Science Proficiency Assessment Template

Proficiency Assessment
7.2E.1 Earth’s Resources
Standard: Describe and evaluate the environmental and societal effects of obtaining,
using, and managing waste of renewable and non-renewable resources.
Title: Mini Story Book
Background Knowledge:
Book E: Environmental Science – Chapter 3-5
 Renewable resources
o Solar
o Hydroelectric
o Wind
o Wave
o Geothermal
o Other types of renewable resources
o Benefits and drawbacks
 Non-Renewable resources
o Nuclear
o Fossil fuels
o Benefits and drawbacks
 Obtaining resources
o Mining
o Recycling
 Using resources
o How they are used
o Transformations of energy
 Managing waste
o Incinerating
o Garbage dumps
o Recycling
Essential vocabulary:
 renewable resources
 nonrenewable resources
 limited resources
 fossil fuels
 disposable
 landfill
 nuclear
 runoff
 societal
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
September 4, 2012
This is an activity where students create a mini children’s story book to explain the
obtaining, using, and managing waste of both nonrenewable and renewable resources.
Time needed: 2 Days
Materials: Blank computer paper, markers, colored pencils, scissors
Handouts: Student Handout: Student score sheet, Earth’s Resources Scoring
1. Introduce project by showing examples of mini books.
2. Hand out a piece of blank computer paper to each student. Walk through the
steps at and
have student follow along with their paper to construct the mini books.
3. Explain what students need to include in their mini books (see score sheet).
4. Give some example ideas for how they might address the standard, such as:
a. Following an atom of each type of resource from beginning to end (one is
renewed, one is not)
5. To earn a 4, students need to include your prediction about the future of the
6. Students work individually to create their mini books.
Student task/end product (scoring guide used to assess proficiency):
Students are scored on content of their mini books. Use the Earth’s Resources Scoring
Guide to grade the books.
Student Handout
Mini Story Book
Make a children’s story book to show what you know about renewable and
nonrenewable resources. For example, you might tell the story of an atom of each
type of resource from beginning to end (one is renewed, one is not).
Name and number
Self score
Conventions (see poster on wall)
4 colors
Illustrated cover
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
September 4, 2012
Uses words and pictures
Use all 6 inside pages
Glossary on the back cover with key vocabulary
Renewable resource used:__________
o Obtaining
o Using
o Managing waste
 Nonrenewable resource used: _________
o Obtaining
o Using
o Managing waste
 To earn a 4, include your prediction about the future of the resources.
Scoring Guide
Evaluate and predict the environmental and societal effects of
obtaining, using, and managing waste from renewable and nonrenewable resources.
Describe and evaluate the environmental and societal effects of
obtaining, using, and managing waste of renewable and nonrenewable resources.
Nearly meets
Identify the environmental and societal effects of obtaining, using,
and managing waste of renewable and non-renewable resources.
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
September 4, 2012
Scoring Guide
7.2E.1 Earth’s Resources
Standard: Describe and evaluate the environmental and societal effects of obtaining,
using, and managing waste of renewable and non-renewable resources.
Evaluate and predict the environmental and societal effects of
obtaining, using, and managing waste from renewable and nonrenewable resources.
Can complete level 3.0 and can partially complete level 4.0.
Describe and evaluate the environmental and societal effects of
obtaining, using, and managing waste of renewable and nonrenewable resources.
Can complete level 2.0 and can partially complete level 3.0 or 4.0
Nearly meets
Identify the environmental and societal effects of obtaining, using,
and managing waste of renewable and non-renewable resources.
Can complete level 1.0 and can partially complete level 2.0, 3.0, or
Can show partial knowledge at level 2.0 with help.
Can produce some evidence of basic knowledge, with help.
Has no
Cannot provide any evidence of knowledge or understanding,
even with help.
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
September 4, 2012