KAUA`I COMMUNITY COLLEGE University of Hawai`i EMERGENCY (PROCEDURES) PLAN October 25, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose.......................................................................................................................2 Definition of Emergencies ........................................................................................2 Alert Roster ...............................................................................................................3 Emergency Response Team .....................................................................................5 Building Coordinators……………………………………………………………6-7 Specific Emergency Procedures…………………………………………………8-10 Medical and First Aid……………………………………………………11-12 Fire ...............................................................................................................13 Bomb Threat................................................................................................14 Violent or Criminal Behavior ....................................................................15 Nuclear, Biological or Chemical Accident or Threat ..............................16 Hurricane or Severe Winds........................................................................17 Earthquake ..................................................................................................18 Tsunami/Tidal Wave/Flood .......................................................................19 Utility Failure ..............................................................................................20 Fallen Aircraft, Explosion or Threat of Explosion ..................................21 Campus Map with Evacuation Sites .....................................................................22 Waimea Outreach Center ......................................................................................23 Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 1 PURPOSE: The purpose of this Emergency Plan is to provide procedures/guidelines for responding to various natural and man-caused emergencies at Kauai Community College. This plan is to be implemented whenever an emergency affecting the campus reaches proportions that cannot be handled by routine measures. The Chancellor, or her/his designee may declare a state of emergency and implement this Emergency Plan. DEFINITION OF EMERGENCIES: Minor Emergency: Any incident, potential or actual, which will not seriously affect the functional capacity of the college. Report immediately to the Director of Administrative Services (Safety Officer) at 245-8230 (campus extension 230. Major Emergency: Any incident, potential or actual, which affects an entire building(s) and disrupts the overall operations of the college. Mass casualties and severe property damage may be sustained and a coordinated effort of all campus-wide resources is required to effectively control the situation. Outside emergency resources may be essential. Call emergency 9911 (9 for outside line). Notify the Chancellor who will activate the college's Emergency Operations Center and the Emergency Response Team as needed. All campus personnel will be notified through the emergency Alert Roster. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 2 ALERT ROSTER In the event of a major emergency, contact the Office of the Chancellor to initiate this alert roster. ______________________________________________________Base number 245-8 OFFICES CONTACT PERSON PHONE NO. Chancellor Peggy Cha/Vincent Itoga 210/283 Dean of Instruction LAH Trade Tech /Arnette Lee Hiroko Merritt/Molly Summers /Cris Berales Harold Nakamura/Carol Llego Char Ono/Carol Bland Marshall Mock/Gerald Hirata /Melanie Matsuyama Glenn Alquiza/Donna Victorino 229/203 329/349 278 221/321 255/325 250/282 223 285/264 Asst. Dean of Instruction Library Media Learning Skills Computer Res. Coop. Ed. Professional Dev. University Center Ramona Kincaid/Leah Agustin Robert Kajiwara Patrick Watase/Clarice Kali Lynn Napier Tom Kajihara (vacant) Cammie Matsumoto Alison Shigematsu 336/238 236 357/238 346 342 328 280 330 Dean of Students Counseling Svc. Admiss. & Rec. Financial Aid Earl Nishiguchi/Annie Rellin Creighton Fujii/Joann Ventar Leighton Oride/Karen Nakamura Juana SantaCruz/Amy Watase ASKCC John Constantino 274/313 286/212 226/224 256/360 245 Director of OCET Non-Credit Prog. Rural Dev. Proj. John Isobe/Jennifer Defuntorum Cheryl Fujii John Isobe/Jennifer Defuntorum 351/208 355 351/208 Director of Admin. Svcs. O&M Business Office Human Resources Bookstore Small Bus. Ctr. Aha Punana Leo Gary Nitta/Beverly Yasuda Calvin Shirai/Sheri Amimoto Greg Enos Jorae Baptiste Jolynne Uyesono 230/231 333/364 214 323 273 246-1748 245-1755 651-3811 246-0233 Bus Ed Nursing SAM Island School Momi Yaris Robert Springer Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 3 NOTE: Please notify all members in your department (Campus Phone Tree) in the event of an emergency. