logo in associated participant brochures and newsletters, on Web sites related to the project, and in all training-related materials. Ensure that the Microsoft software contribution is used exclusively for CPE-related activities, and for prospective and practicing teacher professional development courses and workshops. Notify Microsoft ( when there are any changes to the CPE – such as contact information changes, email changes, website address changes, and shipping address changes. Who is eligible to apply? Any organisation concerned with the professional development of educators that wishes to form and lead a CPE with a cluster of schools/colleges – or other relevant not-for-profit organization - may apply. This may be a Local Education Authority or an Initial Teacher Training Department. In some cases, it may be a school/college who is working in collaboration with a number of others. The grant must be for educational organisations situated in the United Kingdom. Individual organisations that have not formed a CPE partnership will not be allowed to submit grant applications on an individual basis. When can applications be made? Application Period 1: Period 1 will be open from 15th April to 31st May. Grant recipients will be notified by 1st July and will be awarded grants for two years, beginning on 1st August and ending 31st July. This will allow projects to commence in the autumn term. Application Period 2: Period 2 will be open from 15th September to 31st October. Grant recipients will be notified by 1st December and will be awarded grants for two years, beginning on 1st January and ending 31st December. Projects may commence in the spring term. Grant recipients will be eligible to apply for subsequent grants after the initial two year period. What does the grant application process entail? The Grant Application Process has six steps: 1. Lead organisation to form the CPE – this must include a minimum of three organisations. 2. CPE to identify an area of interest – this should be a pedagogical focus, either subject based or relevant to a particular focus on raising standards. 3. Identify a Project Director – who must be from the lead organisation and will be responsible for facilitating communication within the CPE and with Microsoft as well as submitting best practice models and programme evaluations to Microsoft. 4. Fill out the Software Grant application Form – we encourage you to develop this with a project team and recommend that you keep a copy for your records. On the Form, applicants should provide information about: o The proposed CPE structure, including information about the members, staff, and any outside organizations that will be participating in the programme o The proposed CPE area of interest, the role of each CPE participant and his or her relevance to the area of interest; and the importance of this area of interest to the professional development of teachers o How the software tools will be used to enhance student-learning. Applications that will require desktop software outside the Microsoft Office applications should justify their application for these products. o Anticipated student outcomes, as well as any data-gathering mechanisms that will be put in place to assess student outcomes o The extent to which the specific CPE programme will be tied to local, state, or national technology standards, or any other curriculum, certification, or accreditation standards that might apply o The number of software licenses the grant applicant anticipates it will need to implement the proposed CPE program, based on the number of potential software users o Where the CPE intends to install and use the software, including the technical configuration of the site, the number and type of computers that will be used, and relevant information about network and Internet connections. 5. Sign the Programme Authorization Form. The Grant Application must be endorsed by both the Lead Institute Director/Principal as well as Director/Principal of any participating organisation. If the CPE includes a not-for-profit organization, the application must include the signature of the organization’s Senior Executive or Director, as well as documentation of the organization’s not-for-profit status. 6. Submit the Application and Authorization forms to: Sarah Le Masurier, Innovative Teachers Programme Manager, Microsoft Ltd, Microsoft Campus, Thames Valley Park, Reading, RG6 1WG. Applications with electronic signatures may be submitted to. On what basis will grant recipients be selected? Grant recipients will be selected by the Innovative Teachers Advisory Board on the basis of the following criteria: The proposed CPE area of interest. Applicants are encouraged to form CPEs that move beyond mere technical training, and instead seek to identify real problems in the proposed area of interest that can be addressed through the use of technology. The strength and composition of the proposed CPE. Proposals will be judged on the extent to which their proposed CPE actively engages in partnerships to improve student outcomes The quality and appropriateness of the proposed CPE project. Accepted proposals will be those that have been judged by the Advisory Board to have the greatest potential to help prospective/practicing teachers to improve student learning. Issues relevant to the Innovative Teachers Programme community. The Innovative Teachers community and Advisory Group will be consulted on relevant areas of interest before final decisions are taken. Microsoft reserves the right to accept or reject any application into the Innovative Teachers software grants programme. Frequently Asked Questions Can an LEA submit more than one grant application? Yes, if each grant application is intended for a particular CPE project. If an organisation submits a grant proposal for Period 1 and is not accepted into the programme, will it be able to submit another grant application for Period 2? Yes. If an application is not accepted, another can be submitted