healthcare - Georgetown University

Jeanne Susan Mandelblatt, MD, MPH
Cancer Control Program
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Ctr, Dept of Oncology
Georgetown University School of Medicine
3300 Whitehaven Ave - Suite 4100
Washington, D.C. 20007
Phone (202) 687-0812 / Fax (202) 687-0305
United States
1979 American Board of Family Practice (re-certified 1998; 2005)
1990 Geriatrics, American Boards of Internal Medicine and Family Practice
University of Southern California, Los Angeles. California, Bachelor of Arts and
Science, Psychology and Biology
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, NYC, MD.
Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, Residency Program in Social Medicine,
Department of Family Medicine
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY, NY, Department of Community Medicine,
Preventive Medicine Residency, board eligible
Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, Dept of Medicine, Geriatrics Fellowship
Columbia University School of Public Health, Division of Epidemiology, NY,
1994-present Columbia University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, School of Public
Health, NY, NY, ABD, Cancer Epidemiology
Clinical Instructor, Dept of Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY, NY
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine, Mount Sinai School of
Medicine, NY, NY
Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine,
Albert Einstein School of Medicine. Bronx, NY
Assistant Professor and Member, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, NY
Assistant Professor and Member, Department of Medicine, Cornell University
School of Medicine, NY, NY
Associate Professor and Member, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, NY
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Cornell University Medical
School, NY, NY
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Georgetown University School of
Medicine, Washington, DC
2001-present Professor, Department of Medicine, Georgetown University School of Medicine,
Washington, DC
1994-present Director, Cancer and Aging Research, Cancer Control Program, Lombardi
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Washington, DC
Director, Cancer Clinical and Economic Outcomes Core, Lombardi Cancer
Center, Washington, DC
Co-Director, Cancer Control Program, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Washington, DC
Acting Director, Division of Behavioral and Health Outcomes Research,
Department of Oncology, GUMC, Washington, DC
Associate Professor, Department of Oncology, Georgetown School of Medicine,
Washington, DC
2001-present Professor, Dept of Oncology, Georgetown School of Medicine, Washington, DC
Director, Cancer Control Program, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Washington, DC
Director, Division of Health Behaviors and Outcomes, Department of Oncology,
GUMC, Washington, DC
2008-present Associate Director for Population Sciences, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer
Center, Washington, DC
2002, 2007
Magna Cum Laude, University of Southern California
Academic Award, National Institute on Aging
Komen Foundation Professor of Survivorship Award
Senior Cancer Control Scientist Award, National Cancer Institute
1985-1994; 2007-present
American Academy of Family Physicians
Society for General Internal Medicine
American Public Health Association
American Society of Preventive Oncology
Cancer and Leukemia Group B
American Society of Clinical Oncology
Peer Review Activities
1994-Present National Cancer Institute: Scientific Review Committee member for RFA review
Center for Human Genome Research: Ad hoc Reviewer on study section: Ethical,
Legal, and Social Implications of Human Genome Research
National Cancer Institute: Member of review committee and site visitor for
Program Project applications
National Institutes of Health, Sub-Committee E/F: Ad hoc grant reviewer
National Institutes of Health, Small Business Innovation Research Program:
Member of Review Committee
Agency for Health Care Research and Policy: Member, Health Care Technology
and Decision Sciences Special Emphasis Panel
National Institutes of Health, Center of Scientific Review: Member, Social
Sciences, Nursing, Epidemiology, and Methods Study Section I
National Institutes of Health, Center of Scientific Review: Member, SubCommittee E. Cancer Control Program Projects.
2007-present National Institutes of Health, Center of Scientific Review: Health Services and
Organizational Delivery (HSOD) Study Section
2009-present Fox Chase Comprehensive Cancer Center. External Scientific Advisory Board
2009-present Boston University School of Medicine Cancer Center. External Scientific
Advisory Board
2010-present Huntsman Cancer Center. External Scientific Advisory Board
2011-present Pennsylvania State Cancer Center. External Scientific Advisory Board
National Committees
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, DHSS: Member, Panel on
the Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine
Major's Office, New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation: Member, "Blue
Ribbon Panel on Women's Health"
Member, Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine, US DHHS, Office
of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
NIH/National Cancer Institute: Member, Breast Cancer Peer Review Group,
Health Outcomes Committee
Program for the Evaluation of Medical Technologies, Advisory Board Member,
Harvard University
Cancer and Leukemia Group B: Member, Executive Committee Member, Cancer
Control and Health Outcomes Committee
1998-present Cancer and Leukemia Group B: Member, Cancer in the Elderly Working Group
United States Preventive Services Task Force: Senior Scientific Advisor
Institute of Medicine, Nat. Cancer Policy Board: “Ensuring Quality Cancer Care"
Cancer and Leukemia Group B: Vice Chair, Clinical Economics and Health
Services Subcommittee of the Cancer Control and Health Outcomes Committee
Cancer Outcomes Measurement Working Group. Member, NCI
American Cancer Society. Cervical Cancer Screening. Elderly Working Group
American Society of Clinical Oncology. Scientific Program Committee, Health
Services Research
Member, Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine (for second edition
of book). NIH, OBSSR, Dr. Robert Kaplan
Editorial Activities
1987-present Manuscript Reviewer: Journal of the American Medical Association, Annals of
Internal Medicine, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Journal of General Internal
Medicine, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Cancer Epidemiology
Biomarkers and Prevention, Preventive Medicine, American Journal of Preventive
Medicine, American Journal of Public Health, Medical Care and others
2004-present Editorial Board, Journal of Clinical Oncology
2007-present Editorial Board, Journal of Cancer Survivorship
2012-present Associate Editor, Journal of the National Cancer Institute
INVITED LECTURES (selected subset)
Presenter, 8th Annual International Symposium on Prevention and Detection of Cancer,
International Society for Preventive Oncology, "Is HIV a Co-Factor for Cervical Cancer?" Nice,
France, March 17, 1993
Presenter, 8th Annual International Symposium on Prevention and Detection of Cancer,
International Society for Preventive Oncology, "Physician-based Interventions to Increase Breast
Cancer Screening", Nice, France, March 17, 1993
Keynote Speaker, Cancer and Leukemia Group B Spring Workshop, Cancer Control Committee,
"Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening for Minority Elderly Women", Baltimore, Maryland,
May 5, 1993
Symposium Co-Leader, American Society of Preventive Oncology, "Use of Cost-Effectiveness
and Decision Analysis in Evaluating Cancer Services." Washington, DC, 1994
Panel Speaker, "Historical Perspectives on Cancer Outcomes Research", St. Mary's Annual
Symposium on Cancer Quality of Life, Long Beach, California, 1995
Lead Speaker, Kaiser Permanente of Northern California, "Evidence for Cervical Cancer
Screening Policies", Oakland, California, October, 1996
Faculty, American Society of Preventive Oncology, New Investigator's Workshop, Washington,
DC, March, 1998
Speaker, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Second Annual Meeting of Study Section
Members, "Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: State of the Art, Emerging Issues, and Application",
Washington, DC October 7, 1999.
Plenary Speaker, Society of Medical Decision Making Annual Meeting, "Cost-Effectiveness of
Pap Smear Screening - A Public Policy Success", Cleveland, Ohio, September 2000
Speaker, International Human Papillomavirus Meeting, "Cost-Effectiveness of Different
Cervical Cancer Screening Strategies in Under-developed Countries", Barcelona, Spain, July 27,
Plenary Speaker, Cancer and Leukemia Group B, "Breast Cancer Treatment Choices and
Outcomes in Older Women: Lessons from the Real World", New Orleans, June 9, 2000
Faculty, American Society of Preventive Oncology, New Investigator's Workshop, Washington,
DC, March 5, 2000
Panel Speaker, "Barriers to Assessing Quality Cancer Care", Ensuring Quality Cancer Care,
Robert H. Lurie Cancer Center, Chicago, Illinois, November 10, 2000
Lead Speaker and Workshop Leader, National Institute of Aging and National Cancer Institute,
"The Role of Cancer Centers in Leading Gero-Oncology Research - Lessons from Cancer
Control", NIA Conference on Aging and Cancer Centers, June 2001
Preparing an RO3 application. NCI, Center for Reducing Cancer Health Disparities, 2007, 2008
Preparing a Career Development Award Application. Society for Medical Decision Making, Oct
21, 2007, Oct 2008, 2009
Plenary speaker, “Chemotherapy Use in Older Women: Role of Preferences and Physician
Communication”, CALGB Cancer Control and Health Outcomes Committee, Nov 2009.
Panel Speaker, “Modeling and Breast Cancer Guidelines” Plenary session, CISNET annual
meeting, Jan 2010.