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM 1. PLAN EXECUTIVE OFFICE PHONE Peggy Cha, Chancellor 210 Gary Nitta, Dir. of Admin. Svc., 1st Alternate 230 , Dean of Instruction, 2nd Alternate 229 2. PLAN DIRECTOR Gary Nitta, Dir. of Admin. Svc. Patrick Watase, Electronic Engineer, 1st Alternate Greg Enos, Administrative Officer, 2nd Alternate 230 357 214 DAMAGE CONTROL OFFICER Calvin Shirai, Facilities Manager 333 PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER John Isobe, Dir. OCET 351 BIO-SAFETY OFFICER Brian Yamamoto, Assoc. Professor, Microbiology 241 CHEMICAL SAFETY OFFICER Thomas Smithwick, Assoc. Professor, Chemistry 332 NUCLEAR/RADIOLOGICAL OFFICER Marshall Mock 250 MEDICAL AND HEALTH OFFICER Char Ono, Director of Nursing 255 STUDENT ASSISTANCE OFFICER Earl Nishiguchi, Dean of Students 274 PERSONNEL ASSISTANCE OFFICER Jorae Baptiste, Personnel Officer 323 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. NOTE: KAUAI COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE Mark Marshall KCDA Office Cell # 241-1800 651-2484 Duties of Response Team are outlined in the University of Hawaii Emergency Operations Plan. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 5 BUILDING COORDINATORS __________________________________________245-8 Ext___ BUILDING PHONE EXT. LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER Bob Kajiwara 236 Kent Tanigawa 362 Lynn Napier 346 Greg Enos 214 NATURAL SCIENCE Marshall Mock Brian Yamamoto 250 241 BUSINESS EDUCATION Al Spencer Harold Nakamura 242 228 NURSING/NURSING ANNEX Char Ono Carol Bland 255 325 EMS ANNEX Stacey Oho 245-7973 FACULTY I Jim McFarland Cris Beralas 317 278 FACULTY II Andy Bushnell Richard Randolph 340 222 SOCIAL SCIENCE Joyce Nakahara Eric Chu 216 217 FINE ARTS I Greg Shepherd 269 FINE ARTS II Wayne Miyata 284 HAWAIIAN STUDIES Dennis Chun/Karen Doiron 202/241-3238 Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 6 BUILDING AUTO BODY Glenn Alquiza PHONE EXT. 285 AUTOMOTIVE Tante Azares 263 CAMPUS CENTER (1st floor) Mark Oyama Billy Gibson Jolynne Uyesono 359 243 273 CAMPUS CENTER (2nd floor) Wade Tanaka John Constantino 259 245 CARPENTRY/ELECTRICITY Donna Victorino 264 MACHINE/WELDING SHOPS/CLASSROOM Ralph Kouchi 268 ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY Francis Takahashi Richard Matsumura 219 366 OCET/ELECTIONS BUILDING John Isobe Jennifer Defuntorum 319 318 RURAL DEVELOPMENT (Farm) COMPLEX John Isobe Glenn Hontz 382 246-4859 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Anna Smithwick Eve Kurasaki 356 207 MAINTENANCE Calvin Shirai Joseph Vegas 333 335 THEATER Tony Kilbert Jennifer Defuntorum Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 270 7 SPECIFIC EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Medical and First Aid Fire Bomb Violent or Criminal Behavior Nuclear, Biological or Chemical accident or threat Hurricane Earthquake Tsunami Electrical Power Outage Fallen Aircraft, Explosion Or Threat of Explosion ASSUMPTIONS OF THE EMERGENCY (PROCEDURES) PLAN: 1. The succession of events in an emergency may not be predictable, hence, this emergency plan will only serve as a guide and check list, and may require field modification in order to meet the requirement of the emergency. 2. A major emergency may be declared if information indicates that such a condition is developing or is probable. DECLARATION OF CAMPUS STATE OF EMERGENCY: The authority to declare a campus state of emergency rests with the Chancellor or his/her designee in the following order: 1. Chancellor………………………………Ext. 210; Cell 652-0463 2. Director of Administrative Services……Ext. 230; Cell 651-8230 3. Dean of Instruction……………………..Ext. 229; Cell 652-0706 4. Dean of Students………………………..Ext. 274; Cell 5. Assistant Dean of Instruction…………...Ext. 336; Cell 635-0754 6. Director of OCET……………………….Ext. 319; Cell 635-0062 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC): The Administrative Staff Conference Room will serve as the primary Emergency Operations Center. Whenever practical, the EOC will be established as close as possible to the site of the emergency. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Chancellor The Chancellor is responsible for the overall direction of campus emergency operations. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 8 2. 