5 - Acusis

PRESENT ILLNESS: This 73-year-old patient of mine states that
she has had chills and felt very weak yesterday. She called her
son, who brought her into the emergency room. She was seen in
the ER and workup showed that she had a chest x-ray which was
negative; CT scan, questionable infiltrate at the right base;
however, the __________ is abnormal. She also had some
tenderness in the right upper quadrant/right mid quadrant,
suggesting that she may have an ascending cholangitis. She is
being admitted at this time, started on antibiotic therapy.
Dr. Walsh has seen the patient and we may be getting a GI
consultation, infectious disease consultation.
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: She has a history of hypertension with
hypertensive cardiovascular disease, history of parotid tumor for
which she had a resection and, in addition to that, chemotherapy
at Valley Medical Center. She also had a meningioma; most of it
was removed, expect some was left in. This was many, many years
ago by Dr. Emeka Nchekwube, a neurosurgeon. Patient has a very
forgetful memory, especially for any recent events. She denies
any chest pain. No shortness of breath. No cough, cold, or
urinary symptoms.
Past medical history and social history has been extensively
documented here and Regional Medical Center.
1. Micardis HCT 80-12.5 once a day.
2. Propranolol 100 mg daily.
3. Salicylate 750 mg 2 times a day.
4. Vicodin 1 q.6 h. p.r.n.
5. Calcium with vitamin D twice a day.
6. Propoxyphene-N 100-650 mg 1 every 4 hours p.r.n.
7. Fergon 325 mg daily.
8. Clonazepam 0.5 mg daily.
CONSTITUTIONAL: She denies any headache, is occasionally dizzy.
EYES, EARS, NOSE, AND THROAT: She is moderately hard of hearing.
RS: No cough, no shortness of breath at rest, hemoptysis.
CVS: No history of angina, myocardial infarction, ectopic
GI: See present illness.
GU: No dysuria.
PSYCHIATRIC: History of forgetfulness, as discussed above.
CNS: No history of seizure, loss of consciousness.
GENERAL: This is a female who is lying in bed who looks in
discomfort but not severely ill.
VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 120/58, respirations 20, heart rate
70, temperature 98.
HEENT: Normocephalic, no trauma. Scalp is normal. Face shows
good healing from dissection of left parotid tumor. Pupils are
equal. Extraocular movements are normal. She has some weakness
on the left side after resection of her meningioma. She is not
anemic or icteric. Mouth negative.
NECK: Supple. Carotids are felt without bruits. There is no
thyroid enlargement.
CHEST WALL: With no deformity.
BREASTS: No masses.
LUNGS: On auscultation, clear.
HEART: PMI outside the midclavicular line. There is no
ventricular heave, rub, or gallop.
ABDOMEN: Soft, distended. There is a questionable mild
tenderness in the right mid quadrant. No spleen or liver
enlargement, no ascites. Inguinal areas show no lymphadenopathy,
no hernia.
GENITALIA: External genitalia normal.
EXTREMITIES: Reveal no clubbing, no cyanosis, no edema.
NEUROLOGIC: Patient is conscious, able to move her extremities.
No focal deficit noted.
1. Ascending cholangitis, rule out choledocholithiasis.
2. Status post cholecystectomy.
3. Hypertension and hypertensive cardiovascular disease.
4. Degenerative arthritis.
5. Vascular dementia.
6. Status post resection of meningioma many years ago.
7. Status post resection of a parotid carcinoma with radiation
therapy and chemotherapy.
