Passport of the project work

Passport of the project work…………………………………………………2
Stage 1 «Preparatory»
1.1 Introduction………………………………………………………….......4
Stage 2 «Main research work»
2.1 Genealogy as science …………………………………………………...5
2.2 Family symbol. What does it mean?.........................................................6
2.3 The origin of the surname, the variety of nationalities……………….....6
Stage 3 «Analitycal»
3.1 Analysis of prepared presentations……………………………………9
3.2 Conclusion…………………………………………………………….....9
Stage 4 «Presentation of the result»
4.1 Presentation……………………………………………………………...9
The bibliographic list………………………………………………………10
Passport of the project work
The theme: «The genealogical tree of my family».
Executed by: Zharova Julia, Nikiforova Margarita, Tsvetkova Anastasia
(pupils of 7 "L" class gymnasium №4 Oditsovo).
The head: Volkova Elena Aleksandrovna, the teacher of English
gymnasium №4 Odintsovo.
The aim of our project is to form the conception of origin genealogical
science and think over notions as surname, a family, coat of arms and variety of
Topicality of the chosen subject is interesting by itself.
In the modern world, we know our roots badly. And this is a big problem
because family proud and interest to the origins of your own pedigree are brunches
of the same tree. You can`t live without knowledge of kinship, you can`t learn
the history of your family.
There are so many names of ordinary people. Among them, there are names
of our great-grandfathers and grandfathers, people who gave us their features,
advantages and disadvantages.
How important the family memory and values are for people`s moral and
ethic education. The history of genus is saved in memories and documents as a part
of our own history.
While learning the history of families, everybody learns the history of
To study matters connected with genealogy.
To learn rules of making family trees.
To get to know new facts of family history of our class.
The practical result of the project:
Drawing up own family tree.
Presentation according to the project, where as specialists-researchers in the
field of genealogy were pupils who have prepared the project.
Stages of the project work:
Stage 1 «Preparatory», length the 1st of September – 1st of October.
At this stage we have made the objectives and purpose of our project,
thought about its relevance, viewed the information about the origin of such a term
as «genealogical» or family tree and marked the beginning of the work.
Stage 2 «Main research work», length the 1st of October – the 1st of January.
At this stage, we carried out a major research and theoretical work: looking
for information about the science genealogy, rules of compiling a family tree,
learned to design own coats of arms and learned a lot about heraldry. Now we were
ready to immortalize the story of our births. Pupils of our class made their family
trees, invented personal coats of arms, and enquired about the origin of their
surname. All tasks were executed.
Stage 3 «Analytical», length the 1st of January – the 1st of March.
At this stage we did an analysis of genealogical trees, found similar and
different features, made a plan for nationalities pupils of our class. In the end, we
found out and compared the story of the birth of our classmates, did main
Stage 4 «Presentation of the result», length the 1st of March – the 1st of
At this stage we made a presentation and now we are ready to show the
Logistical support:
We looked for information on sciences on different sources, read books
about heraldry, designed coats of arms and family trees ourselves. The presentation
was made in the program «PowerPoint».
Stage 1 «Preparatory»
1.1 Introduction
«So as not to lose themselves in endless time,
people choose their point of reference.
And the more generations remember this point,
the more they learn about the past of their ancestors.»
Every family has got its own relics. Relics are things, which keep the
memory about the past generation, about past life, about past time and culture of
each folk. The most important are photos.
Another example, how family keeps the historical memory is repeating the
names. Parents very often call their children in honor of their grandparents, the
dearest names for memory. A surname and a coat of arms are both signs of the
historical memory and individuality of family which begin in the past.
Genealogical method was offered at the end of 19th century by Francis Galton. The
system of designation of pedigree was offered by G.Yust in 1931.
And we became interested in the origin of surname and coats of arms of our
classmates. Also we would like to know, what nationalities there are in our genus.
The type of project: exploratory, length from September to April.
The aim of our project is to form the conception of origin genealogical
science and think over notions as surname, a family coat of arms and variety of
Topicality of the chosen subject is interesting by itself.
In the modern world, we know our roots badly. And this is a big problem,
because family proud and interest to the origins of your own pedigree are brunches
of the same tree. You can`t live without knowledge of kinship, you can`t learn
the history of your family.
There are so many names of ordinary people. Among them, there are names
of our great-grandfathers and grandfathers, people who gave us their features,
advantages and disadvantages.
How important the family memory and values are for people`s moral and
ethic education. The history of genus is saved in memories and documents as a part
of our own history.
