COMPENDIUM 2005 European cooperation projects, training courses and thematic seminars in adult education TABLE OF CONTENT REFERENCE: TITLE: SEALLL - SELF EVALUATION IN ADULT LIFE LONG LEARNING _____________________________________ 1 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225293-CP-1-2005-1-BE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ______________________________________________ 1 225788-CP-1-2005-1-CZ-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ______________________________________________ 2 SEN-NET - SENIORS IN NETWORK____________________________________________________________ 2 REFERENCE: 225292-CP-1-2005-1-DK-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 3 TITLE: STOCKTAKING STUDY ON LIFELONG LEARNING FOR DEMOCRATIC CITIZENSHIP THROUGH ADULT EDUCATION LLL-EDC STUDY___________________________________________________________________________________ 3 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225252-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ______________________________________________ 5 INTERESTS AND DESIRES: CREATIVE PLANNING OF A MEANINGFUL LIFE IN PRECARIOUS WORK CONDITIONS ___ 5 REFERENCE: 225384-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ______________________________________________ 6 TITLE: ALICE - ADULT LEARNING AND INCLUSIVE CREATIVITY - METHODS ENCOURAGING THE POTENTIAL OF PEOPLE BY USING TOYS AND PLAY ____________________________________________________________________________ 6 REFERENCE: 225508-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ______________________________________________ 8 TITLE: ALPHA 16+ - EUROPEAN PROJECT FOR THE IDENTIFICATION AND TRAINING OF KEY PERSONS IN THE ENVIRONMENT OF FUNCTIONAL ILLITERATES ______________________________________________________________ REFERENCE: TITLE: 8 225767-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ______________________________________________ 9 SEE-VIP - SELECTED ELEARNING EDUCATION FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE _______________________ 9 REFERENCE: 225771-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 11 TITLE: TOGETHER! ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP FOR PEOPLE WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES ______________ 11 REFERENCE: 225773-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 12 TITLE: VISUALEARNING ________________________________________________________________________ 12 REFERENCE: 225845-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 13 TITLE: ELLA - EHRENAMTLICHE FÜR LEBENSLANGES LERNEN IM ALTER - VOLUNTARY WORKERS FOR LIFELONG LEARNING IN OLD AGE ______________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCE: TITLE: 225807-CP-1-2005-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 22 DECLIC - APPUI À LA CITOYENNETÉ PAR LE DROIT ______________________________________________ 22 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225595-CP-1-2005-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 20 MODEVAL ____________________________________________________________________________ 20 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225886-CP-1-2005-1-ES-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 19 ROSAE - ROAD SAFETY IN ADULT EDUCATION ________________________________________________ 19 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225396-CP-1-2005-1-ES-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 18 EURO-DESIP - DIAGNÓSTICO SOBRE LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR EN INSTITUCIONES PENITENCIARIAS EN EUROPA 18 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225289-CP-1-2005-1-ES-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 17 PPI - POINTS PUBLICS D'INITIATIONS À INTERNET ET EDUCATION DES @DULTES ________________________ 17 REFERENCE: TITLE: 224970-CP-1-2005-1-ES-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 16 INCLUSIVE TEACHING MATERIAL FOR ADULTS: THE ROMÀ_________________________________________ 16 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225949-CP-1-2005-1-GR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ____________________________________________ 14 E-AGRINET - ELEKTRONIKO EUROPAIKO AGROTIKO KAI EKPAIDEUTIKO DIKTUO _____________________ 14 REFERENCE: TITLE: 13 225879-CP-1-2005-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 23 LA DÉMARCHE DE VAE POUR LES PERSONNES PLACÉES SOUS MAIN DE JUSTICE ________________________ 23 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225891-CP-1-2005-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 24 NODES - CRÉATION D'UN RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DE CENTRES DE RESSOURCES MULTIMÉDIA POUR LA FORMATION _____________________________________________________________________________________ 24 DES ADULTES REFERENCE: TITLE: CODES - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THROUGH SPORT __________________________________________ 26 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225684-CP-1-2005-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 29 E-DRIM - EUROPEAN DREAM FOR IMMIGRANTS ________________________________________________ 29 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225348-CP-1-2005-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 28 CIAO ! WOMEN - COMMUNICATION VIA IT FOR ADULTS ONLINE WOMEN ____________________________ 28 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225751-CP-1-2005-1-IE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 26 225854-CP-1-2005-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 30 ERMES - EDUCAZIONE RADIOFONICA CON I MIGRANTI EUROPEI E I LORO SAPERI ______________________ 30 REFERENCE: 223855-CP-1-2005-1-LT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 32 TITLE: REACTION - RECOGNITION AND ACCREDITATION OF EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING - A WAY FOR BETTER ACCESSIBILITY OF ADULT EDUCATION _________________________________________________________________ REFERENCE: TITLE: 225856-CP-1-2005-1-NL-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 37 THE LIFE LONG LEARNING MAP - MAPPING THE LEARNING PATH OF ADULT LEARNERS __________________ 37 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225817-CP-1-2005-1-NL-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 35 LACE - LIFELONG LEARNING AND ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP IN EUROPE'S AGEING SOCIETY __________________ 35 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225438-CP-1-2005-1-NL-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 34 SOCCER - SOCIAL AND CITIZENSHIP COMPETENCE RECOGNITION _________________________________ 34 REFERENCE: TITLE: 32 224475-CP-1-2005-1-AT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 38 BASKI - BASIC SKILLS TRAININGS MODEL ____________________________________________________ 38 REFERENCE: 225761-CP-1-2005-1-AT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 39 TITLE: E-HOSPITAL - E-LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADULT PATIENTS DURING HOSPITALISATION IN HEALTH-CARE INSTITUTIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCE: TITLE: 39 225774-CP-1-2005-1-AT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 40 GOLDEN GOAL - BASIC SKILLS & COMMUNICATION TRAINING WITH INTEGRATED SPORT ACTIVITIES ______ 40 REFERENCE: 225594-CP-1-2005-1-FI-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 42 TITLE: POSILLIPO - PARTNERSHIP OBSERVATION SYSTEM FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LIFELONG LEARNING INITIATIVES AND POLICIES ___________________________________________________________________________ 42 REFERENCE: TITLE 224027-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ____________________________________________ 43 : GROWING WITH COMPOST ________________________________________________________________ 43 REFERENCE: 225299-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ____________________________________________ 44 TITLE: IRIS - TRAINING MODULE FOR MEMBERS OF MINORITY/REFUGEE COMMUNITIES TO BECOME LEARNING ADVOCATES & INTERCULTURAL MEDIATORS ____________________________________________________________ 44 REFERENCE: TITLE: EASTWARD - EU ACCESSION STATES WORKBASED ADULT EDUCATION _____________________________ 45 REFERENCE: TITLE: 224508-CP-1-2005-1-NO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ____________________________________________ 47 BRIDGES - BUILDING BRIDGES TO SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING, CULTURE AND SOCIETY _______________ 47 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225844-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ____________________________________________ 46 BREAKOUT - AN INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR OFFENDING PREVENTION AND REHABILITATION 46 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225353-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ____________________________________________ 45 225935-CP-1-2005-1-NO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ____________________________________________ 48 PIPELINE - PARTNERSHIPS IN PRISON EDUCATION: LEARNING IN NETWORKED ENVIRONMENTS __________ 48 REFERENCE: 225352-CP-1-2005-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ____________________________________________ 49 TITLE : CAERA - CURRICULUM FOR ADULT EDUCATION IN THE RURAL AREAS ________________________________ 49 REFERENCE: TITLE : ARCA - ASSOCIATIONS AND RESOURCES FOR CONFLICT MANAGEMENT SKILLS _________________________ 50 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225312-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 65 A-B-C-D - ADVANCED BLENDED LEARNING COMPETENCES AND DIDACTICS __________________________ 65 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225281-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 63 NETTRAIN - COOPERATION AND NETWORK COMPETENCES FOR KEY PERSONS IN THE ADULT EDUCATION _____ 63 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225279-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 62 PRO-SAL - PROFESSIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT FOR ADULT'S LEARNING _______________________ 62 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225244-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 61 EVA - ENTWICKLUNG UND ERPROBUNG VON AUSBILDUNGSKURSEN FÜR AGENDA21-MODERATOREN _____ 61 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225236-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 59 DIGE_E - MANAGING DIVERSITY AND GENDER_EXPERTS FOR EUROPE ______________________________ 59 REFERENCE: TITLE: 224534-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 57 GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING IN FURTHER EDUCATION: ROLE, TASK, POSSIBILITIES AND EUROPEAN DIMENSION 57 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225378-CP-1-2005-1-CZ-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 56 TRAINING UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC STAFF TO BECOME TRAINERS IN OUTREACH ACTIVITIES ______________ 56 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225314-CP-1-2005-1-BE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 54 LA CULTURE: ''CIMENT'' DE L'EUROPE ________________________________________________________ 54 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225285-CP-1-2005-1-BE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 53 RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY AND ANTI-DISCRIMINATION TRAINING MODULE DEVELOPMENT _________________ 53 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225880-CP-1-2005-1-TR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 52 OBELFA - OPEN BLENDED LEARNING FOR ADULTS _____________________________________________ 52 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225755-CP-1-2005-1-TR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 _____________________________________________ 51 POWAR - LIFELONG LEARNING FOR ADULTS TO RAISE POLITICAL AWARENESS AND BASIC CIVIC COMPETENCE 51 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225448-CP-1-2005-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 ____________________________________________ 50 225379-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 66 SENTRAINICT - TRAININGS FROM SENIORS FOR SENIORS __________________________________________ 66 REFERENCE: 225762-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 67 TITLE: EDURA - AUFBAU UND ARBEITSWEISE VON BILDUNGS, INFORMATIONS, KOMMUNIKATIONS UND FAMILIENZENTREN IN LÄNDLICHEN REGIONEN DER EU_____________________________________________________ 67 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225251-CP-1-2005-1-GR-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ___________________________________________ 68 EQUAL - EVALUATION OF QUALITY ASSURANCE IN ADULT LEARNING ______________________________ 68 REFERENCE: 225350-CP-1-2005-1-GR-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ___________________________________________ 69 TITLE: PLAY2SPEAK : TRAIN TRAINERS ON HOW TO IMPROVE ORAL SKILLS OF DISADVANTAGED YOUNG ADULTS THROUGH SIMULATION GAMES _______________________________________________________________________ REFERENCE: 69 225356-CP-1-2005-1-GR-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ___________________________________________ 71 TITLE: AMADA - ASSESSMENT OF MATH KNOWLEDGE DEFICIENCIES OF ADULT LEARNERS WITH SOCIO-ECONOMIC DISADVANTAGES __________________________________________________________________________________ 71 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225577-CP-1-2005-1-ES-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 72 DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE GENDERS __________________________________________________________ 72 REFERENCE: 223527-CP-1-2005-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 74 TITLE: OLTRE L'EMERGENZA: STRATEGIE E STRUMENTI DI EDUCAZIONE E FORMAZIONE PRE-PROFESSIONALE PER RICHIEDENTI ASILO E RIFUGIATI _______________________________________________________________________ 74 REFERENCE: TITLE: SPICES - SOCIAL PROMOTION OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION EXPERTISE AND SKILLS ____________ 75 REFERENCE: TITLE: 224945-CP-1-2005-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 75 225832-CP-1-2005-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 77 RAVT - REAL AND VIRTUAL TEXTURE _______________________________________________________ 77 REFERENCE: 224954-CP-1-2005-1-LU-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 78 TITLE: FREIRE: ENTWICKLUNG EINES AUSBILDUNGSKURSES ZUR FÖRDERUNG EUROPÄISCHEN BEWUßTSEINS MIT BILDUNGSBENACHTEILIGTEN _________________________________________________________________________ 78 REFERENCE: TITLE: EUSDET - ENLARGED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TRAINING COURSE REFERENCE: TITLE: 225781-CP-1-2005-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G4 _____________________________________________ 97 