WGCEPH 2001 - ANNEXES ANNEX 5 CEPHALOPOD BIBLIOGRAPHY (2000-01) Adamo, S.A., Brown, W.M., King, A.J., Mather, D.L., Mather, J.A., Shoemaker, K.L. & Wood, J.B., 2000. Agonistic and reproductive behaviours of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis in a semi-natural environment. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 66: 417-418. Agnew, D.J., Hill, S. & Beddington J.R., 2000. Predicting the recruitment strength of an annual squid stock: Loligo gahi around the Falkland Islands. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 57: 24792487. Alonso, M.K., Crespo, E.A., Pedraza, S.N., Garcia, N.A. & Coscarella, M.A., 2000. Food habits of the South American sea lion, Otaria flavescens, off Patagonia, Argentina. Fishery Bulletin, 98(2): 250-263. Arkhipkin, A.I., 2000. Intrapopulation structure of winter-spawned Argentine shortfin squid, Illex argentinus (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae), during its feeding period over the Patagonian Shelf. Fishery Bulletin, 98(1): 1-13. Arkhipkin, A.I. & Bjørke, H., 2000. Statolith shape and microstructure as indicators of ontogenetic shifts in the squid Gonatus fabricii (Oegopsida, Gonatidae) from the Norwegian Sea. Polar Biology, 23:1-10. Arkhipkin, A.I. & Bizikov, V.A., 2000. Role of the statolith in functioning of the acceleration receptor system in squids and sepioids. Journal of Zoology, 250(1): 31-55. Arkhipkin, A.I. & Fetisov, A.A., 2000. Population structure and growth of the squid Illex illecebrosus (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae) off Nova Scotia, north-west Atlantic. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 80: 367-368. Arkhipkin, A.I. & Golub, A., 2000. Aberrant structure of the statolith postnuclear zone in the squid Todarodes sagittatus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 80(1): 183-184. Arkhipkin, A.I., Jereb, P. & Ragonese, S., 2000. Growth and maturation in two successive groups of the shortfinned squid, Illex coindetii from the Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57: 31-41. Arkhipkin, A.I. & Laptikhovsky, V.V., 2000. Age and growth of the squid Todaropsis eblanae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) on the north-west African shelf. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 80: 747-748. Arkhipkin, A.I., Laptikhovsky, V.V. & Middleton, D.A.J., 2000. Adaptations for the cold water spawning in squid of the family Loliginidae: Loligo gahi around the Falkland Islands. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 66: 551-564. Arreguin-Sanchez, F., 2000. Octopus-red grouper interaction in the exploited ecosystem of the northern continental shelf of Yucatan, Mexico. Ecological Modelling, 129(2-3): 119-129. Barros, N.B., Parsons, E.C.M. & Jefferson, T.A., 2000. Prey of offshore bottlenose dolphins from the South China Sea. Aquatic Mammals, 26(1): 2-6. Bellido, J.M., Pierce, G.J. & Wang, J., 2001. Application of generalised additive models to reveal spatial relationships between environmental variables and squid abundance in Scottish waters. Fisheries Research 52, 23-40. Bello, G., 2000. How rare is Histioteuthis bonnellii (Cephalopoda: Histioteuthidae) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea? Journal of Molluscan Studies, 66: 575-577. Bettencourt, V. & Guerra, A., 2000. Growth increments and biomineralization process in cephalopod statoliths. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 248(2): 191-205. Bjørke, H., 2001. Predators of the squid Gonatus fabricii (Lichtenstein) in the Norwegian Sea. Fisheries Research, 52: 113-120. Boletzky, S.V. & Roeleveld, M.A.C., 2000. Ventral adhesion to hard substrates: a thigmotactic response in Sepiid cuttlefish (Mollusca, Cephalopoda). Vie et milieu, 50(1): 59-64. Bowen, W.D., 2000. Reconstruction of pinniped diets: accounting for complete digestion of otoliths and cephalopod beaks. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 57(5): 898-905. Boyle, P.R. & Daly, H.I., 2000. Fecundity and spawning in a deep-water cirromorph octopus. Marine Biology, 137:317-324. Brito Castillo, L., Alcantara Razo, E., Morales Azpeitia, R. & Salinas Zavala, C.A., 2000. Water temperatures in the Gulf of California in May and June 1996 and their relation to the capture of giant squid (Dosidicus gigas) D'Orbigny, 1835 [Temperaturas del Golfo de California durante Mayo y Junio de 1996 y su relacion con las capturas de calamar gigante (Dosidicus gigas D'Orbigny, 1835). Ciencias Marinas, 26(3): 413-440. WGCEPH 2001 - ANNEXES Bustamante, P., Grigioni, S., Boucher-Rodoni, R., Caurant, F. & Miramand, P., 2000. Bioaccumulation of 12 Trace Elements in the Tissues of the Nautilus Nautilus macromphalus from New Caledonia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40(8): 688-696. Cai, Y., McGee, J. & Walsh, E.J., 2000. Contributions of Ion Conductances to the Onset Responses of Octopus Cells in the Ventral Cochlear Nucleus: Simulation Results. Journal of Neurophysiology, 83(1): 301-314. Carlini, D.B., Reece, K.S. & Graves, J.E., 2000. Actin gene family evolution and the phylogeny of coleoid cephalopods (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). Molecular Biology and Evolution, 17(9): 1353-1370. Castro Suaste, T., Mexicano Cintora, G. & Defeo, O., 2000. Las pesquerias del Estado de Yucatan (Mexico): Evolucion y manejo durante el periodo 1976-1997 [Yucatan State (Mexico) fisheries: history and management during the period 1976-1997]. Oceanides, 15(1): 47-61. Chirat, R., 2000. The so-called 'cosmopolitan palaeobiogeographic distribution' of Tertiary Nautilida of the genus Aturia Bronn 1838: the result of post-mortem transport by oceanic palaeocurrents. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 157(1-2): 59-77. Claes, M.F. & Dunlap, P.V., 2000. Aposymbiotic culture of the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes: Role of the symbiotic bacterium Vibrio fischeri in host animal growth, development, and light organ morphogenesis. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 286(3): 280-296. Clarke, R. & Paliza, O., 2000. The Humboldt current squid Dosidicus gigas (Orbigny, 1835). Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, 35(1): 1-39. Collins, M.A. & Henriques, C., 2000. A revision of the family Stauroteuthidae (Octopoda: Cirrata) with redescriptions of Stauroteuthis syrtensis and S. gilchristi. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 80: 685-697. Collins, M.A., Yau, C., Allcock, L. & Thurston, M.H., 2001. Distribution of deep-water benthic and benthopelagic cephalopods from the north-east Atlantic. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 81: 105-117. Cronin, E.R. & Seymour, R.S., 2000. Respiration of the eggs of the giant cuttlefish Sepia apama. Marine Biology, 136: 863-870. Curtin, N.A., Woledge, R.C. & Bone, Q., 2000. Energy storage by passive elastic structures in the mantle of Sepia officinalis. Journal of Experimental Biology, 203(5): 869-878. Daly, H.I. & Peck, L.S., 2000. Energy balance and cold adaptation in the octopus Pareledone charcoti. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 245(2): 197-214. Daly, H.I., Pierce, G.J., Santos, M.B., Royer, J., Cho, S.K., Stowasser G., Robin, J.-P. & Henderson, S., 2001. Cephalopod consumption by fish in UK waters. Fisheries Research 52, 51-64. Danaceau, J.P. & Lucero, M.T., 2000. Mixture interactions of glutamate and betaine in single squid olfactory neurons, Journal of Comparative Physiology a-Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology, 186(1): 57-67. Daneri, G.A., Carlini, A. & Rodhouse, P.G.K., 2000. Cephalopod diet of the southern elephant seal, Mirounga leonina, at King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Antarctic Science, 12(1): 16-19. Dawe, E.G., Colbourne, E.B. & Drinkwater, K.F., 2000. Environmental effects on recruitment of short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57: 1002-1013. Demarcq, H. & Faure, V., 2000. Coastal upwelling and associated retention indices derived from satellite SST. Application to Octopus vulgaris recruitment. Oceanologica acta, 23(4): 391-408. Denis, V. & Robin J.P., 2001. Present status of the French Atlantic Fishery for cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Fisheries Research, 1182: 1-12. Dickel, L., Boal, J.G. & Budelmann, B.U., 2000. The effect of early experience on learning and memory in cuttlefish. Developmental Psychobiology 36: 101-110. dos Santos, R.A. & Haimovici, M., 2000. The Argentine short-finned squid Illex argentinus in the food webs of southern Brazil. Sarsia, 85(1): 49-60. Durholtz, M.D. & Lipinski, M.R., 2000. Influence of temperature on the microstructure of statoliths of the thumbstall squid Lolliguncula brevis. Marine Biology, 136: 1029-1037. Du Sel, G.P., Blanc, A. & Daguzan, J., 2000. The diet of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis L. (Mollusca: cephalopoda) during its life cycle in the northern Bay of Biscay (France). Aquatic Sciences, 62(2): 167-178. Emery, A.M., Shaw, P.W., Greatorex, E.C., Boyle, P.R. & Noble, L.R., 2000. New microsatellite markers for assessment of paternity in the squid Loligo forbesi (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). Molecular Ecology, 9(1): 110112. Falcon, L.I., Vecchione, M. & Roper, C.F.E., 2000. Paralarval gonatid squids (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) from the Mid-North Atlantic Ocean. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 113(2): 532-541. Forsythe, J.W., Walsh, L.S., Turk, P.E. & Lee, P.G., 2001. Impact of temperature on juvenile growth and age at first egg-laying of the Pacific reef squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana reared in captivity. Marine Biology, 138: 103-112. Frodello, J.P., Romeo, M. & Viale, D., 2000. Distribution of mercury in the organs and tissues of five toothedwhale species of the Mediterranean, Environmental Pollution, 108(3): 447-452. WGCEPH 2001 - ANNEXES Gerpe, M.S., de Moreno, J.E.A., Moreno, V.J. & Patat, M.L., 2000. Cadmium, zinc and copper accumulation in the squid Illex argentinus from the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biology, 136: 1039-1044. González, A.F., Dawe, E.G., Beck, P.C. & Pérez, J.A.A., 2000. Bias associated with statolith-based methodologies for ageing squid; a comparative study on Illex illecebrosus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 244(2): 161-180. González, M., Fernández-Casado, M., Rodríguez, M. d. P., Segura, A. & Martín, J.J., 2000. First record of the giant squid Architeuthis sp. (Architeuthidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 80:745-746. Greatorex, E., Jones, C., Murphy, J., Key, L., Emery, A. & Boyle, P., 2000. Microsatellite markers for investigating population structure in Octopus vulgaris (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). Molecular Ecology, 9: 641642. Grigioni, S., Boucher-Rodoni, R., Demarta, A., Tonolla, M. & Peduzzi, R., 2000. Phylogenetic characterisation of bacterial symbionts in the accessory nidamental glands of the sepioid Sepia officinalis (Cephalopoda: Decapoda). Marine Biology, 136(2): 217-222. Gröger, J., Piatkowski, U. & Heinemann, H., 2000. Beak length analysis of the Southern Ocean squid Psychroteuthis glacialis (Cephalopoda: Psychroteuthidae) and its use for size and biomass estimation. Polar Biology, 23(1): 70-74. Grubert, M.A. & Wadley, V.A., 2000. Sexual maturity and fecundity of Octopus maorum in southeast Tasmania. Bulletin of Marine Science, 66(1): 131-142. Guerra, A. González, A.F. & Cherel, Y., 2000. Graneledone gonzalezi sp. nov. (Mollusca: Cephalopoda): a new octopod from the Iles Kerguelen. Antarctic science, 12(1): 33-40. Guerrero-Kommritz, J., 2000. A new species of Graneledone (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) from the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 66: 543-549. Halm, M.P., Agin, V., Chichery, M.P. & Chichery, R., 2000. Effect of aging on manipulative behavior in the cuttlefish, Sepia, Physiology and Behavior, 68(4): 543-547. Hatate, H., Tanaka, R., Suzuki, N. & Hama, Y., 2000. Comparison of protease activity in liver among several species of squid and cuttlefish. Fisheries Science, 66(1): 182-183. Hatfield, E.M.C., 2000. Do some like it hot? Temperature as a possible determinant of variability in the growth of the Patagonian squid, Loligo gahi (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae). Fisheries Research, 47(1): 27-40. Hernández-García, V., Martín, A.Y. & Castro, J.J., 2000. Evidence of external digestion of crustaceans in Octopus vulgaris paralarvae. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 80: 559560. Hidaka, K. & Kubodera, T., 2000. Squids of the genus Abralia (Cephalopoda: Enoploteuthidae) from the western tropical Pacific with a description of Abralia omiae, a new species. Bulletin of Marine Science, 66(2): 417443. Hunt, J.C. & Seibel, B.A., 2000. Life history of Gonatus onyx (Cephalopoda: Teuthoidea): Ontogenetic changes in habitat, behaviour and physiology. Marine Biology, 136(3): 543-552. Jackson, G.D., Shaw, A.G.P. & Lalas, C., 2000. Distribution and biomass of two squid species off southern New Zealand: Nototodarus sloanii and Moroteuthis ingens. Polar Biology, 23: 699-705. Jackson, G.D. & Moltschaniwskyj, N.A., 2001. The influence of ration level on growth and statolith increment width of the tropical squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae): an experimental approach. Marine Biology, 138: 819-825. Katugin, O.N., 2000. A new subspecies of the schoolmaster gonate squid, Berryteuthis magister (Cephalopoda: Gonatidae), from the Japan Sea. Veliger, 43(1): 82-97. Knight, J., 2000. Early learning. Squid hold clues to the chemicals that shape our brains. New Scientist, 165(2223): 6. Kolkovski, S. & Tandler, A., 2000. The use of squid protein hydrolysate as a protein source in microdiets for gilthead seabream Sparus aurata larvae. Aquaculture Nutrition, 6(1): 11-15. Loi, P.K. & Tublitz, N.J., 2000. Roles of Glutamate and FMRFamide-Related Peptides at the Chromatophore Neuromuscular Junction in the Cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 420(4): 499511. Lopez-Gonzalez, P.J., Bresciani, J., Huys, R., González, A.F., Guerra, A. & Pascual, S., 2000. Description of Genesis vulcanoctupus gen. et sp.nov. (Copepoda: Tisbidae) parasitic on a hydrothermal vent octopod and a reinterpretation of the life cycle of cholidyinid harpacticoids. Cahiers de biologie marine, 41(3): 241-253. Martinez, J.M., Elfarissi, H., DeVelasco, B., Ochoa, G.H., Miller, A.M., Clark, Y.M., Matsumoto, B. & Robles, L.J., 2000. Distribution of tubulin, kinesin, and dynein in light- and dark- adapted octopus retinas. Visual Neuroscience, 17(1): 127-138. Matzner, H., Gutfreund, Y. & Hochner, B., 2000. Neuromuscular system of the flexible arm of the octopus: physiological characterization. Journal of Neurophysiology, 83(3): 1315-1328. WGCEPH 2001 - ANNEXES Maunder, M.N., Starr, P.J. & Hilborn, R., 2000. A Bayesian analysis to estimate loss in squid catch due to the implementation of a sea lion population management plan. Marine Mammal Science, 16(2): 413-426. Moltschaniwskyj, N.A. & Jackson, G.D., 2000. Growth and tissue composition as a function of feeding history in juvenile cephalopods. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 253: 229-241. Moltschaniwskyj, N.A. & Semmens, J.M., 2000. Limited use of stored energy reserves for reproduction by the tropical loliginid squid Photololigo sp. Journal of Zoology, 251(3): 307-313. Monks, N., 2000. Functional morphology, ecology, and evolution of the Scaphitaceae Gill, 1871 (Cephalopoda). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 66(2): 205-216. Mori, J., Kubodera, T. & Baba, N., 2001. Squid in the diet of northern fur seals, Callorhinus ursinus, caught in the western and central North Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research, 52: 91-98. Mouat, B. Collins, M.A. & Pompert, J., 2001. Patterns in the diet of Illex argentinus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) from the Falkland Islands jigging fishery. Fisheries Research, 52: 41-50. Navarro, J.C. & Villanueva, R., 2000. Lipid and fatty acid composition of early stages of cephalopods: an approach to their lipid requirements. Aquaculture, 183(1-2): 161-177. Nesis, K.N., 2000. Squids of the family Onychoteuthidae: phylogeny, biogeography, and way of life [Semejstvo kal'marov