dictionary of euphemisms and dysphemisms in english erotica

Francisco Sánchez Benedito
University of Málaga
PROSTITUTION (888 terms)
- abandoned woman
- abbess
- academician
- alley cat
- anonyma
- apartments to let, with
- aphrodisian dame
- artichoke
- article
- Aspasia
- aspro
- Athanasian wench
- aunt
- auntie
- baby
- baby pro
- bachelors’ wife
- bad girl/woman
- badger
- bag
- baggage
- band
- banger
- bangster
- bangtail
- Bankside lady
- barber’s chair
- barely legal
- bar-girl
- barnacle
- barrack-hack
- bat
- batter
- battler
- bawd
- bawdy banquet
- bawdy basket
- beagle
- beast
- beat moll
- bed-bug
- bed-bunny
- bed-faggot
- bed-fellow
- bed-thrall
- beef
- beef-steak
- beetle
- belter
- belly-piece
- B-girl
- bicycle
- bim
- bimbette
- bimbo
- bird
- bird o’the game
- bird o’the night
- bit
- bit of calico
- bit of fish
- bit of muslin
- bit of mutton
- bit of stuff
- bitch
- black Bess
- blimp
- blister
- blowen
- blower
- blowse/blowze
- blowz/blouze/blouse/blowesse
- blue apron
- blue gown
- boat and oar
- bob tail/bobtail
- body worker
- bona
- bona-roba
- bottle merchant
- bottom-worker
- boy toy
- brass
- brass nail
- brim
- brimstone
- broad
- broken oar
- brown Bess
- brown Bessy
- bucket-broad
- bulker
- bum
- bum-worker
- bunny
- bunny-girl
- bunter
- burick/burerk
- burlap sister
- business girl
- buss-beggar
- buttered-bun
- buttock
- buttock-broker
- cab-moll
- cake, a
- call boy
- call girl
- callat
- callet
- camp follower
- canary
- carrion
- carry-knave
- case vrow
- caso
- cast-off
- cat
- catamountain
- cavalry
- cement-mixer
- charity dame
- charity girl
- charity moll
- Charlie/charlie
- chauvering donna
- chauvering moll
- chick
- chicken
- chippy/chippie
- chivalry
- chrome
- chromo
- cleaver
- cockatrice
- cock-chafer
- cocktail
- cocksucker/cock-sucker
- cocotte
- coffee-grinder
- Columbine
- commodity
- common Jack
- common sewer
- commoner
- company girl
- concubine
- convenient
- Corinthian
- cotton-top
- courtesan/courtezan
- Covent Garden abbess
- Covent Garden lady
- Covent Garden nun
- Covent Garden vestal
- cow
- cowboy
- crack
- crack saleslady
- crack salesman
- cracked-pitcher
- creature of sale
- cromo
- crow
- cruiser
- cunt
- Cupid’s carrier
- curbstone sailor
- curtezan
- customer
- Cyprian
- Dalilah
- dart
- dasher
- daughter of Eve
- daughters of the game
- dead-meat/frozen-meat
- deadly nightshade
- dealer
- dell
- demi-mondaine
- demi-rep
- demi-vierge
- demi-virgin
- deviant
- dicky-bird/dickey-bird/naughty dicky-bird
- dirty-leg
- dirty puzzle
- dog
- doll
- dolly
- dolly boy
- dolly-mop
- dopey
- double-barrelled (harlot)
- douche bag/douchebag
- dove
- doxy
- drab
- dragon
- dress for sale
- dress-lodger
- dromaky
- Drury Lane vestal
- Dulcibel
- Dulcinea
- Dutch widow
- early door
- easy virtue
- Edie
- endless belt
- erring sister
- escort
- evening star/evening-star
- everlasting daughter-of-Eve
- evil woman
- ewe-mutton
- faggot
- family of love
- fancy-piece
- fancy-woman
- fast woman
- fast-fanny
- femme fatale
- fen
- fille de joie
- filth
- fireship/fire-ship
- fish
- fishmonger’s daughter
- five-letter woman
