
November 4, 1968
Orem City Corporation met in regular session Monday November 4, 1968, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
Present were Mayor Winston Crawford, Chairman; Councilmen Paul Washburn, Stanley Leavitt, Donald Shaw,
Robert Dove, and John Jones; City Manager Earl Wengreen, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, Engineer Russell Brown, and
Recorder Anne Cooper.
Others in attendance were:
DeLance Squire
Roscoe Carroll
Independent Auditor
Chamber of Commerce
Meeting opened with prayer by Donald Shaw.
Motion to approve minutes of October 31, 1968 as read and corrected was made by Stanley Leavitt, seconded by
Robert Dove, and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Robert Dove, seconded by Stanley Leavitt, to approve minutes of October 29, 1968 as read
and corrected. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve minutes of February 12, 1968, as read and corrected was made by Robert Dove, seconded by
Donald Shaw, and passed unanimously.
Mayor Crawford read the following letter from Governor Rampton:
Mayor Winston Crawford
P.O. Box 247
Orem, Utah
Dear Mayor Crawford:
Although I plan to be out of the state during your ceremony, I wish to convey
congratulations to the city of Orem and especially to Scott Wilkins and Chief Jim Simmons for
their dedicated efforts to obtain an ambulance for Orem. My congratulations also to the regular
and reserved police officers for helping to raise funds for the new ambulance.
I think this is an excellent example of the progressive attitude that prevails in Orem.
Calvin Rampton
Motion was made by Donald Shaw, seconded by Robert Dove, to rescind the motion made October 31, 1968 to
"refer the closing of 1200 South Street to the Planning Commission for study and recommendation" because it
would not be in keeping with the Court Order in the Chittock case. Motion passed unanimously.
City Manager Wengreen reported that the ground breaking ceremonies for the Cascade Fairways Municipal Golf
Course will be held at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, November 9.
Motion was made by Paul Washburn to authorize the Mayor to sign the construction contract for the Central Fire
Station with Richard J. Miller and Sons Construction Company. The motion was seconded by John Jones, and
passed unanimously.
The City Manager reported that problems concerning covering of ditches have been brought to his attention that the
Committee that was appointed to work on setting up procedures is continuing with the study.
Councilman Donald Shaw reported that a newspaper item published November 5 in the Daily Herald states that the
de-annexation petition to disconnect property south of 2000 South is part of a reciprocal agreement for City services.
Mr. Shaw stated that the record should show there is no connection between the Utility Agreement and the petition
to disconnect.
After discussing the consequences of allowing the disconnection, and other problems involved, motion was made by
Paul Washburn, seconded by Donald Shaw, to postpone decision on the deannexation petition for one week for
further discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
DeLance Squire, C.P.A., reviewed the annual audit report of the General Funds, and Water and Sewer Revenue
Funds, with the Council. Mr. Squire complimented management of the City for good utilization of the funds. And
stated that the "liquid" position of the City has increased substantially over the past six or seven years. Procedures
and "follow through" by departments were also reviewed and recommendations made for improvement.
City Manager Wengreen reported that flowers had been sent, and some of the City Employees had attended the
funeral of Ray E. Loveless, former Mayor of Orem.
City Manager Wengreen reported that bids on the two small pickup trucks had been awarded to Petty Ford, but that
the bid on the large truck is being held until specifications can be checked further. Bids were opened on October 29,
Motion to adjourn was made by Donald Shaw, seconded by Paul Washburn, and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.