Onychoteuthidae: filogeniya, biogeografiya i obraz zhizni]. Zoologicheskij zhurnal, 79(3): 272281. Nesis, K.N., 2001. West-Arctic and East-Arctic distributional ranges of cephalopods. Sarsia, 86: 1-11. Neumeister, H., Ripley, B., Preuss, T. & Gilly, W.F., 2000. Effects of temperature on escape jetting in the squid Loligo opalescens. Journal of Experimental Biology, 203(3): 547-557. Odblom, M.P., Williamson, R. & Jones, M.B., 2000. Ionic currents in cardiac myocytes of squid, Alloteuthis subulata, Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology, 170(1): 11-20. Parry, M., 2000. A description of the nuchal organ, a possible photoreceptor, in Euprymna scolopes and other cephalopods. Journal of Zoology, London, 252: 163-177. Pecl., G., 2001. Flexible reproductive strategies in tropical and temperate Sepioteuthis squids. Marine Biology, 138: 93-101. Pelletier, D. & Ferraris, J., 2000. A multivariate approach for defining fishing tactics from commercial catch and effort data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 57(1): 51-65. Piatkowski, U., Pierce, G.J. & Morais da Cunha, M. (Editors), 2001. Impacts of cephalopods in the food chain and their interaction with the environment. Fisheries Research 52 (1-2). Piatkowski, U., Pierce, G.J. & Morais da Cunha, M., 2001. Impacts of cephalopods in the food chain and their interaction with the environment and fisheries: an overview. Fisheries Research 52, 5-10. Piatkowski, U., Pütz, K. & Heinemann, H., 2001. Cephalopod prey of king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) breeding at Volunteer Beach, Falkland Islands, during austral winter 1996. Fisheries Research, 52: 79-90. Preuss, T. & Gilly, W.F., 2000. Role of prey-capture experience in the development of the escape response in the squid Loligo opalescens: a physiological correlate in an identified neuron. Journal of Experimental Biology, 203(3): 559-565. Quetglas, A., Carbonell, A. & Sanchez, P., 2000. Demersal Continental Shelf and Upper Slope Cephalopod Assemblages from the Balearic Sea (North-Western Mediterranean). Biological Aspects of Some Deep-Sea Species. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 50(6): 739-749. Quetglas, A., González, M., Carbonell, A. & Sánchez, P., 2000. Biology of the deep-sea octopus Bathypolypus sponsalis (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) from the western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology, 138: 785-792. Reid, A.L., 2000. Australian cuttlefishes (Cephalopoda: Sepiidae): the `doratosepion' species complex. Invertebrate Taxonomy, 14(1): 1-76. Richardson, A.J., Maharaj, G., Compagno, L.J.V., Leslie, R.W., Ebert, D.A. & Gibbons, M.J., 2000. Abundance, distribution, morphometrics, reproduction and diet of the Izak catshark. Journal of Fish Biology, 56(3): 552576. Rodhouse, P.G., Elvidge, C.D. & Trathan, P.N., 2001. Remote sensing of the global light-fishing fleet: an analysis of interactions with oceanography, other fisheries and predators. Advances in Marine Biology, 39: 261-303. Roel, B.A. & Butterworth, D.S., 2000. Assessment of the South African chokka squid Loligo vulgaris reynaudii. Is disturbance of aggregations by the recent jig fishery having a negative impact on recruitment? Fisheries Research, 48(3): 213-228. Roeleveld, M.A.C., 2000. Giant squid beaks: implications for systematics. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 80(1): 185-187. Sakaguchi, H., Hamano, T. & Nakazono, A., 2000. Madako no hyoshikiho ni kansuru yobiteki kenkyu--arizarin konpurekuson wo mochiita heikoseki senshoku [Preliminary study on a statolith marking method for Octopus vulgaris using alizarin complexone]. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography, 64(3): 155160. WGCEPH 2001 - ANNEXES Salcedo-Vargas, M.A. & Guerrero-Kommritz, J., 2000. Three new cephalopods from the Atlantic Ocean. Mitteilungen des hamburgischen zoologischen Museums und Instituts, 97: 31-44. Santos, M.B., Clarke, M.R. & Pierce, G.J., 2001. The Importance of cephalopods in the diets of marine mammals and other top predators. Fisheries Research, 52, 121-140. Santos, M.B., Pierce G.J., Smeenk, C., Addink, M.J., Kinze, C.C., Tougaard, S. & Herman, J., 2001. Stomach contents of northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) stranded in the North Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 81, 143-150. Sato, K., Kajiwara, N. & Hashimoto, S., 2000. Accumulative characteristics of organochlorine compounds (OCs) in squids [Surumeika Todarodes pacificus ni okeru yukiensokei kagobutsu (OCs) no chikuseki tokusei]. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 66(4): 658-665. Saulitis, E., Matkin, C., BarrettLennard, L., Heise, K. & Ellis, G., 2000. Foraging strategies of sympatric killer whale (Orcinus orca) populations in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Marine Mammal Science, 16(1): 94-109. Seibel, B.A. & Childress, J.J., 2000. Metabolism of benthic octopods (Cephalopoda) as a function of habitat depth and oxygen concentration. Deep-Sea Research (Part 1, Oceanographic Research Papers), 47(7): 12471260. Seibel, B.A., Hochberg, F.G. & Carlini, D.B., 2000. Life history of Gonatus onyx (Cephalopoda: Teuthoidea): deep-sea spawning and post-spawning egg care. Marine Biology, 137: 519-526. Seibel, B.A., Thuesen, E.V. & Childress, J.J., 2000. Light-limitation on predator-prey interactions: consequences for metabolism and locomotion of deep-sea cephalopods. Biological Bulletin, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, 198(2): 284-298. Semmens, J.M. & Moltschaniwskyj, N.A., 2000. An examination of variable growth in the loliginid squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana: a whole animal and reductionist approach. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 193: 135-141. Shashar, N., Hagan, R., Boal, J.G. & Hanlon, R.T., 2000. Cuttlefish use polarization sensitivity in predation on silvery fish. Vision Research, 40(1): 71-75. Shaw, P.W. & Perez-Losada, M., 2000. Polymorphic microsatellites in the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (Cephalopoda). Molecular Ecology, 9(2): 237-239. Sherrard, K.M., 2000. Cuttlebone morphology limits habitat depth in eleven species of Sepia (Cephalopoda: Sepiidae). Biological Bulletin, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, 198(3): 404-414. Smith, S.C. & Whitehead, H., 2000. The diet of galapagos sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus as indicated by fecal sample analysis. Marine Mammal Science, 16(2): 315-325. Soeller, R., Warnke, K., Saint-Paul, U. & Blohm, D., 2000. Sequence divergence of mitochondrial DNA indicates cryptic biodiversity in Octopus vulgaris and supports the taxonomic distinctiveness of Octopus mimus (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae). Marine Biology, 136(1): 29-35. Suzuki, H., Yamamoto, T. Inenaga, M. & Uemura, H., 2000. Galanin-immunoreactive neuronal system and colocalization with serotonin in the optic lobe and peduncle complex of the octopus (Octopus vulgaris). Brain Research, 865(2): 168-176. Thorpe, J.P., Sole-Cava, A.M. & Watts, P.C., 2000. Exploited marine invertebrates: genetics and fisheries. Hydrobiologia, 420(1): 165-184. Tu, Y. & Budelmann, B.U., 2000. Effects of nitric oxide donors on the afferent resting activity in the cephalopod statocyst. Brain Research, 865(2): 211-220. Vecchione, M., Mickevich, M.F., Fauchald, K., Collette, B.B., Williams, A.B., Munroe, T.A. & Young, R.E., 2000. Importance of assessing taxonomic adequacy in determining fishing effects on marine biodiversity. ICES Journal of Marine Science 57: 677-681. Vecchione, M., Young, R.E. & Carlini, D. B., 2000. Reconstruction of ancestral character states in neocoleoid cephalopods based on parsimony. American Malacological Bulletin, 15(2): 179-193. Vecchione, M. & Galbraith, J., 2001. Cephalopod species collected by deepwater exploratory fishing off New England. Fisheries Research, 51: 385-391. Velasco, F., Olaso, I. & Sánchez, F., 2001. The role of cephalopods as forage for the demersal fish community in the southern Bay of Biscay. Fisheries Research, 52: 11-22. Villanueva, R., 2000. 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