Panel speaker and co-organizer, “Role of Associate Directors in Comprehensive Cancer Centers:
Preparing for CCSG review”, ASPO, March 2010
Panel Speaker, “Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines”, ASCO Breast Meeting, September 2010
Panel Speaker, “Use of Modeling to Formulate Policy”, IUCC, August 2010
Panel Speaker, “Controversies in Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines”. St Gallen’s conference,
March 2011
University Committees
Research Review Committee, Division of Prevention and Control Research,
Lombardi Cancer Center
Cancer Committee, Lombardi Cancer Center, Department of Oncology
Clinical Research Committee, IRB , Department of Oncology
Cross-Campus Committee to Develop a Center on Aging (Maxine Weinstein,
2000-present Executive Committee, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
Member, Search Committee for Cancer Center Director and Chair of the
Department of Oncology
2010-presnet Committee on Appointments and Promotions, Georgetown University Medical
Community Lectures and Service (selected)
Chairperson, Cancer Task Force, New York City Health and Hospital Corporation
Presentation on "Breast Cancer in Older Women" to AARP's Breast Care
Campaign, Healing Legacies and the Art of Hollis Sigler
Presentation on "Patterns of Breast Cancer Care" to oncologists and surgeons at
Sibley Hospital
Presentation on "Breast Cancer Screening in Older Women" to AARP's Breast
Care Campaign
Presentation on "Breast Cancer in the Elderly" at Oncology Grand Rounds,
George Washington Medical Center
Chair, DC Cancer Coalition/Consortium, Cancer Control Plan
Executive Committee, DC Cancer Consortium
Clinical Preceptor, Department of Ambulatory Care, City Hospital Center at
Section Leader and Mentor, Community Medicine Research Clerkship,
Department of Community Medicine, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
Section Leader, Epidemiology and Biostatistics Core Curriculum, Department of
Community Medicine, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
Course Director, Research Design in Geriatric Medicine, Division of Geriatrics,
Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein School of Medicine
Section Leader, Epidemiology and Biostatistics Core Medical Student
Curriculum, Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, A. Einstein
School of Medicine
Course Director, Research Design in Primary Care/Critical Appraisal of the
Medical Literature, General Internal Medicine, Cornell Univ. School of Medicine
Associate Professor, Georgetown University:
Clinical Preceptor, Division of Primary Care, Department of Medicine,
Georgetown University Medical Center
Mentor, Cancer Control Program, Lombardi Cancer Center, Department of
Oncology, Georgetown University Medical Center
Lecturer, Institute for Health Care Policy and Research Seminar Series
Lecturer, Tumor Biology I, Department of Cell Biology
Group Co-Leader, Introduction to the Patient, Georgetown University School of
Lecturer, Tumor Biology I, Department of Cell Biology
Fellowship Director, Primary Care Research Methods, Department of Medicine,
Georgetown University School of Medicine.
Professor, Georgetown University:
2001-present Clinical Preceptor, Division of Primary Care, Department of Medicine,
Georgetown University Medical Center
2001-present Mentor, Cancer Control Program, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Department of Oncology, Georgetown University Medical Center
2001-present Lectures in Tumor Biology Program and Cancer Control Master’s Program
Post-Doctoral Trainees (selected)
Peter Kanetsky, PhD, (pre doctoral) NCI Preventive Oncology Career
Development Award
George Sawaya, MD, NCI Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award,
Cervical Cancer Screening in Older Women
William Lawrence, MD, MsC, Dept. of Defense Career/IDEA Grant, Translation
of BRCA1/2 Testing into Clinical Practice
Ann O'Malley, MD, MPH, Dept. of Defense Career Development Award, Cancer
Screening in Multi-ethnic and Under-served Populations
Caroline Burnett, PhD, NINR Career Development Award, Breast Cancer
Screening in Elderly Black Women
Wenchi Liang, PhD, NCI Preventive Oncology Career Development Award,
Cancer Screening in Chinese Women
NCI, RO1, Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening by Chinese Physicians
Robin Yabroff, PhD, NCI Preventive Oncology Career Development Award,
Follow-up of Abnormal Cancer Screening
Vanessa Sheppard, PhD, National Institute on Aging/National Cancer Institute,
Understanding Black Women’s Chemotherapy Decisions, Minority Investigator
Supplement, Older Women’s Chemotherapy Decisions.
Komen Foundation, A Navigator Delivered Skills Intervention to Improve
Communication and Decision-Making among African American Breast Cancer
Komen National Race For the Cure, A Comprehensive Culturally and
Linguistically Peer Approach to Navigating the DC Breast Health System.
American Cancer Society Mentored Scholar Research Grant, Closing the Gap:
Increasing Adherence to Adjuvant Therapy in Black Women.
National Cancer Institute, RO1, Adherence to Adjuvant Therapy in Black and
White Women
Melissa Figueiredo, PhD, Komen and NCI grants, Quality of Life in Latina Breast
Cancer Survivors and NCI, Chemotherapy Decisions and Outcomes in Women
Age 65 Years or Older with Operable, Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer
2002-Present Judy Wang, PhD, Department of Defense, Breast Cancer Career Development
Award, The Influence of Culture on Women’s Breast Cancer
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Special Population Research Grant,
Reducing Disparities in Breast Cancer Screening in Chinese American women
American Cancer Society Mentored Scholar Research Grant, Promoting
Adherence to Mammography Use in Chinese American Women
National Cancer Institute, R03 research award, Promoting Adherence to
Mammography Use in Chinese American Women
Lance Armstrong Foundation, Career Award, Chinese Breast Cancer Survivors
National Cancer Institute, R21 research award, Use of Mammography in Chinese
American Breast Cancer Survivors
National Cancer Institute, R01 research award, Video and Small group Education
Intervention to Increase Mammography in Chinese Americans
Maria Lopez, PhD, RO3 CNP pilot research award, Smoking Cessation in Latino
NCI supplement, Developing a scale of Latino Cultural Health Values.
Barbara Kreling, PhD, RO3 CNP pilot research award, Comparing Hospice use in
Latinos and Whites
RO3 CNP pilot research award, Barriers to Chemotherapy in Latinos Patients
ACS Palliative Care Award, Developing a LHW Intervention to Improve Latino
Caregiver Outcomes
2009-present Leigh Anne Faul, PhD, Survivorship care planning
2010-present Yaojen Chang, PhD, Breast cancer modeling
Peer-Reviewed Grant Support - Previous
Assistant and Associate Professor, Cornell and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center:
Principal Investigator, Old, Poor, Black: Combating Cancer Triple Jeopardy,
USDHHS NCI Grant # RO3 CA51614, $31,717
Co-Investigator, Emergency Room Cancer Screening Program (Freeman PI),
USDHHS NCI Grant # RO1 CA50520, $630,533.
Principal Investigator, Breast and Cervix Cancer Control in the Elderly, NIA
Grant # KO8 AG00471, $350,000.
Principal Investigator, "Professional Education to Enhance Early Cancer
Detection in Public Hospitals", NYC American Cancer Society, $10,000.
Co-Investigator, Cancer Control Needs in Multi-Ethnic Communities (Kerner
PI), USDHHS NCI Grant # RO1 CA53083, $257,684
Co-Investigator, Loss of Primary Care: Health Outcomes Among the
Uninsured, United Hospital Fund, Special Projects, NY, $85,000.
Principal Investigator, Molecular Epidemiology of Cervical Neoplasia in Older
Blacks, New York Community Trust, $100,000.
Associate Professor, Georgetown University:
Co-Investigator, Cost-Effectiveness of Breast Cancer Treatment in the Elderly
(Hadley PI), Dept. of Defense, Grant # DAM17-94-J-4212, $852,136.
Co-Investigator, Follow-up of Abnormal Mammograms in African-American
Women (Kerner PI), USDHHS, NCI, Grant # 1R01 CA62360-01, $845,308.
Co-Principal Investigator, Care, Costs, and Outcomes of Local Breast Cancer
Treatment in the Elderly (Hadley PI), AHCPR PORT, Grant # R01 CA08395
Principal Investigator, Care, Costs, and Outcomes of Local Breast Cancer:
Elderly African-Americans, AHCPR Supplement, Grant # R01 HS08395
1996-Jan 01
Principal Investigator, Cancer Clinical and Economic Outcomes Core, Breast
Cancer Center Grant (Lippman PI), Dept of Defense, Grant #DAMD17-96-C6069, $4.2M.
1996-Jan 01
Co-Investigator, Impact of Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer Susceptibility,
Dept of Defense (DAMD17-96-C-6069), $758,594 (PI: Lerman).
1997-June 01 Principal Investigator, The Cost-Effectiveness of HPV Screening for Cervical
Cancer in Older Women, National Institute of Aging, Grant # R01 CA74187
Co-Investigator, Decisions and Outcomes of BRCA1/2 Testing in Newly
Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients (R01 CA/HG74861), National Cancer Institute,
$1,921,385 (PI: Lerman/Schwartz).
1998-June 01 Principal Investigator, (Georgetown Sub-contract; M. Fahs PI), ACostEffectiveness Analysis of Breast Cancer Control for Older African-Americans,
National Cancer Institute, Grant # 1 R01 CA72908, $1,417,007.
Co-Investigator, Comparing Models of Counseling for BRCA1/2 Testing
(Renewal) (2R01 HG01846), NIH/National Human Genome Research Institute,
$1,844,172 (PI: Lerman/Schwartz).
1998-Sept 01 Principal Investigator, Care, Costs, and Outcomes of Local Breast Cancer
Treatment in the Elderly, AHCPR PORT, Grant # R01 CA08395, $4,801,480.
Co-investigator, Breast Cancer: Preparing for Survivorship,National Cancer
Institute (PI: Ganz).
Principal Investigator, A Phase II Clinical Study of Indole-3-Carbinol vs.
Placebo for Efficacy in Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Eradication. National
Cancer Institute, Grant # N01 CA95138, $1,092,568.
Co-investigator, Cohort Study of Cancer Patient Caregiver Outcomes, National
Institute of Nursing Research (Ingham).
Principal Investigator, Institutional NRSA (Primary Care Research Methods
T32), HRSA, Grant # 6T32 PE10017, $522,276 per year.
2000-June 01 Principal Investigator, (Georgetown Sub-contract; M. Fahs PI),Towards
Optimal Screening Strategies: Upper Age Limits for Mammography Screening,
Supplement to Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Breast Cancer Control for Older
African-Americans, National Cancer Institute, Grant # 1R01 CA72908, $67,670.
Co-Investigator, Breast Cancer Genetic Susceptibility Testing - A Primary Care
Perspective. (PI: Lawrence) DoD, Grant # DAMD17-00-1-0268, $148,718.
Principal Investigator, Outcomes Across the Spectrum of Breast Cancer Care
(CISNET), National Cancer Institute, Grant # 1U01 CA88283A, $755,158.
Principal Investigator, (Georgetown Sub-Contract, E. Huerta, PI), Marketing
Cancer Control to Latin Americans, National Cancer Institute, Grant # 1U01
CA86114, $2,277,347.
Principal Investigator, Chemotherapy Decisions and Outcomes for the Elderly,
National Cancer Institute, Grant #U10 CA84131, $2,500,000.
Principal Investigator, “DC Patient Navigation Project”, National Cancer
Institute, Grant #5U01CA116937-02. $247,479.
Principal Investigator, “Racial Disparities in the Initiation and Intensity of
Adjuvant Therapy in Breast Cancer”, Grant #DDEF CU52144301, $289,761.
Principal Investigator, “Latin American Cancer Research Coalition”—To
improve cancer outcomes and underserved Hispanic populations, Grant#5 U01
CA114593-05, $$$.
Principal Investigator, Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines-CISNET, EPC and
Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium, Grant #3U01CA086076-10S1, $491,087.
Principal Investigator, National Cancer Institute, NCI GO-Comparative
Effectiveness grant to conduct cost-effectiveness analyses of different screening
strategies, Grant.
Principal Investigator, “Developing an Index of Physiological Age”, Grant
#U01 CA114593-05. $2,893,740.
Peer-Reviewed Grant Support – Active
Professor, Georgetown University:
(Mandelblatt/Van Meter)
07/01/2012 – 06/30/2013
Neuroimaging of Cognitive Changes in Older Breast Cancer Patients
To determine brain structural changes associated with cancer and its treatments.
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Graves (PI)
07/01/2013 – 06/30/2016
Nueva Vida Intervention: Latina Breast Cancer Survivors and Caregivers.
Role: Co-Investigator
5P01CA154292 (Miglioretti)
09/27/2011 - 8/31/2016
National Cancer Institute
Risk Based Breast Cancer Screening in Community Settings Comparative Effectiveness Core.
Role: Co-Investigator
5U01CA152958 (Mandelblatt)
09/01/2010 – 08/31/2015
National Cancer Institute
Comparative Modeling: Informing Breast Cancer Control Practice Policy.
Role: Principal Investigator
5K05CA096940 (Mandelblatt)
07/01/07 – 06/30/2013 (NCE)
National Cancer Institute
“Cancer Control at the Intersection of Aging Research” -- This grant provides career
development support for cancer and aging research to develop new initiatives and to mentor
cancer control faculty.
Role: Principal Investigator
5R01CA127617 (Mandelblatt)
03/01/2008 – 01/31/2014 (NCE)
National Cancer Institute
“Who Cares for Older Breast Cancer Survivors and Does it matter to Quality?” -- To describe the
types of physicians who care for older survivors and test how physician specialty affects quality
of care, satisfaction and quality of life.
Role: Principal Investigator
5R01CA129769 (Mandelblatt)
06/01/2009 – 04/30/2014
National Cancer Institute
“Older Breast Cancer Patients: Risk for Cognitive Decline” -- This project examines the risks for
cognitive decline after chemotherapy in older breast cancer patients and tests if genetic
susceptibility increases risk.
Role: Principal Investigator
5P30CA051008 (Weiner)
08/15/1997 – 04/30/2014
National Cancer Institute
“Cancer Center Support Grant” – This grant provides core resources for the cancer center and
supports a portion of salary as Associate Director for the Cancer Control Program
Role: Investigator
5R01CA129142 (Kinney)
08/13/2009 - 05/31/2014
National Cancer Institute (subcontract)
Bridging Geographic Barriers: Remote Cancer Genetics Counseling for Rural Women.
Role: Investigator
1U01CA183081 Mandelblatt (PI)
09/01/13 – 08/31/2018
National Cancer Institute
Optimizing Personalized Care Using Economic Studies of Genomic Testing
Our overarching goal is to use a multiple criteria decision-making framework to fill this gap and
explicitly explore the impact of provider, patient, and system factors on development of costeffective strategies for the delivery of community personalized cancer care
Instructor and Assistant Professor, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine:
Mandelblatt JS, Hammond DB. Gynecological Care of Elderly Women: Is Papanicolaou
Smear Testing Necessary? Mt Sinai J Med 1985;52:284-290.
Mandelblatt JS, Skovron ML, Gopaul I. Papanicolaou Smear Screening and the Elderly.
JAMA 1985;253:3251.
Mandelblatt JS, Gopaul I, Wistreich M. Gynecological Care of Elderly Women in a
Primary Care Setting: Another Look at Papanicolaou Smear Testing. JAMA 1986;256:367371.
Mandelblatt JS, Gopaul I, Wistreich M. Papanicolaou Smear Testing in Elderly Women.
JAMA 1986;256:2819-2820.
Ziffer A, Song P, Mandelblatt JS. Preventive Health Practices in a Teaching Hospital:
Housestaff Performance of Gyn Screening. Amer J of Prev Med 1987;3(3):142-146.
Mandelblatt JS, Adler RA, Bennett NM, Fein OT, et al. Ambulatory Care Activities and
Responses to Cost Containment. J of Gen Med 1987;2:388-393.
Assistant Professor, A. Einstein School of Medicine:
Mandelblatt JS, Fahs M. Cost Effectiveness of Cervical Cancer Screening for Elderly Low
Income Women. JAMA 1988;259:2409-2413.
Tarr D, Palacio H, Mandelblatt JS. The Role of Primary Care Physicians in Pap Smear
Screening of Elderly Women. NYS J Med 1988;88:296-299.
Wheat ME, Mandelblatt JS. Pap Smear Screening in Women 65 and Over. J Amer
Geriatrics Soc 1988;36:827-830.
Mandelblatt J. Cervical cancer screening in primary care: issues and recommendations. Prim
Care. 1989 Mar;16(1):133-55.
Assistant and Associate Professor, Cornell and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center:
Mandelblatt J, Schechter C, Fahs M, Muller, C. Clinical implications of screening for
cervical cancer under Medicare: The natural history of cervical cancer in the elderly: What
do we know? What do we need to know? Amer J Obstet and Gynecol 1991;164:644-51.
Mandelblatt JS, Andrews H, Kerner JF, Zauber A, Burnett W. Determinants of late stage
diagnosis of breast and cervical cancer. AJPH 1991;81:646-649.
Mandelblatt JS. Papanicolaou testing after hysterectomy. JAMA 1991; 266: 1289.
Mandelblatt J, Fahs M, Garibaldi K, Senie R, Peterson H. The association between human
immunodeficiency virus infection and cervical neoplasia. AIDS 1992;6:173-178.
Mandelblatt JS, Wheat ME, Monane M, Moshief R, Hollenberg J, Tang J. Breast cancer
screening for elderly women with and without co-morbid conditions: a decision model.
Annals of Internal Medicine 1992;116:722-730.
Mandelblatt JS, Richard R, Thomas L, Chauhan P, Traxler M, Lakin P, et al. Is HPV
associated with cervical neoplasia in the elderly? Gynecologic Oncology 1992;46:6-12.
Fahs M, Mandelblatt J, Schechter C, Muller C. The costs and effectiveness of cervical
cancer screening in the elderly. Annals of Internal Medicine 1992;117:520-527.
Kanetsky P, Mandelblatt J, Richard R, Gammon M. Risk factors for cervical cancer in
black, elderly women. Ethnicity and Disease 1992;2:337-342.
Mandelblatt JS, Traxler M, Lakin P, Kanetsky P, Kao R. Mammography and Papanicolaou
smear use by elderly poor black women. JAGS 1992;40:1001-1007.
Mandelblatt J, Traxler M, Lakin P, Thomas L, Chauhan P, Matseoane S, Kanetsky P. A
nurse practitioner intervention to increase breast and cervical cancer screening for elderly,
poor, black women. J of Gen Intern Med 1993;8:173-178.
Mandelblatt J. Squamous cell cancer of the cervix, immune senescence and HPV: is cervical
cancer an age-related neoplasm? Adv Exp Med Biol. 1993;330:13-26. Review.
Mandelblatt J, Traxler M, Lakin P, Kanetsky P, Kao R. Targeting breast and cervical
cancer screening to elderly poor black women: Who will participate? Prev Med
Kerner JF, Dusenbury L, Mandelblatt JS. Poverty and Cultural Diversity: Challenges for
Health Promotion among the Medically Underserved. Ann Rev of PH 1993;14:355-377.
Andrews H, Kerner JF, Zauber A, Mandelblatt J, Pittman J, Struening E. Using census and
mortality data to target small areas for breast, cervix and colorectal cancer screening. AJPH
1993; 84:56-61.
Mandelblatt J, Traxler M, Thomas L, Chauhan P, Kanetsky P, Lakin P, Matseoane S, Breast
and cervical cancer screening of poor, elderly, black women. Amer J Prev Med 1993;9:133138.
Kurman RJ, Henson DE, Herbst AL, et al and the NCI Workshop (Mandelblatt JS,
participant). Guidelines for Management of Abnormal Cervical Cytology. JAMA
Associate Professor, Georgetown University:
Mandelblatt JS, Kanetsky PA. Effectiveness of interventions to enhance physician
screening for breast cancer. J of Family Practice 1995;40:162-171.
Mandelblatt J, Andrews H, Kao R, Wallace R, Kerner J. Impact of Access and Social
Context on Breast Stage at Diagnosis. J of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
Rojas M, Mandelblatt J, Cagney K, Kerner JF, Freeman H. Barriers to Follow-Up of
Abnormal Mammograms among Low Income Minority Women. Ethnicity and Health
Fahs MC, Plichta SB, Mandelblatt JS. Cost-Effective Policies for Cervical Cancer
Screening. PharmacoEconomics 1996;9(3):211-230.
Mandelblatt JS, Eisenberg JM. Historical and Methodological Perspectives on Cancer
Outcomes Research. Oncology 1996;9:23-32.
