Novo estudo morfométrico da lagoa Carioca, Parque Estadual do

DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v31i4.4990
A new morphometric study of Carioca Lake, Parque Estadual do
Rio Doce (PERD), State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
José Fernandes Bezerra-Neto1*, Ludmila Silva Briguenti2 and Ricardo Motta Pinto-Coelho1
Laboratório de Gestão Ambiental de Reservatórios Tropicais, Departamento de Biologia Geral,
Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
Cx. Postal 486, 31270-901,
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia, Conservação e Manejo da Vida Silvestre,
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.
*Corresponding author E-mail:
ABSTRACT. A new morphometric study of Carioca Lake, Rio Doce State Park
(PERD), Minas Gerais, Brazil. Carioca Lake is located within the limits of the Rio Doce
State Park, in the eastern part of the state of Minas Gerais. This park, one of the largest natural
reserves of the Atlantic Rain Forest in Brazil, is a hotspot of tropical biodiversity. The
purpose of this study was to update the existing information on the bathymetry and
morphometric features of the lake, using differential GPS (DGPS) technology for data
collection, coupled to a digital echo sounder. The bathymetry was based on the acquisition of
1106 points, where the depths as well as the geographic coordinates were obtained. The new
study allowed the refinement of existing primary and secondary morphometric data for this
Key words: Carioca Lake, bathymetry, morphometric parameters, mapping.
The knowledge of the morphological
characteristics of a lake is important since the shape of the
aquatic body affects practically all of the physical, chemical
and biological properties of these aquatic ecosystems (VON
SPERLING, 1999). The morphology of the drainage basin,
for example, has been frequently considered as one of the
most important characteristic of the lakes, since it basically
differentiates the properties of one lake and of another (ex.,
trophic level, holding time, Secchi depth, thermal regimen
and oxygen regimen) (JOHANSSON et al., 2007). Several
studies show that the average depth is the dominant
controlling factor of the productivity of the thermocline
(HANNA, 1990; FEE et al., 1996; BEZERRA-NETO;
PINTO-COELHO, 2002). The shape of a lake also
regulates the sedimentation and the oxygen dynamics on
the hypolimnion of the lakes (RESCK et al., 2007).
A tool of great importance to the knowledge of
the morphological features of aquatic bodies is the
preparation of bathymetric charts. The bathymetric analyses
enables the achievement of a depth map, which ensures
higher safety in the process of making correct decisions that
address the use and sustainable management of a given
water body, being crucial in the preparation of aquaculture
studies, navigating, dredging, fishing or leisure activities. In
addition to support these studies, it also determines the
capacity of hold by analyzing the impact level on an
Over the past decade, the technological capacity for the
bathymetric mapping work has suffered an explosion.
These innovations include the use of differential global
positioning systems (DGPS) for an accurate determination
Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences
of the mapping, in combination with echo sounders that
export the data to systems of geographic information (SIG)
computer softwares. These modern geographic positioning
devices together with the new sounding technology
generate bathymetric maps much more accurate than what
was possible in the past.
This study aims to deliver not only a new
bathymetric chart but also describe the morphometric
characteristics of Carioca Lake (PERD, MG). The first
studies in this environment began in 1977, and from this
date were published dozens of scientific articles
(BARBOSA; TUNDISI, 1980; REYNOLDS et al., 1983;
BARBOSA; COUTINHO, 1987; MARQUES et al., 1999)
addressing physical, chemical and biological aspects of its
limnology. The first bathymetric chart of Carioca Lake and
the calculation of the main morphometric parameters were
published by Tundisi and Musarra (1986). The
methodology used in this work was innovating for its time
by using the technique of echo sounding to determinate the
main morphological characteristics of Carioca Lake, plus
three more lakes (Dom Helvécio, Barra e Jacaré) of the
lacustrine of middle Rio Doce.
Material and methods
Study area
The Parque Estadual do Rio Doce (Figure 1) is
the largest remnant of the Atlantic Rain Forest biome in
Minas Gerais, totaling 36.000 ha of forests (5% of what
was originally in the region), surrounded by Eucalyptus spp
plantations, with lakes occupying an area of 3.500 ha,
which corresponds to 9.8% of its total area (MÉIS;
Maringá, v. 31, n. 4, p. 000-000, 2009
Morphometry of Carioca Lake, Rio Doce Valley .
