Pedigree Analysis in Humans Background Information As geneticists are unable to manipulate the mating patterns of people, they must obtain inheritance patterns of human traits through the analysis of the results of matings that have already occurred. Information about the presence of a particular trait is gathered from family members. This information is represented pictorially in a pedigree that indicates the presence or absence of a particular trait in a family and the interrelationships of members of the family. Because the trait being investigated is often a genetic defect, persons with the trait are generally referred to as ‘affected’ individuals and those lacking the trait ‘unaffected’. The collection of records can be difficult. Some members of a family may refuse to discuss or release family documents. Others may refuse permission for information about themselves to be included in pedigree analysis. Years ago, less information was recorded in some situations. For example, if a baby was stillborn, the sex or presence of a condition may not have been recorded. The following figure is an example of a family pedigree. The meanings of the various symbols are outlined in the legend below the pedigree. I 1 2 II 1 2 3 4 III 5 3 1 2 3 4-6 7 8 9 IV 1 2 3 4 5 LEGEND Unaffected female Mating line Unaffected male Consanguineous mating – some degree of relationship Affected female I II 3 Generation Person three in generation II Affected male Female who has died Identical (monozygotic) twins Sex unknown 3 Three unaffected females Non-identical (dizygotic) twins Analysing Pedigrees What information are we aiming to gather from pedigree analysis? Basically two things: Is the trait dominant or recessive? Is the gene responsible for the trait located on an autosome or X chromosome? Note the at this stage of the pedigree analysis, the only sex chromosome we consider is the X chromosome. Although the Y chromosome in humans is also a sex chromosome, it carries very few genes and hence there are very few Y linked traits for consideration. If effect, taking alternative answers to the two questions posed above, and combining the options, the possible modes of inheritance are: Autosomal recessive Autosomal dominant X-linked recessive X-linked dominant Consider the following pedigree and assume that the family have a trait previously unknown. pedigree 1 pedigree 2 pedigree 3 pedigree 4 This family pedigree has several parts. That is, one can also consider many parts of the whole pedigree to be pedigrees within their own right. If one considered pedigrees 1, 2 and 3, they are all noninformative in terms of mode of inheritance of the trait. Each of the four modes of inheritance we have considered could apply in each case. On the other hand, pedigree 4 is completely informative. It can only be explained on the basis of autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. Because it is within one family, we know the mode of inheritance will be identical in each of the pedigrees within the greater pedigree. Given that, we are now in a position to assign genotypes that will be far more informative. It was the birth of the daughter in the fourth generation within pedigree 4 that suddenly enabled the family to have more accurate information about the trait within the family. Procedure Examine each of the pedigrees on the following pages and use your knowledge of Mendalian genetics to suggest possible mode(s) of inheritance involved. All examples illustrated are of single gene inheritance. You will need to determine if the trait is inherited as a dominant or a recessive trait, and whether the gene responsible is sex-linked (on the X-chromosome) or autosomal. In general, unless there is clear evidence to the contrary, it is reasonable for you to conclude that any non-affected individual entering the pedigree in later generations is homozygous at the gene locus involved. Give full reasoning to support your decision for the most probable mode of inheritance for the trait in each of the pedigrees. List your resons clearly. In your answer you should also spell out why the pedigree cannot be other modes of inheritance. (a) Schwartz-Jampel syndrome (b) Cutaneous malignant melanoma (c) Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (d) Heterotopia Answers (a) Autosomal Recessive Autosomal - Fairly even number of males and females – each sex has same chance of being affected which is not true for X-linked disorders because males, having no second X-chromosome to override effects of a recessive allele are unprotected against X-linked recessive disorders Recessive - Skips generations - Two unaffected parents (III4 and III5) produce affected children (IV6 and IV7) – if the trait were dominant this wouldn’t be possible as both III4 and III5 would have to be homozygous recessive, leaving no possibility of their children receiving an affected allele Impossible to be X-linked - If it were X-linked recessive, individuals IV4 and IV5 with genotypes of XRY and XRXr or XRXR respectively (where XR denotes unaffected allele and Xr denotes affected allele) could not produce an affected daughter (V7) as she would inherit the XR allele from her father, dominating over any affected allele - If it were X-linked dominant, I1 could not have an unaffected daughter (II4) as an affected father will always pass on the disease to his daughter – occurs because she must inherit the only X-chromosome that her father has, which carries the trait (b) Autosomal Dominant Can’t be autosomal recessive - Would mean than II3 would have the genotype BB, where B represents non-affected allele and b an affected allele – therefore her children could not be affected by the trair as they would all inherit B, overriding effects of b received from their father, II2 Can’t be X-linked recessive - Would mean that III3 and III4 would have genotypes Xb Xb and XB Y respectively (where Xb represents affected allele and XB the unaffected allele) – makes it impossible to have a daughter with the trait (IV1 and IV2) as she must inherit XB from her father which would override the Xb gene inherited from her mother Can’t be X-linked dominant - An affected father will always pass the trait on to his daughter – II2 is affected but one of his daughters (III2) is does not inherit it – he would have genotype XBY, meaning all daughters would have to inherit the XB allele and therefore the trait (c) X-linked recessive X-linked recessive - Considerably more males than females affected – female receiving recessive allele has the chance to inherit dominant allele to prevent her from getting the trait, whereas male receiving the recessive allele will definitely have the trait Can’t be X-linked dominant - Two unaffected parents produce an affected child - III2 and III3 would have genotypes of Xb Xb and Xb Y respectively, leaving no possibility of their children (IV3 and IV6) obtaining the XB allele required to inherit the trait Not likely to be autosomal - Majority of those affected are male Autosomal dominant imporssible - Individuals III2 and III3 must have genotype bb and therefore can’t produce affected children Autosomal recessive impossible - II5 mating with an unaffected homozygous male can’t have affected children – would be bb and BB, each child inheriting Bb and therefore the unaffected phenotype (d) X-dominant X-linked dominant - Affect father (III1) has passed the disease on to all of his daughters, who must inherit his affected X-chromosome - Two affected females have a non-affected father Can’t be X-linked recessive - Individual II1 would have to obtain the affected allele (and therefore inherit the trait) from his mother, who would have a genotype of Xr Xr Can’t be autosomal recessive - III1 (genotype bb) and III2 (genotype BB) would be unable to produce affected offspring, as all their children would have genotype Bb Autosomal dominant also a possibility