Russell L, for members of the Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine
(Mandelblatt, panel member). The Role of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Decision
Making in Health. JAMA 1996;276:1172-1177.
Weinstein M, for members of the Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine.
Recommendations for Conducting Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (Mandelblatt, panel
member). JAMA 1996;276:1253-1258.
Seigel J, for members of the Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine
(Mandelblatt, panel member). Reporting the Results of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.
JAMA 1996;276:1339-1341.
Mandelblatt JS, Phillips R. Cervical Cancer - How Often and Why - to Screen Older
Women. Geriatrics 1996;51:45-48.
Mandelblatt J, Andrews H, Kao R, Wallace R, Kerner J. Late Stage Diagnosis of
Colorectal Cancer: The Relationships Between Poverty, Race, Gender, Age, and Settings of
Care. AJPH 1996;86:1794-1797.
Mandelblatt, J, Freeman H, Williams S, Trowers R, Cagney K, Winczewski D, Kerner J.
The Implementation of breast and cervical cancer screening in a public hospital emergency
room. Annals of Emergency Med 1996;28:493-498.
Mandelblatt JS, Freeman H, Winczewski D, Cagney K, Kerner JF. The costs and yields of
emergency room screening for breast and cervix cancer. Amer J Public Health
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Mandelblatt J, Fryback D, Weinstein M, Gold M, Russell L, Hadorn D, and members of
the Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine. Assessing the Effectiveness of
Health Interventions. J Gen Intern Med 1997;12:551-558.
Taylor KL, Kerner JF, Gold KF, Mandelblatt JS. Ever vs. Never Smoking Among an
Urban, Multiethnic Sample of Haitian-, Caribbean-, and US-born Blacks. Preventive
Medicine 1997;26:855-865.
Kanetsky PA, Gammon M, Mandelblatt JS et al. Cigarette Smoking and Cervical Dysplasia
Among non-Hispanic Black Women. Cancer Detection and Prevention 1998;22(2):109-119.
Lawrence W, Liang, W, Mandelblatt, J, et al. Serendipitous MRI Lesions. JNCI
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Lycopene: Association with Cervical Dysplasia Among non-Hispanic Black Women.,
Nutrition and Cancer, 1998 31(1):31-40.
O’Malley AS, Kerner JF, Johnson A, Mandelblatt JS. Acculturation and Breast Cancer
Screening Among Hispanic Women in New York City. American Journal of Public Health,
Mandelblatt J, O’Malley A, Gold K, Kerner J. Breast and Cervix Cancer Screening Use
Among Multi-Ethnic Women: Role of Age, Health, and Source of Care. Prev Med
Mandelblatt JS, Kanetsky PA, Eggert, L, Gold K. Is HIV Infection a Co-factor for Cervical
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Mandelblatt J, Ganz P, Kahn K. A Proposed Agenda for the Measurement of Breast Cancer
Quality of Care in Oncology Practice. J Clin Oncol 1999;17(8):2614-2622.
Mandelblatt J and Yabroff RK. Effectiveness of Interventions Designed to Increase
Mammography Use: A Meta-Analysis of Provider-targeted Strategies. CA Epi Biomarkers
Prev 1999;8:759-767.
Yabroff RK and Mandelblatt J. Interventions Targeted toward Patients to Increase
Mammography Use. CA Epi Biomarkers Prev 1999;8:749-757.
Mandelblatt JS, Yabroff KR, Kerner JF. Equitable Access to Cancer Services: A Review of
Barriers to Quality Care. Cancer 1999;86:2378-90.
Mandelblatt JS, Yabroff KR. Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening in the Elderly:
Recommendations and Challenges for the 21st Century. JAMWA, 2000; 55:210-5.
Mandelblatt J, Yabroff KR, Lawrence W, Yi B, Orosz G, Bloom HG, Schecther CB, et al.
Screening Mammography in the Elderly. Research on Breast Cancer in Older Women
Consortium. JAMA, 2000; 283, 3202-3.
Mandelblatt J, Hadley J, Kerner J, Schulman K, et al. Patterns of Breast Carcinoma
Treatment in Older Women: Patient Preference, Clinical, and Physician Influences. Cancer,
2000; 89:561-73.
Yabroff R, Mandelblatt J, Kerner J. Effectiveness of Interventions to Improve Follow-up
After Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening. Prev Med, 2000: 31(4) 429-439.
Padgett D, Yedidia M, Kerner J, Mandelblatt J. The Emotional Consequences of False
Positive Mammography: African-American Women’s Reactions in Their Own Words.
Women’s Health, 2000: 33(3-4) 1-14.
Sawaya GF, Grady, D, Kerlikowske K, La Valleur J, Barnabei VM, Bass K, Snyder TE,
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Previously Screened Post-menopausal Women: The Heart and Estrogen/progesterone
Replacement Study (HERS). Annals of Internal Medicine 2000;133:942-950.
Lawrence W, Mandelblatt J, Liang W, Peshkin B, Lerman C. The Costs of Genetic
Counseling and Testing for BRCA1/2 Mutations. Ca Epi Biomarkers Prev, 2001: 10(5) 475481.
Mandelblatt JS, Bierman AS, Gold K, Zhang Y, Ng J, Maserejan N, Meropol N, Hadley J,
Silliman R. Constructs of Burden of Illness in Older Breast Cancer Patients: A Comparison
of Measurement Methods. Health Svc Res 2001:36(6 pt 1) 1085-1107.
Mandelblatt JS, Berg CD, Meropol NJ, Edge SB, Gold K, Hwang YT, Hadley J. Measuring
and Predicting Surgeons Practice Styles for Breast Cancer Treatment in Older Women.
Medical Care 2001: 39(3) 228-242.
Hadley J, Mandelblatt J, Mitchell J, et al. Medicare Fees and Small Area Variations in
Breast Conserving Surgery among Elderly Women. Medical Care Research and Review,
2001:58(3) 334-360.
Saha S, Hoerger TJ, Pignone M, Teutsch SM, Helfand M, Mandelblatt JS. The Art and
Science of Incorporating Cost-Effectiveness into Evidence-based Recommendations for
Clinical Preventive Services. Amer J Prev Med, 2001:20(3 Suppl):36-43.
Sawaya G, Grady, D, Kerlikowske K, Hiatt R, Mandelblatt J. Advancing Age and Cervical
Cancer Screening and Prognosis. JAGS, 2001:49(11) 1499-504.
Hagen MD, Garber A, Goldie SJ, Lafata J, Mandelblatt J, Melter D, Neumann P, Sox H,
Tsevat J. Does Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Make a Difference? Lessons from Pap Smears.
Med Decis Making, 2001;21(4):307-23.
Kerner JF, Mandelblatt JS, Silliman RA, Lynch JJ, Senie R, Cohen C, Hwang YT; OPTIONS
Research Team. Outcomes and preferences for treatment in older women nationwide study.
Screening mammography and breast cancer treatment patterns in older women. Breast
Cancer Res Treat. 2001 Sep;69(1):81-91
Yabroff K, O'Malley A, Mangan P, Mandelblatt J. Inreach and Outreach Interventions to
Improve Mammagraphy Use. JAMWA 2001:56(4):166-174.
O’Malley AS, Lawrence W, Liang W, Lynn J, Kerner J, Mandelblatt J. Feasibility of
Mobile Cancer Screening and Prevention. J Health Care Poor Underserved, 2002;13(3):298319.
Edge SB, Gold K, Berg CD, Meropol NJ, Tsangaris TN, Gray L, Petersen BM Jr, Hwang
YT, Mandelblatt JS. Patient and provider characteristics that affect the use of axillary
dissection in older women with stage I-II breast carcinoma. Cancer. 2002 15;94(10):2534-41.
Mandelblatt JS, Edge SB, Meropol NJ, Senie R, Tsangaris T, Grey L, et al. Sequelae of
axillary lymph node dissection in older women with stage 1 and 2 breast carcinoma. Cancer.
2002 Dec 15;95(12):2445-54.
Mandelblatt, J., Lawrence, W., Gaffiken, L., and et al. Cost and benefits of alternative
cervical cancer screening programs in less developed countries. Journal of the National
Cancer Institute. 2002: 94(19): 1469-1483.
Mandelblatt JS, Lawrence WF, Womack SM, Jacobson D, Hwang YT, Gold, K, Barter J,
Shah K. Benefits and costs of using HPV testing to screen for cervical cancer. JAMA
287(18): 2372-81, 2002.
Mandelblatt JS, Kerner JF, Hadley J, Hwang YT, Eggert L, Johnson LE, et al. Variations in
breast carcinoma treatment in older medicare beneficiaries: is it black or white. Cancer. 2002
Oct 1;95(7):1401-14.
Klassen AC, Smith AL, Meissner HI, Zabora J, Curbow B, Mandeblatt J. If we gave away
mammograms, who would get them? A neighborhood evaluation of a no-cost breast cancer
screening program. Prev Med.2002;34(1):13-21.
Liang W, Burnett CB, Rowland JH, Meropol NJ, Eggert L, Hwang YT, Silliman RA, Weeks
JC, Mandelblatt JS. Communication between physicians and older women with localized
breast cancer: implications for treatment and patient satisfaction. J Clin Oncol. 2002;
O'Malley AS, Renteria-Weitzman R, Huerta EE, Mandelblatt J. Patient and provider
priorities for cancer prevention and control: a qualitative study in Mid-Atlantic Latinos. Ethn
Dis. 2002 Summer;12(3):383-91.
Pignone M, Saha S, Hoerger T, Mandelblatt J. Cost-effectiveness analyses of colorectal
cancer screening: a systematic review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann
Intern Med. 2002 Jul 16;137(2):96-104. Review. Summary for patients in: Ann Intern Med.
