J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth

Cover letter
1st April 2014
Dear Sir,
Please find enclosed a manuscript for consideration for publication in BMC Anesthesiology.
Title: Comparison of three point-of-care testing devices to detect hemostatic changes in
adult elective cardiac surgery. A prospective observational study.
The manuscript has not been submitted to any other journal for publication.
Word count: Abstract: 245 words, general text: 2629 words. References: 34. Tables: 5.
No persons other than the authors listed have contributed to the manuscript preparation. The
authors agree and are responsible for the data presented. The authors have no conflict of
Address reprint requests:
Aurora Espinosa, MD
Department of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine
St. Olav University Hospital
N-7006 Trondheim
Telephone: +47 72 57 32 47
Fax: + 47 72 57 64 20
e-mail: aurora.espinosa@stolav.no
Aurora Espinosa