223923-CP-1-2005-1-NO-GRUNDTVIG-G4 ____________________________________________ 99 EMMA - EUROPEAN (NETWORK) FOR MOTIVATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR ADULTS ____________________ 99 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225288-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G4 _____________________________________________ 95 FORMER SANS EXCLURE II _________________________________________________________________ 97 REFERENCE: TITLE: 224790-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G4 _____________________________________________ 93 INFONET ADULT EDUCATION _______________________________________________________________ 95 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225932-CP-1-2005-1-BE-GRUNDTVIG-G4 _____________________________________________ 91 NILE 2 - NETWORK INTERCULTURAL LEARNING IN EUROPE _______________________________________ 93 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225754-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G12 ___________________________________________ 90 EQUIPE PLUS - EUROPEAN QUALITY IN INDIVIDUALISED PATHWAYS IN EDUCATION PLUS_______________ 91 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225925-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G12 ____________________________________________ 88 LILARA - LEARNING IN LOCAL AND REGIONAL AUTHORITIES _____________________________________ 90 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225749-CP-1-2005-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ___________________________________________ 87 DILLLMULI - DISSEMINATION OF LIFELONG LEARNING ACTIVITIES IN MUSEUMS AND LIBRARY PROJECTS _ 88 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225646-CP-1-2005-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ___________________________________________ 86 SOCIAL ART THERAPY FOR FACILITATORS IN ADULT EDUCATION ___________________________________ 87 REFERENCE: TITLE: 226027-CP-1-2005-1-LI-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 85 ACCED - CONTINUING EDUCATION DESIGNED FOR COUNSELLORS WORKING IN ADULT EDUCATION _______ 86 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225588-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ___________________________________________ 84 TRAINING COURSE FOR THE PROMOTION OF VISUAL LITERACY ____________________________________ 85 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225324-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ___________________________________________ 82 EUPHONY - IMPLEMENTING TEACHER KNOWLEDGE ____________________________________________ 84 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225294-CP-1-2005-1-FI-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 81 ADULT EDUCATION TEACHERS - TRAINING IN EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT _____________ 82 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225862-CP-1-2005-1-AT-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 80 CABLE - COMMUNITY ACTION BASED LEARNING FOR EMPOWERMENT ______________________________ 81 REFERENCE: TITLE: _____________________________ 79 UNITING EUROPE THROUGH CULTURES - ''WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE'' _____________________________ 80 REFERENCE: TITLE: 224953-CP-1-2005-1-NL-GRUNDTVIG-G11 ____________________________________________ 79 225255-CP-1-2005-1-BE-GRUNDTVIG-G41 ___________________________________________ 100 PASS - PRATIQUES ET POLITIQUES D'ALPHABÉTISATION ET D'ACQUISITION DES SAVOIRS DE BASE _________ 100 REFERENCE: 225426-CP-1-2005-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G41 ___________________________________________ 101 TITLE: L'INTERVENTION SOCIALE DES JEUNES EN DIFFICULTÉ EN MILIEU RURAL : VERS L'INSERTION SOCIALE ET PROFESSIONNELLE ________________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCE: TITLE: 101 225315-CP-1-2005-1-NL-GRUNDTVIG-G41 ___________________________________________ 103 A FRAMEWORK FOR TRAINING AND LEARNING FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _____________________ 103 REFERENCE: 224854-CP-1-2005-1-AT-GRUNDTVIG-G41 ___________________________________________ 105 TITLE: CROSS OVER - ADULT EDUCATION IN EUROPEAN BORDER REGIONS AS A TOOL FOR THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION ____________________________________________________________________________________ 105 REFERENCE: TITLE: 225381-CP-1-2005-1-PT-GRUNDTVIG-G41 ___________________________________________ 107 BRIDGES TO AUTISM ____________________________________________________________________ 107 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225293-CP-1-2005-1-BE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: SEALLL - SELF EVALUATION IN ADULT LIFE LONG LEARNING DESCRIPTION: The SEALLL project aims to improve the quality of content, delivery, management and organisation of adult learning through the introduction and promotion of self-evaluation in formal, non-formal and informal adult education. The field of adult education is extremely varied. Organisations are serving different audiences and target groups, are funded from a variety of sources and work in a complex field of societal forces. Within the sector of adult education we see a variety in the extent to which outputs are standardised and to which other criteria are fixed. So quality care, self-evaluation, self-regulated learning and setting up your institution as a learning organisation is very much needed in an LLL context. SEALLL will focus on self-evaluation as an attempt to enrich/enlarge your own perspective of yourself and your organisation in the broad sense of the word by looking at yourself in a systematic way from the various perspectives other relevant players may look at you. The tool we envisage for the project will start from a modular framework where ''selfevaluation as a dialogue in a multiplayer situation'' will be the key-concept. A dialogue between staff, teachers and learners within the institution and a dialogue between the institution and relevant external actors will be the starting point for SE. This modular approach will make the results applicable in the varied fields and forms of adult education. Through the SEALLL project we want to create and disseminate useful material (selfevaluation tools, guidelines, dissemination and awareness raising material….) and set up local, national and international training. COORDINATOR: LANDCOMMANDERIJ ALDEN BIESEN Kasteelstraat 6 BE-3740 BILZEN Phone: +32 89519352 Fax: +32 89417033 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Guy TILKIN PARTNERS: UNIVERSITEIT LEIDEN, FACULTEIT SOCIALE WETENSCHAPPEN, NL SOROS INTERNATIONAL HOUSE, LT KWASIMODO VZW, BE FUNDACJA CENTRUM EDUKACIJ OBYWATELSKIEJ, PL INSTITUT FÜR SOCIALE INFRASTRUKTUR, DE BAUER - MEESNER EVALUIERUNGS KEG, AT CENTRUM FÖR FLEXIBELT LÄRANDE, SE AKDENIZ UNIVERSITESI, TR GRANT AMOUNT: 187524 € APPROVED BUDGET: 250033 € CONTRACT DURATION: 1 24 (in months) SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225788-CP-1-2005-1-CZ-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: SEN-NET - SENIORS IN NETWORK DESCRIPTION: Main targeted thematic area of the proposed project SEN-NET is support for education of seniors in ICT skills and creation of network of educators. In frame of the project we will create suitable models of this education and we will integrate distance learning, blended learning and e-learning into the models. Experts in the field of seniors ICT education will provide the following elements: - To develop a set of modules or learning objects that look at required skills for educators who work with seniors at educational and training institutions. - To build useful teaching tools (an interactive CD-ROM and e-learning community) and a course manual that will help training establishments deliver effective ICT training for seniors. - To create an interactive website Virtual Centre. It will act as a catalyst for the building and sharing knowledge among teachers and trainers of seniors on national and international level. It will comply with the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Guidelines. - To specify seniors needs on ICT hardware and software and put down recommendations for ICT industry. The target groups include educators and other personnel involved in the training and social assistance of seniors. COORDINATOR: CESKE VYSOKE UCENI TECHNICKE V PRAZE Karlovo namesti 13 CZ-CZ12135 PRAGUE 2 Phone: +420 224357312 Fax: +420 242923325 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Bozena MANNOVÁ PARTNERS: UNIVERSIDAD PERMANENTE, UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE, ES VYSOKÉ UCENÍ TECHNICKÉ V BRNE, CZ CENTRE FOR CO-OPERATIVE STUDIES, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK, IE SENIORENBÜRO DER STADT GRAZ, AT INSTITÚT CELOZIVOTNÉHO VZDELÁVANIA PRI SLOVENSKEJ TECHNICKEJ UNIVERZITE V BRATISLAVE, SK GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA PORTUGUESA, ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE BIOTECNOLOGIA, PT MIRANDANET, UK ITTT - MJÄRDEVI, SCIENCE PARK, SE GRANT AMOUNT: 133792 € APPROVED BUDGET: 194219 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 2 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225292-CP-1-2005-1-DK-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: STOCKTAKING STUDY ON LIFELONG LEARNING FOR DEMOCRATIC CITIZENSHIP THROUGH ADULT EDUCATION - LLL-EDC STUDY DESCRIPTION: The Stocktaking Study on Lifelong Learning for Democratic Citizenship through Adult Education aims at collecting evidence and providing an analytical review at European level of policies and practices on adult learning for democratic citizenship, as well as strengthening evidence-based policy making and advocacy in this field at local, national and European level (e.g. EU Lisbon process). The Study targets European and international institutions; relevant national and international Non Governmental Organisations; national policy and decision makers; national and local adult education practitioners and learners. The Study combines empirical collection of data, and events which ensure the participation of relevant stakeholders (meeting with practitioners, policy dialogue meeting, national consultations). It is collaborative and transnational. It links research, policy and practice. Data will be collected in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Slovenia, Romania, UK. The Study is organised around four complementary workblocks : - documentary review, October 2005 - October 2006 - policy analysis, October 2005 - October 2006 - practices analysis, October 2005 - March 2007 - final synthesis, March - September 2007. The outcomes of the project will be both product (a) and process (b) oriented. (a) Documentary review: country by country state of the art reports on documents and studies; analysis, synthesis and conclusions - Policy analysis: national reports; report on European policies; analysis, synthesis and conclusions - Practices analysis: case studies compendium; analysis, synthesis and conclusions - Final synthesis: guidelines for policies and practices; conclusions and recommendations - Project website (b) Cooperation between research, practice and policy; participation and contribution of practitioners and learners; generation of stakeholders dialogue on adult learning for democratic citizenship. COORDINATOR: DANMARKS PAEDAGOGISKE UNIVERSITET Parkway Close 6 UK-AL86HJ WELWYN GARDEN CITY Phone: +44 1707377148 Fax: +45 8888 9702 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: MICHELA CECCHINI PARTNERS: 3 INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION - UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, UK INSTITUT FUR ERZIEHUNGSWISSENSCHAFTEN, LEOPOLD-FRANZENS UNIVERSITAT INNSBRUCK, AT UNIVERSIDAD DE DEUSTO - DEUSTUKO UNIBERSITATEA, ES UNIVERSITY OF LJUBJANA - FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA, ODDELEK ZA SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS PEDAGOGIKO IN ANDRAGOGIKO, SI INSTITUT ROMAN DE EDUCATIA ADULTILOR DIN TIMISOARA, RO SÖDERTÖRNS HÖGSKOLA, SE DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION IN EUROPE, DE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE EDUCATION OF ADULTS, HU GRANT AMOUNT: 258112 € APPROVED BUDGET: 344151 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 4 GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225252-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: INTERESTS AND DESIRES: CREATIVE PLANNING OF A MEANINGFUL LIFE IN PRECARIOUS WORK CONDITIONS DESCRIPTION: A course module for adult education courses will be developed which aims at assisting unemployed people and people in precarious work conditions to plan possible activities of own interest outside gainful employment in a creative way. This course module will be developed on the basis of field research as well as in close cooperation with trainers in continuing education colleges and according to the needs of the participants. The central elements of the course module will firstly be a set of action oriented situations and activities for the identification of interests and desires. These situations and activities will be developed in each partner country and put together to a common set of activities. Furthermore they will be tested in practice. Secondly, an interactive ICT-tool for the identification of former learning context, competences and possible meaningful future activities will be developed. This will be tested and improved according to the evaluation in practice in two steps. Thirdly, an interactive guide for trainers in adult education courses will be produced which gives advice, practical examples and material for carrying through the course module. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÄT FLENSBURG/ BERUFSBILDUNGSINSTITUT ARBEIT UND TECHNIK Auf dem Campus 1 DE-24943 FLENSBURG Phone: +49 461 8052150 Fax: +49 461 8052151 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Gerald HEIDEGGER PARTNERS: DANMARKS ERHVERVSPAEDAGOGISKE LAERERUDANNELSE, DK CENTRES INTERINSTITUTIONNELS DE BILANS DE COMPÉTENCES, FR ACADEMUS - CONSULTADORIA, FORMAÇÃO E INVESTIGAÇÃO, LDA., PT CENTRE FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT, UK PONTYDYSGU, UK SC AXA CONSULTING 99 SRL, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 204899 € APPROVED BUDGET: 273199 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 (in months) 5 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225384-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: ALICE - ADULT LEARNING AND INCLUSIVE CREATIVITY - METHODS ENCOURAGING THE POTENTIAL OF PEOPLE BY USING TOYS AND PLAY DESCRIPTION: The content of this project is the development and application of alternative learning methods encouraging specific groups to promote their reintegration into society. So, the main objective of the ALICE project is to develop a methodological approach motivating people from specific groups to (re-)enter learning processes and to organise their participation in them on their own. Target groups are adolescents in detention centres, senior citizens, people in long-term unemployment and those with disabilities. Often these people are excluded from full participation in social and political life and do not have the chance to live up to their potentials. The ALICE approach is systematically tried out, documented and evaluated, so that the project experience can be analysed, generalised, edited and disseminated as a result that is re-usable in other adult education contexts. It is a second objective of the project to make available the approach to potential direct users: - Universities, schools, NGOs and other qualification institutions of adult education - Academic and political areas of decision making concerning adult education - Professionals (e.g. teachers, trainers, social workers) working in adult education The outputs, issued as paper material, a website and a CD-ROM will be: - Modules for adult education schemes - Material compiling requirements of trainers / Trainer profile - Recommendations / guidelines for decision makers in adult education and social policies Dissemination is promoted with the help of a Final Conference towards the end of the project. Central activities are practical training courses centred around development and (re)design of toys and games. The proposed project provides learning methods based on - empowerment - motivation - inclusion of people belonging to the target user groups - aiming at encouraging lifelong learning. COORDINATOR: FÖRDERN DURCH SPIELMITTEL - SPIELZEUG FÜR BEHINDERTE KINDER E.V. Immanuelkirchstr. 24 DE-10405 BERLIN Phone: + 49304429293 Fax: + 493044359214 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Siegfried ZOELS PARTNERS: 6 LÄNDLICHE ERWACHSENENBILDUNG IN NIEDERSACHSEN E.V., DE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT CHEMNITZ, DE COOP. SOC. ALCE ROSSO A.R.L, IT SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS TEAM INTELLECT, BG HÖGSKOLAN IHALMSTAD, SE GRANT AMOUNT: 246946 € APPROVED BUDGET: 333653 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 (in months) 7 GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225508-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: ALPHA 16+ - EUROPEAN PROJECT FOR THE IDENTIFICATION AND TRAINING OF KEY PERSONS IN THE ENVIRONMENT OF FUNCTIONAL ILLITERATES DESCRIPTION: Current analyses show an increase in functional illiteracy, but education institutions reach just a fraction of people with this difficulty. For young adults, however, not being able to read or write means social exclusion and fewer opportunities in the employment market. In general neither the public nor people in the immediate surroundings are aware of the situation. It is crucial to reach people close to the illiterates and inform them about reasons and effects of the reading and writing deficiency as well as to suggest solutions. Alpha16+ will identify key persons in the environment of the illiterates, especially young adults aged 16 to 25. The identified key persons will be made aware of the problem and be trained so that they will be able to recognize illiterates and guide them to help and training. The methodology to be used will raise awareness and spread information about illiteracy and establish regional guides to consulting and education. Key persons will be trained and appropriate material will be developed. The results of the project will be presented on a web site which will include a collection of examples of good practice. A handbook illustrating the training concept for key persons will be published together with a flyer including information on illiteracy and training opportunities to identify and sensitise key persons. COORDINATOR: THÜRINGER VOLKSHOCHSCHULVERBAND E. V. Konrad-Zuse-Str. 3 DE-07745 JENA Phone: +49 3641620904 Fax: +49 3641620978 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Steffi MEHNERT PARTNERS: INSTITUT ZA MEZHDUNARODNO SATRUDNICHESTVO KAM SDRUZHENIETO NA GERMANSKITE NARODNI UNIVERSITETI, (IMS/SGNU), BURO BALGARI, BG NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ADULT CONTINUING EDUCATION, UK MAGYAR NÉPFÖISKOLAI TÁRSAGÀG, HU VIESOJI ISTAIGA KLAIPEDOS SOCIALINIU MOKSLU KOLEGIJA, LT AGORA, FR GRANT AMOUNT: 164350 € APPROVED BUDGET: 224371 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 8 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225767-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: SEE-VIP - SELECTED ELEARNING EDUCATION FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE DESCRIPTION: Unemployed blind and visually impaired people have very few opportunities in the job market. Particularly in the field of further education of visually impaired and blind people it is important to make information and communication techniques the basic medium of various learning processes since subsequent further training is developed on it. However the computer-assisted educational courses for visually impaired people do not keep pace with technical development. Equality between handicapped and non handicapped users can take place in the unrestricted use of eLearning only if there is transparency of the offer to each individual user. SEE-VIP therefore will offer a laboratory platform for visually impaired and blind people for the improvement of their translator and interpreter competences. This is an excellent preparation for the translator examination in their home country. Linguistic and cultural competences and their accreditation are improved by the establishment of a Europeanwide interpreter network. With it the chances to obtain employment increase. The project will analyse the qualification needs of visually impaired/blind people, ensure equal opportunities for barrier-free eLearning offers for blind and visually impaired people and improve information competence. It will prepare students to take the interpreter examination in their home country and increase their chances in the job market. Blended learning will be used in developing a curriculum for WBT course information management and assessment in English. The material will be available in Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, German, Lithuanian and Slovak. A translator network will be established and on-line facilities will be available. In addition, a market study for the Baltic states which are interested in WBT offers for visually impaired/blind people will be made. COORDINATOR: BILDUNGSWERK DER SÄCHSISCHEN WIRTSCHAFT E.V. Uferstrasse 46 DE-09126 CHEMNITZ Phone: +49 371 5334620 Fax: +49 371 5334629 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Uwe BRANDSTÄTTER PARTNERS: 9 COMMUNITY4YOU GMBH, DE BERUFSFÖRDERUNGSINSTITUT - STEIERMARK, AT VISIOLINK OY, FI BERUFSÖRDERUNGSWERK DÜREN GGMBH, DE UNIA NEVIDIACICH A SLABOZRAKYCH SLOVENSKA, SK FOUNDATION RESOURCES CENTRES LIBRARIES FOR PRINT HANDICAPPED IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES AND THE FORMER SOVIET UNION, NL THE ROYAL NATIONAL COLLEGE FOR THE BLIND, UK SIHTASUTUS EESTI NÄGEMISPUUETEGA INIMESTE FOND, EE MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITETAS, LT BERUFSFÖRDERUNGSWERK HALLE (SAALE) GGMBH, DE SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRANT AMOUNT: 217607 € APPROVED BUDGET: 290144 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 10 GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225771-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: TOGETHER! ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP FOR PEOPLE WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES DESCRIPTION: Our objective is to teach persons with learning disabilities (mentally handicapped adults) how they can be involved in the decision-making process at the micro-, meso- and macro-level. We start with: how do you make decisions for yourself; then: how do you make decisions in groups, and finally: how are decisions made in your organisation, city, and country? Are you involved in these decisions, CAN you be involved? Students will be presented with realistic problems that they can easily identify with, as well as with the tools and the materials they may need to solve these problems. As part of the course, students will learn how they can use the internet as a resource and a tool for active citizenship. To this end, we will develop a curriculum and learning materials for people with mild to more severe learning disabilities, living at home, in institutions, or independently. The curriculum and the materials will be adapted by each partner to reflect the situation of learning disabled people in their country. Our main activity will be the development and testing of the curriculum and the learning materials, in close co-operation with the target group, in an iterative development process. A second activity will be the development of support materials: tools, 'how-to' guides and a brochure that the target group may use to inform mainstream society that people with learning disabilities CAN and MUST be involved in decisions that affect them. Finally, a teachers' manual will be produced and a training course organised for teachers, parents and professionals to show the participants that, and how, they can help learning disabled adults become (more) active participants in their lives, more active citizens in their community. All materials will be localised to reflect the situation in the participating countries and will published in the national languages of the partners, as well as in English. All partners will actively disseminate the results of the project. COORDINATOR: ULMER VOLKSHOCHSCHULE E.V. Kornhausplatz 5 DE-89073 ULM Phone: +49 731 153024 Fax: +49 731 153055 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Lothar HEUSOHN PARTNERS: ASOCIACION UTRILLO, ES PRAGMA - EQUAL ACCESS, NL INTEGRATIVER BILDUNGSVEREIN FÜR MENSCHEN MIT (MEHR ODER WENIGER) BEHINDERUNG, AT SOLVIKS FOLKHÖGSKOLA, SE ASOCIATIA FUNDATIA H PENTRU INVATAMANT LA DISTANTA DESTINAT PERSOANELOR CU HANDICAP, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 263091 € APPROVED BUDGET: 350789 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 (in months) 11 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225773-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: VISUALEARNING DESCRIPTION: Knowledge based societies today are highly focused on transfer of information based on text. During school time and later on during vocational training, university studies or further education learning proceeds through reading and writing. At the same time communication by means of pictograms increased a lot in everyday life as well as in business life. Many work processes in connection with PC work with icons. All software programmes e.g. of Microsoft or Apple guide the user through their programmes by the support of icons. Vending machines are equipped with touch screens as well as computer information sources in museums. They all include pictograms, pictures and icons in order to make information more accessible to the user. In all these examples the understanding of pictures and signs is required. Common learning theories do not give an appropriate answer to the question how learning happens through visual processes. The question about the influence of pictures in learning process as well as the reception is left to disciplines related to arts, e.g. design, advertising, etc. and has not yet been posed by adult educators in particular. From our experiences in basic skills we know that especially people with low literacy skills depend on processing information by means of pictures. This is regarded as a compensation strategy for managing daily life. In the same time it is a special strength or competence that has not been acknowledged or recognised enough yet for reasons that this is an informally acquired competence. With this project we want to build up on current findings from both basic skills and acquisition of informal competences in order to find out how the so called ''visual learning'' easies the process of learning. In order to find some evidence for our assumptions, we want to interview learners with reading and writing difficulties and so called ''third age learners''. We want to focus on their learning biography and the role pictures play during a lifespan. For trainers we will develop, provide and evaluate a workshop which qualifies them for ''visual learning''. The workshop will on the one hand sensitise the trainer about the role of pictures in learning processes and on the other hand qualify them in drawing pictures and apply them in teaching. This competence is known as visual facilitating. COORDINATOR: DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FÜR ERWACHSENENBILDUNG E. V. Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, 38 DE-53113 BONN Phone: +49 3294-329 Fax: +49 3294-4329 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Daniela HARLINGHAUSEN PARTNERS: INSTYTUT TECHNOLOGII EKSPLOATACJI, OSRODEK KSZTALCENIA I DOSKONALENIA KADR, PL FIATEST BUCHAREST, RO AN AISINEACHT NASIUNTA LITEARTHACHTA DO AOSAIGH, IE PCT, DE PROJECT CONSULTATIE EN TRAINING GROEP B.V., NL GRANT AMOUNT: 174463 € APPROVED BUDGET: 260734 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 12 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225845-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: ELLA - EHRENAMTLICHE FÜR LEBENSLANGES LERNEN IM ALTER - VOLUNTARY WORKERS FOR LIFELONG LEARNING IN OLD AGE DESCRIPTION: Conventional adult education courses are rarely geared to people in old people’s homes. However, it is useful to include them in the lifelong learning philosophy and approach in order to enable them to participate more actively in society and at the same time to preserve their knowledge and experience, and enable it to be used by other generations. ELLA will involve the very old and persons suffering from dementia in educational work. The project will redefine the idea of education on the basis of the encounter between old persons and voluntary workers as educational mediators. The project will use a geragogical approach to maintaining skills and independence. A new concept of education is to be developed for the very old and persons suffering from dementia. Voluntary workers will be asked give courses for this group of persons on the basis of the new educational approach. COORDINATOR: DIAKONISCHES WERK DER EVANGELISCHEN KIRCHE VON WESTFALEN LANDESVERBAND DER INNEREN MISSION E.V. Friesenring 32-34 DE-48147 MÜNSTER Phone: +49 251 2709313 Fax: +49 2512709573 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Katja ALFING PARTNERS: DIAKONIE GÜTERSLOH E.V., DE MITEINANDER LEBEN - VEREIN FÜR SELBSTBESTIMMTES WOHNEN TROTZ BEEINTRACHTIGUNGEN, AT C.A.R.D.O. O, SK FORSCHUNGSGESELLESCHAFT FÜR GERONTOLOGIE E.V, DE CENTRE EUROPÉEN DU VOLONTARIAT, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 321408 € APPROVED BUDGET: 428545 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 (in months) 13 