3. Administrators: Deans, Directors, Division Chairs and Coordinators a. Serve or appoint a person as Building Coordinator. The Building Coordinator will be responsible for use of fire extinguishers, first aid, CPR, search of building contents, and building evacuation procedures. b. Inform all employees in the building of the emergency condition. c. Evaluate impact the emergency has on their activity and take appropriate action. This may include ceasing operations and initiating building evacuation. Faculty and Staff Supervisors: Each faculty and staff supervisor has the responsibility to: a. Educate their students and/or employees concerning the college's emergency procedures as well as the evacuation procedures for their building. b. Inform their students and or staff of an emergency and initiate emergency procedures. c. Inform all students, faculty and staff to conform to building evacuation guidelines and to assemble in an open area (up-wind) on the lawn at least 500 feet from the building where a head count can be taken. EVACUATION PROCEDURES: 1. Building Evacuation a. All buildings will be evacuated when the FIRE ALARM sounds or upon notification of the Safety Officer or Building Coordinator. b. Whenever possible, evacuate building through the nearest marked EXIT and alert others to do the same. c. Assist those with special needs in exiting the building. Remember the elevators are reserved for special needs persons. Do not use the elevators in cases of fire, bomb threat, and/or earthquakes. d. Once outside walk calmly/proceed to a clear area (perimeter of campus) that is at least 500 feet away from the affected building. Do not go to your vehicle. e. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrant areas and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 9 f. 2. At the assembly area, the Building Coordinator and Faculty will take attendance and assist in accounting for all building occupants. Campus Evacuation a. Campus evacuation will be coordinated with Public Health and Safety officials. b. The Plan Director will determine evacuation to specific areas of the campus. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 10 EMERGENCIES CHECKLISTS A. MEDICAL AND FIRST AID and AED (Automated Emergency Defibrillator) PROCEDURES Internal Response Procedure for 911 Emergencies 1. Assess the scene for safety before approaching the victim. 2. Assess for unresponsiveness. a. Assess airway, breathing and circulation. If there’s no sign of circulation (normal breathing, coughing, speech or movement), call for or get the AED and call 911 or 9911 (if using switchboard phones) then the Wellness Center at Ext. 307. b. Mobile 911 phones are located with the AEDs at the Wellness Center, and the Cafeteria. Flip cover down and press “CALL” button until unit beeps and light flashes momentarily. Listen for 911 operator. To end the call, press the “Signal” button. If panic siren is needed, press both buttons on side of phone at same time until unit beeps. To turn off, press both buttons again for three seconds. The AED at the Performing Arts Center is located next to a public telephone. c. If additional help is needed, check the telephone listing to see who is trained in CPR. Trained rescuers are asterisked. This list will be updated each semester. d. Answer all questions that the EMS dispatcher asks. Always hang up last. e. If more personnel are available, they will wait at the entrance and guide the EMS to the event location. 3. AEDs are located outside the Performing Arts Center, cafeteria and Wellness Center. Break the cabinet lock by bending back and forth. 4. Perform CPR until the defibrillator is applied. 5. Turn on the AED. 6. Stop CPR. 7. Apply pads to the patient’s bare chest. Refer to the drawing on the pads for correct placement. 8. Connect the pads to the socket located next to the flashing light. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 11 9. Follow the voice instructions. Do not touch the patient during heart rhythm analysis. 10. The voice prompt will tell you if a shock is advised. Make sure no one is touching the patient. Press the shock button when the voice tells you to. 11. When no shocks are advised, follow voice prompts to begin CPR, if needed. 12. Always keep the AED attached to the patient and ON until EMS arrives. Tell them exactly what happened: how many shocks, how long since victim was found, when CPR was started, etc. 13. Notify Maureen Tabura at 249 that an event occurred. Maureen Tabura will complete an event summary form and send event summary form and event review to medical director. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 12 B. FIRE 1. Know the location of fire extinguishers, fire exits and alarm systems in your area and know how to use them. 2. If a minor fire appears controllable, immediately call the Facilities Manager at ext. 333; cell phone 651-3505 for assistance. 3. Promptly direct the charge of the fire extinguisher toward the base of the flame. 4. If a fire is not Controllable, DIAL 9911 immediately. 5. Activate the building alarm. 