for the next period. Are there any software or hardware requirements that must be met in order to qualify for the programme? Yes. System requirements include Pentium-class computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system or dual-platform environments that include both Windows and Apple Macintosh systems. All computers in the programme must have individual CD-ROMs or be connected to a larger network (in order to load the software), and must have Internet access. Each CPE should have access to technical support. Will the software licenses provided by Microsoft be available for personal use? No. The contributions of Microsoft software licenses are intended solely for use at the educational organisation (in dedicating training sites or mobile stations) in the training of prospective and practicing teachers. They are not authorized for use by individual staff or departments in their day-to-day work, nor are they authorized for use at CPE partner locations outside of the organisations involved, unless permission is expressly sought from Microsoft. Microsoft reserves the right to revoke licenses in the event that: Usage of the software extends beyond the Innovative Teachers Programme Programme participants do not use the licenses in accordance with the Temporary License Agreement and/or the applicable End User License Agreement A participating CPE does not submit timely programme evaluations and promising practice submissions to Microsoft. Where do I find additional information on Microsoft’s Innovative Teachers Programme? Visit or mail Innovative Teachers Programme Software Grant Application Form Please carefully review the application guidelines before completing this application. After completing this application form, please gather the necessary signatures and post to: Sarah Le Masurier, Innovative Teachers Programme Manager, Microsoft Ltd, Microsoft Campus, Thames Valley Park, Reading, RG6 1WG. Applications with electronic signatures may be submitted to. CONTACT INFORMATION LEA/Lead Institution Details: Contact Name: LEA/Institution name: Address: Town/City: County: Postal Code: E-mail: Phone number: Fax: Web Address: Innovative Teachers Programme Project Director: Name: Job Title: Department: E-mail: Phone number: Fax: Mailing address if different than above (Do not use a P.O. Box): Address: Town/City: County: Postal Code: Details of institutions in cluster (min 3): 1. Name of Contact: Institution Name: Address: Town/City: County: Postal Code: E-mail: Phone number: Fax: Web Address: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Name of Contact: Institution Name: Address: Town/City: County: Postal Code: E-mail: Phone number: Fax: Web Address: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Name of Contact: Institution Name: Address: Town/City: County: Postal Code: E-mail: Phone number: Fax: Web Address: 4. Name of Contact: Institution Name: Address: Town/City: County: Postal Code: E-mail: Phone number: Fax: Web Address: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Name of Contact: Institution Name: Address: Town/City: County: Postal Code: E-mail: Phone number: Fax: Web Address: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Name of Contact: Institution Name: Address: Town/City: County: Postal Code: E-mail: Phone number: Fax: Web Address: NARRATIVE QUESTIONS (Responses to be recorded under each numbered point.) 1. Describe your Community of Practice & Expertise (CPE); including the participating organizations and individuals within those organizations who will be part of the project, including the role which they will adopt. Also, describe any previous or current cooperative programmes or projects of the group. (500 words max.) 2. Describe the area of pedagogical interest for the project and explain the importance of this area in education and in your specific context. Include specific objectives for the project and how success will be measured. Describe the extent to which the objectives of the project are related to any local, state, national, curricular, certification, or accreditation standards. (1000 words max.) 3. Describe how your proposal will support/shape the teaching and learning process. Support your expectations with reference to any relevant research, and describe any data-gathering mechanisms that your CPE will use to assess student outcomes. (500 words max.) LICENSING INFORMATION 1. How many software licenses will be required (one license is needed for each computer on which the software will be loaded)? 2. Please describe where your CPE intends to house, load, and use the software, including the number and types of computers, network connection, and internet connectivity. Please ensure that you have a copy of the completed application form for your records. Microsoft Innovative Teachers Programme Grant Application Authorization Form AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURES LEA/Lead Institution Information Name of Institution: Name of Director/Principal: Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Community Institute Details 1. Name of Institution: Name of Director/Principal: Signature: _________________________________________________________________ 2. Name of Institution: Name of Director/Principal: Signature: _________________________________________________________________ 3. Name of Institution: Name of Director/Principal: Signature: _________________________________________________________________ 4. Name of Institution: Name of Director/Principal: Signature: _________________________________________________________________ 5. Name of Institution: Name of Director/Principal: Signature: _________________________________________________________________ 6. Name of Institution: Name of Director/Principal: Signature: _________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PROJECT DIRECTOR Name: Title: Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Date: Please sign and return this form along with the completed application form.