- flag-about
- flagger
- flap
- flapper
- flash
- flash dona
- flash girl
- flash moll
- flash piece
- flash-tail
- flash woman
- flat tire/tyre
- flatbacker
- flax-wench
- fleabag
- Fleet Street houri/dove
- flesh-broker
- flesh-peddler
- fling-dust/fling-stink
- flip-flap
- flirtina cop-all
- floosie/floozie/floozy
- Florence
- flossie
- fluzey
- fly-by-night
- fly-girl/fly-donna/fly-dame/fly-woman
- fly the flag
- fool’s trap/fool-trap
- foot soldier
- fore-and-after
- foreskin-hunter
- forty-four
- frail-one/frail-sister
- free-lance/free-lancer
- fresh bit/fish/greens/meat/ware
- fricatrice
- fuckstress
- Fulham virgin
- funker
- fusby
- gal
- gallimaufr(e)y/galimaufr(e)y
- game
- game pullet
- gamester
- garden goddess
- garrison-hack
- gay bit/gay-bit
- gay girl/gay-girl
- gay in the arse/groin/legs
- gay piece/gay-piece
- gay wench /gay-wench
- gay woman /gay-woman
- geisha
- gig
- giggler
- gigle
- giglet
- giglot
- gill
- gill-flirt
- gin
- girl
- girl about town/of the town
- girl of ease
- give and take girl
- gixie
- go to Paul’s (or Westminster) for a wife
- goat-milker
- gobble-prick
- goglet
- good girl/good-girl
- good-time girl
- gook
- goose
- gooseberry-pudding
- grass widow/grass-widow
- green-goods
- green-goose
- guinea-hen
- gull
- hack
- hackney
- half-squarie
- hare
- harlot
- harlotry
- harridan
- hat
- hawk one’s wares
- Haymarket-ware
- hay-bag
- head chick
- he-concubine
- hedge-bit
- hedge-whore
- hello dearie
- he-strumpet
- he-whore
- hen
- hide
- highty-tighty
- hip-flipper
- hip-peddler
- hiren
- hit the street
- hiver
- ho
- hobby-horse
- hoity-toity
- holer
- hooker
- hoozie
- hop-picker
- horizontal worker
- horse
- horse-breaker/pretty horse-breaker
- horse-leech
- hose bag
- hosie
- hostess
- hot beef
- hot meat
- hot mutton
- hot tamale, a
- hot tomato, a
- hot-bot
- houri (of Fleet Street)
- house-bit/house-dove/house-piece
- housekeeper
- hunt-about
- hurry-whore
- hussy
- hustler
- immoral girl/lady
- impure
- in the trade
- incognita
- Jack/jack
- Jack whore/jack-whore
- Jack’s delight
- jade
- jag
- jam-tart
- Jane
- Jane Shore
- jay
- jerker
- Jezebel/jezebel, a
- jilt
- jimcrack
- joy girl
- joy sister
- Juanita
- Judy/Jude
- junt
- Kate
- kept-woman/kept-wench/keep
- kid leather
- kid on the game
- kind girl, a
- kite
- kittie
- kittock
- laced-mutton
- lady
- lady of accommodating morals
- lady of easy virtue
- lady of expansive sensibility
- lady of ill-repute
- lady of leisure
- lady of more complaisance than virtue
- lady of pleasure
- lady of the evening/night
- lady of the lake
- lady of the town
- ladybird/lady-bird
- Laïs
- laker lady
- land-carrack
- laundress
- left-handed wife
- let out one’s fore room and lie backwards
- lewd woman
- lift-skirts
- light frigate/light-frigate
- light-heeled/light-heels
- light horse
- light of love/light--o‘love
- light skirts
- Lindabrides
- lioness
- lone-duck/lone-dove
- loon
- loose fish
- loose-bodied gown
- loose-legged
- loose woman
- lost lady, a
- loteby
- love-peddler
- low heel
- lowie
- mab
- madam
- Madam Van
- Madge/madge
- Magdalene/Magdalen
- Maggie
- maid Marian
