A Template for Writing Manuscripts for MS

MS-Word template (2012. JNST from Taylor & Francis, revised: October, 2013, January 2015)
Capitalize the first letter of the title and proper nouns only, bold face and centered
A template for writing manuscripts for MS-word users
Author's name, initials closed up if J.B. Smith, centered
Hanako Genshiryokua*, Ichiro Genshiryokub† and Atom Kimc
Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 2-3-7, Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan;
Tokai Research and Development Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2-4 Shirane,
Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan; cKorea Atomic Energy Research
Institute, Yusung, Daejeon 305-600, Korea
Acknowledgements including fund statements should appear on the title page as such;
The authors wish to thank Prof. B. Atom for the helpful comments to prepare this template.
However, the Acknowledgements will be placed before reference when printed.
Fund statement should be supplied in a separate paragraph as follows; This work was
supported by the <Funding Agency #1> under Grant <number xxxx>; <Funding Agency #2>
under Grant <number xxxx>; and <Funding Agency #3> under Grant <number xxxx>.
These sentences will appear after the conclusion when an article is finally published.
The length of an abstract should be 200 words or less. It should briefly state a purpose,
method and results of the manuscript. Authors who are submitting "Letter to the Editor" and
“Corrigendum” need not to write an abstract. All types of papers need keywords as shown
3~ 10 words, all lower case letters (except for idiomatic use of capital letters).
At least 3 keywords should be selected from the JNST standard keywords list,
except for the words that are not listed.
Keywords; keyword1; keyword2; keyword3; keyword4; keyword5; keyword6, keyword7;
keyword8; keyword9; keyword10
Corresponding author. Email: zzz@abc.def.ne.jp
Present address: Genshiryoku Co., Ltd., 1-1-13 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan.
Paginate from the Title Page.
Author’s present address should be mentioned
when it is different from the one written above
Type double space on A4 papers. Margins of all
sides are greater than 25 mm or 1 inch.
1. Introduction
This is a MS-Word template for authors submitting the manuscripts to the Journal of
Nuclear Science and Technology (JNST). Please also refer to “Instructions for Authors”;
2. Manuscript Preparation
2.1. Size of Pages
Original data should be provided using double-spaced, single-column typing,
preferably of A4 size (210 mm × 297 mm). The suggested length of each typed page is 300 to
400 words (25 lines per page for 12 point font).
2.2. Typography and Symbol Usage
Care must be taken to ensure that all symbols are legible, capital and lower case letters
are distinctive, superscripts and subscripts are identifiable, and Greek letters are
distinguishable. Typographical instructions can be added in red if necessary. The metric
system (SI) must be used for all scientific and technical data.
2.3. Headings, Footnotes and Pagination
Use, 1, 2,... for major (bold initial capital only), 2.1., 2.2., ... for secondary (bold italic
initial caption only),
2.1.1., 2.1.2.... for tertiary (italic initial caption only), and (a), (b) for
fourth headings (italic initial caption only, text runs on). Footnotes in the text should be
marked by lower-case superscript letters, such as a and b, and placed at the foot of the pagea.
Whole pages of the main body should be numbered in sequence.
2.4. Abbreviations, Units and Equations
This is an example of a footnote.
2.4.1. Abbreviations
Standard abbreviations are acceptable in the text, but must not appear in the title or
abstract of the paper, except for quite familiar ones such as PWR. For local or newly coined
abbreviations, the original term must be spelled out and enclosed in parentheses in its first
usage within the text. For example, "Japan Power Demonstration Reactor (JPDR)."
2.4.2. Units
All measurements and data should be given in metric (SI) units.
2.4.3. Equations
Equations should be carefully written and checked so that a typesetter can easily
follow. It must be provided in text editable format. Do not paste it as a picture. Equation
should be referred as Equation (1) in the text. Equation numbers should be in Arabic
numerals enclosed in parentheses on the right-hand side margin. See following example.
 2 2
(r, t )  
  V (r) (r, t )
 2m
f ( x)  x 4 e x  5 x 2 e  x  e 2 x
  e 2t  x (5t 2  8t  4)dt
A line break should be done at +, , ×, or ÷, when a formula is too
long to fit in 1 line.