8. Allergic rhinitis.
9. Possibly __________ disease of the lung.
This 47-year-old patient is admitted from the emergency room with
severe anemia and epistaxis. Patient is an unfortunate patient
who suffers from recurrent epistaxis from his posterior nares,
also some GI bleeding from a significant angiodysplasia of his GI
tract. Has had multiple admissions to this hospital. His
hemoglobin outpatient was 5.8. The dialysis nurse called me. I
advised him to come to the ER. When seen in the emergency room,
his chest x-ray showed potential pulmonary hypertension,
otherwise, no acute cardiomegaly. He has a history of occult
sarcoidosis in the past. This is well documented. His EKG shows
a normal sinus rhythm with an old possible inferior myocardial
infarction. Initial hemoglobin confirmed that it was low, 5.4,
and we will admit him, give him 3 units of packed cells. He
probably will need more blood, so we may have to dialyze him
again tomorrow. He denies any chest pain or abdominal pain. No
gross blood per stool, but stool is guaiac positive.
1. Procardia XL 60 mg twice a day.
2. Diovan 60 mg b.i.d.
Lisinopril 20 mg b.i.d.
Lopressor 50 mg q.8 h.
Minoxidil 5 mg b.i.d.
__________ 600 mg at bedtime.
Prednisone 10 mg daily.
Fluoride 1 a day.
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: He denies any headache. Has been dizzy,
though. EYES/EARS/NOSE/THROAT: Hard of hearing. RS: Cough,
shortness of breath with exertion. No hemoptysis. CVS: No
history of angina, myocardial infarction. GI: Appetite has been
poor, according to him, for a couple days. Bowel movement: He
has noticed some black stool. GU: No dysuria. PSYCHIATRIC:
Negative. CNS: No history of seizure.
GENERAL: This is an acute and chronically ill-looking man.
VITAL SIGNS: His blood pressure is 112/70, respirations 16,
heart rate 102, temperature 98.
HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. Scalp is normal. Face shows
no asymmetry. Pupils are equal without significant AV nicking.
Fundi __________, not icteric. His mouth and ears are negative.
NECK: Supple. Carotids are felt without bruits. No thyroid
CHEST WALL: Shows slightly increased AP diameter.
LUNGS: To auscultation, decreased air entry bilaterally with
bilateral rhonchi.
HEART: PMI outside the midclavicular line. No heave, no rub, no
ABDOMEN: Soft. No tenderness. No spleen or liver enlargement.
No ascites. Inguinal area shows no lymphadenopathy, no hernia.
Femoral pulses are felt.
EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, no cyanosis, and no edema.
NEUROLOGIC: Done by ER physician. Patient is conscious, able to
move his extremities. No focal deficit noted.
1. Severe symptomatic anemia. Recurrent epistaxis from the
posterior nares.
2. Recurrent gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding secondary to
angiodysplasia of the GI tract.
3. Endstage renal disease.
4. Hypertension.
5. Hypertensive cardiovascular disease.
6. Sarcoidosis.
7. Cirrhosis of the liver.
This patient was brought in by the family with shortness of
breath, chest discomfort, and pain in the left hip and left
thigh. Patient, who has been on chronic maintenance hemodialysis
at the satellite dialysis unit, was supposed to be going for
dialysis today, but she got progressively short of breath with
pain in the leg. She was brought to the emergency room and was
seen by the ER physician. At this time, a chest x-ray revealed a
moderate amount of congestive heart failure. Chest pain. EKG
showed no evidence of an acute myocardial injury. Enzymes were
unremarkable. It was felt that she may have a tightness from
fluid overload. Her left hip and left leg pain will be
evaluated; an x-ray has been ordered. She denies any mechanical
fall. The patient has severe end-stage renal disease with
diabetes, hypertension, hypertensive cardiovascular disease,
coronary artery disease, and obesity. She is using a PermCath in
the right side for chronic maintenance hemodialysis.
previous chart.
1. Vicodin 1 tab at bedtime.
2. Diovan 160 mg twice a day.
3. AcipHex 20 mg daily.
4. Norvasc 10 mg daily.
5. Coreg 80 mg daily.
6. Folic acid 1 mg b.i.d.
7. Amaryl 2 mg daily.
8. Lipitor 20 mg at bedtime.
9. Sinemet 25-100 one b.i.d.
10. Celebrex 200 mg daily.
11. Renagel 800 mg t.i.d. with meals.
GENERAL: No headache, no dizziness.