2002 Jul 16;137(2):I38.
O'Malley, A. S., Forrest, C. B., and Mandelblatt, J. Adherence of low-income women to
cancer screening recommendations. J.Gen.Intern.Med., 17: 144-154, 2002.
Saslow D, Runowicz CD*, Solomon D, Moscicki B, Smith RA, Eyre HJ, Cohen C. *
Mandelblatt J, member of Work Group on Interval, Older Women, and Hysterectomy.
American Cancer Society Guideline for the Early Detection of Cervical Neoplasia and
Cancer. CA Cancer J Clin, Nov 2002; 52: 342 - 362.
Hadley, J., Mandelblatt, J., Mitchell, J., Weeks, J. C., Guadagnoli, E, and Wang, Q.
Medicare Breast Surgery Fees and Treatment Received by Older Women with Localized
Breast Cancer. Health Serv Res. 2003 Apr;38(2):553-73.
O'Malley AS, Mandelblatt J. Delivery of preventive services for low-income persons over
age 50: a comparison of community health clinics to private doctors' offices. J Community
Health. 2003 Jun;28(3):185-97.
Polsky D, Mandelblatt JS, Weeks JC, Venditti L, Hwang YT, Glick HA. Economic
evaluation of breast cancer treatment: considering the value of patient choice. J Clin Oncol.
2003 Mar 15;21(6):1139-46.
Mandelblatt JS, Edge SB, Meropol NJ, Senie R, Tsangaris T, Grey L, et al. Predictors of
long-term outcomes in older breast cancer survivors: perceptions versus patterns of care. J
Clin Oncol. 2003 Mar 1;21(5):855-63.
Hadley J, Polsky D, Mandelblatt JS, Mitchell JM, Weeks JC, Wang Q, et al. An exploratory
instrumental variable analysis of the outcomes of localized breast cancer treatments in a
Medicare population. Health Econ. 2003 Mar;12(3):171-86.
Mandelblatt J, Figueiredo M, Cullen J. Outcomes and quality of life following breast cancer
treatment in older women: When, why, how much, and what do women want? Health and
Quality of Life Outcomes 2003, 1:45 (17 Sep 2003).
O'Malley AS, Gonzalez R, Sheppard V, Huerta E, Mandelblatt J. Primary care cancer
control interventions that include Latinos. Am J Prev Med,. 2003 Oct;25(3):264-71.
Yabroff KR, Mangan T, Mandelblatt J. Effectiveness of interventions to increase
Papanicolaou smear use. J Am Board Fam Pract. 2003 May-Jun;16(3):188-203.
Kerner J; Yedidia M; Padgett D, Muth B; Washington K; Tefft M, Mandelblatt J, et al.
Realizing the promise of breast cancer screening: Clinical follow-up after abnormal
screening among Black Women. Prev Med. 2003 Aug;37(2):92-101.
Mandelblatt J, Saha S, Teutsch S, Hoerger T, Siu AL, Atkins D, Klein J, Helfand M; Cost
Work Group of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. The cost-effectiveness of screening
mammography beyond age 65 years: a systematic review for the U.S. Preventive Services
Task Force. Ann Intern Med. 2003 Nov 18;139(10):835-42.
Cantor SB, Fahs MC, Mandelblatt JS, Myers E, Sanders G. Decision science and cervical
cancer. Cancer. 2003 Nov 1; 98(9 Suppl): 2003-8.
Yabroff KR, Washington KS, Leader A, Neilson E, Mandelblatt J. Is the promise of
cancer-screening programs being compromised? Quality of follow-up care after abnormal
screening results. Med Care Res Rev. 2003 Sep; 60(3): 294-331.
Liang W, WF, Burnett CB, Hwang YT, Freedman M, Trock BJ, Mandelblatt JS, Lippman
ME. Acceptability of diagnostic tests for breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2003 May;
79(2): 199-206.
Smith RA, Saslow D, Sawyer KA, Burke W(for the High-Risk Work Group), Costanza ME
(for The Screening Older Women Work Group*), Evans P (for The Mammography Work
Group), Foster RS (for The Physical Examination Work Group), Hendrick E (for the New
Technologies Work Group), Eyre HJ, Sener S (for The Breast Cancer Advisory Group).
*Mandelblatt J, member of The Screening Older Women Work Group. American Cancer
Society Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening: Update 2003. CA Cancer J Clin 2003;
Mandelblatt J. Diagnostic Hurdle. AHRQ WebM&M. February 2004. Available at: Accessed March 10, 2004.
Mandelblatt J, Schechter CB, Yabroff, RK, Lawrence W, Dignam J, Muennig P, Chavez Y,
Cullen J, Fahs M. Benefits and Costs of Interventions to Improve Breast Cancer Outcomes
In African-American Women. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2004; 22: 2554-2566.
Mandelblatt J, Armetta C, Yabroff KR, Liang W, Lawrence W. Descriptive review of the
literature on breast cancer outcomes: 1990 through 2000. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr.
Mandelblatt J, Lawrence W, Yi B, King J. The balance of harms, benefits, and costs of
screening for cervical cancer in older women: the case for continued screening. Arch Intern
Med. 2004 Feb 9;164(3):245-7.
Cullen J, Schwartz MD, Lawrence WF, Selby JV, Mandelblatt JS. Short-term impact of
cancer prevention and screening activities on quality-of-life. Journal of Clinical Oncology,
2004; 22: 943-952.
Figueiredo, MI, Cullen, J, Hwang YT, Rowland JH, Mandelblatt JS. Breast cancer
treatment in older women: Does getting what you want improve your long-term body image
and mental health? Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2004; 22 (19): 4002-4009.
Liang W, Yuan EH, Mandelblatt JS, Pasick RJ. How Chinese women view health and
cancer screening? Results from focus groups and implications for intervention. Ethnicity and
Health, 2004, 9(3):283-04.
100. O’Malley AS, Beaton E, Yabroff R, Abramson R, Mandelblatt J. Patient and Provider
Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in Safety-Net Primary Care. Prev Med. 2004;39:5663.
101. O'Malley AS, Sheppard VB, Schwartz M, Mandelblatt J. The role of trust in use of
preventive services among low-income African-American women. Prev Med. 2004
102. Yabroff KR, Mandelblatt JS, Ingham J. The quality of medical care at the end-of-life in the
USA: existing barriers and examples of process and outcome measures. Palliat Med. 2004
103. Berry DA, Cronin KA, Plevritis SK, Fryback DG, Clarke L, Zelen M, Mandelblatt JS,
Yakovlev AY, Habbema JD, Feuer EJ; Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling
Network (CISNET) Collaborators. Effect of screening and adjuvant therapy on mortality
from breast cancer. N Engl J Med. 2005 Oct 27;353(17):1784-92.
104. Kimmick GG, Peterson BL, Kornblith AB, Mandelblatt J, Johnson JL, Wheeler J, Heinze
R, Cohen HJ, Muss HB. Improving accrual of older persons to cancer treatment trials: a
randomized trial comparing an educational intervention with standard information: CALGB
360001. J Clin Oncol. 2005 Apr 1;23(10):2201-7.
105. Mandelblatt JS, Schechter CB, Yabroff KR, Lawrence W, Dignam J, Extermann M, Fox S,
Orosz G, Silliman R, Cullen J, Balducci L; Breast Cancer in Older Women Research
Consortium. Toward optimal screening strategies for older women. J Gen Intern Med. 2005
106. Pignone M, Saha S, Hoerger T, Lohr KN, Teutsch S, Mandelblatt J. Challenges in
systematic reviews of economic analyses. Ann Intern Med. 2005 Jun 21;142(12 Pt 2):1073-9.
107. Sheppard VB, Cox LS, Kanamori MJ, Canar J, Rodriguez Y, Goodman M, Pomeroy J,
Mandelblatt J, Huerta EE and LACRC. If you build it, they will come: methods for
recruiting Latinos into cancer research. J Gen Intern Med. 2005 May;20(5):444-7.
108. Yabroff KR, Lawrence WF, King JC, Mangan P, Washington KS, Yi B, Kerner JF,
Mandelblatt JS. Geographic disparities in cervical cancer mortality: what are the roles of
risk factor prevalence, screening, and use of recommended treatment? J Rural Health. 2005
Spring; 21(2):149-57
109. Mandelblatt J, Kaufman E, Sheppard VB, et al. Breast cancer prevention in community
clinics: will Latina patients participate in clinical trials? Prev Med. 2005; 40(6):611-8.
110. O'Malley AS, Forrest CB, Feng S, Mandelblatt J. Disparities despite coverage: gaps in
colorectal cancer screening among Medicare beneficiaries. Arch Intern Med. 2005;165:212935.
111. Tallarico M, Figueiredo M, Goodman M, Kreling B, Mandelblatt J. Psychosocial
determinants and outcomes of chemotherapy in older women with breast cancer: what do we
know? What do we need to know? Cancer J. 2005 Nov-Dec;11(6):518-28.
112. Wang JH, Liang W, Chen MY, Cullen J, Feng S, Yi B, Schwartz MD, Mandelblatt JS.
Influence of culture and cancer worry on colorectal cancer screening in older Chinese
American women. Ethnicity and Disease, 2006:16(2): 404-411.
113. Kulasingam SL, Kim JJ, Lawrence WF, Mandelblatt JS, Myers ER, Schiffman M, Solomon
D, Goldie SJ; ALTS Group. Cost-effectiveness analysis based on the atypical squamous cells
of undetermined significance/low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion Triage Study
(ALTS). J Natl Cancer Inst. 2006 Jan 18;98(2):92-100.
114. Mandelblatt JS, Lawrence WF, Cullen J, Stanton AL, Krupnick JL, Kwan L, Ganz PA.
Patterns of care in early-stage breast cancer survivors in the first year after cessation of active
treatment. J Clin Oncol. 2006 Jan 1;24(1):77-84.
