Evolution and Design David Pratt May 2004 Part 2 of 3 Contents 4. Fossils and missing links 5. Common descent and common design 4. Fossils and missing links ‘Trade secret’ revealed Darwin envisaged one species slowly changing into a new one, which then changed into another one, until finally not just new species belonging to the same genus were produced, but new genera, families, orders, classes, phyla, and ultimately kingdoms of organisms evolved. The fossil record demolishes this model of ‘phyletic gradualism’. Stephen J. Gould has said that ‘[t]he fossil record with its abrupt transitions offers no support for gradual change’ and ‘[t]he extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology’.1 In his view, Darwin’s rationalization that the gaps were due to the ‘extreme imperfection’ of the fossil record is by now utterly untenable. It is estimated that 20 to 30 million species are alive today, though fewer than 2 million have been documented in the professional literature. Over 99% of species that have ever lived are extinct – some 200 million of them. But only about 150,000 species of extinct organisms have so far been catalogued on the basis of fossil evidence.2 No one would deny that the fossil record is terribly incomplete: 90 to 99% of the sedimentary rocks in which fossils might once have been preserved have been destroyed by erosion. What’s more, we have barely scratched the surface of existing sedimentary rocks. If 100,000 palaeontologists were to work 8 hours a day, 365 days a year, it would take them 84 years to investigate just 1 cubic mile of rock. But the estimated volume of sedimentary rock deposits on the present continents is about 134 million cubic miles! 3 There are therefore innumerable missing fossils, but there is no reason to suppose in advance that they would support the neodarwinian theory of evolution; in fact, judging by the known fossil record there is every reason to think they wouldn’t. The fossil species already found offer a good random sampling of all the creatures that have existed, and continuous fossil-bearing sedimentary sequences spanning over a million years have been discovered. But as Gould says, ‘when fossils are most common, evolution is most rarely observed’. 4 If phyletic gradualism were true, species should be undergoing constant modifications, and we would expect to find fossils of at least some of the ‘inconceivably great’ number of transitional forms that Darwin admitted his theory required. But Niles Eldredge confesses: No one has found any ‘in-between’ creatures: the fossil evidence has failed to turn up any ‘missing links’, and many scientists now share a growing conviction that these transitional forms never existed.’5 And Gould says: the absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of evolution.6 If fish evolved into amphibians, for instance, we would expect to find intermediate forms showing the gradual transition of fins into legs and feet. Since the transition would have required many millions of years, during which many hundreds of millions of transitional forms must have lived and died, at least some of them should have been discovered in the fossil record. Similarly, if reptiles evolved into birds, we would expect to find fossils showing the gradual transition of the forelimbs of the ancestral reptile into the wings of a bird, and the gradual transition of scales into feathers, hind feet into perching feet, the reptilian skull into the birdlike skull, etc. But the fossil record provides no evidence that any such transitional species ever existed. Gould says that the history of most fossil species includes two features particularly inconsistent with gradualism: 1. Stasis. Most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth. They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear; morphological change is usually limited and directionless. 2. Sudden appearance. In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and ‘fully formed.’7 Fig. 4.1. In this diagram of dinosaur ancestry all the blue lines and dashed lines refer to inferred fossils, i.e. fossils that have never been found.8 In other words, all known dinosaur species represent only the twigs on the supposed evolutionary tree or bush; darwinists cannot offer a single example of an ancestor of the dinosaurs! According to Stephen Stanley, ‘The fossil record does not convincingly document a single transition from one species to another.’ Ernst Mayr says: ‘There is no clear evidence for any change of a species into a different genus, or for the “gradual emergence” of any evolutionary novelty.’9 And Eldredge writes: Most families, orders, classes, and phyla appear rather suddenly in the fossil record, often without anatomically intermediate forms smoothly interlinking evolutionarily derived descendant taxa* with their presumed ancestors. 10 *A taxon (plural: taxa) is a named unit at any level of the hierarchy of classification (e.g. species, genus, family, order, class, phylum). It is highly significant that the gaps in the fossil record become larger, the higher the taxonomic level, even though according to the darwinian theory there must have been many times more transitional forms at higher levels. Horses, for example, belong to the family Equidae (order Perissodactyla), while bears belong to family Ursidae (order Carnivora). According to standard darwinism, the divergence between orders, e.g. between bears and horses, should have taken far longer and left behind more fossils than subsequent minor changes among bears or horses. But as Hoyle and Wickramasinghe point out, the evidence is the other way round, and this is the case for all classes of animals, not just mammals. [T]he small divergences are there, the big are absent. We do not see part-bear, part-horse. Even within a single order, families remain stubbornly distinct from one another. For instance, the order Carnivora includes cats and dogs, and it is obvious that we see no evidence whatsoever of part-cat, part-dog.11 As