EYES, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT: Hard of hearing.
RS/CVS: See present history.
GI: Appetite has been poor, according to the family. Bowel
movement constipation. No diarrhea. No hematemesis or melena.
GU: No dysuria.
CNS: No seizures.
GENERAL: Chronically ill-looking female lying in bed; is moaning
and groaning at this time.
VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 159/52, respirations 21, heart rate
58, temperature 99.
HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. Scalp is normal. Face shows
no asymmetry. Her pupils are equal. There is significant AV
nicking in her fundi. She is moderately anemic, not icteric.
Her mouth and ears are negative.
NECK: Supple. Carotids are felt without bruits. There is no
thyroid enlargement.
CHEST: Chest wall shows no deformity. She has a PermCath on the
right side at subclavian area. Lungs with bilateral rales about
two-thirds of the way.
HEART: PMI outside the midclavicular line. No thrills, heaves,
rubs, or gallop present.
ABDOMEN: Large panniculus. Liver palpable below the costal
margin. There are no abdominal masses. No bruits. Inguinal
area shows no lymphadenopathy, no hernia. Femoral pulses are
felt. Pulses are present in all 4 extremities.
EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, no cyanosis, no edema. There is no
evidence of obvious deformity of the left leg. When moving her
left leg, it is painful and also tenderness in the thigh. There
is no evidence of any swelling. Homans sign is negative. She
has no calf tenderness.
NEUROLOGIC: The patient is conscious, is fairly alert, according
to the family, and moves her extremities. No deficit noted.
1. Congestive heart failure, significant fluid overload, rule out
myocardial infarction.
2. Chest pain.
3. Left hip and leg pain, full evaluation, x-rays will be done.
4. Hypertension.
5. Hypertensive cardiovascular disease.
6. Type 2 diabetes mellitus.
7. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
8. Diabetic peripheral vascular disease.
9. Nephropathy with endstage renal disease.
10. Anemia of chronic disease.
This patient was admitted with right upper quadrant pain
and fever.
1. Ascending cholangitis.
2. Choledocholithiasis, status post cholecystectomy.
3. Hypertension with hypertensive cardiovascular disease.
4. Degenerative arthritis.
5. Vascular dementia.
6. Status post resection of meningioma many years ago.
7. Status post resection of parotid carcinoma with
radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
8. Allergic rhinitis.
9. Severe chronic interstitial lung disease.
Patient was started on antibiotic therapy. Patient was
consulted by Dr. Brian Levitt in GI consultation, and
impression was that the patient go to get ERCP. Seen also
in consultation by Dr. Michael Charney for antibiotic
therapy and by Dr. Hugh Walsh, general surgeon. Patient
initially had quite a bit of right upper quadrant pain.
She was kept n.p.o. on intravenous fluids. Findings of
that were a __________ small papilla. Only superficial
cholangiogram obtained. Per Dr. Stone, unable to obtain
deep cannulation, contrast drained quickly. No sphincter
study was done. PD not cannulated or injected, according
to doctor. Patient was observed and continued antibiotic
therapy. Blood culture grew also E coli for which she was
on Levaquin. There was no significant __________ which was
sensitive, but then we switched her to Levaquin. She
seemed to be better. She had pain, but her liver function
tests improved and are coming back to normal. Her white
count is back to normal now. She is anemic, but she has
been advised to take her Fergon 240 mg daily at discharge.
1. Ascending cholangitis.
2. Possibly choledocholithiasis.
3. Small sphincter ampulla of Vater.
4. Possibly jaundice due to above.
5. Hypertension, hypertensive cardiovascular disease.
6. Degenerative arthritis.
7. Vascular dementia.
8. Status post resection of meningioma many years ago.
9. Status post infection of the left parotid tumor due to
radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
10. Anemia of chronic disease.