115. Kreling B, Figueiredo M, Sheppard V, Mandelblatt J. A qualitative study of factors
affecting chemotherapy use in older women with breast cancer: barriers, promoters, and
implications for intervention. Psychooncology. 2006 Apr 6. 2006 Dec;15(12):1065-76.
116. Mandelblatt J, Schechter CB, Lawrence W, Yi B, Cullen J. The SPECTRUM population
model of the impact of screening and treatment on U.S. breast cancer trends from 1975 to
2000: principles and practice of the model methods. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr.
117. Hillner BE, Mandelblatt J. Caring for older women with breast cancer: can observational
research fill the clinical trial gap? J Natl Cancer Inst. 2006 May 17;98(10):660-1.
118. Liang W, Kasman D, Wang JH, Yuan EH, Mandelblatt JS. Communication between older
women and physicians: Preliminary implications for satisfaction and intention to have
mammography. Patient Educ Couns. 2006 Dec;64(1-3):387-92. Epub 2006 Jul 26.
119. Kreling B, Canar J, Catipon E, Mandelblatt J, et al. Latin American Cancer Research
Coalition: A Community Primary Care-Academic Partnership Model for Cancer Control.
Cancer. 2006 Oct 15;107(8 Suppl):2015-22.
120. Mandelblatt J. Treating breast cancer: the age old dilemma of old age. J Clin Oncol. 2006
Sep 20;24(27):4369-70.
121. Mandelblatt J, Kreling B, Figeuriedo M, Feng S. What is the impact of shared decision
making on treatment and outcomes for older women with breast cancer? J Clin Oncol. 2006
Oct 20;24(30):4908-13.
122. Mandelblatt J. To screen or not to screen older women for breast cancer: A new twist on an
old question or will we ever invest in getting the answers? J Clin Oncol. 2007 Jul
123. Wang JH, Liang W, Schwartz, M. D., Lee MM, Kreling, B., and Mandelblatt JS. Evaluation
of the impact of a culturally-tailored educational video on changes in breast cancer-related
behavior in Chinese women. Health Educ Behav 2007, 2007 Jun 29; [Epub ahead of print].
124. Sheppard VB, Figueiredo M, Canar J, Goodman M, Caicedo L, Kaufman A, Norling G,
Mandelblatt J. Latina a Latina(SM): developing a breast cancer decision support
intervention. Psychooncology. 2008 Apr;17(4):383-91.
125. Mandelblatt JS, Cullen J, Lawrence WF, Stanton AL, Yi B, Kwan L, Ganz PA. Economic
evaluation alongside a clinical trial of psycho-educational interventions to improve
adjustment to survivorship among patients with breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2008 Apr
126. Liang W, Chen MY, Ma GX, Mandelblatt JS. Knowledge, perceptions, and communication
about colorectal cancer screening among Chinese American primary care physicians. Clinical
Medicine: Gastroenterology, 2008; 1:21-26.
127. Liang W, Wang J H, Chen MY, Feng S, Yi B, Lee MM, Schwartz MD, Pasick RJ,
Mandelblatt JS. Developing and validating a measure of Chinese cultural views of health
and cancer. Health Education and Behavior 2008 Jun;35(3):361-75.
128. Wang JH, Sheppard VB, Schwartz MD, Liang W, Mandelblatt JS. Disparities in cervical
cancer screening between Asian and White women. Cancer Epidemiology Biomakers &
Prevention. 2008 Aug;17(8):1968-73.
129. Wells KJ, Battaglia TA, Dudley DJ, Garcia R, Greene A, Calhoun E, Mandelblatt JS,
Paskett ED, Raich PC; Patient Navigation Research Program. Patient navigation: state of the
art or is it science? Cancer. 2008 Oct 15;113(8):1999-2010.
130. Sheppard VB, Wang J, Yi B, Harrison TM, Feng S, Huerta EE, Mandelblatt JS; Latin
American Cancer Research Coalition. Are health-care relationships important for
mammography adherence in Latinas?J Gen Intern Med. 2008 Dec;23(12):2024-30.
131. Graves KD, Huerta E, Cullen J, Kaufman E, Sheppard V, Luta G, Isaacs C, Schwartz MD,
Mandelblatt J. Perceived risk of breast cancer among Latinas attending community clinics:
risk comprehension and relationship with mammography adherence. Cancer Causes Control.
2008 Dec;19(10):1373-82.
132. Mandelblatt JS, Potosky AL. On the road to improving the quality of breast cancer care: a
distance still to travel. Med Care. 2008 Aug;46(8):759-61.
133. Liang W, Wang JH, Chen MY, Mandelblatt JS. Language use and the receipt of cancer
Mandelblatt JS, Silliman R. Hanging in the Balance: Making Decisions About the Benefits
and Harms of Breast Cancer Screening Among the Oldest Old Without a Safety Net of
Scientific Evidence. J Clin Oncol. 2009 27: 487-490. PMID:19075258
134. Sheppard VB, Williams KP, Harrison TM, Jennings Y, Lucas W, Stephen J, Robinson D,
Mandelblatt JS, Taylor KL. Development of decision-support intervention for Black women
with breast cancer. Psychooncology. 2009 Mar 6. PMID:19267384 PMCID:PMC3136087
135. Liang W, Wang J, Chen MY, Feng S, Yi B, Mandelblatt JS. Cultural Views, Language
Ability, and Mammography Use in Chinese American Women. Health Educ Behav. 2009
Feb 20. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:19233947 PMCID:PMC3577419
136. screening recommendations by immigrant Chinese American women. J Women’s Health.
2009 Feb;18(2):201-7. PMID:19183091 PMCID:PMC2945721
137. Ramsey S, Whitley E, Mears VM, McKoy JM, Everhart RM, Caswell RJ, Fiscella K, Hurd
TC, Battalgia T, Mandelblatt J, For the PNRP. Evaluating the Cost Effectiveness of Cancer
Patient Navigation: Conceptual and Practical Issues. Cancer. 2009, 115(23): 5394-5403.
PMID:19685528 PMCID:PMC2790004
138. Wang JH, Mandelblatt JS, Liang W, Yi B, Ma IJ, Schwartz MD. Knowledge, cultural, and
attitudinal barriers to mammography screening among non-adherent immigrant Chinese
women: ever versus never screened status. Cancer. 2009 Oct 15;115(20):4828-38.
PMID:19645031 PMCID:PMC2761518
139. Mandelblatt JS, Cronin K, Bailey S, et al. CISNET Breast Working Group. Effects of
mammography screening under different screening schedules: model estimates of potential
benefits and harms. Annals Int Med 2009, 151(10): 738-471. PMID:19920274
140. Kwan ML, Ergas IJ, Somkin CP, Quesenberry CP Jr, Neugut AI, Hershman DL,
Mandelblatt J, Pelayo MP, Timperi AW, et al. Quality of life among women recently
diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Br Ca Res Treat. 2010 Sep;123(2):507-24.
PMID:20140494 PMCID:PMC2935682
141. Mandelblatt JS, Sheppard VB, Hurria A, et al. Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Decisions in
Older Women: Patient Preference and Interactions with Physicians. JCO 2010, 28 (19):
142. Kreling BK, Selsky C, Mandelblatt J. The Worst Thing About Hospice Is That They Talk
About Death: Contrasting Hospice Decisions and Experience among Immigrant Central and
South American Latinos to US-born White, Non-Latino Cancer Caregivers. Palliat Med 2010
June;24(4):427-34. PMID:20507867 PMCID:PMC3570252
143. Graham AL, Lopez-Class, M, Mueller NT, Mota G, Mandelblatt J. Efficiency and cost
effectiveness of recruitment methods for male Latino smokers. Health Education and
Behavior, 2011, June;38(3):293-300. [Epub 2011 Apr 1]. PMID:21460176
144. Mandelblatt JS, Buist D. The Elusive Goal of Maintaining Population Cancer Screening:
It's Time for a New Paradigm. JNCI 2010 Jul 21;102(14):998-9. [Epub 2010 Jun29].
145. van Ravesteyn NT, Schechter CB, Near AM, Heijnsdijk, EAM, Stoto MA, Draisma G, de
Koning HJ, Mandelblatt JS. Race-Specific Impact of Natural History, Mammography
Screening and Adjuvant Treatment on Breast Cancer Mortality Rates in the US. Ca Epi
Biomarkers and Prevention, 2011 Jan;20(1):112-22. [Epub 2010 Nov 30]. PMID:21119071
146. Mandelblatt JS, Trentham Dietz A, Stout N. To screen or not to screen in the 40’s: Is
Personalized risk-based screening for breast cancer the answer? Annals of Internal Medicine.
147. Mandelblatt JS, Cronin KA, Berry DA, Chang Y, de Koning HJ, Lee SJ, Plevritis SK,
Schechter CB, Stout NK, van Ravesteyn NT, Zelen M, Feuer EJ. Modeling the impact of
population screening on breast cancer mortality in the United States. The Breast 2011; 20 (3);
S75-S81. PMID:22015298 PMID:PMC3457919
148. Wallington SF, Luta G, Noone AM, Caicedo L, Lopez-Class M, Sheppard V, Spencer C,
Mandelblatt J. Assessing the awareness of and willingness to participate in cancer clinical
trials among immigrant Latinos. Journal of Community Health. 2012 Apr;37(2):335-43.