Jeffrey Schwartz says: the truth of the matter is that we are still in the dark about the origin of most major groups of organisms. They appear in the fossil record as Athena did from the head of Zeus – full-blown and raring to go ...12 Fig. 4.2. The fossil record for the main vertebrate groups (above) and orders of mammals (below). The widths of the solid areas indicate the changing numbers of species, and the dotted lines represent hypothetical lineages, or missing evolutionary links.13 In 1977 Gould and Eldredge reviewed cases of supposed phyletic gradualism, including several standard examples taught to students for decades, and found them unsatisfactory or downright false.14 As Stanley says, ‘The known fossil record fails to document a single example of phyletic (gradual) evolution accomplishing a major morphologic transition and hence offers no evidence that the gradualistic model can be valid.’15 Gould acknowledges that the small gradual changes observed in the fossil record are so tiny that they cannot reasonably be extrapolated into large-scale evolution: [W]ell-represented species are usually stable throughout their temporal range, or alter so little and in such superficial ways (usually in size alone), that an extrapolation of observed change into longer periods of geological time could not possibly yield the extensive modifications that mark general pathways of evolution in larger groups. Most of the time, when the evidence is best, nothing much happens to most species.16 As Peter Williamson says, ‘conventional neoDarwinism ... has failed to predict the widespread long-term morphological stasis now recognized as one of the most striking aspects of the fossil record’.17 On average, plant or animal species tend to go extinct after about 4 million years, but some creatures have lasted far longer without undergoing any marked change – though one would expect random genetic drift to alter appearances even without adaptive pressures. 90 kinds of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), for instance, have survived with little change for a billion years. The trilobites (fossil shown right) burst onto the scene in the early Cambrian but then changed little for 300 million years. Marine shellfish have existed unchanged for 10 to 14 million years. The new species of seabed Foraminifera that appeared in the early Cenozoic were typically able to survive, unaltered, for at least a further 20 million years. Some extant vertebrates have never shown any evolutionary changes during a species lifetime of at least 100 million years. The common freshwater ‘fairy shrimp’ Triops differs from specimens preserved in rocks 180-200 million years old only in having grown slightly bigger since that time. The coelacanth and lungfishes appear to be wholly unchanged even after 300 million years – twice as long as the age of dinosaurs. The lamp shell Lingula is a ‘living fossil’ that has remained essentially unchanged for 450 million years. And the tuatara lizard has shown little change for nearly 200 million years since the early Mesozoic. The now-living mammals of Europe seem to have remained unchanged for the past million years. Began (years BP) Phanerozoic eon Cenozoic era Quaternary period: Holocene epoch Pleistocene Tertiary period: Pliocene epoch Miocene Oligocene Eocene Palaeocene 10,000 1,600,000 5,300,000 23,700,000 36,600,000 57,800,000 66,400,000 Mesozoic era Cretaceous Jurassic Triassic 144,000,000 208,000,000 245,000,000 Palaeozoic era Permian Carboniferous Devonian Silurian Ordovician Cambrian 286,000,000 360,000,000 408,000,000 438,000,000 505,000,000 540,000,000 Proterozoic eon Late Middle Early 900,000,000 1,600,000,000 2,500,000,000 Archean eon Late Middle Early 3,000,000,000 3,400,000,000 3,960,000,000 Hadean eon 4,600,000,000 Fig. 4.3. The scientific geological timescale (for corresponding theosophical dates, see section 8). Radiations and extinctions The earliest forms of life are thought to have originated some 3.8 billion years ago. They were unicellular microorganisms such as bacteria and blue-green algae, composed of prokaryotic cells (i.e. cells without a nucleus). The more complicated eukaryotic (nucleated) cell appeared about 2 billion years ago, and is found in the protozoans, algae, and lower fungi. Its advent marks the greatest known discontinuity in the sequence of living things. Fig. 4.4. Prokaryotic cells carry their genetic information on a few strands of DNA within the cell membrane, whereas eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles which include the nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts.1 The next great advance was the origin of multicellular organisms; their oldest fossils are 1.7 billion years old. The great radiation and diversification of the multicelled animals, or metazoans, began towards the end of the Precambrian, with the appearance of the Ediacaran fauna. The radiation attained its climax in the succeeding ‘Cambrian explosion’ from about 530 to 520 million years ago. Just how one or more singled-celled organisms evolved into metazoans and what intermediates were involved is one of the great unsolved puzzles of evolution. There is a large gap between single-celled and multicelled animals, as there is no known animal with 2, 3, 4 ... or even 20 cells. Moreover, not only has multicellularity evolved separately in the three great higher kingdoms of life (plants, fungi, and animals), but it is thought to have arisen several times in each kingdom. The Ediacaran, or Vendian, fauna appeared abruptly and fully formed about 610 million years ago, and comprised a wide variety of soft-bodied, shallow-water marine invertebrates, some as large as 1 metre. Most of the fossils are relatively simple, and many resemble worms, sea pens, and jellyfish. They are mostly variations on a single anatomical plan: a flattened form divided into sections that are matted or quilted together – a design no longer found today. Although originally regarded as precursors of some of the