2010 Employee Health Plan Maintenance

2010 Employee Health Plan Mandatory Maintenance Prescription Benefit Change FAQs
How do I use the new refill site?
The Home Delivery Pharmacy service can be the most convenient option for most Employee
Health Plan (EHP) Total Care members who need refills. Visit the new refill Internet site
www.clevelandclinic.or/myrefillswww.clevelandclinic.org/myrefills to create a profile for each
member of your family. This is an alternative method to using the paper forms. Your health
information and payment methods are safe and secure.
Will the pharmacy transfer my prescriptions from another retail pharmacy for me?
The pharmacy staff will be happy to transfer your prescriptions from another retail pharmacy.
Please be aware that only a pharmacist can perform this transfer by making a manual phone call
to your retail pharmacist. It takes time to conduct this work, so please give the pharmacy staff
ample notice when you’d like to transfer prescriptions. (24-48 hours would be appreciated.)
How do I get a 90-day supply of my medication?
If getting a 90-day supply proves more convenient for you, ask your physician to write your
prescriptions for that amount. EHP Total Care members can obtain a 90-day supply of medication
only through the Cleveland Clinic Home Delivery Pharmacy Service or through Caremark’s Mail
Can I still get a 30-day supply?
You can continue to get a 30-day supply of medication at one of the walk-in Cleveland Clinic
pharmacies if that is most convenient for you.
How do I fax my prescription to the pharmacy?
Patients, even healthcare workers, cannot fax their own hard copy prescriptions to the Cleveland
Clinic Home Delivery Pharmacy. By law, the pharmacy staff must call the prescribing office on
every prescription that doesn’t clearly come directly from a physician’s office, and that will add to
the time it takes for patients to receive their orders. Please have the physician’s office fax your
orders directly to the Home Delivery Pharmacy Service at 216.328.6076.
What is the Generic Incentive Program?
The “Generic Incentive Program” was designed so the generic co-payments apply immediately
without the member paying the upfront $100 out-of-pocket deductible. The deductible is waived
when you get a generic prescription at a Cleveland Clinic pharmacy, but the member must still
pay any co-pay. Several hundred generic drugs are available for less than $4 per month, which is
very comparable with programs offered at other retail pharmacy chains.
How do I know what my prescriptions will cost?
To learn more about your EHP Total Care prescription costs, sign up for an account at
caremark.com and use their drug prescription price calculator to determine the price under your
insurance. You can select the drug, strength and quantity from a series of drop down menus and
then select/search for a Cleveland Clinic pharmacy.
Can I still use Caremark Mail Order Pharmacy?
You are still able to use the Caremark Mail Order Pharmacy. However, your costs will usually be
lower at a Cleveland Clinic pharmacy (co-pays calculated at a 5 percent discount), and the
Generic Incentive Program only applies at a Cleveland Clinic pharmacy. If you are requesting
your prescriptions via electronic prescribing in EPIC, make sure you tell your physician to send
them to the Cleveland Clinic Home Delivery pharmacy and not to confuse that with the Caremark
mail order pharmacy.
Who do I call to inquire about prescription-related benefits?
EHP Total Care can help with prescription coverage issues. You can contact plan representatives
at 216.986.1050, option 4. Cleveland Clinic pharmacy employees also are glad to answer your
Where can I find more information?
Information about this benefit change was first communicated last spring in the April HealthWise
and again throughout the year on the Intranet and in HealthWise bulletins mailed to EHP
members’ homes. All EHP members who had a maintenance medication filled in 2009 were
mailed a letter in December with these details. Additional information is available at
ccf.benefits.org and in flyers at any pharmacy.