PMID:21805372 PMCID:PMC3567194
149. Neugut AI, Hillyer GC, Kushi LH, Lamerato L, Nathanson SD, Ambrosone CB, Bovbjerg
DH, Mandelblatt JS, Magai C, Tsai WY, Jacobson SJ, Hershman DL. The Breast Cancer
Quality of Care Study (B-QUAL): A multi-center study to determine causes for noncompliance with breast cancer adjuvant therapy. Breast Journal. 2012. May-Jun;18(3):20313. doi: 10. 1111/j. 1524-4741.x. Epub 2012 Apr 5. PMID:22487337
150. Nelson H, Miglioretti D, Buist D, Mandelblatt J et al. Systematic Evidence Review and
Meta-analysis: Risk Factors for Breast Cancer for Women Age 40-49. Annals of Internal
Med. 2012 May 1;156(9):638-48. PMID:22547473 PMCID: PMC3561467
151. Morrisey J, Hassmiller-Lich K, Anhang-Price R, Mandelblatt J. Computational Modeling
and Multilevel Cancer Control Interventions. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2012(44): 56-66.
doi:10.1093/jncimonographs/lgs014. PMID:22623597 PMCID:PMC3482961
152. Wang J, Schwartz MD, Luta G, Maxwell AE, Mandelblatt JS. Intervention tailoring for
Chinese American women: comparing the effects of two videos on knowledge, attitudes, and
intentions to obtain a mammogram. Health Educ Research. 2012 Jun;27(3):523-36. doi:
10.1093/her/cys007. Epub 2012 Feb 10. PMID:22327806 PMCID:PMC3337423
153. Muller NT, Noone AM, Luta G, Wallington SF, Huerta EE, Mandelblatt JS. HPV.
Information Channels Associated with Awareness of Human Papillomavirus Infections and
Vaccination among Latino Immigrants from Safety Net Clinics. Journal of Immigrant and
Minority Health. J Immigr Minor Health. 2012 Feb;14(1):183-8. doi: 10.1007/s10903-0119501-6. PMID:22089978 PMCID:PMC3567193
154. Mandelblatt JS, Faul LA, Luta G, Makgoeng SB, Isaacs C, Taylor K, Sheppard VB,
Tallarico M, Barry WT, Cohen HJ. Patient and physician decision styles and breast cancer
chemotherapy use in older women: Cancer and Leukemia Group B Protocol #369901. JCO.
2012 Jul 20;30(21):2609-14.[ Epub 2012 May 21]. PMID:22614985 PMCID:PMC3413274
155. Neuget AI, Hillyer GC, Kushi LH, Lamerato L, Leoce N, Nathanson D, Ambrosone CB,
Bovbjerg DH, Mandelblatt JS, Magai C, Tsai W, Jacobson JS, Hershman DL. Noninitiation of adjuvant hormonal therapy in women with hormone receptor positive breast
cancer: The Breast Cancer Quality of Care Study (BQUAL). Breast Cancer Research and
Treatment. 2012 Jul;134(1):419-28. doi: 10.1007/s10549-012-2066-9. [Epub 2012 Apr 22].
PMID:22527111 PMCID:PMC3561459
156. Lopez-Class M, Luta G, Noone AM, Canar J, Selksy C, Huerta E, Mandelblatt J. Patient
and provider factors associated with colorectal cancer screening in safety net clinic serving
low-income, urban immigrant latinos. J of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved.
2012;(23):1011-1019. 10.1353,hpu.2012.0109.
157. van Ravesteyn NT, Miglioretti DL, Stout NK, Lee SJ, Schechter CB, Buist DS, Huang H,
Heijnsdijk EAM, Trentham-Dietz A, Alagoz O, Cronin KA, Kerlikowske K, Nelson HD,
Mandelblatt JS*, de Koning HJ* (*dual senior authors). Risk-based breast cancer screening
decision: what level of risk tips the balance of benefits and harms in favor of breast-cancer
screening initiation at age 40? Ann Intern Med. 2012 May 1;156(9)609-17. PMCID:
PMC3520058 doi: 10.1059/0003-4819-153-9-201205010-00002. PMID: 22547470.
158. Near A, Mandelblatt J, Schechter C, Stoto MA. “Using Simulation Modeling to Inform
Strategies to Reduce Breast Cancer Mortality in Black Women in the District of Columbia,”
Epidemiol Res Int. 2012 Apr 26;2012(2012). Pii: Article ID 241340.
doi:10.1155/2012/241340. PMID: 23914301.
159. Selsky C, Kreling B, Luta G, Makgoeng SB, Gomez-Duarte J, Barbo AGA, Mandelblatt JS.
Hospice Knowledge and Intentions among Latinos using Safety-Net Clinics. J of Palliative
Medicine. 2012 Jun 25. Sept;15(9):984-90. PMID:22731515 PMCID:PMC3422069
160. Graham AL, Fang Y, Moreno JL, Streiff s, Villegas J, Muñoz RF, Tercyak KP, Mandelblatt,
J, Vallone D. Impact and costs of online advertising to reach and recruit Latino smokers to
an Internet cessation program. J Med Internet Res. 2012 (Aug 27);14(4):e116.
doi:10.2196/jmir.2162 PMID:22954502
161. Mandelblatt J, Schecther C, Levy D, Zauber A, Chang Y, Etzioni R. Building better
models: if we build them, will policy makers use them? Towards integrating modeling into
healthcare decisions. Med Decis Making. 2012 Sep-Oct;32(5):656-9. PMID:22990079
162. Graham A, Chang Y, Fang Y, Cobb NK, Tinkelman DS, Niaura RS, Abrams DB,
Mandelblatt JS. Cost-Effectiveness of Internet and Telephone Treatment for Smoking
Cessation: An Economic Evaluation of The iQUITT Study. Tob Control. 2012 Dec 21. in
press, 2012. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:23010696 PMCID:PMC3626730
163. Wang JH, Schwartz MD, Brown RL, Maxwell AE, Lee MM, Adams IF, Mandelblatt JS.
Results of a randomized controlled trial testing the efficacy of a culturally targeted and a
generic video on mammography screening among Chinese-American immigrants. Cancer
Epidemiol Biomarker Prev Res. Nov;21(11):1923-32. doi: 10.1158/1055-1065.
PMID:22971901 PMCID:PMC3542829
164. Chang Y, Schechter C, van Ravesteyn N, Near A, Heijnsdijk E, Adams-Campbell L, Levy D,
de Koning H, Mandelblatt J. Collaborative Modeling of the Impact of Obesity on Racespecific Breast Cancer Incidence and Mortality. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment.
2012; 136 9(3): 823-835. [Epub ahead of print] Doi:10.1007/s10549-012-2274-3.
PMID:23104221 PMCID:PMC351695
165. Graves KD, Jensen RE, Cañar J, Perret-Gentil M, Leventhal KG, Gonzalez F, Caicedo L,
Jandorf L, Kelly S, Mandelblatt J. Through the Lens of Culture: Quality of Life among
Latina Breast Cancer Survivors. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Nov;136(2):603-13. DOI:
10.1007/s10549-012-2291-5. PMID:23085764 PMCID:PMC3547364.
166. Mandelblatt JS, Tosteston A, van Ravestyn NT. Costs, Evidence and Value in the Medicare
Program: The Challenges of Technology Innovation in Breast Cancer Prevention and
Control. JAMA Internal Medicine 2013;173(3):227-8. doi:
10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.2127. PMID: 23303388.
167. Selsky C, Luta G, Noone AM, Huerta EE, Mandelblatt JS. Internet Access and Online
Cancer Information Seeking Among Latino Immigrants from Safety Net Clinics. J Health
Commun. 2013 18(1):58-70 [Epub ahead of print10.1080/10810730.2012.688248.
PMID:23066874 PMCID:PMC3555511.
168. Shelton RC, Hillyer GC, Hershman DL, Leoce N, Bovbjerg DH, Mandelblatt JS, Kushi LH,
Lamerato L, David Nathanson S, Ambrosone CB, Neugut AI. Interpersonal influences and
attitudes about adjuvant therapy treatment decisions among non-metastatic breast cancer
patients: an examination of differences by age and race/ethnicity in the BQUAL study. Breast
Cancer Res Treat. 2013 Feb;137(3):817-28. doi: 10.107/s1054*-012-2370-4. Epub 2012
Dec22. PMID:23263696 [PubMed-in process].
169. Vin-Raviv N, Hillyer G, Hershman D, Galea S, Leoce N, Bovbjerg D, Kushi L, Kroenke C,
Lamerato L, Ambrosone C, Valdimarsdottir H, Jandorf L, Mandelblatt J, Tsai WY,
Neugut A. Racial Disparities in Post-traumatic Stress Following Diagnosis of Localized
Breast Cancer: The Breast Cancer Quality of Care Study (BQUAL). JNCI. 2013 Apr
17;105(8):563-72. doi: 10.1093/jnci/dij024. [Epub 2013 Feb 21]. PMID:23434900
170. Etzioni R, Gulati R, Mallinger L, Mandelblatt J. Influence of study features and methods on
overdiagnosis estimates in breast and prostate cancer screening. Ann Intern Med. 2013
158(11):831-8. doi: 10.7326/00003-4819-158-11-201306040-00008. PMID: 23732716.
171. Mandelblatt JS, van Ravesteyn N, Schechter C, Chang Y, Huang AH, Near A, de Koning
HJ, Jemal A. Which strategies reduce breast cancer mortality most? Collaborative Modeling
of Optimal Screening, Treatment, and Obesity Prevention. Cancer 2013Apr 26. doi:
10.1002/cncr.28087. PMID: 23625540.
172. Mandelblatt JS, Hurria A, McDonald BC, Saykin AJ, Stern RA, VanMeter JW, McGuckin
M, Traina T, Denduluri N, Turner S, Howard D, Jacobsen PB, Ahles T for the TLC Study
(Thinking and Living with Cancer). Cognitive effects of cancer and its treatments at the
intersection of aging: What do we know; what do we need to know? Seminars in Oncology.
