Understanding National Curriculum levels in mathematics Using and Applying (Ma1) Level 2 Level 3 Supported (emerging mathematics) Teacher led Children explain with prompting Reasoning and communicating are key More independence after teacher modelling Children reason with examples Check work and results Number (Ma2) Level 4 Independent – children have ownership Test ideas with selected methods Organise work and results Justify Self evaluation of ideas and methods Shape, space and measures (Ma3) Place value to 100 Sequences in fixed steps (2s and 10s) Recognise odd and even numbers ½ and ¼ of shapes and halve numbers up to 20 Focus on +/-, including using appropriate operation and inverse Doubling and halving Number bonds to 10 and links to further known facts e.g. 30+70 Place value to 1000 X/÷ whole numbers by 10 Approximating and estimating Negative numbers in context Sequences (multiples of 2, 5 and 10) Find unit fractions of shapes and quantities, recognise fractions that are several parts of the whole and find simple equivalence (½) Decimals for money Balancing sums Number bonds to 20 +/- written methods 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 x tables (begin to know 6, 7, 8 and 9) and related ÷ facts Focus on x/÷ including remainders and problems Formal and efficient written methods for all 4 operations X/÷ whole numbers by 10 and 100 Complements to 1000 Decimals – ordering, sequences, use with 4 operations, 3 places, all contexts, inverse… Factors, multiples, square numbers… Equivalent fractions to several part fractions e.g. 2/3 Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa Equivalence between fractions, decimals, % Ratio Brackets Tables to 10 x 10, including related ÷ facts Two-step problems Name 2D and 3D shapes (common) Know basic properties of 2D and 3D shapes Ordinal positioning Angles and ‘turns’ Length and mass Non-standard and standard units Handling Data (Ma4) Name and know properties of more complex shapes Classify shapes and explain Know vocabulary and terminology (including position and direction) Regular/irregular Obtuse/acute Reflection (including 45° angle from mirror line) Recognise nets Length, capacity, mass and time Area and perimeter Measure to nearest ½ cm Use and understand vocabulary Know names of triangles and quadrilaterals Recognise and draw shapes in different orientations Translation and rotational symmetry Construct nets Measure to nearest 2mm Measure and draw angles Begin to use area formula Collect and sort data (teacher led – support and direction) Tables, lists, pictograms and block graphs Sort using 1 criteria Record data in units of 1 Understand simple vocabulary Respond to simple questions Decide what information to collect for a given question Construct bar charts and pictograms Sort using more than 1 criteria (Venn and Carroll diagrams) Scales of 2, 5 and 10 to record units Understand and use vocabulary Interpret data and answer more complex questions Simple probability Children to choose how to collect, record and explain data for given question Use of more complex scales (draw and interpret between divisions) Compare criteria and sets of data Construct frequency tables and line graphs Interpret pie charts Mode and range Understand the language of probability Bexley Primary Mathematics Team – Year 4 training November 2008