later, Cambrian creatures, it is now widely believed that most were unrelated to anything that came afterwards and were a failed experiment. However, metazoan animals of modern design, such as sponges, shared the earth with the Ediacaran fauna. Fig. 4.5. Classification of Ediacaran organisms according to their variations on a single flattened, quiltlike anatomical plan.2 The first worldwide fauna of hard parts (such as calcium carbonate shells) appeared in the early Cambrian (the Tommotian). They include creatures of modern design, but most of its members are tiny blades, caps, and cups of uncertain affinity, known as the ‘small shelly fauna’, usually 1 to 5 mm in length. It may represent another failed experiment. It was immediately followed by the most dramatic phase of the Cambrian explosion (the Atdabanian). Fig. 4.6. Above: Representative organisms of the Tommotian ‘small shelly fauna’. Below: The most characteristic and abundant of all Tommotian creatures are the archaeocyathids, the first reef-forming creatures, simple in form, usually coneshaped, with double walls – cup within cup.3 The Cambrian explosion is one of evolution’s greatest mysteries.4 Within just 5 to 10 million years, about 70 phyla, or basic body plans, burst onto the scene with little hint of any transition from previous ancestors. They include clams, snails, trilobites, brachiopods, worms, jellyfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, swimming crustaceans, sea lilies, and other complex invertebrates. Although they differ drastically from one another, darwinists like to believe that they all evolved from the same common ancestor – a flatworm-like creature. It is possible that not a single new animal phylum has appeared since the Cambrian explosion;* the history of life since then has largely been a tale of endless variations on the basic body plans that emerged during the Cambrian or late Precambrian. Many phyla have, however, gone extinct, leaving only about 30 today. The Cambrian explosion is a glaring refutation of neodarwinism. New phyla are supposedly produced by the gradual divergence of species, which eventually become so dissimilar as to constitute a whole new body plan. This means that the number of phyla should tend to increase with time. Instead, we see the exact opposite! *The five recognized kingdoms – bacteria (microorganisms without cell nuclei), protists (microorganisms with cell nuclei), plants, fungi, and animals – are divided into phyla, which are in turn divided into classes, orders, families, genera, and species. Well-known phyla include: sponges, corals (e.g. hydras, jellyfish), annelids (e.g. earthworms, leeches), arthropods (e.g. insects, spiders, lobsters), molluscs (e.g. clams, snails, squid), echinoderms (e.g. starfishes, sea urchins), chordates (all vertebrates, including reptiles, fish, mammals). The only extant animal phylum with a good fossil record that is not known from Cambrian rocks is the Bryozoa, which first appears in the early Ordovician. Gould says there is good reason to think that all major anatomical designs made their appearance in the Cambrian and predicts that fossils of bryozoans will eventually turn up.5 All the (non-algal) phyla of plants are thought to be post-Cambrian. A B Fig. 4.7. Creatures from the Cambrian explosion. A. Marrella, ranging from 2.5 to 19 mm in length. B. Opabinia, 43 to 70 mm long, showing the frontal nozzle with terminal claw, five eyes on the head, and body sections with gills on top. C. Sidneyia, an arthropod, seen from below and above. D. Two species of Anomalocaris; the biggest specimens are estimated to have been nearly 2 ft long – by far the largest of all known Cambrian animals.6 C D There have been several other notable radiations of new lifeforms since the Cambrian explosion. For instance, the advent of life on land about 420 million years ago was so sudden and spectacular that it has been called the Silurian explosion. It is impossible to point to any ancestors for this brand-new life, or to any subsequent evolution in it. Some 140 million years ago, in the Cretaceous, about 43 families of flowering plants, or angiosperms (a phylum that includes all the grasses, palms, and all nonconiferous trees) appeared abruptly with no trace of ancestors or intermediate forms. At their first appearance the angiosperms were divided into different classes, many of which have persisted with little change up to the present day. Darwin called their sudden emergence ‘an abominable mystery’, and it remains so to this day. Most major groups of organisms – phyla, subphyla, and even classes – have appeared in this way. Just as there have been major radiations of new organisms, so have there been several major extinctions and many minor ones. The largest known extinction occurred at the end of the Permian period, some 245 million years ago, and wiped out about 95% of all marine species. Three other mass extinctions occurred at the end of the Ordovician, in the late Devonian, and at the end of the Triassic, 440, 365, and 210 million years ago respectively. Another mass extinction took place at the end of the Cretaceous period and the beginning of the Tertiary (the K-T boundary), about 65 million years ago; it wiped out two-thirds of all species then living, including the dinosaurs. The most popular explanation is that the earth was struck by an asteroid or comet, generating a huge dust cloud which blocked out sunlight and led to the collapse of the food chain. However, the extinctions began hundreds of thousands of years before the K-T boundary, and some scientists believe that the main causes were a long period of intense global volcanism, related climatic changes, and changes in sealevel or land elevation.7 This extinction was followed by the rapid diversification and rise to dominance of the mammals. The advent of the modern mammals after the death of the dinosaurs should have left the best-preserved fossils of intermediate species. 