- maid-of-all-work
- male prostitute
- malkin/mawkin
- mare
- market-dame
- marmalade-madam
- Mary Magdalene
- masculine whore
- masseuse
- mat
- mattress
- Maud
- mawkes
- meal ticket
- meretrix
- mermaid/siren
- merry-arse(d) Christian
- merry bit/merry-bit
- merrylegs/merry-legs
- Messalina
- Messaline
- midnight cowboy
- milker
- milk-woman
- minx
- miss
- mistress
- mob
- model
- Moll/moll
- molly/Molly
- moonlighter
- moose
- mopsy
- morsel
- mort
- mort wap-a-pace/mort wap-apace
- morte
- mot/mott
- moth
- mother
- mother of the maids
- mount
- Mrs Warren’s profession
- mutton
- mutton-monger
- mutton walk
- mystery
- nafkeh/nafka
- nag
- Nan/nan
- nanny
- natural
- naughty dickey-bird
- naughty-pack
- nautch-broad/nautch-girl
- necessary
- needle-woman/needlewoman
- niggler
- nightbird/night-bird
- night-cap
- night-gear
- night-hawk
- night-hunter
- nightingale
- night-jobber
- night-piece
- night-poacher
- night-shade
- night-snap
- night-trader
- night-walker/nightwalker
- nit
- noctress
- nocturne
- nocturnal
- noffgur
- notch-girl/notch-broad
- nun
- nurse
- nutcracker
- nymph
- nymph of darkness
- nymph of delight
- nymph of the pavement
- nymph of the stage
- Nymphet
- occupant
- old rip
- old timer
- oldest profession
- omnibus
- on the bash
- on the bat
- on the battle
- on the fly
- on the game
- on the grind
- on the knock, to be
- on the streets, to be
- on the stroll, to be
- on the town, to be
- on the turf, to be
- one of my cousins
- one of us
- one of them
- openarse
- organ grinder
- outlaw
- overnight-bag
- owl
- pack
- pagan
- painted cat
- painted lady
- palliasse
- panel
- panel-girl/panel-woman
- Paphian
- Paphian girl
- parnel/pernel
- particular
- partridge
- party boy
- party girl
- pavement pounder
- pavement princess
- peculiar
- peddle one’s hips
- perfect lady
- petticoat
- petticoat-loose
- pheasant
- Phryne
- Piccadilly daisy
- pick-up
- piece
- pig
- pig-meat
- pillow-mate
- pinch-prick
- pinnace
- pintle-bit
- pintle-fancier
- pintle-maid
- pintle-merchant
- pintle-monger
- pintle-ranger
- piper’s wife
- pirate
- placket
- placket-lady
- playsome
- pleaser
- pleasure lady/pleasure-lady
- pleasure-merchant
- ploll-cat
- plover
- poke
- poker
- polecat/pole-cat
- poll
- poontang/poon
- poule-de-luxe
- presenterer
- (pretty) horsebreaker
- prick-climber
- priest’s niece
- prim
- prima donna
- princess
- princess of the pavement
- privateer
- pro
- professional
- pros/pross
- prosser
- prossie
- prosso
- prossy/prozzy
- prostitute
- prosty/prostie
- public ledger
- pug
- pullet
- pulley/pully
- punk
- pure
- purest pure
- Puritan/puritan
- purse-finder
- pusher
- put
- puta
- puto
- puttock
- quaedam
- quail
- quandong
- quean
- queer mort
- quicunque vult
- quiff
- rabbit-pie
- races, to be at the
- rag-time girl
- rainbow
- rambler
- ramp
- rannell/rannel
- rantipole
- rattlesnake
- receiver general/receiver-general
- red-lighter
- red-light girl
- red-light sister
- rent
- rent boy
- renter
- rep
- ribald
- rig
- roach
- road
- roller
- Rory-o’-more
- round-heeled babe/chippie
- round-heeler
- round-heels/roundheels
- rum-Johnny
