LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY HOCKEY UMPIRING ASSOCIATION Secretary; Emma Dodd, 292A Broadgate, Weston Hills, Spalding, Lincs, PE12 6DA Telephone: 01406389020 e-mail: 85th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Tuesday 20th May 2014 Barrie Pollard (BP) Jack Warner Tracy Watts (TW) Philip Ingall (PI) Sue Maddison Bob Ellis Ryan Mountney PRESENT Matthew Pilgrim (MP) Paul Watts (PW) Kendal Baggott (KB) APOLOGIES Stuart Birkett (SB) Cat Brown (CB) Phil Maddison Jill Warrick (JW) David Elworthy (DE) Chris Dodd Emma Dodd (ED) Connor Carmody MINUTES OF AGM 2013 Were read, amended and agreed, proposed by PW, seconded by JW and signed by BP, agreed by all. MATTERS ARISING PW-Young umpire of the year trophy needs to be found to be presented to previous young umpire of the year, winners to be decided at next committee meeting. PW- any progress re memorial game for Roger Rowntree, is this still to take place and who is organising it? JW-the awards given each year should be referred to properly by their correct titles: that given by our previous illustrious Presidents, the award should be known as The Shipton/Gibson trophy. CHAIRMAN BP report provided. BP presented 11 Lincoln Imps to umpires, assessors and match delegates at a reception held in the evening during the county championships held at Lincoln. The Isle of man are looking to send to young umpires on the exchange. JW wished her thanks to be recorded to those who had helped with the new improved constitution, especially ED. TREASURER and MEMBERSHIP TW report provided. BP proposed, MP seconded, all in favour. All the clubs have now paid what they owe for the season. Point for next committee meeting, draft a proposal for detailing exactly where unclaimed expenses will be deposited. At present LCHUA do not charge clubs/organisations for the Club/County Championships, this is LCHUA’s donation to LHA. There is however a growing cost for people to travel to umpire and LCHUA pay these people their expenses. The clubs need to know that this is or has been a donation and therefore there might be a time in the future when LCHUA will decide to charge for providing umpires for the Club/County championships. Topic for the next committee meeting suggested; what is an expense, set out what the association classes as an expense that can be claimed from LCHUA. Also ED to obtain from England hockey the regulations for the level one umpires award. After Christmas LCHUA will need to look into possible alternative insurance schemes for the association, as changes are being made as to how our current insurer calculates its premiums. Overall the accounts show us to be approximately £2000 better off than last year. SUBSCRIPTIONS Remain the same for another year. Memberships at £20 adult and £10 U18 and mileage allowance at 26p. CHIEF COACH PW provided a short report. BP and SB had attended a level one course run by DE. YOUTH CO-ORDINATOR REPORT See report provided. The committee discussed Bill Watt to help with mentoring/organising the young umpires as he had been noted as an enthusiastic person. APPOINTMENTS PW report provided. PW has been struggling to cover all the games which umpires were required to be appointed, only 56% of the games were appointed. The committee discussed about the clubs being made to put umpires into the neutral pool, on a one in one out scheme. The committee felt this is the only way to get more umpires. PW to liase with LHA to draft a letter asking all clubs to put umpires into the neutral pool. Noted though if we get more umpires then we will need more umpire coaches (a vicious circle)!!!! ERHUA No great changes noted in the pipeline and SB wishes to continue as the representative for LCHUA. LHA LHA have a new President; Bob Ellis, who has stated he would like LHA and LCHUA to move forward together. It was asked if LCHUA would like to be mentioned in LHA's monthly report to the East. Stated that LCHUA already have a representative at the East committee meetings. LINCOLNSHIRE WOMENS LEAGUE Nothing reported. ELECTION OF OFFICERS See below UMPIRE OF THE YEAR-Shipton/Gibson Trophy Award given to Cat Brown Young Umpire Award is bestowed upon Ryan Mountney Noted, Emma Shelbourn to bring the trophy to the Lindum in time for the presentation AOB PI is still to produce the handbook, even though details will be on the new website. The handbook is to include officials and members details. Ryan Mountney is to be part of the ERHUA Wattingne group. JW spoke to Mike Talbot and Chris Bowers at the County Championship about developing umpires in our area, i.e. those who play/umpire in the North but actually live in the East. All would like to establish links between Lincs/Yorks again. DE is attending the Regional Training course for umpire development @ Loughborough. There is to be a Level One umpire course @ Long Sutton in July. DONM To be arranged for the middle/end of July Meeting closed at 21-27. POSITION PROPOSED SECONDED ELECTED President Jack Warner PW JW No vice presidents as set by the new constitution Vice President Chairman KB MP BP Secretary DE JW ED Treasurer BP Jack Warner TW Membership Secretary Combined under the treasurer role TW Appointments MP DE PW Chief Coach JW KB SB (also BP, ED and PW) Level 1 Umpire Co-ordinator ERHA BP PW TW Jack Warner MP JW ERHUA KB TW SB LHA All in favour BP, SB Young Umpire Manager Decision to be made at the next committee meeting Auditor TW PI Chris McKenna Not required as set by the new constitution Vice President Representative Council Members BP Life Members All in favour TW MP, JT, KB, DE Peter Broughton, Philip Ingall, Jack Warner Signed Chairman___________________________________ Date____________________ Provided reports attached below: