KING ABDUL AZIZ UNIVERSITY JEDDAH COMMUNITY COLLEGE MEDICAL AND PHARMACY TERMINOLOGY HIT 110 Course Syllabus FALL 2008 Semester Instructor: Dr. Shah Alam Khan Phone: (02) 2870026 Ext. 610 Email: Class Hours: Wednesday 8 - 9.50 AM Course Description: Credit Hours (2:2,0) (Prerequisite: GRC 111) A study of prefixes, suffixes, word roots, combining forms, special endings, plural forms, abbreviations based on anatomy and physiology related to each of the body systems, drug standards, sources, prescription symbols and abbreviations. Emphasis on spelling of drug names and utilization of references books. Course Competencies: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Define the meaning of medical terminology word roots, suffixes, and prefixes. Utilizing drug reference books, identify drug information for correct spelling. Describe drug sources, indication, actions, effects, responses, and routes of administration terminology. Identify common abbreviations and symbols used for medication orders. Describe basic functions of the respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, digestive, urinary/reproductive, endocrine and neurological systems. Define medical terminology pertaining to human anatomy and physiology for each assigned body system. Identify classifications, uses and common side affects of frequently ordered over-thecounter and prescription drugs. Spell the most frequently prescribed drugs. BOOKS: Pharmacy Terms in Use (Student’s Book and Workbook); Suleiman Saleem Mazyad; Note: To get this book, students can contact JCC library, KAU library, Al-Marrikh (Phone: 026527052) and Jarir (Phone: 02-6732727) book stores. Attendance: 1. Student should attend all classes of registered courses. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Attendance will be considered in class participation evaluation. The student is expected to be in his classroom before the class starts. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of classes. The student who shows up 5 minutes after the class starts is considered late. The student who shows up 15 plus minutes after the class starts is considered absent, even if he is allowed into the classroom. 7. Two late arrivals are equal to one absence. 8. A "DN" grade will be given to student who misses 15% or more of his classes. 9. Once a "DN" is issued, student will not be allowed to enter the classroom. 10. Special cases and valid excuses (to the satisfaction of the college administration) will be carefully scrutinized. However, the "DN" will not be lifted if the absence rate exceeds 2025% (This depends on the regulations of each course). 11. JCC strictly applies this policy. Students are therefore advised to take this matter seriously from the beginning of the semester. It is the responsibility of the student to keep the record of his absents. SPECIAL Accommodations: If there is any student in this class who has special needs because of learning disabilities or other disabilities, please discuss these needs with me. Evaluation / Grading: Students must earn 60% at least of the total possible points. The official grades in this course are: Marks Grade 95-100% 90-94% 85-89% 80-84% 75-79% 70-74% 65-69% 60-64% 0-59% A+ A B+ B C+ C D+ D F Students earn 59% and below are failed, F (Failed Grade). Denied students will earn DN (denied grade). Students who do not attend at all (any exam, any lecture and any Lab) will be considered AF (Absent Fail grade). Evaluation Policy:Item Marks Assignments/Quizzes/ Case Presentations 10% Class Attendance/Participation/Homeworks 10% Exam I (Written) 20% Exam II (Written) 20% Final Exam (comprehensive) 40% Late Assignments: All assignments are due at the BEGINNING of class on the due date. Late assignments will be penalized as follows: one day late...1 grade reduction, two days late...two grades reduced, after three days...1/2 credit. If a student submits more than two late assignments in a term, additional late papers may not be accepted. Course Procedures: Students may collaborate on assignments, but each student must submit an original copy of his/her OWN work. If an assignment is obviously copied, individuals involved may receive no credit. If a student must miss a class he is expected to contact the instructor regarding make-up work before the next class meets. It is the student's responsibility to officially drop a class. Failure to officially withdraw from a course may result in a F (Failed grade) or AF (Absent Failed grade). Cell phones, pagers and electronic entertainment devices must be turned off during all class and Lab times. Students violating this policy may be asked to leave class. TEACHING SCHEDULE FOR HIT-110 FALL 2008 Week No. Date Lecture no. 1 Oct 11-15 1 and 2 2 Oct 18-22 3 and 4 3 Oct 25-29 5 and 6 4 Nov 1-5 7 and 8 5 Nov 8-12 9 and 10 6 Nov 15-19 11 and 12 7 Nov 22-26 13 Mid term I (20 %) 8 Nov 29- Dec 3 14 and 15 Topic I. Building a Medical Vocabulary a. History of Medical Language b .Fields of Medical Practice c .Basic Term Components d. Suffixes, Prefixes and Word Roots I. Building a Medical Vocabulary e. Body as a Whole f. Medical Record g. Reference books II. Major components - drug terminology a. Sources b. Actions c. Affects d. Responses e. Routes of administration III. Medication order a. Abbreviations b. Symbols IV. Respiratory a. Anatomy and Physiology b. Vocabulary and Word Elements IV. Respiratory c. Drugs/prescription/OTC 1. Classifications 2. Uses 3. Side affects 4. Spelling V. Cardiovascular a. Anatomy and Physiology V. Cardiovascular c. Drugs/prescription/OTC 1. Classifications 2. Uses 3. Side affects 4. Spelling VI. Musculoskeletal a. Anatomy and Physiology b. Vocabulary and Word Elements Assignment H.W. H.W. 17 9 Dec 13-17 16 and 17 10 Dec 20-24 18 and 19 11 Dec 27-31 20 and 21 12 Jan 3-7 22 and 23 13 Jan 10-14 14 Jan 17-21 24 Mid term II (20 %) 25 and 26 15 Jan 24-28 27 and 28 16 Jan 31- Feb 4 29 and 30 Feb 7-11 c. Drugs/prescription/OTC VI. Musculoskeletal 1. Classifications 2. Uses 3. Side affects 4. Spelling VII. Digestive a. Anatomy and Physiology VII. Digestive b. Vocabulary and Word Elements c. Drugs/prescription/OTC 1. Classifications 2. Uses 3. Side affects 4. Spelling VIII. Urinary/reproductive a. Anatomy and Physiology b. Vocabulary and Word Elements VIII. Urinary/reproductive c. Drugs/prescription/OTC 1. Classifications 2. Uses 3. Side affects 4. Spelling IX. Endocrine a. Anatomy and Physiology IX. Endocrine b. Vocabulary and Word Elements c. Drugs/prescription/OTC 1. Classifications 2. Uses 3. Side affects 4. Spelling X. Neurological a. Anatomy and Physiology b. Vocabulary and Word Elements X. Neurological c. Drugs/prescription/OTC 1. Classifications 2. Uses 3. Side affects 4. Spelling Review Final exam tentative (Comprehensive 40%) H.W. H.W.