65 million years ago, mammals were small nocturnal tree-shrew-like animals, and roughly 10 million years later we find essentially modern whales, dolphins, rodents, marsupials, anteaters, horses, camels, elephants, bears, lions, bats, etc. All modern orders of mammals seem to have arisen independently and at about the same time. Not only are all traces of intermediate species missing, but anyone who tries to imagine a sequence of viable intermediate animals between, for example, a treeshrew and a bat – each of which is ‘better adapted’ than its predecessor – will very soon be convinced that such a sequence is inconceivable. Moreover, modern bats appeared twice over in the early Cenozoic. Transitionals and mosaics The myriads of transitional forms that Darwin expected to turn up have failed to do so; the fossil record is about as discontinuous today as it was in his own time. While the more honest darwinists admit this, some claim that there are countless transitional species. This is because any species which combines features from two more or less successive groups of organisms is immediately hailed as a candidate for one of the intermediate forms that are assumed to have linked the two groups. The ‘transitional’ fossils presented are nearly always vertebrates – which constitute less than 0.01% of the entire fossil record. The bulk of this tiny sliver of the fossil record is made up of fish, where we find no signs of darwinian evolution. The remainder are land-dwelling vertebrates; of those species unearthed, 95% are represented by a bone or less. This means that interpretations are very subjective, and there is serious disagreement among leading palaeontologists about which specimens qualify as transitional, and which supposed transitional forms fit into which lineages and where. About 95% of the fossil record consists of complex invertebrates. Millions of different species of these creatures have been catalogued, and we have entire fossils of them, not just bits and pieces. In this rich portion of the fossil record, there is no sign whatsoever of gradual evolution. Moreover, the existence of entire specimens makes it difficult for evolutionists to speculate about ‘transitionals’. The remaining 5% of the fossil record consists mostly of plants and algae, where again we find no fossil evidence of gradual evolution. 1 In 1938 fishermen in the Indian Ocean hauled to the surface a coelacanth (pronounced: SEE-la-kanth), a living relative of the ancient Rhipidistia. The coelacanths appeared about 400 million years ago and were thought to have gone extinct 100 million years ago. On the basis of fossil evidence, it had been touted as a missing link between fishes and four-legged terrestrial vertebrates, but these hopes were dashed once the soft anatomy of a living specimen could be examined. Scientists had envisioned coelacanths dragging themselves along the ocean floor with their lobed limblike fins, but it turned out that they swim rather than crawl. This shows how difficult it is to draw conclusions about the overall biology of organisms from their skeletal remains alone. The coelacanth is just another peripheral twig on the presumed tree of life. The coveted title for missing link between marine and terrestrial life is currently held by Eusthenopteron – for darwinists’ sake, let’s hope that it stays dead! Fig. 4.8. The earliest known amphibian (Ichthyostega) beneath the nearest presumed fish ancestor (Eusthenopteron).2 Ichthyostega already had well-developed fore- and hindlimbs and was fully capable of terrestrial motion – there are no traces of gradual limb development in the fossil record. The lungfish is a classic example of an intermediate type. It has fins, gills, and an intestine containing a spiral valve like any fish, but lungs, heart, and a larval stage like an amphibian. But although it has a mixture of fish and amphibian traits, the individual characteristics are not in any realistic sense transitional between the two types. Another example is the egg-laying mammals, or monotremes, such as the duckbill platypus. The monotremes are reptilian in so far as they lay eggs, but entirely mammalian in their possession of hair, mammary glands, and three ear bones. Here, too, instead of finding character traits obviously transitional we find them to be either basically reptilian or basically mammalian. Another supposedly intermediate group is a group of reptile-like amphibians, one of which, Seymouria, has been described as almost exactly on the dividing line between amphibians and reptiles. In terms of purely skeletal characteristics Seymouria would appear to be a convincing intermediate, but there is a serious problem. The major difference between amphibians and reptiles lies in their reproductive systems. Amphibians lay their eggs in water and their larvae undergo a complex metamorphosis (like a tadpole) before reaching the adult stage. Reptiles develop inside a hard shell-encased egg and are perfect replicas of the adult on first emerging, and the problems of envisaging the gradual evolution of the reptilian egg are immense. But fossil evidence suggests that Seymouria was wholly amphibian in its reproductive system. A further difficulty is that Seymouria appears in the fossil record 20 million years too late to be an ancestor of the reptiles.3 The small caterpillar-like organism Peripatus is considered to be intermediate between the annelid worms and the arthropods. But once again, its organ systems are not strictly transitional between the two groups. For example, its circulatory and respiratory systems are typically arthropod in their basic design, while its nervous and excretory systems are typical of those seen in many annelid worms. Peripatus, like the lungfish and the platypus, is really a mosaic of characteristics drawn from two distinct groups. As Denton says: they provide little evidence for believing that one type of organism was ever gradually converted into another. ... Between lungfish and amphibia, between monotremes and reptiles and between Peripatus and