Stomach Acid Test/Challenge using Betaine HCl

Stomach Acid Test/Challenge using Betaine HCl
Day 1 – Take 1 capsule after a few bites of a meal and look for signs of warmth/burning in the
stomach/upper abdomen; if this is experienced, discontinue use of the Betaine HCl immediately
and do not continue with the testing on the next day; if no warmth/burning is experienced,
proceed to Day 2
Day 2 – Take 2 capsules after a few bites of a meal and again look for signs of warmth/burning; if
experienced, decrease intake to 1 capsule with each meal for a total of 2 capsules daily; if NO
warmth/burning results proceed to Day 3
Day 3 – 3 capsules after a few bites of a meal and look for signs of warmth/burning
Continue proceeding with the testing until a maximum of 6 capsules/day has been achieved
without burning. If this is achieved, take 1-2 capsules with each meal. At whatever dosage the
warmth/burning sensation occurs, decrease the intake by 1 total capsule/day and spread the intake
of the total # of capsules over the 3 meals of the day
CAUTION – Always take the Betaine HCl after you have started the meal. Taking it before the
meal or between meals may cause burning in the stomach and ulceration of the mucous
membranes in the gut
CONTRAINDICATIONS (Not to be used by people with the following health conditions) –
pregnant, nursing, history of ulcers (peptic/stomach ulcers), people taking steroid/corticosteroid
medications, people taking aspirin or other NSAID medication for pain (may cause ulceration of
the stomach lining when combined with these medications)
Decrease the warmth/burning sensation using a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking
soda) in water – rinse mouth and swallow to decrease burning sensation if experienced
NOTE – Over time, stimulation of the parietal cells (cells that make stomach acid) will lead to
restoration of appropriate stomach acid production and you will note that it takes less capsules to
create the same warmth/burning sensation than previously at this time. Start to decrease daily
dosage by 1 capsule daily OR decrease intake with meals by 1 capsule with each meal should this
occur over time
Contact the office – To let us know the dosage/# of capsules that created the warmth/burning
sensation so that we can appropriately direct you in your treatment plan
Dr. Stephanie Jennings, Naturopathic Doctor
Maple Shores Health Centre
(519) 832-4500