review of scottish marine fish farms




Scottish Government file reference (to be completed by SG):

« »

Crown Estate lease reference: « »

Orkney Island Council / Shetland Island Council work license: « »

Marine Scotland Science registration number: « »

In terms of The Town and Country Planning(Marine Fish Farming) (Scotland)

Regulations 2007 I/we hereby apply for planning permission for the following development:

1. Applicant Information

Company name:


Contact telephone and email address:

2. Site Information

Site name:

Planning Authority:

East/North coordinates of site centre point:

Co-ordinates of mooring boundaries:

Co-ordinates of planning boundary:


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Species being farmed: « »


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3. Map - map should show cage grid, mooring grid and planning boundary as well as the CE lease area (if appropriate)

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4. Notification to The Crown Estate (as owner of the seabed)

Please complete the embedded notification below and send to

, then certify that you have done so by setting the box to ‘checked’.

\\\ dc2\FS3_Home\u204973\Notice to Owners of Seabed.doc

I am aware of my obligation to notify the landowner of this application and certify that

The Crown Estate has been so notified.

5. Declaration

I hereby certify that the information contained in this application form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of applicant:

« »

Date: « »

Please note that any information in the application may be made available or copied to any member of the public on request and may be published, including on the

Scottish Government’s website.



All questions must be answered, even if your answer is N/A. Your form will be returned - potentially causing delay, if all questions are not answered. Ministers will consider the information provided and may subsequently request further information as necessary.

NB. Henceforth in this note the gene ric term “consent” will be used to mean a development consent/lease from the Crown Estate or a works licence from Shetland

Islands Council or Orkney Islands Council.

Further information is available from:

The Scottish Government

Fish Farm Review Team

Aquaculture Unit

Marine Scotland

Area 1B North

Victoria Quay



Tel: 0131 244 6225 e-mail:

1. Applicant Information

Enter the applicant’s full name and postal address and contact details for the member of staff dealing with the application. The company name should be that of the leaseholder.

Back to Application Form


Site Information

These are: the site name, planning authority, site co-ordinates, site equipment (including cage sizes and type and any other equipment such as feed barges). Information on boat moorings should be identified if they fall within the application site. An indication should be given in this section where the site is being serviced from boat moorings outwith the application area,. Latitude and longitude positions should be in WGS 84 Datum.

GPS co-ordinates should be provided for: the site centre point, each corner of the mooring boundaries area, the planning boundary (if different) and the Crown Estate lease area lease area and the cage grid area as well as the mid point of any ancillary equipment (eg a feed barge).

Example Coordinates:

Coordinates of Site Centre Points

55.699250N -5715645 W

Mooring Co-ordinates

55.696694 N -5.715816 W


55.700126 N

55.701740 N

55.698343 N

-5.713276 W

-5.715480 W

-5.718037 W

Lease Area Co-ordinates

55.700340 N -5.712351 W

55.702581 N -5.715345 W

55.697973 N -5.718777 W

55.695736 N -5.715816 W

Feed Barge Co-ordinates (mid-point)

55.697468 N -5.715867 W

For illustrative purposes only.

Any information on Equipment and Species included in this section must be based on the current consent.

Back to Application Form

3. Map

The map should indicate: cage grid, mooring grid and planning boundary (outlined in red) as well as the CE lease area (if appropriate). Any map(s) should show a fixed point on land to help verify the position of the site.

For illustrative purposes only

NB: On granting planning permission these maps will be printed out and stamped as part of the planning documents, these will then be scanned and sent to operators and the planning


authority. As such each map need to be good quality enough to allow printing and further scanning and the boundaries of the site that is applying for planning should be clearly marked (preferably in red).

Back to Application Form

4. Notification to The Crown Estate (as owner of the seabed)

Please note that you have a statutory obligation to notify the owners of the site at the same time as submitting this application. The notification should be served as close as possible to the time immediately preceding submission of your application to Scottish Ministers. The land owner for all Marine Fish Farms is the Crown estate.

Back to Application Form