Thus learning the history of families, everybody learns the history of
We hope that our project will teach you to remember your roots, your
ancestors, to know what each of your forefathers did for his or her country.
To study matters connected with genealogy.
To learn rules of making family trees.
To get to know new facts of family history of our class.
Stage 2 «Main research work»
2.1 Genealogy as science
At all times people passionately wanted to know what was going on before
their birth. Most likely this is due to their interest to everything unknown which
conceals secrets and mysteries of the past centuries. Most important for people is
the pedigree of their family name and their family tree. A family tree is a special
image depicting development of the dynasties. So the genealogy is an
uncomplicated science which is primary aiming drawing pedigrees. This includes
searching people, collecting information and facts, their deep analysis followed by
displaying of all generations in graphic and text format.
Genealogy (from Greek: γενεά genea, «generation»; and λόγος logos,
«knowledge») is a special historical science that studies family relationships,
family histories, origin of people, establishes kinships and draws up pedigree
charts and family trees.
A family tree is a chart representing family relationships in a conventional
tree structure showing the ancestors as roots and their numerous descendants
as branches. This imitation of a real tree was mostly common in the past. But now
in many cases an upside down picture is used for better convenience and
perception with the oldest generations at the top and the newer generations at the
Two pedigrees are common in the genealogy: an ascendant and a descendant
In the upside - object of research is a person on whose ancestors gather
information. To begin, followed by the ascending knees to his father, grandfather,
great-grandfather, etc.
In descending - object of research is the most distant known ancestor. From
him gradually pass to his descendants. As ascending and descending descent are
male, and mixed.
*Rules of drawing up the pedigree:
Rule one: work on pedigree is infinite, it can last a lifetime and will require
careful research, so you must have patience, diligence and accuracy.
Rule two: the branches (roots) of the tree should be perfectly symmetrical,
and the number of branches - even, the number of ancestors with each rising
generation doubles: 2 parents, 4 grandfather, 8 great-grandparents, etc.
Rule three: when filling pedigree try to keep every branch contain the
surname, name, patronymic. Remember health status indicated in her relatives,
a character and a destiny. Ask about all this, who knew them. Maybe one of them
was a survivor, someone died. Put the dates of birth and death, make a note
about previous illnesses.
Rule four: if the description of your kind, you try to know as much about
those, who are no longer alive, and completely forget about those who are near,
meanwhile, grandfathers, grandmothers, mothers and fathers can greatly help.
Rule five: when gathering information is not necessary to immediately
divide the facts on essential and seem insignificant to you.
Rule six: do not delay for a single day are planned in the work on the
pedigree, especially when it comes to older people.
Rule seven: until you can determine the significance of any document,
material, pack everything related to your family.
Thus, the common history of the people consists of one`s family, domestic
2.2 Family symbol. What does it mean?
Emblem – is a picture or shape, that is used to symbolize a country, group or
it is something that represent an idea or principle. In our case, the emblem of
family represents its basic principles and life priorities. There are not many people,
who have their own emblem. An emblem may help your family name live longer
and become a part of the history.
Heraldry – is a science that saves and deals with emblems and symbols.
Russian heraldry was found several centuries ago.
In the 19th century emblems were very popular, almost every family had one.
But nowadays people no longer use them. Your family symbol may also show your
**To conclude, the family symbol could be very important and interesting.
It resembles moral aesthetic values, that are hidden in shapes and characters on the
Here are some examples of our classmates` family symbols (see
2.3 The origin of the surname, the variety of nationalities
Every person connected with the past continuous chain of their ancestors.
Each family has its own name, which is inherited. This is the surname. Most
families in our country surname appeared 150-200 years ago.
In those times, the ancestors of the present surname were nicknamed by his
father`s name, occupation, place of birth, or with some other special grounds. Then
these nicknames of the pioneers were passed on to their children, and thus turned
into a family.
Our class is no exception, here are some surnames:
Our family`s surname is Simonyan. It`s an old surname which connects with
Bible history about old man Simon. He didn`t believe that Virgin Mary could have
a child. One day an archangel appeared to him. He told the old man that Simon
wouldn`t die until he sees the Virgin Mary with his own eyes. Simon had been
living for a long time until he saw Virgin Mary coming into the church. Simon
realized that he would die that day. Our family isn`t from Bible but we are all
proud of the surname. We are hardworking, friendly, creative and clever. Our
family respects the history of our nation and always remembers about our origin.
The name Shultz is a status name for a village headman, from a contracted
form of Middle High German Schultheize. The term originally denoted a man
responsible for collecting dues and paying them to the lord of the manor. It is a
compound of sculd, meaning “debt” or “due,” plus a derivative of heizan, meaning
«to command».