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225949-CP-1-2005-1-GR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: E-AGRINET - ELEKTRONIKO EUROPAIKO AGROTIKO KAI EKPAIDEUTIKO DIKTUO DESCRIPTION: As a result of the progress in the agricultural sector (production, alteration, promotion, commerce) the lifelong training of the farmers, in order to keep up with the new environment has become indispensable. One of the sectors of agriculture which is constantly developing and gives advancement opportunities to the farmers is Agricultural Tourism and Bio-cultivation. Nevertheless, farmers rarely show interest in training and educational matters. This is due not only to the lack of information on these matters, but to the lack of adequate educational material for adult farmers. Moreover, Agricultural Tourism and Bio-cultivation tend to attract not that much the farmers who need to take advantage of it, but mainly others who had nothing to do with agriculture until now. The main reason for that is that the programs of information and training, because of their form and content, are usually more accessible to them than to the farmers. In reverse, what is needed is a product whose main addressee will be the farmers, being oriented to their needs. The aim of our proposal is the development of an Electronic European Agricultural Network. That means we will develop a Network for cooperation between Centers that offer education and training to the farmers, in order to develop, exchange and translate standard educational programs and material for the training of adult farmers. In the same Network can also take part Farmers Association, or even groups of farmers, in order to choose the Educational Center or the educational material they need, as well as to communicate information related to that material, proposals for the development of new material, successful implementation of previous training, etc. The Network will begin with the partners of the project and the Farmers' Associations that will test its result. The basic activities will be the following: - Initial Research: Educational Centers that already exist (Educational Material they offer; Comparative Analysis and Evaluation). - Development of a Standard for Educational Material. - Development of original Educational Units based on the Standard. This material will be incorporated in a Multimedia CD, and in a Web page. The Web page will be constantly renewed by the partners with up-to-date information (news, etc), subjects related to Agro-tourism and Bio-cultivation, references to successful cases, farmers' experiences, as well as publications by the EU and information about other EU actions relative to the subject. What we want to create is an Educational Community, in which will take part not only the partners, but gradually all the Centers involved in subjects concerning Agricultural Tourism and Bio-cultivation. One of the main actions of the Centers taking part in the Network will be the translation of the educational programs that have been ''placed'' in the Network by others. Gradually, the Network's material will be enriched, giving the opportunity to the farmers to have ''real'' access to the educational material that can contribute to their economic progress and prosperity. COORDINATOR: 14 EUROMAIKE EKPAIDEUTIKE KAI ANAPTEXIAKE ETAIPEIA (MKO) Retumnou 2 GR-10682 ATHENA Phone: +30 2108256012 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION Fax: +30 2108256011 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: PARTNERS: Iliana ARAMPATZANE ESCUELA TECNICA SUPERIOR DE INGENIEROS AGRONOMOS UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID, ES EVROPEISKI TSENTER ZA ORAZOVANIE I RAZVITIE, BG CENTRUM BIZNESU I ROZWOJU, PL SCOALA ROMANA DE AFACERI A CAMERELAR DE COMERT SI INDUSTRIE, RO ELEA SISTEMATA PLEROPHORIKES EPE, GR GRANT AMOUNT: 223343 € APPROVED BUDGET: 297791 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 15 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 224970-CP-1-2005-1-ES-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: INCLUSIVE TEACHING MATERIAL FOR ADULTS: THE ROMÀ DESCRIPTION: EducaRom project poses the following main aim: To promote an inclusive adult education in Europe: the case of the Romà. The following objectives have been defined in order to be able to achieve this aim: General objectives 1. To encourage the European Romà to participate in adult education. 2. To include the voices of the European Romà in the production, design and implementation of the teaching materials for adults. 3. To favour the co-existence and cultural exchange between Romà and non-Romà people. 4. To make visible the role of the Romaní women and their contributions within their community and in the whole of the European society. Specific objectives 1. To investigate the teaching material about the culture and the Romaní language for adults in Europe. 2. To provide adult educators with the basic tools regarding the knowledge of the Romaní language and culture to welcome immigrant Romà. 3. To improve the adult education practices for Romà those are already being developed in Europe. 4. To promote the learning of the Romaní language within Europe. Main outputs: 1. Website of the project 2. Guide for Teachers: Romà: you are welcome to our school 3. Basic Module: Europe COORDINATOR: ASOCIACION GITANA DE MUJERES DROM KOTAR MESTIPEN Avda. Francesc Cambó 14, 8ºF ES-08003 BARCELONA Phone: 34 93 403 45 52 Fax: 34 93 403 45 62 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Emilia CLAVERIA PARTNERS: GIP ACADÉMIQUE - CAFOC, FR INTERNATIONAL ROMA WOMEN NETWORK, SE ASOCIATIA FEMEILOR ROME DIN ROMANIA, RO FUNDATIA CENTRUL EDUCATIONAL SOROS, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 129901 € APPROVED BUDGET: 174712 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 16 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS REFERENCE: GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION 225289-CP-1-2005-1-ES-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: PPI - POINTS PUBLICS D'INITIATIONS A INTERNET ET EDUCATION DES @DULTES DESCRIPTION: Le projet poursuit trois objectifs complémentaires: 1) Permettre une meilleure visibilité des types d'actions d'éducation des adultes au sein des Points Publics d'Initiation à Internet (PPII) en Europe; 2) Faciliter l'introduction de processus de qualité et d'évaluation du travail d'éducation des adultes au sein de ces PPII; 3) Contribuer à renforcer l'accessibilité des PPII en aidant leurs équipes à y introduire des pratiques et approches pédagogiques non-discriminatoires. Pour ce faire, les partenaires du projet réaliseront à l'attention des équipes pédagogiques des PPII: - une base de données électronique accessible en ligne qui présentera une typologie des différents PPII en Europe et un éventail de bonnes pratiques; - des guidelines multilingues pour introduire des mesures d'évaluation de leur travail éducatif; - un guide multilingue pour favoriser un accès non-discriminatoire aux PPII. Ces produits seront testés avec les équipes pédagogiques puis réalisés en 6 langues, en vue d'être diffusés à grande échelle en Europe. Ils seront complétés par la mise en place d'un site internet qui aura pour objet d'inciter les équipes pédagogiques des PPII à se constituer en communautés d'apprentissage, de façon à pouvoir échanger leurs pratiques en matière d'évaluation, de lutte contre les discriminations, etc., et ainsi apprendre les unes des autres. COORDINATOR: FUNDACIÓN CIUDAD DE VILADECANS C/ Sant Climent 8 ES-08840 VILADECANS Phone: +34 936470055 Fax: +34 936470060 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Alec GUIRAL PARTNERS: CENTRUM INTERNETU, A.S., CZ LIGUE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT, FR ARBEITERWOHLFAHRT BUNDESVERBAND E.V., DE ARCI NUOVA ASSOCIAZIONE DIREZIONE NAZIONALE, IT UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 179263 € APPROVED BUDGET: 252359 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 17 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225396-CP-1-2005-1-ES-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: EURO-DESIP - DIAGNÓSTICO SOBRE LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR EN INSTITUCIONES PENITENCIARIAS EN EUROPA DESCRIPTION: The objective of the project is the elaboration of a compared study of Higher Education Programs addressed to students in prison institutions, to develop a model of good practices and to promote the future development of these programs through distance learning. The main products will be: the Report in which the different participating countries in the project will be compared in function of their situation regarding the development of Higher and Secondary education programs - where there is not higher education in prisons- and the elaboration of a Guide of Good Practices for the higher education programs development, in which distance learning and the use of information technologies will be their backbone. The final beneficiaries of the project are the inmates. The objective groups would be formed by co-ordinators of programs in prisons, tutors of studies, responsible for prison institutions and educators in charge of developing programs. The main activities of the project can be divided into five stages, so that each one of them translates into a result: a) Analysis of documentation; b) Information collection; c) Evaluation of programs; d) Comparative analysis; and e) Diffusion of the results. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA (UNED) Obispo Trejo ES-28040 MADRID Phone: +34 913987065 Fax: +34 913987634 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Manuel Javier CALLEJO GALLEGO PARTNERS: DIRECCION GENERAL DE INSTITUCIONES PENITUCIONES PENITENCIARIAS, MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR, ES UNIVERSITAT AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA - (UAB), ES SECRETARIA DE SERVEIS PENITENCIARIS, REHABILITACIO I JUSTICIA JUVENIL, ES UNIVERSITÄT BREMEN, BREMER INSTITUT FÜR KRIMINALPOLITIK + TECHNOLOGIE ZENTRUM INFORMATIK, DE SENATOR FÜR JUSTIZ UND VERFASSUNG DER FREIEN HANSESTADT BREMEN, DE CENTRE NATIONAL D'ENSEIGNEMENT A DISTANCE (CNED), FR ARISTOTELION PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS, GR UNIVERSITATEA NATIONALA ''I.L. CARAGIALE'' DIN BUCURESTI, RO RIGAS TEHNISKAS UNIVERSITATES TALMACIBAS STUDIJU CENTRS, LV LR TIESLIETU MINISTRIJAS IESLODZīJUMA VIETU PāRVALDE, LV GRANT AMOUNT: 150440 € APPROVED BUDGET: 200586 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 18 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225886-CP-1-2005-1-ES-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: ROSAE - ROAD SAFETY IN ADULT EDUCATION DESCRIPTION: Road safety is one of the most important public health problems in Europe and in the world. The aims of ROSAE are: - To educate and to make aware the adults about their responsibilities on road safety, specially: alcohol, medicines and consumption of other substances; fulfilment of the norms (use of the seatbelt, helmet, respect of speed limits) and prudence (visibility, respect). - To increase awareness about the physical and psychical consequences of the traffic accidents: how to prevent them and how to face them, stressing the risks and consequences of the disabilities. - To train adult educators and driving instructors to develop education and sensitization strategies suitable to the different target groups. - To overcome topics related to the driving of women and men. The main activities are: - Developing classroom and e-learning courses for adults, adult educators and driving instructors. - Elaborating a Report, a Curriculum, 3 Modules, 3 Guides, 3 Didactic Units (published in CD-ROM and Poked CD), tested by the target groups and the main sectors involved in road safety, who participate directly in the project (adults, adult educators and driving instructors, education and traffic authorities, road accident victims, police, organizations of car accident survivors, insurance companies, cars dealers). COORDINATOR: FEDERACIÓN DE ASOCIACIONES DE EDUCACIÓN DE ADULTOS Paseo Fernando el Católico 29 ES-50003 ZARAGOZA Phone: +34 976553773 Fax: +34 976552842 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marga JULVE LARRAZ PARTNERS: ESTA, DE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION CENTRE LTD., GR EEIG - EMMERCE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC INTEREST GROUP), SE ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS, ROSPA, UK MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN Y CIENCIA,, ES MINISTERIO DEL INTERIOR - DIRECCION GENERAL DE TRAFICO, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 167973 € APPROVED BUDGET: 264667 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 19 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225595-CP-1-2005-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 Title: MODEVAL DESCRIPTION: Le but du projet est de mettre au point un ensemble de recommandations, cadre à la fois théorique et pratique pour la construction d'outils d'évaluation des compétences de base. Ce cadre permettra à ses utilisateurs de construire des outils d'évaluation adaptés. Il permettra la comparaison avec les autres outils construits selon les mêmes recommandations. Les groupes cibles du projet sont les personnes en situation d'illettrisme, en difficulté de lecture et d'écriture mais aussi par rapport à la numéracie, les formateurs, enseignants et travailleurs sociaux et culturels confrontés aux personnes en situation d'illettrisme, des gestionnaires de structures dans les secteurs formels, non formels et informels, les décisionnaires politiques et institutionnels, les prescripteurs et les chercheurs concernés directement ou indirectement. Les activités consistent en recherches documentaires, mises en commun de pratiques, production d'écrits, activités de testing utilisant les ressources et les réunions régulières des partenaires pour réaliser les mises au point. Les activités se dérouleront sur une période de 2 ans débutant en octobre 2005 et se terminant en septembre 2007. Le partenariat travaillera de manière transnationale, nationale et régionale. La première réunion se déroulera à Malte en octobre 2005. Nous prévoyons 7 réunions au total, la dernière étant consacrée à la valorisation des différents produits sous forme d'un colloque de clôture du projet. Les résultats du projet seront : - Une étude comparative de l'état des lieux de l'évaluation des bas niveaux de compétences dans les pays participants voire dans l'UE. - Un guide de recommandations. - Quelques exemples concrets d'évaluations réalisées suivant ces recommandations et testées en cours de projet. - La création d'une banque de données rassemblant les résultats obtenus lors des emplois des différents outils conçus suivant les recommandations. - Un site Web autorisant le chargement des recommandations. COORDINATOR: AGORA Rue Beauvais 65 FR-56100 LORIENT Phone: +33 2 97 21 85 61 Fax: +33 2 97 64 21 52 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Francis LAVEAUX PARTNERS: 20 INSTITUT