6. Evacuate all rooms, closing all doors to confine the fire and reduce oxygen. DO NOT LOCK THE DOORS! 7. Assists persons with special needs in exiting the building. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS DURING A FIRE. Smoke is the greatest danger in a fire, so stay near the floor where the air will be less toxic. 8. Once outside, move to a clear area at least 500 feet from the affected building(s). Stay there until the Building Coordinator takes an accurate head count. 9. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 13 C. BOMB THREAT 1. If you observe a suspicious object or potential bomb on campus DO NOT HANDLE THE OBJECT! 2. Direct students, faculty and staff to take possession of their bags and immediately clear the building/area and relocate to an open area at least 500 feet from the bomb threat. 3. Any person receiving a phone call concerning a bomb threat should ask the caller: a. When is the bomb going to explode? b. Where is the bomb located? c. What kind of bomb is it? d. What does it look like? e. Why did you place the bomb? 4. Keep talking to the caller as long as possible and record the following: a. Time of the call. b. Age and sex of the caller. c. Speech patterns, accent, possible nationality, etc. d. Emotional state of the caller. e. Background noise. f. Take note of caller ID if available. 5. Immediately call emergency 9911 and report the incident. 6. Assist persons with special needs in exiting the building. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 14 D. VIOLENT OR CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR 1. Everyone is asked to assist in making the campus a safe place by being alert to suspicious situations and promptly reporting them to authorities/KCC staff. 2. If you observe a criminal act or a suspicious person on campus, immediately notify the Safety Officer at Ext. 230 or the campus security (evenings) and the Administrator on evening duty. 3. Do not confront the individual(s) but be prepared to report the following information to the police or campus security: a. Nature of the incident. b. Location of the incident. c. Description of person(s) involved d. Description of property involved. 4. Take cover from gunfire or explosives. 5. If taken hostage, be patient and avoid drastic action. 6. The initial 45 minutes are the most dangerous. Follow captor’s instructions, be alert, speak only when necessary, and do not add to the psychological imbalance (stress) of the captor. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 15 E. NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL OR CHEMICAL (NBC) ACCIDENT OR THREAT 1. NBC accidents or threats might involve radiological, chemical or biological material of large quantities that must be contained. Call emergency 9911. 2. Report spillage of hazardous materials to the appropriate campus hazardous material coordinators and safety officer: Microbiology – Brian Yamamoto at Ext. 241 Chemical/Hazmat - Tom Smithwick at Ext 332 Nuclear/Radiological – Marshall Mock at Ext. 250 Safety Officer – Gary Nitta at Ext. 230 3. The hazardous material coordinator will secure the site and direct individuals away from the affected area until the arrival of the County of Kauai Fire Department’s Hazardous Material Team. 4. Anyone contaminated by the spill will be directed to avoid contact with others and remain at the site for first aid/decontamination and clean up by trained emergency response personnel. 5. If you have been exposed to a deadly infectious disease through Bioterrorism you may be required to remain confined until the exposure is identified and the spread of the diseased controlled. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 16 F. HURRICANE OR SEVERE WINDS The National Weather Services can usually forecast severe windstorms with a high degree of accuracy. If time and conditions permit, the Chancellor with the approval of the President will suspend classes. However, if high winds develop with little or no warning while classes are in session, the following steps should be followed: 1. Direct individuals (1,470 total) to seek shelter in the following buildings: Person In Charge Building Category I Category 2A Gary Nitta/Ramona Kincaid Learning Res. Ctr. (80) Tony Kilbert/Pat Watase Theater (979) (263) Glenn Alquiza/Calvin Shirai Auto Body (18) Tante Azares/Calvin Shirai Automotive (130) The Kauai Civil Defense has designated these buildings as Category I (Ready Now) and Category 2A (Usable with some Risk) emergency shelters for severe winds. Individuals should remain near an inside wall until the high winds dissipates. 2. Preparation for Hurricanes (At HURRICANE WARNING – 24 hours) a. Facilities Manager and Building Maintenance Staff will 1. Secure buildings by closing all windows and doors. 2. Park Vehicles in Shops. 3. Tape windows. 