Supporting Online Material for: Watching Domains Grow: In-situ studies of polarization switching by combined Scanning Probe and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Hyejung Chang1, Sergei V. Kalinin1, Seung Y. Yang2, P. Yu2, S. Bhattacharya3, Ping P. Wu3, Long Q. Chen3, R. Ramesh2, Stephen J. Pennycook1, and Albina Y. Borisevich1 1 Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA 2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 3 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University, University Park, PA, 16802, USA *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: I. Methods In situ STEM imaging: A Nanofactory Instruments Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) double tilt holder (nr0819) was used in a STEM (FEI Titan S 80-300) operated at 300 kV. A schematic of the holder is shown in Fig. S1(a). β-tilt is achieved with the cradle tilt by piezoelectric motion of the motor shaft connected to a cradle wing spring. The sapphire ball slides against the cradle wing spring. A W tip for the STM probe was fixed on the 3 dimensionally moveable end of a piezotube in the holder. The cross-section TEM sample glued on a Mo grid (Fig. S1(b)) was loaded on the cradle acting as a counter electrode. Bias was applied through the electrochemically prepared W-tip to the outer edge of the sample in the domain boundary region. Fig. S1. A schematic of (a) STM double tilt holder and (b) sample cross-section geometry with respect to the W-tip. Phase field modeling: The evolution of polarization distribution and thus the ferroelectric domain structure of a BiFeO3 film are simulated by solving the Time Dependent Gizburg-Landau (TDGL) Equations: Pi x, t t L F Pi x, t (i 1, 2,3), (1) where Pi is the polarization vector, x is coordinate, t is time, L is the kinetic coefficient related to domain wall mobility, and F is the total energy containing the bulk chemical, gradient, elastic and electrostatic energy. The detailed expression for the total free energy and the values of the coefficients can be found in our previous publications 1,2. Eq.(1) is solved numerically using semi-implicit Fourier spectral method3. In the bismuth ferrite nano-wire simulation, a matrix of 128 x x128 x x 64 x domain with periodic boundary conditions along x1 and x2 axes is applied. The film thickness hf = 14 x . A ferroelectric nanowire structure oriented along [110] direction is simulated to mimic the experimental sample geometry. The thickness of the nanowire is taken as hf = 14 nm and the width is 30 nm. The elasticity equation for the nanowire mechanical boundary condition 4 is solved using the iterative perturbation method for elastically inhomogeneous systems by setting the elastic constants zero for the vapor phase, so the stress-free boundary conditions along the surfaces of an island are automatically satisfied. The tip-induced potential distribution was represented as, appl a r0 ( x1 x 0 ) 2 ( x 2 y 0 ) 2 r0 2 (2) where a is the voltage applied on the surface of thin film with the conductive tip, ( x 0 , y 0 ) is the tip location and r0 is the effective radius, and x1, x2 are the coordinates on the surface. The electric potential on the bottom surface of film is kept at zero. II. Image of domain wall Two out of 12 possible <110> pseudocubic projection of BiFeO3 have vertical {110} domain wall planes, and thus we see the domain wall as a sharp line (Fig. S2(a)). But eight of them are not perfectly vertical to the domain wall plane, so in these cases we see an inclined domain wall plane showing a finite width as shown in Fig. S2(b). Fig. S2. Atomic models of possible <110> pseudocubic projection of BiFeO3 showing {110} planes (pink). III. Strain contour by mechanical contact Mechanical contact between the W-tip and the BFO film causes strain contrast in the TEM image, see Fig. S3. The irregular shape of the contour and its penetration to the substrate are at first glance similar to the image of the domain observed in Fig. 3. However, the indentation-related contrast in Fig.S3 has elastic, not ferroelastic nature, and thus several important differences with Fig.3 can be pointed out. First of all, there is no apparent indentation of the tip into the sample in the dataset in Fig.3. Second, multiple strain contours (strain fringes) are formed in Fig.S3 that do not have a well-defined shape such as contrast in Fig.3; the lines are also not continuous across the existing domain walls. Third, the contrast extends into the STO substrate. And, last but not least, the contrast in Fig. S3 developed instantaneously, while contrast in Fig.3 took tens of minutes to evolve after initial application of bias, which rules out piezoelectric effect induced strain contours. Fig. S3. Sequential TEM images showing the evolution of strain contours induced by mechanical contact between the W-tip and the BFO film. Supporting movie 1. An in situ STEM movie shows dynamic nucleation and growth of a ferroelastic domain from the contact surface between the BFO film and the W tip. The new domain preferentially forms at the site having an acute angle between the surface and the domain wall. It grows asymmetrically due to pinning by the pre-existing domain wall on the left. The domain wall on the right hand side blocks the growth for a while, but it is passed through relatively easily compared to the left hand domain wall. The image size is 2.35ⅹ2.35 um2. References [1] Zhang, J. X.; Li, Y. L.; Wang, Y.; Liu, Z. K.; Chen, L. Q.; Chu, Y. H.; Zavaliche, F.; Ramesh, R. J. Appl. Phys. 2007, 101, (11), 052909. [2] Zhang, J. X.; Li, Y. L.; Choudhury, S.; Chen, L. Q.; Chu, Y. H.; Zavaliche, F.; Cruz, M. P.; Ramesh, R.; Jia, Q. X. J. Appl. Phys. 2008, 103, (9), 094111. [3] Chen, L. Q.; Shen, J. Computer Physics Communications 1998, 108, (2-3), 147-158. [4] Zhang, J. X.; Wu, R.; Choudhury, S.; Li, Y. L.; Hu, S. Y.; Chen, L. Q. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 92, (12), 122906.