TUNDISI, 1997). In the southern portion of PERD, we
found the Carioca Lake (central point = 19º45’S; 42º37’W),
object of this study, a natural lake surrounded by the
Atlantic Rain Forest. It is a mesotrophic lake and warm
monomitic, with a short period of circulation during winter
(June to August). The lake remains stratified during the rest
of the year (HENRY; BARBOSA, 1989).
collected by the digital echo sounder. The UTM projection
and the WGS84 (World Geodetic System) horizontal datum
were set as way of storing positioning data by the system.
The transducer of the echo sounder and the kinematics
of the DGPS antenna were fixed at the opposite ends of the
stack positioned on the middle side of the vessel. The
centering of the DGPS’ antenna in relation to the echo
sounder’s tranducer reduces the errors in the positioning tilt
of the boat. The dislocation followed in zigzag lines, with
an average speed of 8 km/h. A conventional Garmin GPS
76 (Garmin Ltd.) was used to guide the movement in the
Issuance of the bathymetric chart
The first step was the preparation of the contour
map of the Carioca lake (bathymetric map) and of the 3D
view map. The coast line of Lake Carioca was scanned
through the Didger 3.0 ® program (Golden Software Inc.),
by georeferenced orthophotos from the lake in a 1:10000
scale acquired from the Energy Company of Minas Gerais
(Cemig S/A). Those images could be used since there were
no significant changes in the margin of the lake during the
period (compared to satellite images from Landsat).
The bathymetric map was produced using the
program Surfer 8.0® (Golden Software Inc.). This program
uses algorithms of interpolation to create a mesh of equally
spaced data. This mesh needed for the preparation of the
contour map. In this process, the original data collected in
the field (the XYZ file of location and depth) are used to
generate values for places where there are no observations.
The choice between the various interpolators available in
the Surfer program (inverse distance, kriging, minimum
curvature etc.) in the generation of the data mesh of the
Carioca lake was made by visual comparison of maps and
by the analysis of residues (grid/residuals module of the
Calculation of the morphometric parameters
Figure 1. Location of the Parque Estadual do Rio Doce in the
Southern Brazil (the arrow indicates Carioca Lake).
Data collection
The bathymetric study in Carioca Lake was performed
using the high precision differential GPS (DGPS)
technology in order to collect the data of the geographical
location, together with the state-of-art equipment for
collection of depth information. A digital Biosonics echo
sounder (Biosonics Inc.) was used, which collects data
through a high frequency (200 kHz) transducer, traveling
attached on board of the boat at a depth of 0,50 m of water
level, depending on the conditions of the base of the lake.
The digital echo sounder works coupled with a differential
global positioning system (DGPS) AgGPS 132 (Trimble
Co.). The field data sampling was done on May 13th, 2008.
The DGPS had its data corrected in situ, through
satellite Ominstar subscription. Thus, the data collected by
the positioning unit of the boat were corrected in real time,
and the positioning error was smaller than 100 cm. For each
GPS position information (every two seconds), X and Y
coordinates were recorded along with the value Z (depth)
Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences
The bathymetric survey made possible the
calculation of the primary and secondary morphometric
parameters. The maximum depth was removed from the
original field data. The perimeter (P), the effective length
(Le) and the maximum effective width (We) have been
estimated in the chart by the bathymetric image analyzer
program, Scion Image ® (Scion Corporation). The surface
area (A), the area of the bottom (Ba) and the total volume
(V) were calculated from sub-routines of the program
Surfer. To calculate the volume, this program uses three
different algorithms: trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rule and
Simpson’s 3/8 rule. The average of the three methods for
calculating the volume of the Carioca Lake was the one
considered. Also in Surfer environment, volumes and for
areas among tier depth, spaced 2 m in between, were
The formulas for calculating the following
morphometric parameters were withdrawn of Von Sperling
(1999): average depth ( Z ); relative depth (ZR);
development volume rate (DV), perimeter development rate
(DP), average width (Lm) and average slope (α).
Maringá, v. 31, n. 4, p. 000-000, 2009
Morphometry of Carioca Lake, Rio Doce Valley .
Results and discussion
The bathymetric survey of the Carioca Lake was
conducted with a total of 1,106 points with known depth
and location and with sub-metric accuracy. The interpolator
used in the mesh generation of data that best represented
the behavior of the surface and showed the lowest values of
residue (average -0.02 ± 0.07) was the kriging, which can
act as an exact interpolator in relation to the agreement with
the original points of observation. From the chosen mesh
was generated a bathymetric model of the lagoon, with
curves every 2 m of depth, and elevation of 242 m from the
surface of the lake on the day of collection (Figure 2).