- rump
- rumper
- sailor’s bait
- sailor’s delight
- Saint’s delight
- sales lady
- sample of sin
- sardine
- scarlet lady
- scarlet sister, a
- scarlet whore
- scarlet woman, a
- scolopendra
- Scotch warming-pan
- screw
- scrub
- scrubber
- scrudge
- scuffer
- scupper
- scuzz bag
- sea gull
- self-sell
- sempstress
- shad
- shake
- shake-bag
- share certificate
- shawl
- she-trader
- Shoredith fury
- short heels
- short-heeled wench
- shrimp
- sidewalk Suzie, a
- silk- petticoat
- sinner
- sin-sister
- single-woman
- siren
- sister
- sister of charity
- sister of mercy
- sister of the night
- sister-in-law
- six to four
- skibby
- skirt
- skit
- skrunt
- slack
- slag
- slattern
- sloop of war
- slut
- smock-loose
- smock-servant/smock-agent/smock-piece
- snatch-peddler
- social evil
- soiled-dove/soiled dove
- soss
- spinster
- spintry
- sparrow
- sparrow-catching
- spigot-sucker
- spinster
- split-arse mechanic
- spoffskins/spofskins
- sporting girl
- sporting-piece
- sporting woman
- sportswoman
- squirrel
- St John’s Wood vestal/dona
- stammel/strammel
- stand
- star-gazer
- stepper
- stew
- stiff quean
- strap
- strapping wench
- street girl
- street-player
- street sister
- street trader
- street-walker/streetwalker
- streetie
- strum
- strumpet
- stud
- suburb sinner
- suburban wench
- succubus/succuba
- sweetheart
- sweetmeat
- tackle
- tail
- tail-peddler
- tail-trading
- tail-worker
- take a stone up in the ear
- take in fancy-work
- tart
- tartlet
- teen (slut)
- tenderloin madam
- Thais
- thoroughbred
- thorough good-natured wench
- Thracian girl
- threepenny up-right
- thrill dame
- tib
- tickle-tail/tickletail
- tickle-toby
- tiffity-taffity girl/taffeta punk
- tiger
- tit
- toffer
- tomato
- Tommy
- town bike, the
- town pump
- trade, the
- trader
- trading dame
- traffic
- tramp
- travelling secretary
- treadle
- treddle
- trickster
- trip
- trollop
- trolly
- trolly-mog/trollymog
- trooper
- trot
- trug
- trugge
- trugmallion/trugmullion
- trugmoldy
- truk
- trull
- trumpery
- tumble-a-bed
- turf, the
- turn-up
- turtle
- tweak
- twigger
- twist
- two-bit hustler
- two-by-four
- twofer
- two-way girl
- unfortunate woman
- venturer
- vestal
- vice sister
- vicious (woman)
- virgin-pullet
- wag one’s bottom/bum
- wag one’s tail
- wagtail
- waistcoateer
- walk the streets
- walking mort
- wallop
- wanton
- wanton woman
- wapping mort
- warm member
- wasp
- way of life
- weekend ho
- weekend warrior
- wench
- wench of the game
- wet hen
- Whestone-park deer/mutton
- whisker
- white apron/white-apron
- white slave
- whore
- whorish woman
- wife in water-colours
- wild duck
- willing tit
- Winchester goose
- window girl
- woman
- woman about town/of the town
- woman of a certain class
- woman of accommodating morals
- woman of all work/woman-of-all-work
- woman of easy virtue
- woman of loose morals
- woman of more complaisance than virtue
- woman of pleasure
- woman of the night
- woman of the street
- woman of the town
- women-strikers
- wop
- work for one’s living
- work the streets
- working girl, a
- wren
- wrinkled-bellied
- wrong’un
- yum-yum girl/tart