RISK ASSESSMENT School Activity Assessment completed by: Name: Hazard Persons Exposed and How Use of cleaning chemicals / detergents Staff Visitors Pupils Dermatitis Skin irritation Eye damage (splashes) Allergies Burns Date: Current Controls Less hazardous chemicals used wherever possible All containers clearly labelled Always read the labels before using Harmful Substances Material Safety Data Sheet for substances obtained from supplier, guidance followed and copy kept on file COSHH Assessment completed for all hazardous chemicals and control measures implemented Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (e.g. rubber gloves resistant to detergents etc.) provided and worn Gloves washed before removal Use of equipment i.e. mops Restrict access by others when hazardous substances in use Activities are undertaken outside of Cleaning Review Date: Signature: Further Action Necessary Action by Whom Action by When Completed Only use cleaning materials available on EA’s contract Further information, posters, training materials can be downloaded from the HSE website Page 1 Hazard Persons Exposed and How Current Controls Contact with biological agents Staff Visitors Pupils Needle stick injuries Infectious disease Further Action Necessary Action by Whom Action by When Completed school hours where possible Stores kept locked during school day All spills to be cleaned up immediately All substances are stored securely in approved containers Only decant into appropriate labelled container Necessary hazard warning signs in place Dispose of any hazardous materials through authorised contractor Relevant employees are aware of the hazards and precautions that must be taken when using chemical products and have access to safety data sheets Bleach and acidic toilet cleaners are never mixed or put into toilet bowl together Potential hazardous wastes e.g. vomit / bodily fluids disposed of correctly and surfaces properly disinfected Disposable gloves and aprons are used for all activities that may result in contamination of clothing with blood, body fluids or faeces Such PPE is double bagged and disposed of appropriately after a single use Hands thoroughly washed after Page 2 Hazard Persons Exposed and How Current Controls Contact with hazardous substances Staff Dermatitis Allergy completion of task Cuts/abrasions on the hands are suitably covered To reduce possibility of needle stick injuries, individuals should not put their hands into bins where they cannot see the contents Clinical waste is disposed of in a clinical waste/sharps bin and disposed of by an appropriate waste disposal company If an employee suffers a needlestick injury bleeding is initially encouraged and medical attention is sought immediately Staff made aware of any potentially hazardous substances which they may inadvertently encounter when cleaning areas such as a science lab Cleaners receive clear instructions on what areas, equipment or substances they must not touch when cleaning specialist rooms Staff are aware of hazard warning symbols on chemicals and care required when cleaning specialist areas Staff received skin care training Further Action Necessary Action by Whom Action by When Completed HSE Powerpoint presentation training package (www.hse.gov.uk/s kin/professional/tr aining resources.htm) is used to inform staff about dermatitis and relevant posters (www.hse.gov.uk/s kin/professional/po sters) displayed. Page 3 Hazard Persons Exposed and How Slips trips and falls Staff Visitors Pupils Strains Sprains Broken limbs Staff Visitors Pupils Use of electrical equipment Electrical shock Burns Current Controls Cleaning using equipment Staff Visitors Pupils Back injuries, Further Action Necessary Action by Whom Action by When Completed All spillages to be dealt with immediately Wet floor signs to be used when appropriate Dry mop floors after cleaning up initial spillage Pupils, visitors etc to be kept away from spill area during cleaning Annual, regular electrical test Ensure all connections are properly fixed Visual inspection pre-use A residual current device to be used in higher risk situations, e.g., equipment used outside or in wet conditions, and for equipment where there is a risk of cables being severed Uncoil fully any extension leads used Faults in equipment reported to the relevant person Defective electrical equipment clearly identified, labeled as out of use and stored separately to prevent accidental use Manual Handling Assessment carried out for use of floor buffer etc. Training given in correct procedure for use of such equipment Training given in correct lifting Page 4 Hazard Persons Exposed and How Current Controls sprains, strains Creation of dust particles Staff Pupils Inhalation Breathing difficulties Contact with broken glass Staff Cuts Washing and vacuuming floors and stairways Staff Pupils Slips Falls Further Action Necessary Action by Whom Action by When Completed techniques Minimise manual handling Appropriate footwear worn Mechanical lifting aids available (trolleys etc.) Improve workplace layout Store heavy items at waist level Cleaning supplies are arranged so that items are readily accessible, not requiring excessive stretching, or reaching and not liable to fall Empty vacuum cleaner dust bags regularly Check bags are intact Wet clean ceramic rooms Vacuum wood dust with suitable filter fitted to machine Use dust mask in very dusty conditions Broken glassware disposed to a separate waste glass bin and not mixed with general waste Bin liners are not used for glassware disposal bins Wet floor signs are used when washing floors Stairways are washed outside of heavy usage times and steps are dried immediately where possible Care is taken to ensure cable of vacuum Page 5 Hazard Persons Exposed and How Inadequate welfare facilities Staff Pupils Pushing/pullin g heavy or awkward items Unsafe use of ladders Unsafe storage of ladders Unsecured ladders Cross contamination Staff Current Controls Back injury Strains Staff Falls from height Further Action Necessary Action by Whom Action by When Completed cleaner does not pose a trip hazard Cleaners have access to toilet, and washing facilities Cleaners have a place to store outdoor clothes and personal belongings while at work A manual handling risk assessment has been completed Storage areas for cleaning supplies, toilet paper, etc are arranged so that items are readily accessible, not requiring excessive stretching or reaching and not liable to fall Ladders are only used for short duration work (less than 30 minutes) and where the risk of injury is low Ladders are only used for light work and not for work that involves carrying heavy or awkward items Ladders are stored safely and unauthorised use id prohibited Ladders are set out on a firm base and leaning at the correct angle (75 degrees, 1:4) Ladders are tied at the top to a secure structure or secured at the bottom or held by a second person Ladders are not placed on a box or other unstable base Page 6 Hazard Defective ladders Persons Exposed and How Staff Falls from height Overreaching whilst using ladders Staff Cleaning of toilets Staff Loose/broken fittings Cuts Fall from height resulting in serious injury Current Controls Further Action Necessary Action by Whom Action by When Completed Ladders are removed to storage at the end of each working day to ensure that unauthorised access to roof etc by others, particularly pupils, is prevented Footwear is free from mud/grease before climbing a ladder 3 points of contact are maintained at the working position The ladder is checked before use for cracked or bent stiles or rungs, corrosion, defective or missing fittings or ties Ladder is removed from use if found to be defective Defects are reported Wooden ladders are not painted When using ladders members of staff do not work on top 3 rungs or top 2 steps of stepladders Where possible an alternative method of working is used e.g. using an extendable pole to clean high level areas Ladders are properly set to avoid overreaching Mobile towers are used where practicable Condition of toilets and hand basins checked by cleaner daily Cracked floor tiles are reported to the relevant person and repaired as soon as possible Page 7 Hazard Cracked floor tiles Legionella Mould growth Improperly maintained hot and cold water system Persons Exposed and How Slips, trips, falls Respiratory disease Respiratory disease –mould toxins Burns/scalds Current Controls Further Action Necessary Action by Whom Action by When Completed See Legionella risk assessment See mould risk assessment Water temperature to basins maintained below scalding. Scalding water problems to reported by cleaning staff to building supervisor and action taken immediately Extraction system is operational or windows can be opened Scalding water Inadequate ventilation Page 8