2013 Dec;40(6):709-25. doi: 10.1053/j.seminoncol.2013.09.006. Review. PMID: 24331192.
173. Loffredo CA, Luta G, Wallington S, Makgoeng SB, Selsky C, Mandelblatt JS,* AdamsCampbell LL,* (*dual senior authors) for the Latin American Cancer Research Coalition and
the Region 1 Bio-specimen Management of Cancer Health Disparities Program. Knowledge
and willingness to provide research biospecimens among foreign-born Latinos using safetynet clinics. J Comm Health. 2013 Mar 31 [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 23543371
174. Sheppard VB, Isaacs C, Luta G, Willey SC, Boisvert M, Harper FW, Smith K, Horton S, Liu
MC, Jennings Y, Hirpa F, Snead F, Mandelblatt JS. Narrowing racial gaps in breast cancer
chemotherapy initiation: the role of the patient-provider relationship. Breast Cancer Res
Treat. 2013 May;139(1):207-16. doi: 10.1007/s10549-013-2520-3 [Epub 2013 Apr] PMID:
175. Braithwaite D, Mandelblatt JS, Kerlikowske K. To screen or not to screen older women for
breast cancer: a conundrum. Future Oncol. 2013 Jun;9(6):763-6. doi: 10.2217/fon.13.64.
PMID: 23718292.
176. Freedman RA, Pitcher B, Keating NL, Ballman KV, Mandelblatt J, Kornblith AB,
Kimmick GG, Hurria A, Winer EP, Hudis CA, Cohen HJ, Muss HB. Alliance for Clinical
Trials in Oncology. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2013 Jun;139(2):607-16. doi: 10.1007/s10549013-2562-6. [Epub2013 May 17]. PMID: 23681403.
177. Mandelblatt JS, Makgoeng SB, Luta G, Hurria A, Kimmick G, Isaacs C, Tallarico M, Barry
WT, Pitcher B, Winer EP, Cohen HJ, Muss HB, A Planned, Prospective Comparison of
Short-term Quality of Life Outcomes among Older Breast Cancer Patients Treated with
Standard Chemotherapy in a Randomized Clinical Trial vs. an Observational Study: CALGB
#49907 and #369901. J of Geriatric Oncology. 2013 Oct;4(4):353-61. PMID: 24472479.
178. Mandelblatt JS, Sheppard VB, Neuget AI. Black-White Differences in Breast Cancer
Outcomes among Older Medicare Beneficiaries: Does Systemic Treatment Matter? JAMA.
2013 Jul24;310(4):376-7. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.8273. PMID: 23917286.
179. Hillyer GC, Hershman DL, Kushi LH, Lamerato L, Ambrosone CB, Bovbjerg DH,
Mandelblatt JS, Rana S, Neugut AL. A survey of breast cancer physicians regarding patient
involvement in breast cancer treatment decisions. Breast 2013 Aug;22(4):548-54.
doi:10.1016/j.breast.2012.10.001.epub2012 Oct27. PMID: 23107518.
180. Schwartz MD, Valdimarsdottir HB, Peshkin BN, Mandelblatt J, Nusbaum R, Huang AT,
Chang Y, Graves K, Isaacs C, Wood M, McKinnon W, Garber J, McCormick S, Kinney AY,
Luta G, Kelleher S, Leventhal KG, Vegella P, Tong A, King L. Randomized Noninferiority
Trial of Telephone Versus In-Person Genetic Counseling for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian
Cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2014 Mar 1;32(7):618-26. PMID: 24449235.
181. Bensink ME, Ramsey SD, Battaglia T, Fiscella K, Hurd TC, McKoy JM, Patierno SR, Raich
PC, Seiber EE, Warren-Mears V, Whitley E, Paskett ED, Mandelblatt JS. Patient
Navigation Research Program. Cost and outcomes evaluation of patient navigation after
abnormal cancer screening: Evidence from the patient Navigation Research Program. Cancer
2014 Feb15;120(4):570-8. doi: 10.1002/cncr.28438. Epub 2013 Oct25. PMID: 24166217.
182. Dash C, Wallington SF, Muthra S, Dodson E, Mandelblatt J, Adams-Campbell LL.
Disparities in knowledge and willingness to donate research biospeciments: a mixed-methods
study in an underserved urban community. J Community Genet, 2014 Apr 26. [Epub ahead
of print]. PMID: 24771039.
183. Stout N, Lee S, Schechter C, Kerlikowske K, Alagoz O, Berry D, Buist D, Cevik M,
Chisholm G, de Koning H, Huang H, Hubbard R, Miglioretti D, Munsell M, Trentham-Dietz,
van Ravesteyn N, Tosteson A, Mandelblatt JS. Benefits, harms and costs for breast cancer
screening in the US following implementation of digital mammography. In press, JNCI,
184. Mandelblatt JS, Stern RA, Luta G, McGuckin M, Clapp JD, Hurria A, Jacobsen PB, Faul
LA, Isaacs C, Denduluri N, Gavett B, Traina TA, Johnson P, Silliman RA, Turner RS,
Howard D, VanMeter JW, Saykin A, Ahles T. Cognitive impairments in older breast cancer
patients prior to systemic therapy. Is there an interaction between cancer and comorbidity?
In press, JCO, 2014.
185. Sheppard VB, Faul LA, Luta G, Clapp JD, Yung RL, Wang JH, Kimmick G, Isaacs C,
Tallarico M, Barry WT, Pitcher B, Hudis C, Winer EP, Cohen HJ, Muss HB, Hurria A,
Mandelblatt JS. Frailty and adherence to adjuvant hormonal therapy in older women with
breast cancer: cancer and Leukemia Group B Protocol #369901. In press, JCO, 2014.
186. Mandelblatt JS, Ahles T, Jacobson P. Cognitive effects of cancer systemic therapy:
implications for the care of older patients and survivors. In press, JCO, 2014.
187. Berry D, Buist D, Mucahit C, Chisholm G, de Koning H, Huang J, Hubbard R, Miglioretti D,
Munsell M, Trentham-Dietz A, van Ravesteyn N, Tosteson A, Mandelblatt J. Benefits,
harms and costs for breast cancer screening in the US following implementation of digital
mammography. In press, JNCI, 2014.
188. Mandelblatt JS, Ahles T, Jacobson P. Cognitive effects of cancer systemic therapy:
implications for the care of older patients and survivors. In press, JCO, 2014.
189. Munoz D, Near A, van Ravesteyn N, Lee S, Schechter C, Alagoz O, Burnside E, Berry D,
Chang Y, Chisholm G, de Koning H, Ergun M, Heijnsdijk E, Huang H, Stout N, Sprague B,
Trentham-Dietz A, Mandelblatt J*, and Plevritis** dual senior authors. Effects of screening
and adjuvant therapy on specific US breast cancer mortality by estrogen receptor status.
JNCI 2014 [In press].
190. Lansdorp-Vogelaar I, Gulati R, Mariotto AB, Schechter CB, de Carvalho T, Knudsen A, van
Ravesteyn N, Heijnsdijk E, van Ballegooijen M, Rutter C, Kuntz K, Feuer E, Etzioni R, de
Koning H, Zauber A*, Mandelblatt J*. Personalizing age of cancer screening cessation
based on comorbidity: model estimates of harms and benefits. Annals of Internal Medicine
2014 [In press].
BOOK CHAPTERS (selected)
Mandelblatt J. Cervical Cancer Screening. In: Primary Care Clinics of North America. Cancer
Prevention. Ed: R Burack. WB Saunders, Phil, Pa. March 1989 (pp 133-155).
Fahs M, Mandelblatt J. Cost-Effectiveness of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Elderly Low
Income Women. In: Preventing Disease. Beyond the Rhetoric. Eds: Richard Goldbloom and
Robert Lawrence, Springer Verlag, NY, 1990 (pp 441-446).
Muller CM, Mandelblatt J, Schechter C. The Costs and Effectiveness of Screening for Cervical
Cancer in Elderly Women. A Paper in the OTA's Series on Preventive Services Under Medicare.
Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress, Washington, DC, Feb 1990.
Mandelblatt, JS. Immune Senescence, HPV and Cervical Cancer In: Yang S, Warner H, eds.
Underlying Molecular, Cellular, and Immunological Factors in Age-Related Neoplasms. Plenum
Press, New York, 1993 (pp 13-26).
Mandelblatt JS. Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening in Elderly Poor Women. In: Oncology:
Principles and Practice. Cancer Prevention Update. Eds: DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg. JB
Lippincott, Phil, Pa, 1994, pages 1-7.
Mandelblatt J, Fryback D, Weinstein M, Gold M, Russell L, Hadorn D, and members of the
Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine. Assessing the Effectiveness of Health
Interventions. In: Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine. Editors: Gold M, Seigel J, Russell
L, and Weinstein M. Oxford University Press, New York, 1996 (pp 135-175).
Russell L, Seigel J, Daniels N, Luce B, Mandelblatt J, and members of the Panel on CostEffectiveness in Health and Medicine. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Decision Making in
Health: Roles and Limitations. Editors: Gold M, Seigel J, Russell L, and Weinstein M. Oxford
University Press, New York, 1996 (pp 3-24).
Kerner JF, Trock B, Mandelblatt JS. Breast Cancer in Minority Women. In: Harris and
Lippman M, ed. Breast Diseases, 2nd Edition; 1999, pgs 955-66.
Mandelblatt J, Selby J. Outcomes for Preventive Care. In: Cancer Outcomes Measurement
Working Group. Gotay and Lipscomb, editors. Oxford Univ Press, 2003.
Kerner JF, Trock B, Mandelblatt JS. Breast Cancer in Minority Women. In: Harris and
Lippman M, ed. Breast Diseases, 3rd Edition. 2004.
Mandelblatt JS, Liang W, Sheppard V, Wang J, Isaacs C. Breast Cancer in Minority Women.
In: Harris and Lippman M, ed. Breast Diseases, 4th Edition. 2008.
Available upon request