arthropods, there are tremendous gaps unbridged by any transitional forms.4 The ancient bird-dinosaur Archaeopteryx from the late Jurassic is a celebrated intermediate fossil. The specimens of this primitive bird range from the size of a blue jay to that of a large chicken. Archaeopteryx possessed reptilian features such as teeth, a long tail, and claws on its wings. However, it was also covered with feathers – not ‘primitive’ feathers (no such things are known in the fossil record), but fully modern flight feathers. Its wings indicate that it could fly, but skeletal structures related to flight are incompletely developed, suggesting that it may not have been able to fly far. Archaeopteryx hints at a reptilian ancestry, but it is not led up to by a series of transitional forms from an ordinary terrestrial reptile through a number of gliding types with increasingly developed feathers until the full avian condition is reached. Fig. 4.9. The feather is both extremely light and structurally strong – an engineering marvel.5 A single pigeon feather may have several hundred thousand barbules and millions of hooklets (hamuli). The only sort of evolution documented in the fossil record are several instances where a relatively minor morphological transformation can be traced through a series of fossil forms. The best-known case is that of the horse. The series starts with the original dog-sized horse, Eohippus (or Hyracotherium), which lived about 60 million years ago and had four toes on the front feet. It then passed through three-toed varieties, and ended with the modern one-toed Equus. However, the evolution of the horse is now admitted to have been much more complicated than originally assumed, and some palaeontologists see it as an example of saltational rather than gradual evolution. The various species appeared abruptly and remained unchanged throughout their lifetimes (in some cases as much as 4 million years), many other species appeared that are entirely inconsistent with the supposed ‘trend’, and three-toed horses and one-toed horses commonly coexisted in North America.6 The differences between Eohippus and the modern horse are relatively trivial, yet the two forms are separated by 60 million years and at least 10 genera and a great number of species. The horse series therefore emphasizes just how vast the number of genera and species must have been if all the diverse forms of life on earth had really evolved in the gradual way that neodarwinism implies. There must have been countless transitional species linking such diverse forms as land mammals and whales or molluscs and arthropods. Yet they have all vanished without leaving a trace of their existence in the fossil record. This seems to leave a saltational model as the only evolutionary explanation of the gaps. References ‘Trade secret’ revealed 1. Stephen Jay Gould, The Panda’s Thumb, London: Penguin Books, 1990 (1980), pp. 150, 156. 2. Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, Acquiring Genomes: A theory of the origins of species, New York: Basic Books, 2002, p. 52. 3. Sri Ramesvara Swami (ed.), Origins: Higher dimensions in science, Los Angeles, CA: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1984, p. 50. 4. Quoted in Walter J. ReMine, The Biotic Message: Evolution versus message theory, Saint Paul, MN: St. Paul Science, 1993, p. 428. 5. Quoted in Alexander Mebane, Darwin’s Creation-Myth, Venice, FL: P&D Printing, 1994, p. 18. 6. Quoted The Biotic Message, p. 303. 7. The Panda’s Thumb, p. 151. 8. ‘Dinosaur’, Encyclopaedia Britannica, CD-ROM 2004. 9. Quoted in Darwin’s Creation-Myth, p. 18. 10. Quoted in The Biotic Message, p. 304. 11. Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe, Our Place in the Cosmos: The unfinished revolution, London: J.M. Dent, 1993, p. 135. 12. Jeffrey H. Schwartz, Sudden Origins: Fossils, genes, and the emergence of species, New York: John Wiley, 1999, p. 3. 13. Michael Denton, Evolution: A theory in crisis, Bethesda, MA: Adler & Adler, 1986, p. 173; Our Place in the Cosmos, p. 134. 14. Alec Panchen, Evolution, London: Bristol Classical Press, 1993, pp. 162-3. 15. Quoted in Evolution: A theory in crisis, p. 182. 16. Quoted in The Biotic Message, p. 305. 17. Peter G. Williamson, ‘Morphological stasis and developmental constraint: real problems for neo-darwinism’, Nature, v. 294, 1981, pp. 214-5. Radiations and extinctions 1. James Lovelock, The Ages of Gaia: A biography of our living earth, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991, p. 115. 2. Stephen Jay Gould, Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the nature of history, New York: Norton, 1989, p. 313. 3. Ibid., pp. 315-6. 4. James P. Gills and Tom Woodward, Darwinism under the Microscope: How recent scientific evidence points to divine design, Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2002, pp. 25-7, 95-106; Duane T. Gish, Evolution: The fossils still say no!, El Cajon, CA: Institute for Creation Research, 1995, pp. 53-69; J.S. Levinton, ‘The big bang of animal evolution’, Scientific American, Nov 1992, pp. 52-9; Chris Clowe, ‘The Cambrian “explosion” ’, www.peripatus.gen.nz/paleontology/CamExp.html. 5. S.J. Gould, ‘Of it, not above it’, Nature, v. 377, 1995, pp. 681-2. 6. Wonderful Life, pp. 114, 126, 177, 203. 7. See ‘The great dinosaur extinction controversy’, davidpratt.info. Transitionals and mosaics 1. Fred Williams, ‘Exposing the evolutionist’s sleight-of-hand with the fossil record’, Jan 2002, www.evolutionfairytale.com/articles_debates/fossil_illusion.htm. 2. Denton, Evolution: A theory in crisis, p. 167. 3. Ibid., pp. 176-7. 4. Ibid., p. 110. 5. Ibid., p. 203. 6. Gish, Evolution: The fossils still say no!, pp. 189-97. 