WALLON DE LA FORMATION EN ALTERNANCE ET DES INDÉPENDANTS ET PETITES ET MOYENNES ENTREPRISES, BE THURINGER VOLKSHOCHSCHULVERBAND E.V,, DE NORDJYLLANDS AMTS TALEINSTITUT, DK UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA, ES AGENCE NATIONALE DE LUTTE CONTRE L ILLETTRISME, FR UNIVERSITÉ LUMIÈRE-LYON2. EQUIPE PSYCHOLOGIE DE L'ÉDUCATION ET DE LA FORMATION (LABORATOIRE DE PSYCHOLOGIE DE LA SANTÉ E, FR PANEPISTIMIO AIGAIOU RANERISTIMIO AIGAIOU, GR KAPOSVARI EGYETEM CSOKONAI VITEZ MIHALY PEDAGOGIZAI FOISKOLAI KAR, HU LATVIJAS PIEAUGU`O IZGLīTīBAS APVIENīBA, LV SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS FONDAZZJONI GHAL SERVIZZI EDUKATTIVI, MT UNIWERSYTET WARSZAWSKI, CENTRUM BADAŃ; POLITYKI NAUKOWEJ I SZKOLNICTWA WYŻSZEGO, PL GRANT AMOUNT: 368047 € APPROVED BUDGET: 490730 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 21 GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225807-CP-1-2005-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: DECLIC - APPUI A LA CITOYENNETE PAR LE DROIT DESCRIPTION: Le droit, à condition qu'il soit véritablement approprié pour les personnes, peut-être un outil essentiel pour qu'elles puissent exercer activement leur citoyenneté, renforcer leur autonomie et favoriser au mieux le mode de vie auquel elles aspirent. Le projet DECLIC entend contribuer à cette appropriation par la formation à l'action juridique et judiciaire des personnes, en l'espèce en situation de précarité économique et sociale (habitants de quartier, collectifs de femmes, de migrants, de paysans en difficultés). Il vise à mutualiser les compétences et savoir faire d'organisations d'éducation populaire (en France, Belgique, Italie et Espagne) pour élaborer et diffuser des modules de formation et supports pédagogiques, à partir de l'identification et l'analyse de pratiques populaires de droit européennes (mouvements collectifs de revendication de droit, participation citoyenne à la production de droit...), à l'origine de dynamiques sociales importantes. L'élaboration se fera en partenariat étroit avec les acteurs de ces pratiques qui seront amenés à intervenir lors des futures formations. Au final, ce projet vise à développer l'offre de formation à destination d'apprenants adultes en situation de précarité économique et sociale leur permettant d'acquérir les connaissances, les compétences et savoir-faire indispensables pour agir ensemble et faire évoluer positivement leur situation. COORDINATOR: JURISTES -SOLIDARITES Rue de la Révolution, 5 FR-93100 MONTREUIL Phone: +33 1 48513991 Fax: +33 1 48 596158 Email: Internet site address: www.agirledroit@org CONTACT: Céline DELACOUR PARTNERS: HABITAT ET PARTICIPATION, BE FUNDACIÓN IBEROAMERICANA DE DERECHOS HUMANOS, ES COMMUNITÀ CAPODARCO DI ROMA ONLUS, IT GRANT AMOUNT: 106580 € APPROVED BUDGET: 148029 € CONTRACT DURATION: 12 (in months) 22 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225879-CP-1-2005-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: LA DEMARCHE DE VAE POUR LES PERSONNES PLACEES SOUS MAIN DE JUSTICE DESCRIPTION: Ce projet a pour but de permettre aux personnes placées sous main de justice, en milieu ouvert et en milieu fermé, de bénéficier du dispositif de Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience (VAE) avec un accompagnement adapté tenant compte de la situation exceptionnelle dans laquelle elles se trouvent. Permettre à des personnes placées sous main de justice de pouvoir être accompagnées dans leur démarche de Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience, en vue de faciliter leur (ré)insertion sociale et/ou professionnelle ultérieure, demande une prise en compte globale de la problématique à traiter sous des aspects aussi différenciés que la revalorisation de l'identité individuelle et familiale, la préparation des enseignants intervenant en prison, l'implication des personnels pénitentiaires autant que celle des magistrats, la structuration des organisations... Dans ce contexte environnemental spécifique, il s'agit d'inventorier des expériences nationales d'ores et déjà conduites dans différents pays européens en vue de parvenir à une dissémination de pratiques concertées et complémentaires. Il s'agira aussi et surtout de développer, au niveau européen, des réflexions, des modes d'accompagnement, des outils et des supports pédagogiques spécifiquement adaptés aux contraintes du milieu pénitentiaire et à expérimenter, dans la seconde moitié du projet, les résultats des travaux produits par les partenaires. COORDINATOR: ACADÉMIE DE BORDEAUX GROUPEMENT D'INTÉRÊT PUBLIC 5 rue Joseph de Carayon Latour BP 935 FR-33060 BORDEAUX CEDEX Phone: +33 556 8441 00 Fax: +33 556 8441 11 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Jean Marc HUART PARTNERS: INSTITUT DE L'UNESCO POUR L'EDUCATION, BE UNIVERSITY OF MALTA - EDUKAZJONI FIL - HABS, MT RECTORAT DE BORDEAUX, FR DIRECTION RÉGIONALE DES SERVICES PÉNITENTIAIRES DE BORDEAUX, FR DIRECTION REGIONALE ASSOCIATION NATIONALE POUR LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE DES ADULTES, FR ZAKLAD KARNY RZESZOW, PL INSTITUTO SUPERIOR BISSAYA BARRETO, PT GRANT AMOUNT: 202772 € APPROVED BUDGET: 274226 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 23 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225891-CP-1-2005-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: NODES - CREATION D'UN RESEAU EUROPEEN DE CENTRES DE RESSOURCES MULTIMEDIA POUR LA FORMATION DES ADULTES DESCRIPTION: Le projet NODES vise à favoriser, pour la formation d'adultes / formation tout au long de la vie, l'usage de connaissances, sous forme multimédia, pour améliorer la compétitivité, l'employabilité et la mobilité des adultes handicapés (physiques et sensoriels) et des adultes victimes de la fracture numérique ou de certaines de ses composantes telles que la distance, le niveau de connaissances initial, le langage, l'usage de technologies complexes. Ce projet est orienté vers les utilisateurs finaux, autour de 3 groupes cibles: - les handicapés moteurs et sensoriels (mais usagers potentiels des TIC); - les personnes ''victimes'' de la fracture numérique et de certaines formes de fracture sociales (n'ayant pas d'accès à l'ordinateur par exemple); - les personnes victimes de la distance. L'objectif est d'acquérir un niveau d'usage personnel et de compétences professionnelles dans l'utilisation des TIC. Quatre axes structurent les activités du projet: - l'implication des utilisateurs finaux; - un contenu validation correspondant à l'acquisition de l'autonomie (usage autonome) des TIC (ordinateurs, Internet, usages sociaux et professionnels); - le déploiement du réseau (outils...), avec des interfaces dédiées au niveau européen, basé sur le concept du ''Design for all''; - la formation des utilisateurs (outils, méthodologie...), formateurs, intermédiaires. Des groupes ''tests'' sont présents à toutes les étapes, afin d'assurer la validation du dispositif. L'accent sera mis sur l'accompagnement local dans la phase d'acquisition de l'autonomie. Le principal résultat escompté est le déploiement d'un réseau européen de noeuds d'accès à la connaissance. COORDINATOR: ETABLISSEMENT NATIONAL D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR AGRONOMIQUE DE DIJON Boulevard Docteur Petitjean, 26 - BP 87999 FR-21079 DIJON Phone: +33 380772769 Fax: +33 380772701 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Charles BURRIEL PARTNERS: GRANT AMOUNT: 24 COLAISTE NA HOLLSCOILE CORGAIGH, IE UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID, ES DEBRECENI EGYETEM-AGRÁRGAZDASÁGI ES VIDEKFEJLESZTESI KAR, HU CESKÁ UNIVERZITA V PRAZE-FAKULTA PROVOZNE EKONOMICKÁ, CZ UNIVERSITATEA ''LUCIAN BLAGA'' - SIBIU, FACULTATEA DE STIINTE, RO 274051 € SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS APPROVED BUDGET: 388762 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 (in months) 25 GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225751-CP-1-2005-1-IE-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: CODES - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THROUGH SPORT DESCRIPTION: CODES aims to build on the experience of current and past initiatives to promote participation through sport and to give cohesion and impact to them by locating them within a broader paradigm of community education and development. To achieve this, the following objectives are set out: - To conduct secondary research to identify the contribution and potential contribution to social transformation and increased participation within marginalised communities through sports development programmes; - To conduct secondary research into critical factors for success of such programmes for the advancement of full inclusion of disadvantaged and underrepresented groups in society; - To identify the skills, knowledge, competencies required of adult activists to develop, facilitate, support and evaluate such programmes in the context of community education and development; - To design an education/training programme in modular form, which will develop the identified knowledge, skills and competencies of adults who act either as sports leaders/coaches/educators or community based activists/leaders/educators; - To seek formal accreditation of this programme within recognised frameworks of both coach education/development and which articulates with ECTS; - To pilot the programme with a representative range of participants across the partner states; - To integrate the programme into mainstream provision and so sustain it beyond the lifetime of the project; - To produce and disseminate guidelines for the design and conduct of sports development programmes aimed at promoting social transformation; - Modular education/training programme to develop the above knowledge, skills and competencies of adults at Further and Higher Education levels, along with the learning resources to support the program; - Submission for the formal recognition of this programme within a qualifications framework articulating with ECTS; - Provision for web-based delivery and support for those in marginalised communities who need and have the capacity to participate in this form of delivery; - A project website which allows access to all the project products and which will be maintained as a resource for community groups after the completion of the project, a set of guidelines for the conduct of sports development programmes to promote social transformation and inclusion in a community setting; - An international conference to disseminate and discuss project outcomes. It is contended that this innovative integration of the fields of community and sport education and development will provide a unique and sustainable contribution to the integration of disadvantaged groups into society. Furthermore the transnational nature of sport and of the interest in it through all levels of society will allow CODES to develop outcomes which will have pan-European impact. OBJECTIVES: Through this innovative interlinking of the fields of community and sports education/development, a unique and sustainable provision will be established for the integration of disadvantaged groups into society. Furthermore, the transnational nature of sport and interest in it, through all levels of society, will allow CODES to develop outcomes which will have pan-European impact and so contribute to the integration of the new member states. 26 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION TARGET GROUPS: The immediate target groups will consist of: - Adults active, or potentially active, within disadvantaged/marginalised communities as community activists/educators/leaders - in both paid and voluntary roles. - Adults active, or potentially active, within disadvantaged/marginalised communities as sports coaches/educators/leaders - in both paid or voluntary roles. - Adults engaged in formal programmes of community education/development courses. - Sports coaches in clubs and societies. The ultimate beneficiaries will be members of the disadvantaged/marginalised communities, who, through involvement in sports development programmes, will be encouraged and given confidence and capacity to participate more fully within their own communities. MAIN ACTIVITIES AND PRODUCTS: The planned products of the CODES project are as follows: - Research report identifying the actual and potential contribution of sports development programmes to social transformation and enhancing participation within disadvantaged communities; - Research report identifying the critical success factors of such programmes; - Profile, in terms of knowledge skills and competencies, of community based adult activists, leaders and educators to develop, deliver, support and assess programmes of sports development within disadvantaged communities. COORDINATOR: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT,DEIS CORK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Rossa Avenue IE- BISHOPSTOWN Phone: +353 214921183 Fax: +353 214546482 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Ray COUGHLAN PARTNERS: ERGON KEK, GR FEDERACION ASTURIANA DE CONCEJOS, ES LONDON UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH BANK- ACADEMY OF SPORT,PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND WELL-BEING, UK NATIONAL COACHING AND TRAINING CENTRE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK, IE INSTITUTE FOR COACH AND SPORTS EDUCATION AT SEMMELWEISS UNIVERSITY, HU GRANT AMOUNT: 226846 € APPROVED BUDGET: 302462 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 27 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225348-CP-1-2005-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: CIAO ! WOMEN - COMMUNICATION VIA IT FOR ADULTS ONLINE WOMEN DESCRIPTION: Objectives: The project aims at investigating the specific needs of adult women in relation to ICT in order to develop pathways facilitating the creation of learning activities which take into account specific gender related aspects, thus changing the stereotyped image of women approach to technology and introducing innovative approaches to LLL in relation gender. Target: women, mainly aged 35-55; professionals working in formal, informal and non formal education within LLL; journalists and media professionals who are willing to avoid discrimination of women with respect to ICT. Activities: in-depth interviews based on a ''biographical approach'' of 250 women in 5 countries; review of magazines in 5 countries looking for stereotypes and beliefs about feminine view of ICT; interviews of international known experts (Europe, USA, Canada) in the field of ICT and gender issues; collection, analysis and comparison of data collected; 5 transnational meeting, 7 workshops, 1 conference; monitoring, coordination, internal and external evaluation, dissemination. Outputs: national and international reports on adult women's vision and perception of ICT; consequent approaches to be taken into consideration when planning learning activities; handbook on good practices of journalists; proceedings of the 7 workshops and the final