University of Connecticut Appendix D: Use of Hazardous Agents or Controlled Substances Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Office of Research Compliance Whetten Graduate Center, Rm #214, 438 Whitney Road Ext., Unit 1246 Storrs, CT 06269-1246 860-486-8802 Office Use Only IACUC Protocol #_____________ Approval Date: ______________ Expiration Date: _____________ Species_____________________ Guide exceptions: Y__N__ Hazards: Y__ N__ Instructions: This form is a companion to Section XI of the Protocol for Animal Care and Use (IACUC-1) Form. The completion and submission of this form is required, as described in the aforementioned section, under the following circumstances: Research objectives require the use of radioisotopes, lasers, x-rays You are using an experimental compound with unknown toxicity The objectives of your project require the use of hazardous or toxic chemicals in animals You are utilizing recombinant DNA/RNA or transgenic animals The experimental design includes the use of material of human origin or human, animal or plant pathogens Section I: PI (Principal Investigator) and Protocol Information Principal Investigator (PI): Project title: Section II: Providers of Care: Who will potentially be exposed to hazards on this protocol (include waste handling)? Check all that apply: Animal Care Services (ACS) Staff Agricultural animal care staff Principal Investigator (PI) and/or research staff Students under the direction/ instruction of the PI Section III: Hazardous agents to be used: Please complete the table below to indicate which hazardous agents will be used under this protocol. Agent/Material Check all that apply Specify agent or material Species of animal to be exposed to Agent/material Approximate number of animals to be exposed to agent/material Radioisotopes Recombinant DNA/RNA Human, Plant or Animal Pathogen Appendix D Page | 1 Human Material (cells, tissues, organs, body fluids) Toxic Chemicals Experimental Chemicals and Chemotherapeutics (including carcinogens/mutagens/teratogens) Experimental Drugs (i.e., controlled substances) Other Section IV: Specific questions regarding hazardous agents A. If human or animal pathogen or material of human or animal origin, designate the Biosafety Level: BSL____ ► B. Describe any engineering controls, administrative controls and personal protective equipment utilized to mitigate the risk associated with this agent/material. Attach additional documentation (e.g., a separate safety manual) if needed. ► C. Describe the experimental procedures, including specifics of the hazardous agent(s)/material to be used, dose, route of administration, frequency of application, length of exposure and route of excretion. ► D. Describe any potential health risks to animals and/or humans. ► E. Describe any special animal care and use requirements. ► F. When the hazard is present, where will the animals be housed and where will they be used during this time? ► G. Describe any special postings on animal or laboratory room doors, cages, etc. Submit copies of any signs to be used with this form. Contact Biosafety for posting of Biohazard signage. ► H. When the hazard is present, who will care for the animals and who will use the animals? ► I. For animal care staff and others using live animals or exposed to soiled equipment, describe any special precautions that will need to be taken ► J. Who will instruct the animal care staff and others working with these animals or with soiled equipment used with these animals? Describe this person’s training and experience with the hazard. ► K. Describe special containment facility requirements e.g., procedures necessary to protect other animals in the room, in the facility, and/or in the environment; e.g., provide the name of the disinfectant and the procedure used for decontamination, foot baths, pest control, etc. ► L. Describe bedding and animal disposal requirements. ► Appendix D Page | 2 M. What is the procedure in the event of an emergency? ► N. Additional information (To be filled out upon request): ► Appendix D Page | 3