Time Allowed: 2 hours – advised: 50mins for section A and 70mins

BSB10192-2 & BSB10295-3 pre-seen paper
Year 2008-2009
Operations Management
Staffordshire University Business School
Business School
Staffordshire University
Operations Management BSB10192-2 & BSB10295-3
EXAMINATION W/C 5th January 2009
Time Allowed: 2 hours – advised: 50mins for section A and
70mins for section B
Examiner: Roy Edwards
Section B of the examination paper will contain three short answer
questions only. These questions will be selected, by us, from the
pre-published list of six possible questions given below. You will be
required to write answers to all THREE of these questions. You will
NOT KNOW WHICH three questions have been selected for the
paper until you sit the exam.
Each short answer question will carry equal marks, and you will be
advised to spend no more than about 20 minutes on any one of
your answers in the exam.
The examiners will expect to read well organised and focused
answers of a high standard, making full illustration of examples
and applications of relevant course concepts where appropriate.
We will expect at least 2 to 3 sides of good quality writing for each
answer – (the 2 to 3 sides is for a combined total of part a) and
part b) of the question).
You will NOT be allowed to take material, notes, articles or books
into the examination with you.
The resit examination will contain a choice of three questions drawn from the same
pre-published list. The selected questions may be the same, or different, from the ones
in the original examination paper.
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BSB10192-2 & BSB10295-3 pre-seen paper
Year 2008-2009
Operations Management
Staffordshire University Business School
General Marking Criteria. GP = grade points:
GP 1 to 3. Fails to demonstrate knowledge of the Operations
Management module assessed learning outcomes (see module
handbook for details). Does not demonstrate understanding of the
underpinning theory/models/concepts in a coherent and consistent
manner. Emphasis is on uncritical description rather than
convincing application of theory/models/concepts. Headings and/or
bullet points used. Little or no evidence of wider reading in support
of answer.
GP 4 to 6. Shows some knowledge of all assessed learning
outcomes, but with limited development of the evidence or rigour in
the application of theory/models/concepts. Little integration
between components of the answer and generally shallow
development of arguments. Favours lists of points rather than a
suitable discursive written style. Modest evidence of wider reading
and research in support of answer.
GP 7 to 9. Show a reasonable level of knowledge and a clearer
engagement with the proper application of key
theory/models/concepts to Operations Management analysis.
Better integration between components of the answer and
generally better development of arguments offered. Evidence of a
reasonable level of attainment of competences in terms of the
assessed learning outcomes including evidence of wider reading
and research in support of answer.
GP 10 to 12. Demonstrates knowledge by the solid application of
theory/models/concepts with a good level of detail. Good
integration of evidence in developing analysis & arguments.
Answer well integrated with some reflection/critique on limitations
of concepts and data, and with consistant evidence of wider
reading and research in support of answer. A coherent and wellstructured answer submitted in a suitable written style.
GP 13 to 15. Demonstrates an extensive depth of understanding
of Operations Management in terms of assessed learning
outcomes. Consistent application of theory/models/concepts with
solid use of example evidence supported by wider reading and
research. Will most likely reflect on limitations of concepts and
models. Excellent communications skills demonstrated in a
coherent, well-structured and articulate answer.
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BSB10192-2 & BSB10295-3 pre-seen paper
Year 2008-2009
Operations Management
Staffordshire University Business School
Six possible questions distributed to students in
advance of the examination:
The percentage allocated to each part of the question is the mark as a
percentage of the whole paper, Section A and Section B.
The multi-choice section A of the paper (seen on the day) will have 40
questions and be allocated 40%.
Question 1
a) Relate the Distinctive Characteristics (presence of the customer,
simultaneity, perishability, intangibility, heterogeneity) of a service firm
to a service organisation you are familiar with.
b) Identify how an understanding of the above characteristics can inform
decision making within the operations function.
Question 2
a) Discuss why supply chain management has become so important for
b) Demonstrate how any two theories of operations management could
be applied to improve supply chain performance
Question 3
Major challenges for operations are seen to be Corporate Social
responsibility, Globalisation and Environmental responsibility
a) How can these factors impact on the operations function?
b) How can these challenges be addressed by operations management?
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BSB10192-2 & BSB10295-3 pre-seen paper
Year 2008-2009
Operations Management
Staffordshire University Business School
Question 4
a) Outline the typical stages of a product life cycle and describe how an
understanding of these stages can impact on operations process
design decision making with respect to the volume/variety influence.
b) Explain how the likely Order Winners and Order Qualifiers (competitive
factors) change between stages of the product life cycle?
Question 5
a) Contrast the principles and characteristics of scientific management
and job enrichment and explain the significance for job design.
b) Illustrate the differences between the two approaches (in part a) by
example in how they might apply to the design of particular jobs in both
service and manufacturing organisations.
Question 6
“A major responsibility for all managers in the future will be the support of
company based systems designed to ensure the quality of products or
services”. Discuss –
a) Why quality has become such a live issue today?
b) How quality might be measured using examples from both
manufacturing and service environments?
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