conference; handbook on how to manage multilingual research in EU funded projects; external evaluation report; website; brochures. COORDINATOR: PROVINCIA DI GENOVA - SERVIZIO POLITICHE DEL LAVORO Via Cesarea, 14 IT-16122 GENOVA Phone: +39 010 5497501 Fax: +39 010 532379 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Susanna PICASSO PARTNERS: GUGLIELMA RICERCA E CCREAZIONE SOCIALE, IT UNIVERSIDADE DE EVORA - NUCLEO MINERVA, PT ZNANIE ASSOCIATION - CENTRE FOR VOCATIONAL TRAINING, BG NODIBINAJUMS-NAKOTNES KAPITALA FONDS FUTURE CAPITAL FOUNDATION, LV AMTSCENTRET FOR UNDERVISNING, DK GRANT AMOUNT: 180422 € APPROVED BUDGET: 240564 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 28 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225684-CP-1-2005-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 Title: E-DRIM - EUROPEAN DREAM FOR IMMIGRANTS DESCRIPTION: The project's rationale refers to the fact that in present-day Europe the phenomenon of immigration increasingly perceived as a problem linked to social security and humanitarian emergency, rather than as an opportunity fostering the creation of a more inclusive and dynamic European society. Not all immigrants have a low level of formal education. However, although many of them have remarkable key skills, medium or high education and training levels, as well as a professional profile which would imply a good job, they are generally offered jobs in Europe requiring a low-skilled or even unskilled profile. E-DRIM intends to favour the process of integration of immigrants, especially, but not exclusively, of those who have higher levels of competences, qualifications and professionalism, by supporting their more active role in the society (by improving their employability by acquiring, updating, formal recognition of basic, language and professional skills), providing them with learning and lifelong learning initiatives supporting entrepreneurship as a new and alternative path to personal development. The necessity to remove occupational barriers faced by ethnic minorities and immigrants is in fact recognised as a fundamental element for social cohesion and integration in Europe. This policy attention aimed at making Europe an inclusive society contribute to the perception, by potential immigrants, of Europe as a place rich in opportunities, where to develop a personal and professional ''life project'': European society thereof becomes the place for the ''European dream'' to come true. COORDINATOR: ENTE ACLI ISTRUZIONE PROFESSIONALE - FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Via Leonardo da Vinci 27 IT-33037 PASIAN DI PRATO Phone: +39 0432 693611 Fax: +39 0432 693691 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Daniele GORTAN PARTNERS: SCIENTER - CENTRO DI RICERCHE E SERVIZI AVANZATI PER LA FORMAZIONE, IT GWENT CAREERS SERVICE PARTNERSHIP LTD T/A CAREERS WALES GWENT, UK INSTITUTO MUNICIPAL DE FORMACIÓN Y EMPLEO (IMFE) AYUNTAMIENTO DE GRANADA, ES FIM - NEW LEARNING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT OF THE ERLANGEN UNIVERSITY, DE SCIENTER ESPAÑA S.L., ES NOVA DISTANCE, SE TEHNE - CENTRUL PENTRU DEZVOLTARE SI INOVARE IN EDUCATIE, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 186792 € APPROVED BUDGET: 249056 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 29 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225854-CP-1-2005-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: ERMES - EDUCAZIONE RADIOFONICA CON I MIGRANTI EUROPEI E I LORO SAPERI DESCRIPTION: CONTENTS OF THE PROJECT The project focuses on learning narrative skills and the related possibilities to train and to inform involved in this type of communication. In particular the aim is to offer skills and knowledge to tutors and trainers, allowing them to collect biographies and to diffuse them through the mass media, as radio and ICT. The project will concern European and extra-European migrants' biographies and its objective is to offer the opportunity to compare different histories in several contexts and to know their potential in the field of personal and professional development. These tools and these media can give a great opportunity for training and research activities. The main aim is to give a complex vision of European identity and to carry out a project with many cultural voices focused on the concrete experiences of the European migrants life and on the awareness this experience will allow to acquire. GENERAL GOALS The general goal of the project is to prove that through the radio and multimedia contexts is possible to elaborate in a narrative style the ''knowledge'' which is inside every life experience in order to produce and diffuse learning, training and reflexive contents. Another aim of the project is to diffuse an open and complex European identity based on the real experience of the migrants. CONCRETE AIMS To produce, evaluate, develop, within the framework of a European partnership, a project of narrative and creative writing, based on the history of migrants and to build the skills which will allow them to use the radio and multimedia in education and training. PRINCIPAL RESULTS AND PRODUCTS - 3 Courses for teachers and trainers - 1 didactic handbook in English, French, Italian and Romanian - Visual, sound and didactic supports on 2 CD - 1 Web Site - 1 international conference - 4 broadcasting programs PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES PLANNED - 3 Meetings of partners - Elaboration of the training modules - Experimentation of the training modules - Evaluation of the training modules - Broadcasting programs - Diffusion of the results and the didactic materials TARGET GROUPS Social and cultural educators, teachers, radio and multimedia operators, migrants, public radio, Multimedia users. COORDINATOR: 30 FONDAZIONE ENAIP LOMBARDIA Santander, 9 IT-20143 MILANO Phone: +39 02 8136192 Fax: +39 02 89128299 Email: SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION Internet site address: CONTACT: PARTNERS: Claudio SAVIO CIVICA SCUOLA DI OPERATORI SOCIALI, IT ERREPI SPA RADIO POPOLARE NETWORk, IT DEPARTEMENT DE COMMUNICATION FLE/UNIVERSITÀ DI PARIS VIII ST.DENIS, FR CIVD CENTRE INTERCULTUREL DE VINCENNES À SAINT-DENIS, FR HOGESCHOOL NIJMEGEN, NL FUNDATIA PESTALOZZI, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 162626 € APPROVED BUDGET: 226214 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 31 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 223855-CP-1-2005-1-LT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: REACTION - RECOGNITION AND ACCREDITATION OF EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING - A WAY FOR BETTER ACCESSIBILITY OF ADULT EDUCATION DESCRIPTION: The main aim of the project is to make adult education more accessible, while enabling adult learners to acquire recognition and accreditation of their experiential learning. Objectives of the project: - To gather information on existing practices on recognition and accreditation of adults' experiential learning enabling access to tertiary education; - To identify common principles for evaluation of experiential learning; - To create a model that would enable tertiary education institutions to validate and recognise an individual knowledge, gained through experiential learning - To create a model for validation of the experience gained in non-formal adult education institutions; - To encourage closer co-operation between formal and non-formal adult education sectors. Project target groups: - Experienced adults wanting to enter tertiary education; - Academic staff in tertiary education; - Non-formal adult education providers; - Policy and decision makers. Activities: - Gathering of the information on existing practices; - Description of the framework for evaluation of experiential learning; - Development of model for validation and recognition; - Creation of the manual and course curriculum for evaluators of experiential learning; - Development of the model for recognition of the experience gained in non-formal adult education institutions; - Creation of the handbook and course curriculum for recognition of non-formal adult education courses; - Final conference in Brussels. - Dissemination, management, monitoring and evaluation. Expected outputs: - Overview of existing practices; - Collection of the methods and best approaches; - Framework for evaluation of experiential learning; - Suggestions for decision makers; - Model for recognition and validation; - Manual and course for evaluators; - Model, handbook and course for the recognition; - Book ''Recognition and Validation of the Experiential Learning''; - Web-site; - Leaflets. COORDINATOR: 32 VYTAUTO DIDZIOJO UNIVERSITETAS K. Donelaicio 58 LT-44248 KAUNAS Phone: +370 37 327821 Fax: +370 37 327823 Email: Internet site address: SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS CONTACT: PARTNERS: Margarita TERESEVICIENE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND MAYNOOTH, IE FUNDACION RADIO ECCA, ES ODYSSEE, NL EUROFORM RFS, IT TALLINNA PEDAGOOGIKAÜLIKOOL, EE LIETUVOS SUAUGUSIUJU SVIETIMO ASOCIACIJA, LT UNIVERSITEIT GENT, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 208668 € APPROVED BUDGET: 278225 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 33 GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225438-CP-1-2005-1-NL-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: SOCCER - SOCIAL AND CITIZENSHIP COMPETENCE RECOGNITION DESCRIPTION: SOCCER - SOcial and Citizenship Competence Recognition aims to: - build up a database of best practice in citizenship education with youngsters and adults with a low education and a low qualification level; - train educators in active learning methods (curricula, modules, games, edutainment...); - look for innovative ways of evidencing (e-portfolio) and measuring progress methods; - develop strategies for accrediting (= formal recognition of citizenship education); - set up a ''mobile team'' of trainers, to train pedagogical teams on the spot in the divers countries. COORDINATOR: CENTRUM VOOR EUROPESE STUDIES EN OPLEIDINGEN Plantijndomein 15 NL-6229 GG MAASTRICHT Phone: +31 3500155 Fax: +31 3500268 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Jacques JANSEN PARTNERS: CENTRUM KSZTALCENIA USTAWICZNEGO, PL BBJ CONSULT AG-ITALIAN BRANCH, IT ATRIUM RESEARCH & INNOVATIE BV, NL ASOCIATIA NATIONALA A UNIVERSITATILOR POLPULARE (ANUP), RO STICHTING ARCUS COLLEGE, NL ART.27 VZW (VERENIGING ZONDER WINSTGEVEND DOEL), BE SCOP ADREP SA, FR CONFÉDÉRATION GÉNÉRALE DE SCOP, FR ASSOCIATION DE GESTION DE L'ECOLE DA LA DEUXIÈME CHANCE, FR ORSZÁGOS KÖZOKTATÁSI INTÉZET ISKOLAFJLESZTÉSI ÉS INTEGRÁCIÓS KÖZPONT, HU INNOVACIÓN, TRANSFERENCIA Y DESARROLLO, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 219147 € APPROVED BUDGET: 292196 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 34 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225817-CP-1-2005-1-NL-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: LACE - LIFELONG LEARNING AND ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP IN EUROPE'S AGEING SOCIETY DESCRIPTION: The project aims at increasing the active engagement of Europe's ageing population. Objectives: 1. Motivation: increasing the number of older people actively participating in society (active citizenship). 2. Education: studying the potential for replication of existing training models with a specific focus on seniors and their active engagement in society and testing this. 3. Networking: establishing and strengthening networks of educators, seniors, policy makers and the voluntary sector 4. Roll-Out: creating a basis for further roll-out of national programs aiming at senior volunteer engagement through guidelines focusing on promotion/marketing, partnership development and training programs. 5. Organization: establishing and strengthening networks of educators, seniors and policy makers. 6. On the long term: creating a positive image of older generations in Europe. Target groups: - Older adults, who are willing to take up new roles after working life, while building on to the experience and skills they have acquired. - Adult educators. - National voluntary, adult educational and voluntary sectors. Main activities: - Study potential for improvement and replication of three existing training programs aiming at active engagement of older adults. - Establish 4 pilot projects in Italy, Ireland, Spain and Czech Republic. - Create replication guide for the establishment for similar programs in other countries throughout Europe. Expected outputs: - Project website. - Quick scan of opportunities for enlargement / improvement of existing programs and of resources for development. - Promotion leaflet. - 4 pilot projects. - Guidelines for establishment of new national programs. - Publication with project results and recommendations. COORDINATOR: STICHTING NEDERLANDS PLATFORM OUDEREN EN EUROPA Christiaan Krammlaan 8 NL-3571 AX UTRECHT Phone: +31 302736133 Fax: +31 302713649 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Joke ZWART PARTNERS: 35 HOGER INSTITUUT VOOR GEZINSWETENSCHAPPEN, BE INSTITUT FÜR SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTLICHE ANALYSEN UND BERATUNG GMBH, DE UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA, ES SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS AGE ACTION IRELAND, IT UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE, IT ODYSSEE - GROEP, NL DRUSTVO ZA IZOBRAZEVNAJE ZA TRETJE ZIVLJENJSKO OBDOBJE, SI GRANT AMOUNT: 146706 € APPROVED BUDGET: 208121 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 36 GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225856-CP-1-2005-1-NL-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: THE LIFE LONG LEARNING MAP - MAPPING THE LEARNING PATH OF ADULT LEARNERS DESCRIPTION: The L3 Map is a tool for adult learners of different backgrounds to navigate their Life Long Learning, labour market and career path, with support from education providers, teachers, guidance counsellors. The L3 Map does not aim to invent new instruments like portfolio systems or assessment methods but is a tool on a ''higher'' strategic level, setting out where the learner wants to go and managing the trip. The L3 Map will make the learner conscious of the learning and (personal) development process - they become aware of how they can set a goal, the relationship between the goal and their path, the different stages of their path and how to keep motivated along the way. This enables the learner to take responsibility for the process and ultimately to autonomously use the tool autonomously. Target groups are adult learners: immigrant learners, youngsters at risk, workers needing an upgrading. Main activities & outputs: Identify existing methods and instruments used to record and manage the learning process. Develop and test the L3 Map in the 8 participating countries and by the target groups involved. The final L3 Map will be set out as a CD-ROM. The project will provide a manual, that will also be presented in