Figure 3. (A) Bathymetric profile in 3D view of the Carioca Lake,
Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais (North – South view),
with emphasis on the slope of the bottom of the lake; B) Echogram
generated by Biosonics echo sounder, showing the profile of the
bottom transect in the east-west direction (indicated by the arrow in
the figure above), held in June 2008.
Figure 2. Orthophotos and bathymetric map of Carioca Lake,
Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais. The dot at the center
of the lake indicates the location of maximum depth (11.8 m).
The three-dimensional bathymetric model (Figure
3a) is an important tool for a better visualization of the lake
basin which usually reflects the nature of the drainage
basin. From this model, it’s possible to see the details of the
relief from the bottom of the lake, which is a result of the
intense sampling mesh made. From the bathymetry in the
3D view, it is also possible to compare the relief of the
bottom of the lake made by the bathymetric model, with the
image of the relief created (in real time) by the echo
sounder Biosonics during the collection of data. From the
echogram shown in Figure 3b, generated from a transect
that cut the lake in east-west direction, it is possible to see
that the relief of the bottom shown by the echo sounder
Biosonics was satisfactorily reproduced by 3D bathymetric
model. This strengthens the indication that the model
chosen for bathymetric mapping adequately represents the
real surface.
Prof. (m)
Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences
Chart 1 summarizes all the morphometric data of
Carioca Lake, including volume and total area of the water
surface, calculated from the new bathymetric chart created.
The total volume of 671,2 x 103 m3, calculated for the
Carioca Lake in this study, represents a difference of 950%
less than the amount published in the study of Tundisi and
Musarra (1986), which was 713,6 x 104 m3. We believe that
there may have been an error in the printing of the article at
the time and that probably the authors had calculated the
volume at 713,6 x 103 m3, which would represent a
difference of 6% higher than the calculation obtained in the
present study. This last figure appears in other publications
(eg., HENRY, BARBOSA, 1989, Henry et al., 1997).
It can also be observed that there was only a small
difference in the amount of surface area between the results
of Tundisi and Musarra (1986) and the results presented
here. In the work mentioned above, the estimate of surface
area was estimated at 13.5 ha, which is 4.2% less than the
area estimated in this study, of 14.1 ha.
Morphometrical Parameters
Superficial area (A)
Volume (V)
Perimeter (P)
Maximum effective length (Le)
Maximum effective width (We)
Maximum depth (Zmax)
Average depth ( Z )
Relative Depth (ZR)
Average width (Lm)
Volume development rate (DV)
Margin development rate (DL)
Average slope ()
14,1 ha
671,2 x 103 m3
1718 m
572,8 m
350,7 m
11,8 m
4,76 m
2,78 %
246,2 m
5,57 %
Chart 1. Morphometric characteristics of Carioca Lake, Parque
Estadual do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
The same routine of the Surfer program, used to
calculate the total surface area and volume of the lake, was
used for the calculation of these parameters, for each 2 m of
depth. The details of this data can be observed in Chart 2.
From this chart, it is possible to conclude that 65.4 % of the
total lake volume corresponds to depths lower than 4,0 m.
Maringá, v. 31, n. 4, p. 000-000, 2009
Morphometry of Carioca Lake, Rio Doce Valley .
Depth (m)
Area (m2)
% area
8,04 10-11,4
Volume (m3)
% volume
Chart 2. Data on area and volume for stratum of the Carioca
Lake, Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
The methodology of automated bathymetry used
in this study revealed to be good choice for the rapid
estimation of most morphmetric parameters in a small lake.
The high accuracy of geographic positioning and the
precistion of depth measurement of the Biosonics echosounder provided high quality and reliability in the final
results obtained in a short period of time. The
morphometric parameters in this study, together with the
new bathymetric chart of Carioca Lake, is a valuable tool to
promote its better understanding of one of the most studied
natural lakes in Brazil. The present investigation found
unexpected (large) differences in several morphometric
parameters, when compared to the available literature.
These differences clearly support this new study.
The authors thank the staff of Parque Estadual do
Rio Doce for their support during the study; the biologist
Nelson Mello for his invaluable assistance during the
fieldwork, the two anonymous reviewers for their
suggestions and critics to the initial versions of the
manuscript. The first author thanks the Foundation for the
Support of Research of the State of Minas Gerais –
FAPEMIG, for the post-doctorate grant.
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Received on September 9, 2008.
Accepted on December 3, 2008.
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distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
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Morphometry of Carioca Lake, Rio Doce Valley .
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