4. Remove tennis court and farm shade and windscreens. 5. Shutdown air-conditioning system. 6. Turn off electricity to the campus at each building (Auto Body, Campus Center, LRC, Maintenance, Natural Science) transformer to prevent live wire danger). 7. Turn off propane gas line. b. Natural Science Staff 1. Secure Chemistry Lab and Storage Room. 2. Secure Microbiology Lab. c. Computer Resources Staff 1. Shut down computer systems and unplug electrical cords. 2. Cover computers with plastic. d. Library and Media Staff 1. Cover library books and equipment with plastic. 2. Cover media equipment with plastic. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 17 G. EARTHQUAKE During an earthquake remain calm and take the following safety measures: 1. If INDOORS seek refuge in a doorway or under a desk or table. Stay away from glass windows, shelves and heavy equipment. Evacuate building as soon as possible. Assist persons with special needs in exiting the building but do not use elevators. Once outside, move to a clear area at least 500 feet from the affected building(s). 2. If OUTDOORS move quickly away from buildings, utility poles and other structures. Always avoid power or utility lines and trees as they can be energized. 3. If in an AUTOMOBILE stop at the safest place available, preferably away from power lines and trees. Stay in the vehicle for shelter. 4. After the initial shock, evaluate the situation and if emergency help is necessary call emergency 9911. Protect yourself at all times and prepare for after shocks. Damaged facilities should be reported to the Facilities Manager at Ext. 333 or 651-3505. Report gas leaks and power failures. Do not light candles or have any open flames. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 18 H. 1. TSUNAMI (TIDAL WAVES) AND FLOODS Warning a. The Kauai Civil Defense will issue a tsunami watch/warning through radio and television. b. The Attention/Alert signal is a steady blast for three (3) minutes on sirens, repeated as necessary. Turn on your radios/TVs for emergency information/instructions. Reminder: The Kauai Civil Defense sirens are tested on the first workday of each month at 11:45 A.M. c. The estimated time of arrival of a tidal wave will dictate the course of action to be taken. The Chancellor or her/his designate may initiate the following emergency actions. d. Direct participants at the Waimea Outreach site to immediately relocate to higher grounds along the road to Kokee. e. Advise students, faculty and staff to remain on the Kauai Community College campus, which is in a safe zone from tidal waves. 2. Flood warnings are issued by the National Weather Service. The extent and locale of flood dangers will dictate action to be taken. During heavy rainfall on campus we must monitor the water level of the reservoirs and streams passing through the campus and warn individuals to stay clear of these water hazards. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 19 I. MAJOR UTILITY OUTAGE In all cases of electricity, water or gas outage call the Facilities Manager at Ext. 333 (6513505) or Ext. 364. 1. Electricity Outage a. Disconnect all equipment, which could be damaged by power surge when electricity is restored (Faculty and Staff). b. Turn off lights, appliances, window air conditioners and other energy users to reduce power requirements for restoration (Faculty and Staff). 2. Water Outage a. Conserve water resources until restored; keep taps closed. If necessary, request water distribution for essential use from the Board of Water Supply. 3. Gas Outage a. Close all gas outlets (Maintenance Staff). Reminder: Pilot lights may have to be re-lighted when restoring gas service. Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 20 J. FALLEN AIRCRAFT, EXPLOSION OR THREAT OF EXPLOSION In the event of an aircraft crash, natural gas, gasoline or other volatile material explosion or threat of explosion, the following will be accomplished: 1. 2. Explosion: a. Take cover on the floor/ground when command “Down” is given. b. If the explosion occurs within the building, or threatens the building, the Instructor should immediately implement action to evacuate the building. c. Sound the fire alarm or shout alarm. d. Move to an area of safety and render first aid as necessary. e. Call Emergency 9911 and notify the Chancellor at Ext. 210. The Chancellor will notify appropriate emergency response personnel. Threat of Explosion a. Sound the building fire alarm. b. Move to an area of safety at least 500 feet from the affected building. c. Call emergency 9911 and notify the Chancellor at Ext. 210. The Chancellor will notify appropriate emergency response personnel. d. Stay off cell phones as they may trigger other improvised explosive devices (IED). Kaua`i Community College – Emergency Procedures 21