trainings and in a Grundtvig 3 course. COORDINATOR: REGIONAAL OPLEIDINGEN CENTRUM RIJN IJSSEL Velperweg 39 NL-6824 BG ARNHEM Phone: +31 263520400 Fax: +31 263520420 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Jolanda BUTS PARTNERS: TALLAGHT PARTNERSHIP LTD, IE UNBRIA TRAINING CENTER ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE, IT REGIONAAL OPLEIDINGEN CENTRUM WEST-BRABANT, NL VUXENUTBILDNINGEN BORAS KOMMUN, SE AJUNTAMENT DE VILADECANS, ES NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, BG CENTRO DE FORMAÇÃO D. DINIS-ESCOLA SECUNDÁRIA DE ODIVELAS, PT EESTI TÄISKASVANUTE KOOLITAJATE ASSOTSIATSIOON ANDRAS, EE GRANT AMOUNT: 230527 € APPROVED BUDGET: 339545 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 37 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 224475-CP-1-2005-1-AT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: BASKI - BASIC SKILLS TRAININGS MODEL DESCRIPTION: Adults without disabilities have the natural ability to live a self-determined life. In people with learning or multiple disabilities this important personal ability is often lacking; or, due to their motor, cognitive, sensory, and emotional difficulties it is much more difficult to develop. More heteronomy than self-determination is especially experienced by institutionalised disabled individuals; they have to live and work with a high level of dependence. The Basic Skills Training Model within the framework of the presented project should take the principle of equal opportunities into account and lead institutionalised and hospitalised disabled people to an appropriate degree of selfdetermination and prepare them for active participation in society. In a transnational cooperation a Basic Skills Training Model is to be developed, which shall on the one hand support the target group of people with learning or multiple disabilities by stimulating a process of development so that they are able to live a selfdetermined life, and on the other hand serve and accompany institutions in the disability sector (sheltered workshops and assisted living) who care for the target group. The interaction between the Basic Skills Training and the accompanied Coaching of social institutions is a central aim of the project. The Basic Skills Trainings Model includes a Curriculum for a Basic Skills Training for people with learning or multiple disabilities in small groups, methodical/didactic material developed to support communication, the learning and group processes, two Curricula for a further education addressing professionals in psychosocial counselling (Train the Trainer and European Counsellor), test and evaluation reports received by the means of pilot groups. The model will be available for dissemination on a web-site and on CD-ROM including a handbook in the national languages of the participating countries and in English. COORDINATOR: LEBENSHILFE GRAZ UND UMGEBUNG - VOITSBERG Conrad v. Hötzendorf Straße AT-8010 GRAZ Phone: 0043 316 71 55 06 810 Fax: 0043 316 71 55 06 999 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Gabriele PERISSUTTI PARTNERS: INSTITUT ARBEIT UND TECHNIK, DE STOWARZYSZENIE ''NIEPELNOSPRAWNI DLA: RODOWISKA EKON, PL DIA-SPORT ASSOCIATION, BG E-ISOTIS, GR ÉRTELMI FOGYATÉKOSOK ÉS SEGÍTőIK ORSZÁGOS ÉRDEKVÉDELMI SZÖVETSÉGE, HU ASOCIACIÓN PADRES Y PROTECTORES SUBNORMALES, ES INTEGR@POINT FORSCHUNG E.V., AT GRANT AMOUNT: 276339 € APPROVED BUDGET: 368452 € CONTRACT DURATION: 38 36 (in months) SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225761-CP-1-2005-1-AT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: E-HOSPITAL - E-LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADULT PATIENTS DURING HOSPITALISATION IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS DESCRIPTION: The overall aim of the project ''e-hospital'' is to promote e-learning activities for adult patients in hospitals in order to give them access to life-long learning opportunities while in hospital. This aim will be pursued by the following operational objectives: - to design and pilot local e-learning projects for different groups of patients in hospitals; - to evaluate the effects of these learning activities on the patients' personal and social development and on the process of convalescence; - to create and test an e-learning system with educational resources for learners and educators and with collaborative tools for interaction and group learning; - to produce guidance materials and tools for adult educators to enable them to work with hospital patient; - to implement awareness-raising activities on e-learning in hospitals among adult education institutions, hospital managers, medical, care and administrative staff sponsors, authorities and other health care agencies. Main outputs will include: - a research report on the state of the art of educational activities in European hospitals; - case studies on the implemented e-learning activities in hospitals; - a web platform to facilitate e-learning activities in hospitals; - a handbook for adult educators; - a European dissemination conference for educators and decision-makers in the education and health systems. COORDINATOR: DIE BERATER - RÖHSNER UNTERNEHMENSBERATUNG GMBH Wipplingerstraße 32/ TOP 24-26 AT-1010 VIENNA Phone: +43 1 532454562 Fax: +43 1 532454545 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Holger BIENZLE PARTNERS: ORT FRANCE, FR BILDUNGSWERK DER SÄCHSISCHEN WIRTSCHAFT E.V., DE DONAU-UNIVERSITÄT- KREMS, AT WYZSZA SZKOLA HUMANISTYCZNO-EKONOMICZNA W LODZI, PL S.A.X. CENTRO DE SUPERCOMPUTACIÓN DE GALICIA (CESGA), ES UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, ES GRANT AMOUNT: 312373 € APPROVED BUDGET: 416498 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 (in months) 39 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225774-CP-1-2005-1-AT-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: GOLDEN GOAL - BASIC SKILLS & COMMUNICATION TRAINING WITH INTEGRATED SPORT ACTIVITIES DESCRIPTION: The ''basic skills'' issue has gained particular attention in most European countries. Recommendations to the European Commission include ''introduction of special measures of motivation to encourage the participation of marginalised groups in education programmes''. Our project will introduce sport activities into basic skills and communication training for disadvantaged adults, and its reception in the public will benefit tremendously from the timely coincidence of the project dissemination activities with the European Football Championship EURO 2008 (qualification matches in 2007, finals in 2008). Our dissemination and demonstration events will create an excellent opportunity to direct public awareness from mere sport issues to educational aspects using sport as underlying pedagogical method. The project will develop a Curriculum for basic skills and social skills training in combination with sporting activities (football, but also other sports depending on the local condition and the target groups), and a Tool Box containing materials and methods. It will help to attract participation and increase motivation among a ''hard-toreach'' target group and to raise public awareness of the project's aims by specifically designed Golden Goal Demonstration Events in each partner's country. The project contents and results will also be spread to all EU member states through a variety of dissemination activities, including a European Multiplier Seminar for countries not participating in the project. The multi-actor partnership consists of 22 partners from 18 countries. All products will be available for free download at least until autumn 2010. COORDINATOR: BEST INSTITUT FÜR BERUFSBEZOGENE WEITERBILDUNG UND PERSONALTRAINING GMBH Mariahilfer Straße 5-7 AT-A-1060 VIENNA Phone: Fax: Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Wolfgang EISENREICH PARTNERS: 40 KTP SPOLECNOST PRO KVALIFIKACI NA TRHU PRACE, CZ HESSISCHES SOZIALMINISTERIUM, DE GABINET D'ESTUDIS SOCIALS, ES IRFA SUD, FR FONDAZIONE IDIS, IT ROC NIJMEGEN, NL FUNDATIA ROMANO-GERMANA, RO FOLKUNIVERSITETET KRISTIANSTAD, SE PAPILOT - ZAVOD ZA VZPODBUJANJE IN RAZVIJANJE KVALITETE ZIVLJENJA, SI ASSOCIATION FOR QUALIFICATION AND EMPLOYMENT INITIATIVES MANAVGAT, TR ABC DIALOG, DK ATHINA INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH, TRAINING AND INFORMATICS, GR SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS FUTURE CAPITAL FOUNDATION, LV KULTURVEREIN DOPPELPASS, AT ZLATE KLASY BOX, SK THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, UK ROGALAND KURS OG KOMPETANSESENTER, NO GRANT AMOUNT: 238273 € APPROVED BUDGET: 317698 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 (in months) 41 GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225594-CP-1-2005-1-FI-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: POSILLIPO - PARTNERSHIP OBSERVATION SYSTEM FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LIFELONG LEARNING INITIATIVES AND POLICIES DESCRIPTION: POSILLIPO aims to better understand the building, shaping, maintenance, development and evolution of Lifelong Learning partnerships and the role of stakeholders in the definition, design, implementation and evaluation of policies and initiatives in the field of LLL. Thus, it focuses on the identification, analysis and follow-up of the different policies and stakeholders between all levels of public authorities, social partners, NGOs, education and training institutions, enterprises, cultural establishments and research organisations making special emphasis in settings that promote informal learning for adults and their role in lifelong learning. This process will promote the creation of stable flows of information, communication and learning among policy makers, researchers and practitioners through the creation of a virtual Collaborative Learning Network that will test how to maximise the positive impact of stakeholders in relation to LLL policies. The project outcomes include a conceptual framework report, a comparative analysis of LLL partnerships, initiatives and policies in the countries involved, the definition of a successful partnership model, 8 Round Tables constituted to debate on the Lifelong Learning potential in their respective contexts and Creation and running of a Virtual Community of Experts and stakeholders in the field of Lifelong Learning. COORDINATOR: SCIENTER ESPAÑA S.L. Fray Leopoldo de Alpandeire 4, 3D ES-18014 GRANADA Phone: +34 958806590 Fax: +34 958806591 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: M. Begoña ARENAS PARTNERS: FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER-UNIVERSITÄT ERLANGEN-NÜRNBERG, DE LAMBRAKIS RESEARCH FOUNDATION, GR CONSORCIO DE LA MADERA DE LA JUNTA DE ANDALUCIA, ES EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR E-LEARNING, FR SCIENTER - CENTRO DI RICERCHE E SERVIZI AVANZATI PER LA FORMAZIONE, IT INDUSTRIALI VENETO SIAV SCRL, IT REGIONE CAMPANIA, IT THE MRS CONSULTANCY LTD., UK THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RELATIONS, UK CAREERS WALES NORTH WEST, UK UNIVERSITATEA ''POLITEHNICA'' DIN BUCURESTI, RO ETKA ANDRAS, EE VEILLE EUROPÉENNE ET CITOYENNE SUR LES AUTOROUTES DE L'INFORMATION ET DU MULTIMÉDIA, FR GRANT AMOUNT: 177317 € APPROVED BUDGET: 236422 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 42 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 224027-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE : GROWING WITH COMPOST DESCRIPTION: The ''Growing with Compost'' project will initiate a dynamic partnership to develop much needed social economy composting projects across Europe. It will provide training and educational support to organisations and individuals that wish to develop local initiatives that combine the goals of providing adult education and training through social employment and in providing organic waste management and horticultural services. This will be achieved by creating a toolkit of resources that can support these projects in a number of ways. The project partners and similar organisations will be able to use the toolkit to develop training programmes and seminars, while remote learners and trainees at previous events will be able to access the toolkit through the project's website. The project will also set up a network of demonstration sites around Europe. These sites will show best practice and innovation in the way local projects can marry the combined aims of composting and adult education, and they will be actual practical projects. The sites will be used as working classrooms for training events based on the toolkit and they will enable remote learners to arrange their own visits and see the sites first-hand. COORDINATOR: COMMUNITY COMPOSTING NETWORK 67 Alexandra Road UK-S2 3EE SHEFFIELD Phone: +44 114 258 0483 Fax: +44 114 258 0483 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Nick MCALLISTER PARTNERS: CZECH UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE IN PRAGUE, CZ ECOLOGICAL RECYCLING SOCIETY, GR VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE, GR RE-USE AND RECYCLING EUROPEAN UNION SOCIAL ENTERPRISES, BE FRIENDS OF THE EARTH SLOVAKIA-SPZ, SK GRANT AMOUNT: 207242 € APPROVED BUDGET: 276323 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 43 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225299-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: IRIS - TRAINING MODULE FOR MEMBERS OF MINORITY/REFUGEE COMMUNITIES TO BECOME LEARNING ADVOCATES & INTERCULTURAL MEDIATORS DESCRIPTION: There is a need to develop ways of supporting and encouraging ''hard to reach'' groups migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, ethnic minorities - into learning, employment and active citizenship. This project aims to address this by developing the role of the intercultural mediator/community learning advocate, developing professional training for members of local migrant/minority communities who may already act as volunteer community advisers and advocates. The training would support these individuals in their work as trusted intermediaries between their community and the services, but also develop their role to become Learning Advocates in the community, to give these groups access to appropriate education & training. Professional training would benefit the individual providing career progression, and perhaps employment. Project partners: North London Colleges European Network (UK), Associazione Formazione 80 (IT), IRFA Interregion Est (FR) and Dia Sport (BG) will work with local networks on all aspects of the project: - initial research in/across the 4 countries - design of a flexible unitised training module - piloting of the module with members of minority/migrant communities in 4 countries - ongoing dissemination. The research report will be published and the training module produced on CD Rom in 4 languages EN, IT, FR and BG. Note: The acronym IRIS stands for ''International Respect for Intercultural Skills''. This is the underlying ethos and aim of the whole project. COORDINATOR: NORTH LONDON COLLEGES EUROPEAN NETWORK c/o