Advanced EndNote Workshop

JGH Health Sciences library
Instruction 2009
Advanced EndNote Workshop
Instructor: Francesca Frati x2438
January 22, 2009
Learning outcomes:
1. Transfer citations from EndNote to Reference Manager and back
2. Narrow literature search in PubMed and Medline
3. Import references from PubMed and Medline into EndNote
1. Transfer citations from EndNote to Reference Manager and back
EndNote to RefMan:
In Endnote:
1. Select your library >
2. Click File: Export and select a
name for your file
3. Save as type: *.txt
4. Output style: click “Select another
style”: wait for new window to
open, select RefMan (RIS)
Export then click choose)
5. Click save
In Word:
1. Click Insert: File >
2. Select the file you just saved (you
may need to change “Files of
type” to all files to see your file
listed )> and click Insert
3. Select Windows (default)
4. Click on Save as > name your file
then save as type plain text
5. Choose Windows (default) and
click OK
In RefMan:
1. Select or create a new library >
2. Click on File: Import text file >
3. For Filter, click “…” and select
RIS, then click open >
4. For Text file, click “…” and select
the text file you just created, then
click open >
5. Click Import
RefMan to EndNote:
In RefMan:
1. Click File: Export >
2. Click “…” to name file and
choose location for saving >
3. Click OK
4. For Output format select RIS >
5. References options are your
choice >
6. Click Export
In EndNote:
1. Open or create a library >
2. Click File: Import >
3. Choose file: select the file you
just created >
4. For Import option select
Reference Manager (RIS) >
5. Duplicates: your choice >
6. Text translation: no translation >
7. Click Import
JGH Health Sciences library
Instruction 2009
2. Narrow literature search in PubMed and Medline: See demonstration
non-small cell lung cancer
diabetics melitus
vitamin D
3. Import references from PubMed and Medline into EndNote
Import from PubMed:
In PubMed:
1. Select references >
2. Display: Medline >
3. Send to: File >
4. Save
In EndNote:
1. File >
2. Import >
3. Choose file: select the file you
just created >
4. Import option: PubMed (NLM) >
5. Duplicates: your choice >
6. Text translation: no translation >
7. Import
Import from Medline:
In Medline:
1. Results: your choice >
2. Fields: your choice >
3. Result format: Direct export >
4. Save >
5. Open with: Web Export Helper
(default) >
6. Export to: EndNote >
7. Select destination library >
8. Open