5. Common descent and common design Classification Taxonomy, or systematics, is the science of biological classification, and seeks to arrange plants and animals into hierarchies of superior and subordinate groups on the basis of the features they have in common. Branching diagrams (dendograms or cladograms) are drawn up showing the affinities between different species, and most taxonomists then interpret each node where a new branch begins as representing a hypothetical common ancestor. Alec Panchen says that common descent ‘seems so obviously the correct answer to the apparent relationships of classification, that any rejection of that explanation must surely be due to ignorance, stupidity or prejudice’.1 Fig. 5.1. A dendogram. However, a group of dissident scientists, called ‘transformed cladists’ by their opponents, reject the hypothesis of common ancestry as unnecessary and see cladograms solely as a representation of a natural hierarchy of characteristics. Although they reject the a priori assumption of ancestor-descendant sequences (phylogeny), and express notable dissatisfaction with evolutionary theory and methods, most transformed cladists are in fact evolutionists, even though their peers regard them as traitors. They merely recognize that virtually all groups, living or extinct, are already too specialized to be reasonably called directly ‘ancestral’ to any other, and that none of the logically required truly ancestral forms are to be found in the fossil record. Only the outer twigs on the supposed evolutionary tree can be verified; the ancestral forms constituting its trunk and boughs are all missing. As Gareth Nelson and Norman Platnick wrote in 1984: ‘We believe that Darwinism is a theory that has been put to the test in biological systematics, and has been found false.’2 Since the fossil record has not provided any substantial evidence of the evolutionary tree of descent that darwinists expected to find, they now often speak of a labyrinthine ‘bush’. They acknowledge, however, that it is often difficult to judge where any given fossil falls among the many branches of the tree or bush. Robert Wesson writes: Charts depicting ancestries through the ages are sometimes fudged by drawing connections where they are assumed; the more honest ones have dotted lines. The gaps in the record are real ... The absence of a record of any important branching is quite phenomenal. Species are usually static, or nearly so, for long periods, species seldom and genera never show evolution into new species or genera but replacement of one by another, and change is more or less abrupt. 3 And Ernst Mayr says: It comes as rather a surprise to most nontaxonomists how uncertain our understanding of degrees of relationship among organisms still is today. For instance, it is still unknown for most orders of birds which other order is a given order’s nearest relative. The same is true for many mammalian families and genera ...Yet these uncertainties in the classification of higher vertebrates are very minor compared to those of the invertebrates, the lower plants, and most of all, the prokaryotes and viruses.4 David Raup points out that many scientists think the fossil record is far more darwinian than it really is due to oversimplified textbooks, semipopular articles, etc. plus wishful thinking; ‘some pure fantasy has crept into textbooks,’ he says. Various ‘tricks’ are used to strengthen the impression of darwinian descent. For instance, some authors display a series of fossils which show a progression in morphology, but which are not chronologically successive, and therefore cannot be evolutionary sequences. Alternatively, a chronologically successive series of teeth, jaw bones, etc. may be displayed as an evolutionary sequence, even though the author may know that the body parts are from organisms that could not reasonably have formed a lineage.5 Homology, parallelism, and convergence Similarities in the structure, physiology, or development of different species are said to be homologous if they are attributed to descent from a common ancestor. For instance, the forelimbs of humans, whales, dogs, and bats are regarded as homologous, i.e. derived from an ancestor with similarly arranged forelimbs. Corresponding features with similar functions that are not thought to have originated by common descent are said to be analogous. Examples are the wings of birds and flies, which are believed to have developed independently. There are many cases where similar features once classed as homologous have later been reclassified as analogous. The common-descent explanation of homologous features in different species is weakened by the fact that the features concerned are often specified by different genetic systems. Darwinists believe that genes have repeatedly become entirely altered with no change in the structure or function governed by these genes. For instance, genes such as those governing the eyes may evolve into entirely different genes but the structure (the eye) governed by these genes remains unchanged. A further problem is that homologous structures are often arrived at by different embryological routes. For instance, structures such as the vertebrate alimentary canal are formed from quite different embryological sites in different vertebrate classes. The amniotic and allantoic membranes which surround the growing embryo in reptiles, birds, and mammals are considered strictly homologous but in mammals the processes which lead to their formation and the cells from which they are derived differ completely from those in reptiles and birds. ‘Homologous’ structures are supposed to have initially originated by the random accumulation of tiny advantageous mutations, and then to have been inherited by descendant species and further adapted, thanks to natural selection of further random mutations. ‘Analogous’ structures, on the other hand, are supposed to have arisen by random mutations several times and entirely independently – this is called parallel or convergent evolution. Parallel evolution refers to the appearance of similar patterns in more or less closely related plant and animal species, while convergent evolution refers to the appearance of striking similarities among organisms only very distantly related. In the plant kingdom, the most