Name of module Medical ethics (Christianity) Week 1 Year group 10 Title Medical research – genetic engineering, designer babies, saviour siblings, embryology, Cloning & Stem cell Contents a) What is genetic engineering, designer babies and saviour siblings? What embryology, cloning and stem cell research? How does this affect the sanctity of life? What is the Roman Catholic/C of E attitudes? How does this affect the value of life? Who is responsible for life? a) Transplants, blood transfusions experiments on humans b) Fertility treatment a) What is the point of transplants, blood transfusions and experiments on humans? How does this affect the sanctity of life? What is the Roman 2 T Charlton Term Spring Term/summer term a) b) c) d) Possible tasks a) Define the terms Medical research – genetic engineering, designer babies, saviour siblings, Embryology, Cloning & Stem cell b) What are the arguments for and against each practice? c) Redefine ‘sanctity of life’ d) Opinion line – where would the R.C/ C of E stand on each issue? e) Group presentations on each medical ethic. T/F reasons for transplants, blood transfusions and experiments on humans Go on to the ‘give blood’ website and see what reasons they give? Debate – should people have to carry a donor card? Timeline of the history of the IVF. Length 4 weeks Homework Research an example of humans being experimented on Part b question – give 3 reasons why some religious people believe that fertility treatment is wrong (3 marks) Useful resources Discovery ‘Religion & morality’ PSHCE Modern technologies Arguments for and against ICT Research homework Give blood website 3 T Charlton a) Artificial insemination b) Surrogacy Catholic/C of E attitudes? How does this affect the value of life? Who is responsible for life? b) IVF – the history, the purposes, How does this affect the sanctity of life? What is the Roman Catholic/C of E attitudes? How does this affect the value of life? Who is responsible for life? a) By donor (AID or DI), by husband (AIH), the purposes, How does this affect the sanctity of life? What is the Roman Catholic/C of E attitudes? How does this affect the value of life? Who is responsible for life? b) The purposes, e) Plot R.C and C of E opinions of IVF and transplants, blood transfusions and experiments on humans f) The elephant man case (Northwick Park) – where experiments on humans can go wrong a) Debate – ‘surrogacy should be illegal’ b) Research the types of artificial insemination c) Do you agree with the RC/ C of E attitude and why? d) Susan Kennedy in Neighbours acting as a surrogate for her daughter– arguments for and against. Part d – explain religious attitudes to surrogacy. (4 marks) Debate Research 4 T Charlton a) How artificial reproduction affects the children and people involved b) Assessment how does this affect the sanctity of life? What is the Roman Catholic/C of E attitudes? How does this affect the value of life? Who is responsible for life? a) Benefits e.g. couple have a child/opportunity for life/’love thy neighbour’. Weaknesses e.g. sanctity of life, playing God, affects child b) See T drive a) Debate – ‘this house believes that artificial reproduction is too damaging so should be banned’. b) Brain storm arguments for and against Artificial reproduction c) See T drive for assessment Revision Debate What have I learnt N/a