2.5. Figures and Tables
Use boldface type for the first quotation of figures
and tables. Use full spelling throughout the text,
such as Figure 1 and Table 1.
2.5.1. Usage
Graphs, illustrations and photographs are all referred to as "Figure(s)" and should be
consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals in the order of their appearance. The figures
should be provided by separate files, rather than being inserted in the text or following the
text. Each figure must have a descriptive title, and all figure titles should be listed on a
separate sheet as caption list. Figure 1 is an example.
< Figure 1 >
2.5.2. Font size, type
Figures should be prepared to fit in one column width of 8cm or two columns of 17cm.
Check that all letters are legible (8-point size). Inadequate usage of small sized labels will
restrict the reduction in size of figures. It will waste a large space in printed page, and will end
up increasing in charges which will be billed to the author. The preferred file types for figures
are TIFF (tagged image file format), EPS
(encapsulated PostScript) and Postscript (600
dpi or larger). Figures can also be submitted as JPEG, PowerPoint and PICT files but it may
not appear clear enough when printed and is not recommended.
All figures should be uploaded individually. If the figure was prepared in MS-Word
format, it should be labeled in the margin with the manuscript title, author's name, figure
number and figure caption. Figure captions can be added in the system for those who are
uploading in TIFF, EPS, and Postscript via ScholarOne Manuscript.
Figures should only be submitted in color where the use of color is necessary for the
purpose of understanding the figure. Otherwise, black and white is preferred. Please see
http://journalauthors.tandf.co.uk/preparation/artwork.asp for further instructions.
2.5.3. Tables
Each table should (a) carry a complete title, (b) be numbered in sequence with Arabic
numerals, e.g., "Table 1," and (c) typed in single-spaced on a separate sheet. Tables should
not be imported in the text and it must be provided in text editable format. Do not paste it as a
picture. Tables should be designed to fit in one column. Table 1 is an example.
< Table 1 >
2.6. How to Write References
2.6.1. Location in text
Reference call-outs should be set with Arabic numerals in square parentheses, and
numbered throughout the entire manuscript in the order of its appearance. Literature citations
should be gathered at the end of the text in numerical order[1-5].
2.6.2. Authors
The use of the expression "et al." is required in the body of the paper when there are
three or more authors for a reference cited by the authors’ names and reference number, but in
the reference list all authors’ names should be given. The names of authors in the reference
list should be provided in the form in which they appear in the cited work, with the surname,
followed by initial of the middle and first name.
2.6.3. Title and date
As a general rule, authors should supply full titles for the respective references [1-5].
Titles of papers must be in all lower case, except for the first letters of the first word and for
proper nouns. A description of the format for each type of reference is as follows:
(a) Journals
In the order of the name(s) of author(s), Title of article. Abbreviated Journal
Title. Year Month;volume number:pages [1, 2].
(b) Books
In the order of the name(s) of the author(s), Book title: and subtitle. Place:
Publisher; Year. Chapter number, Chapter title; pages [3].
(c) Reports
In the order of the name(s) of the author(s), Report title. Place of issue
(Country): publisher; year. Report.no**** (if applicable) [4].
(d) Proceedings
In the order of the name(s) of the author(s), Title of paper. Paper presented
at: Conference name;Year Month Day; Place [5]. When the proceeding is published with
CD-ROM, “[CD-ROM]” should be added at the end [6].
2.6.4. Further information
JNST follows Taylor & Francis Standard Reference Style, which is based on the
National Library of Medicine (NLM) reference style. For further information, you may refer
to the samples from http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/pdf/JNST/Reference_Style.pdf
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7256/ for a complete guidance.
3. Conclusion
We hope this template will be helpful for the authors who are preparing a manuscript
to be submitted to the Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology.
Nomenclature should be listed after the conclusion, before the reference.
[1]Journals: Author AA(First name followed by middle name), Author
BB, Author CC, Author DD. Title of article. Abbreviated Journal Title.
Year Month;volume number:pages.
