These data were collected from a quantitative genetics experiment in which replicated
Arabidopsis thaliana recombinant inbred line populations were planted into experimental
treatments manipulating atmospheric CO2 concentration and competition. Our goal was
to test how predicted future atmospheric CO2 concentrations influence the expression of
plant traits, patterns of natural selection on plant traits, heritabilities, and genetic
covariances either directly or indirectly by altering competitive interactions. Results from
these datasets are presented in Lau et al. New Phytologist 2014. Column headers for each
data file are described below. This data package includes plant trait and fitness data
organized into two files for use in two different analyses presented in Lau et al. 2014. All
questions about these datasets should be directed to: Jennifer Lau,
1) “Lau et al. 2014 data for phenotypic analyses.csv” was used to test how genotype,
CO2 concentration, and competition affect plant traits and to conduct phenotypic
selection analyses and test how genotype, CO2 concentration, and competition affect the
strength of natural selection on plant traits. This dataset standardized traits and relativized
fitness within treatments, following common conventions.
2) “Lau et al. 2014 data for phenotypic analyses standardized across treatments.csv” was
used to conduct phenotypic selection analyses and test how genotype, CO2 concentration,
and competition affect the strength of natural selection on plant traits. This dataset
standardized traits and relativized fitness across rather than within treatments.
Lau et al. 2014 data for phenotypic analyses.csv
“Plant” = Unique plant identifier
“RIL” = Recombinant Inbred Line identifier.
“CO2” = 0 if ambient, 1 if elevated (550 ppm)
“Ring” = The field plot to which CO2 treatments were applied. Unit of replication for
CO2 treatments.
“Rack” = Another spatial location identifier. Specifies the conetainer rack within the ring.
“Competition” = 0 = no competition; 1 = grass competitors present
“Numbergrass” = Number of surviving grass seedling competitors in each pot (0, 1 or 2).
“Sizecov” = initial diameter (mm) when moved to field
“Fdate2” = number of days between germination and first flower
“Diameter13June” = maximum rosette diameter (mm) measured on 13 June
“Leaf13June” = number of leaves on 13 June
“Diameter22June” = maximum rosette diameter (mm) measured on 22 June
“perdam” = proportion of leaves with herbivore damage (= lvsherb13june/leaf13june)
“Height” = height at harvest (cm). Measured from soil to tallest point of plant, including
buds and flowers.
“Branch” = number of stems
“Fruit” = total number of fruits
“Biomass” = aboveground biomass (g) after drying for >2 days at 65C
The remaining columns are relative fitness (“fruit”/mean fruit production within the
appropriate CO2 x competition treatment) and standardized trait values calculated as
(trait –mean trait value within the appropriate CO2 x competition treatment)/standard
deviation. The means and standard deviations are calculated based on plants within a
single treatment (i.e., averaged across all plants within a single CO2 and competition
“relfruit” = fruit number divided by the mean fruit number (based on the mean of all
individuals within a given CO2 x competition treatment)
“stdfdate” = standardized flowering date (“fdate2”)
“stddiameter” = standardized early season diameter (“diameter13June”)
“stdleaf” = standardized early season leaf number (“leafnum13june”)
“stddiam2” = standardized mid-season diameter (“diameter22June”)
“stdperdam” = standardized proportion herbivore damage (“perdam”)
“stdheight” = standardized height at harvest (“height”)
“stdbranch” = standardized stem number (“branch”)
“stdmass” = standardized final aboveground biomass (“biomass”)
Lau et al. 2014 data for phenotypic analyses standardized across treatments.csv
“RIL” = Recombinant Inbred Line identifier.
“Ring” = The field plot to which CO2 treatments were applied. Unit of replication for
CO2 treatments.
“CO2” = 0 if ambient, 1 if elevated (550 ppm)
“Plant” = Unique plant identifier
“Numbergrass” = Number of surviving grass seedling competitors in each pot (0, 1 or 2).
“Competition” = 0 = no competition; 1 = grass competitors present
“Sizecov” = initial diameter (mm) when moved to field
“Fdate2” = number of days between germination and first flower
“Diameter13June” = maximum rosette diameter (mm) measured on 13 June
“Leaf13June” = number of leaves on 13 June
“Diameter22June” = maximum rosette diameter (mm) measured on 22 June
“lvsherb13june” = number of leaves with evidence of herbivore damage on 13 June
“perdam” = proportion of leaves with herbivore damage (= lvsherb13june/leaf13june)
“Height” = height at harvest (cm). Measured from soil to tallest point of plant, including
buds and flowers.
“Branch” = number of stems
“Fruit” = total number of fruits
“Biomass” = aboveground biomass (g) after drying for >2 days at 65C
The remaining columns are standardized trait values calculated as (trait – grand mean
trait value)/standard deviation trait and relative fitness values. The mean and standard
deviation are calculated based on all plants (i.e., averaged across all CO2 and competition
treatments) included in the experiment.
“stdfdate” = standardized flowering date (“fdate2”)
“stddiameter” = standardized early season diameter (“diameter13June”)
“stdleaf” = standardized early season leaf number (“leafnum13june”)
“stddiam2” = standardized mid-season diameter (“diameter22June”)
“stdperdam” = standardized proportion herbivore damage (“perdam”)
“stdheight” = standardized height at harvest (“height”)
“stdbranch” = standardized stem number (“branch”)
“stdmass” = standardized final aboveground biomass (“biomass”)
“relfruit” = fruit number divided by the mean fruit number (based on the mean of all
individuals included in the experiment)