familiar examples of parallel evolution are the forms of leaves, where very similar patterns have appeared again and again in separate genera and families. In butterflies, many close similarities are found in the patterns of wing colouration, both within and between families. Fig. 5.2. Three species of South American butterflies which closely mimic each other, even though they belong to quite distinct families. Their colours are the same: black, white, and brilliant orange (stippled areas).1 One of the most spectacular examples of parallel evolution is provided by the two main branches of the mammals, the placentals and marsupials, which have supposedly followed independent evolutionary pathways, after splitting off from some primitive mammalian common ancestor in the late Cretaceous. (Placentals bear their young fully developed, while marsupials give birth prematurely and nurture their young in a pouch.) The marsupials of Australia have evolved in isolation from placental mammals elsewhere yet have given rise to a whole range of similar forms: pouched versions of anteaters, moles, flying squirrels, cats, wolves, etc. Much the same phenomenon occurred in South America, where marsupials independently gave rise to a range of parallel forms. Fig. 5.3. Examples of parallel evolution. Above: A and B, a marsupial flying phalanger and a placental flying squirrel; C and D, marsupial and placental jerboas; E and F, marsupial and placental moles. Below: The marsupial Tasmanian wolf (left) and the familiar placental wolf (right), with the corresponding skulls.2 Even more mysterious is the convergent evolution of similar structures in organisms otherwise extremely different. The eyes of vertebrates, for example, have many features in common with the eyes of cephalopods, such as the octopus, including the lens, retina, and musculature. Darwinists believe that the eye evolved independently at least 40 times in the animal kingdom. Wings allegedly evolved independently no less than 4 times: in insects, flying reptiles, birds, and bats. The whale, dolphin, extinct ichthyosaurus of the Mesozoic, and shark all look similar. Yet the shark is a fish, the ichthyosaurus was an aquatic reptile, and the whale and dolphin are mammals. Even so bizarre a feature as saber-length fangs appeared 4 times over in 4 different lineages. Simon Morris argues that the ubiquity of parallelism and convergence ‘means that life is not only predictable at a basic level, it also has direction’.3 But he has no explanation other than the standard neodarwinian tale that similar forms and structures evolve because random mutations are sifted by similar selection pressures, and because there may be only a very limited number of ways of solving particular challenges (e.g. designing an eye). However, it is difficult enough to imagine how a complex organ or organism could have evolved even once by a combination of thousands of randomly generated ‘beneficial’ mutations; the idea that it could have happened more than once beggars belief. Moreover, when related species independently evolve similar physical traits they sometimes use the same genes to do so – which deals a further blow to the idea that evolution is essentially a random process.4 Many examples from the fossil record therefore suggest that particular evolutionary pathways are repeated: organisms with features almost identical to previous species appear again and again. Instead of thinking in terms of random mutations, it seems more reasonable to suppose that records of past features and structures are stored in some way, and that these records can be tapped into and modified during the design of later creatures. Embryology Vertebrate embryos pass through a series of similar stages in early development. In 1866 Ernst Haeckel formulated the ‘biogenetic law’, which states that ‘ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’, meaning that embryological development recapitulates ancestry. He argued that an organism evolves by tacking on new stages to its process of embryonic development, so that as an organism passes through embryonic development it retraces every adult stage of its evolutionary ancestors. Biologists soon discarded the idea that evolution is limited to changes added at the end of the development process, and took the view that evolution can affect all phases of development, removing developmental steps as well as adding them, so that embryology is not a strict replay of ancestry. Fig. 5.4. Above: Haeckel’s infamous drawings of vertebrate embryos. Left to right: fish, salamander, turtle, chicken, pig, cow, rabbit, human. Haeckel had falsified his drawings to make their early stages appear more alike than they really are. His contemporaries spotted the fraud and got him to admit it. Below: Photos of (from top to bottom) a human, pig, chick, and fish embryo at similar stages of development.1 The embryo starts as a single cell, then divides into a tiny multicellular ball. A mammal embryo continues through stages resembling fish and reptiles before finishing as a fully formed mammalian youngster. Comparative embryology shows how different adult structures of many animals have the same embryonic precursors. Darwinists interpret these shared developmental features as evidence that many animals have ancestors in common; closely related animals show more similarities than more distantly related animals. For instance, at a certain stage of development, vertebrate embryos develop pharyngeal pouches resembling the gill pouches found in fish, though these features are never functioning gills, not even in embryonic fish. These features then go on to develop into very different adult structures – gills in the fish, and ear, jaw, and pharynx in the mammal. This is interpreted to mean that all mammals share a common ancestor whose embryo had pharyngeal pouches. Theosophy agrees that embryology provides information about evolutionary history, but rejects the darwinian notion that every new type of organism arose through the continuous transformation of physical ancestors (see section 8). It should be noted that materialistic science cannot truly explain any aspect of embryological development. For example, how does an embryo know when to stop making liver cells and to start making kidney cells? Chemical signals are believed to trigger the changes, switching certain combinations of genes on and off at just the right moments – but this raises more questions than it answers. Moreover, no known genetic mechanism explains morphogenesis or how organisms are able to retain a memory of ‘ancestral’ forms. Another way of looking at embryological development is expressed in Von Baer’s laws, which were formulated before Haeckel’s biogenetic law. They indicate that the most generalized characters tend to appear earliest in ontogeny, followed by less generalized characters and finally the most specialized. This means that those structures that develop early in the embryo are common to many different species, whereas structures that develop late in the embryo are the ones that can be used to distinguish between species. In other words, lifeforms tend to begin near a common point and diverge outward, each on its own unique path, like the diverging spokes of a wheel. Von Baer was a creationist and formulated this law in opposition to evolution, but darwinists believe that the stage of development at which two species diverge depends on how closely they are related – the assumption being that the only way they can be related is by physical descent. Theosophy postulates the existence of astral root-types, which were then developed in many different directions – not in a random fashion, but guided by nature’s instinctive intelligence. Darwinists find further evidence of common descent in ‘vestigial organs’, which they view as the remains of what were once fully functional organs in the evolutionary ancestors of the species concerned. The human coccyx (tailbone), for example, is seen as a vestigial tail and evidence that some of our ancestors had a tail.2 The remains of a hip girdle and hind limbs in whales, and the reduced hind limbs of primitive snakes are interpreted as incomplete modifications of the structures of their ancestors. But this sort of evidence is also compatible with some kind of conscious design, since modification of certain basic structures would be more efficient than designing everything from scratch. Moreover, the lack of any substantial fossil evidence for gradual evolutionary change is consistent with the theosophical view that the preparations for new physical features and forms take place on the ethereal level. Genetic affinities Darwinists explain not only similar bodily structures but also genetic similarities in terms of common descent. But again, such similarities show nothing definite about how the organisms originated, and could just as easily be attributed to some form of conscious design. Darwinists use differences in proteins and DNA as a ‘molecular clock’ to estimate how long ago different species diverged from a common ancestor. Each gene or protein is a separate clock, which ‘ticks’ at a different rate. For instance, it is estimated that 600 million years are required to produce a 1% difference in the histones of 2 different organisms, compared with 20 million years for cytochrome C, 5.8 million years for haemoglobin, and only 1.1 million years in the case of the fibrinopeptides. However, the evolutionary trees based on different classes of proteins sometimes show considerable differences, and there are also large differences in the family trees based on comparisons of morphologies (visible traits) and those based on biochemistry. Evolution rates based on the fossil record, for example, are much higher than those predicted from genetics. 1 The meaning of overall DNA similarity between two organisms is a matter of debate. For instance, the genetic similarity of humans and chimpanzees has been put at 95%, 98.5%, and even 99.4%; yet humans possess selfconscious intelligence while apes do not. On the other hand, there are two species of fruit fly (Drosophila) that look alike but have only 25% of their DNA sequences in common. One study found that the snake and the crocodile (both reptiles) had only around 5% of their DNA sequences in common, whereas the crocodile and chicken had 17.5% of sequences in common – the opposite of what neodarwinism predicts. There are more than 3000 species of frogs, all of which look superficially the same, but there is greater variation of DNA among them than between the bat and the blue whale.2 This is a further indication that far more than DNA is required to build an organism. References Taxonomy 1. Alec Panchen, Evolution, London: Bristol Classical Press, 1993, p. 59. 2. Quoted in Alexander Mebane, Darwin’s Creation-Myth, Venice, FL: P&D Printing, 1994, p. 30. 3. Robert Wesson, Beyond Natural Selection, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994, pp. 39, 45. 4. Quoted in Walter J. ReMine, The Biotic Message: Evolution versus message theory, Saint Paul, MN: St. Paul Science, 1993, p. 311. 5. Ibid., pp. 280, 409. Homology, parallelism, and convergence 1. Rupert Sheldrake, The Presence of the Past, New York: Vintage, 1989, p. 291. 2. Ibid., pp. 293-4. 3. Simon Conway Morris, ‘We were meant to be ...’, New Scientist, 16 Nov 2002, pp. 26-9. 4. Ananthaswamy Anil, ‘Evolution returns to same old genes again and again’, New Scientist, 23 Aug 2003, p. 15. Embryology 1. www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/odyssey/clips/; www.geocities.com/a_and_e_uk/PerloffC10.htm. 2. See ‘Human evolution: the ape-ancestry myth’, section 6, davidpratt.info. Genetic affinities 1. William R. Corliss (comp.), Biological Anomalies: Mammals II, Glen Arm, MD: Sourcebook Project, 1996, pp. 182-8, 191-2. 2. ReMine, The Biotic Message, p. 449; Richard Milton, ‘Darwinism – the forbidden subject’, www.alternativescience.com/darwinism.htm. 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