[1] Shibata K, Iwamoto O, Nakagawa T, Iwamoto N, Ichihara A, Kunieda S, Chiba S,
Furukawa K, Otuka N, Ohsawa T, Murata T, Matsunobu H, Zukaran A, Kameda S,
Katakura J. JENDL-4.0: A new library for nuclear science and technology. J. Nucl. Sci.
Technol. 2011 Jan; 48:1-30.
[2]Journals in non-English: Author AA, Author BB. [Title of article]. Abbreviated
Journal Title. Year Month;volume number:pages. [original language]
[2] Uchida S, Tagami K, Ishii N. [Characteristics of radionuclide behavior in the soil
environment]. Nihon-Genshiryoku-Gakkai Shi (J. At. Energy Soc. Jpn.). 2011;
53:623–627 [in Japanese].
[3] Books : Author AA. Book title: and subtitle. Place: Publisher; Year. Chapter
number, Chapter title; pages.
[3] Stacey WM. Nuclear Reactor Physics. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 2001. p.437-448.
[4] Okumura K, Nagaya Y. Production of neutron cross section library based on JENDL-4.0
to continuous-energy Monte Carlo code MVP and Its application to criticality analysis of
benchmark problems in the ICSBEP handbook. Japan: Japan Atomic Energy Agency;
2011, Report no.****.
[4] Report : Author BB, Author LL. Report title. Place of issue (Country):
publisher; year, Report no.****(if available).
[5] Ishitani K, Yamane Y, Uritani A, Shiroya S. Measurement of eigenvalue separation by
using position sensitive proportional counter. Proc. Int. Conf. on Physics of Reactors;
1996 Sep 16-20; Mito (Japan). p.E161-E170.
[6] Nakajima K, Unesaki H. On the analysis method of effective delayed neutron fraction at
thermal neutron systems. Proc. PHYSOR-2006; 2006 Sep 10-14; Vancouver (Canada).
[5] [6]Proceedings : Author AA. Title of paper. Paper presented at: Conference
name;Year Month Day; Place.
Appendix should be listed after the reference, before the caption list, tables and figures.
Figure captions
Captions for figures to be listed and attached as "Figure Caption List"
Figure 1.
This is the title for Figure 1.
Figure 2.
This is the title for Figure 2.
Figure 3.
This is the title for Figure 3.
Figure 4.
This is the title for Figure 4.
Figure 5.
This is the title for Figure 5.
Capitalize the first letter of item name in tables.
Table 1.
Target nucleus
Target thickness and isotopic enrichment.
Target thickness
Isotopic enrichment
Single space. Use horizontal ruled line only
for tables.
Figure files should be saved as one of the following formats: TIFF (tagged image file format), PostScript or EPS
(encapsulated PostScript), and should contain all the necessary font information and the source file of the
application (e.g. CorelDraw/Mac, CorelDraw/PC).If figures are submitted as JPEG, PowerPoint and PICT, they
may not appear clear enough when printed.
Please provide the highest quality figure format possible. Please be sure that all imported scanned material is
scanned at the appropriate resolution: 1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for colour.
All letters are legible when the size is reduced to fit one- or two-column width (8cm and 17cm, respectively).
Use of font type like MSP-Mincho or OSAKA is prohibited to avoid garbling.
Figures should only be submitted in color where the use of color is necessary for the purpose of understanding
the figure. Otherwise black and white is preferred.
Figures must be saved as “ONE picture file” like the sample below. (Embed all the object boxes. Do not leave
the object box that can be moved or modified)
For the final version of the manuscript, figures and tables must be saved separate to text. Please do not embed
figures in the manuscript file.
present work
C(p,xn) 113MeV
Cross Section [mb/MeV/sr]
7.5deg x 10
30deg x 10
60deg x 10
For color print in printed
version, state the order
clearly at the outside of
the figure and it should
also be mentioned in your
cover letter.
Neutron Energy [MeV]
Figure number, and caption
Figure 1.
This is the title for Figure 1. For EPS or TIFF files, caption can be added through
ScholarOne Manuscript, after you have uploaded the figure files.
H. Genshiryoku:
Author's name 1
A template for writing manuscripts for MS-Word users
Paper title