A surname Kuznetsov began in the 15th century. The surname got Smith`s
son as a nickname. Because the blacksmith was a man of popular and famous, the
nickname stuck and became the second name. Now the surname Kuznetsov is one
of the most popular surnames in Russia, second only to Ivanov and the most
popular surname in the world as in England last name Smith and in Germany a
surname Schmidt are the most common.
What does our surname Shkolnikov mean? Probably this surname is a
translation of a Jewish surname Sulman. The word «sul» means both a school and
a temple. It is possibly the owner of this surname was an attendant in the temple.
We can also think that this surname is connected with school and the owner of the
surname could be a pupil of a church school, then he got his surname Shkolnikov.
The surname Fyodorov came from the Russian name Fyodor. It was famous
in 16 -17th centuries. Now it is very popular in Novgorod and Pskov.
A surname Nikiforov formed from a church name Nikifor. The surname
Nikiforov went back to a man`s baptismal name Nikifor. This name came to
Russian from Greek and means «pobedonosets». In Russia was considered that if
to name the child sacred or the great martyr, his life will be light, good or difficult
because there is a hidden communication between a name and a destiny of the
person. Nikifor received over time a surname Nikiforov.
***The diversity of peoples, living in Russia is not a headache, but historical
heritage of our country, - believes the expert of the state Duma Committee on
nationalities Svetlana Pistryakova.
Globalization around the world affected the migration of peoples. Because
of international trade relationships between countries, people got a chance to
change their place of residence. This has contributed to the mixing of blood and
After asking my class, I came to the conclusion that many of my classmates
can`t say, that they are thoroughbred Russian. Many people in their genus were
other nationalities. Schedule this is clearly demonstrating.
But let`s look at our grandparents` professions and what they did. Someone
was a seller, someone a driver, maybe somebody was a politician, but one event
united them all in the middle of the twentieth century – the war. In those days all
men went to the front to protect our Homeland and not to allow the enemy to
destroy our memory, our property, our relatives and friends, everything, that is
dear to our hearts. And now, we want to remember great-grandmothers and greatgrandfathers of students of our class, who took part in the Great Patriotic War and
thank them again for their victory and for the world in which we live.
Stage 3 «Analytical»
3.1 Analysis of prepared presentations
We watched a lot of works of pupils of our class, they all have something
individual and unusual. There is something unique in each work. But we have
much in common. Basically, in births were attended by people of Russian origin
who often bore girls. It was noted that in many cases the children continued the
deeds of their fathers, many inherited enterprises from their fathers and
grandfathers. Among the great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers were a lot of
participants of the Great Patriotic War, many of them are dead, but we still
remember and are proud of them. Thus, we concluded that the history of childbirth
is inseparably linked with the history of the country in which lived the family, with
its tempers, traditions and customs, but every member of the dynasty brings its
unique contribution to the family history.
3.2 Conclusion
And now let`s sum up. In the course of our project, we realized that it is
important to know and remember the history of our race. After all invisible, but
very important thread stretched and connected the past with the present, pierced all
ages, collecting and preserving the experience of our ancestors to pass it on to us.
Now, knowing the rules, we may create our own family tree, we have learned to
design coats of arms, and learned more about surnames and generation «mysteries»
pupils of our class.
We mustn`t forget about our ancestors, because the history of our generation
is a part of us and experience that left us the previous generation, and which we
will give to our children.
Stage 4 «Presentation of the result»
4.1 Presentation
And now we want to introduce you to family trees, which were amounted to
pupils of our class.
The bibliographic list
4. A book «Semyevedeniye», an author: Lukyanova I. E., a publishing
house: Infra-M.
5. A book «Patrimonial pro-ranks and titles in Russia and merge of
foreigners to russians», an author: Karnovich E. P., publishing house: LKI.
The coat of arms of the Tsvetkovs-Shultzs
The coat of arms of the Tropins
The coat of arms of the Kuznetsovs
The coat of arms of the Shkolnikovs
The coat of arms of the Kabalins
The colors of the coat of arms:
RED symbolizes parents` love.
WHITE is a river of life.
GREEN means joy and hope.
BLUE symbolizes beauty, might and softness.
K is a capital letter of the surname.
CAMOMILE is a symbol of a family, love and loyalty.
KEYS are a symbol of trust.
PIGEON is a symbol of cleanness and peace.
A schedule «Distinction of nationalities in families of pupils of our class».