Barnet College, Wood Street UK-EN5 4AZ BARNET, HERTS Phone: +44 0 208 440 6237 Fax: +44 0 208 441 4658 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Cherry SEWELL PARTNERS: ASSOCIAZIONE FORMAZIONE 80, IT IRFA EST INTERREGION, FR DIA-SPORT, BG GRANT AMOUNT: 238985 € APPROVED BUDGET: 320785 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 44 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225353-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: EASTWARD - EU ACCESSION STATES WORKBASED ADULT EDUCATION DESCRIPTION: Eastward aims to produce a significant rise in adult education participation rates, especially by adults excluded from further education and training by a lack of formal qualifications. Each partner, mainly East European, is part of a regional training network of public and private sector providers of adult education. Eastward will develop opportunities for lifelong learning based in community and workplace learning centres, and will concentrate upon the accreditation of adults' nonformal learning from life and work experience as a means of opening up new progression routes into adult, further and higher education. Initially in the participating countries and subsequently EU-wide, through its establishment of a virtual European centre for Accrediting Community and Workplace Learning. The partners will draw upon their own experience and best practice in this field to produce a European template for a training programme in key, transferable skills, which can be adapted to the national and regional needs of all EU countries The outputs of the project will include web based support materials and course modules which combine to make up a European Certificate in Personal Skills. Paper and electronic versions of teaching materials appropriate to the needs of the target group will be produced. COORDINATOR: LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY Calverley street UK-LS1 3HE LEEDS Phone: +44 113283 2600 Fax: +44 113283 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Stephen MOLLOY PARTNERS: VARNENSKI SVOBODEN UNIVERSITET ''CHERNORIZETS HRABAR'', BG UNIVERSITATEA DIN PITESTI, RO ODENSE TEKNISKE SKOLE, DK VYTAUTO DIDZIOJO UNIVERSITETAS, LT WYZSZA SZKOLA HUMANISTYCZNO - EKONOMICZNA A LODZI, PL GRANT AMOUNT: 126060 € APPROVED BUDGET: 168081 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 45 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225844-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: BREAKOUT - AN INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR OFFENDING PREVENTION AND REHABILITATION DESCRIPTION: The main aim of BREAKOUT is to help reduce offending and re-offending through the development of innovative learning approaches, methods and tools. The target groups cover a range of adult learners, including young people ''at risk'' of offending; prisoners; ex-offenders and learning professionals. Key overall objectives include developing innovative offending prevention strategies, improving prison education methods and tools and contributing to resettlement support services, thus helping to reduce levels of re-offending. In these ways, the project directly addresses key GRUNDTVIG programme priorities on continuing training of adult education staff and education for marginalised citizens. The project covers a spectrum of research, development and implementation activities to promote innovation and the improved availability, accessibility and quality of educational provision. It integrates research activities (providing inputs to develop a common European pedagogic framework and standards for prison education) with technical and content development. In turn, the project provides for the implementation and evaluation of the models and services in seven European sites. Finally, it deploys the learning gained from the results of the evaluation activities to promote active knowledge sharing and dissemination. A key innovation is to develop and evaluate an interactive ''blended e-Learning'' environment to help prisoners, young adults ''at risk'' of offending, and ex-offenders explore the implications of ''life decisions'' and the consequences of a ''life of crime''. COORDINATOR: THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE Tabernacle Street 30 UK-EC2A 4UE LONDON Phone: +44 207 417 0407 Fax: +44 207 417 0567 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Joseph CULLEN PARTNERS: NATIONAL SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, GR LONDON BOROUGH OF HACKNEY (HACKNEY YOUTH OFFENDING TEAM), UK KETHEA THERAPY CENTER FOR DEPENDENT INDIVIDUALS, GR JVA ERLANGEN SOZIATHERAPEUTISCHE ANSTALT, DE ALWAYS PUSHING BARRIERS, UK ENTITAD DE SERVICES ESPIRAL, ES UNIVERSITY OF TARTU, EE FUNDACIONE OSCOBE, ES DELEGACION DE JUSTICIA DE LA GENERALITAT EN GIRONA, ES TARTU VANGLA, EE FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER-UNIVERSITÄT ERLANGEN-NÜRNBERG, DE GRANT AMOUNT: 289933 € APPROVED BUDGET: 386577 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 46 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 224508-CP-1-2005-1-NO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: BRIDGES - BUILDING BRIDGES TO SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING, CULTURE AND SOCIETY DESCRIPTION: The aim of the Grundtvig 1 project BRIDGES is to stimulate active citizenship among non-native speakers by means of language acquisition using interactive and democratic methodologies. The objectives are: - to pilot an innovative European tool for Lingua 2 learning which integrates the various learner centred models of teaching and learning discovered as a result of the SELL project and which integrates Citizenship; - build on the role of the language assistant developed in SELL (Grundtvig 2 project and the base of BRIDGES) and extend it to a new profession, that of Language and Culture Guide (LCG). As well as supporting learning, they will build bridges between learners and teachers, learners and the new language, society and culture and act as role models for the learners; - develop training modules for the LCGs and Lingua 2 teachers (teachers who teach the national language of the partner countries to non-native speakers, immigrants/minorities) in order to deliver the BRIDGES methodology; - provide employment opportunities for language learners. Becoming an LCG will provide transferable skills for further progression into a full teaching or other professional role; It is anticipated that these objectives will enable beneficiary second language learners to integrate more effectively into the society of their country of residence by improving their motivation and achievement in language learning, building on their existing skills and achievements and offering actual employment possibilities as LCGs. COORDINATOR: VOKSENOPPLÆRINGSFORBUNDET Kirkegata 32, Postbox 560 Sentrum NO-0105 OSLO Phone: (+47)22410000, dir: (+47)24148976 Fax: (+47)22334085 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Ellen STAVLUND PARTNERS: AOF - OSLO, NO ISTITUTO REGIONALE PER LA RICERCA EDUCATIVA DELLA TOSCANA (IRRE TOSCANA), IT (COOPERAZIONE PER LO SVILUPPO DEI PAESI EMERGENTI (COSPE), IT CENTRE FOR EDUCATIONAL STRATEGIES (CES), BG ISTITUTO REGIONALE PER LA RICERCA EDUCATIVA DELLA TOSCANA (IRRE TOSCANA), BG WEST SUSSEX ADULT EDUCATION SERVICE, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 187346 € APPROVED BUDGET: 249794 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 47 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225935-CP-1-2005-1-NO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: PIPELINE - PARTNERSHIPS IN PRISON EDUCATION: LEARNING IN NETWORKED ENVIRONMENTS DESCRIPTION: Objectives: The main aim and objective is to improve prison education in Europe by making ICT available to learners and teachers in correctional education. We argue that bridging the gap between life in prison and life after prison by preparing prisoners for a networked world will limit recidivism. People today need to be multiliterate in today's society, i.e. they need to be able to navigate in and locate digitally linked resources for professional as well as private tasks. Target groups: The primary target group is prisoners, both women and men. Also, prison teachers will benefit by engaging in activities and practices conducive to developing professional expertise for the knowledge society. In a more indirect way, the prison as an organization will benefit by preparing inmates for e-citizenship. Main Activities: Developing sociotechnical system, developing educational activities, engaging prisons and prisoners in future-oriented learning and teaching, producing dissemination material. Expected outputs: A sociotechnical system including Virtual Private Networks (VPN), Learning Management System (LMS), firewalls and dedicated servers adapted to organizational and pedagogical needs and security demands. Pedagogical use as seen in examples of good practice, teleteaching material, manuals, project website, dissemination material. COORDINATOR: FYLKESMANNEN IN HORDALAND UTDANNINGSAVDELINGA Tyristien 13 NO-3744 SKIEN Phone: +47 91304004 Fax: +47 22840592 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Andreas LUND PARTNERS: UNIVERSITÄT BREMEN, DE 2° GYMNASIO AVLONA ME LYKEIAKES TAXEIS, GR UPRAVA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE ZA IZVSEVANJE KAZENSKIH SANKCIJ, SI KRIMINALVÅRDSSTYRELSEN, SE FORUM ON PRISONER EDUCATION, UK ADMINISTRATIA NATIONALA A PENITENCIARELOR, RO VEZENSKA SLUZBA CESKE REPUBLIKY, STREDNI ODBORNE UCILISTE, CZ FLEXSKOLEN - STATSFÆNGSLET PÅ SØBYSØGÅRD, DK GRANT AMOUNT: 237713 € APPROVED BUDGET: 316950 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 48 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225352-CP-1-2005-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE CAERA - CURRICULUM FOR ADULT EDUCATION IN THE RURAL AREAS : DESCRIPTION: The current project intends to implement the devised ''European Strategy for Adult Education in Rural Areas though the TeleCenters'' in a set of training courses and support activities for the European rural inhabitants. The project has the following objectives: - To create the methods and instruments package adequate to the rural areas - To improve and facilitate the access to knowledge, new abilities and skills of adults, regardless the age, by using the established network of TeleCentres - To increase the capacity of adults in rural areas to play an active part in society - To stimulate and develop problem solving skills of the rural communities and to teach them how to handle conflict situations in order to improve their capability for social integration and adjustment to job requirements - To cooperate in the field of adult education by extending the previous partnership and by involving new countries - To exchange good practice and methodologies with regard to lifelong learning The target groups who will benefit from this project will be: - direct: trainers for rural communities and rural community groups; - indirect: managers of community centers, trainers in AE field and managers of AE organisation. COORDINATOR: CENTRUL DE ASISTENTA RURALA Istria Square 6 RO-300543 TIMISOARA Phone: +40 256221470 Fax: +40 256221469 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Claudia NOVAC PARTNERS: ZESPOL SZKOL KSZTALCENIA USTAWICZNEGO, PL CFPPA / EPLEFPA E. ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC LOCAL D ENSEIGNEMENT ET DE FORMATIONS PROFESSIONNELLES ETIENNE RESTAT, FR FASE - FORMACION Y ASESORES EN SELECCION Y EMPLEO, ES CENTRUM KSZTALCENIA USTAWICZNEGO IM. WOJCIECHA KORFANTEGO W BYTOMIU, PL TELEHAZAK ES TAVMUNK MAGYARORSZAGON, HU ITÄ - SUOMEN AIKUISINSTITUUTI OY -, FI MTU SIKSALI ARENDUSSELTS, EE WIZARD PROJECT SOLUTIONS, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 230431 € APPROVED BUDGET: 307242 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 49 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225448-CP-1-2005-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE ARCA - ASSOCIATIONS AND RESOURCES FOR CONFLICT MANAGEMENT SKILLS : DESCRIPTION: ARCA will directly contribute to improving the quality, content and methodology of peace education and training in conflict transformation across Europe through the gathering together of best practices, exchange of methods/curriculum, development of resources and guides and establishment of a European-wide data-base of peace educators and peace education resources. Involving 13 partner organisations from 11 countries, including many of Europe's leading training and education centres in peace education and conflict transformation, the project will improve sharing of experiences, tools and methodologies through European-wide cooperation, collect and collate existing resources and materials on peace education and develop effective guides to peace education for institutions, centres of adult learning, formal and non-formal educational bodies, project partners, teachers and professors, ministries of education, national parliaments, EU parliament, and organisations/institutions working with formal and nonformal peace education. A series of events sessions including workshops, seminars, and training programmes will facilitate effective gathering of best practices and lessons learned, while a European-wide network of peace educators will be created, supported by the establishment of a data-base/web-portal of peace educators and institutions in Europe working on peace education together with core resources and materials for peace education and training for conflict transformation. COORDINATOR: PATRIR - INSTITUTUL ROMAN PENTRU ACTIUNE, CERCETARE SI INSTRUIRE IN DOMENIUL PACII 1 Decembrie 1918, 26 RO-400699 CLUJ-NAPOCA Phone: +40 264420298 Fax: +40 264420298 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Denisa Gorgiana BRAND-JACOBSEN PARTNERS: NONVIOLENT PEACEFORCE, BE IFAK - INSTITUT FÜR ANGEWANDTE KUTLURFORSCHUNG E.V., DE ASPR - AUSTRIAN STUDY CENTER FOR PEACE AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION, AT BSV - BUND FÜR SOZIALE VERTEIDIGUNG E.V., DE CSDC - CENTRO STUDI DIFESA CIVILE ASSOCIAZIONE DI PROMOZIONE SOCIALE, IT NFL - NORGES FREDSLAG, NO NOVA - CENTRE PER A LA INNOVACIÓ SOCIAL, ES PDCS - PARTNERS FOR DEMOCRATIC CHANGE SLOVAKIA, SK MOUVEMENT POUR UNE ALTERNATIVE NON-VIOLENTE, FR PEACEWORKERS UK, UK UNIVERSITY OF FLORENCE, IT BOKOR OKO CSOPORT ALAPITVANY, HU GRANT AMOUNT: 207600 € APPROVED BUDGET: 277600 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 50 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION REFERENCE: 225755-CP-1-2005-1-TR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: POWAR - LIFELONG LEARNING FOR ADULTS TO RAISE POLITICAL AWARENESS AND BASIC CIVIC COMPETENCE DESCRIPTION: The main objective of the project is to develop and offer a learning facility to promote lifelong learning for adults in order to raise political awareness and basic civic competence, particularly with emphasis on ongoing EU-enlargement and multicultural societies. The product will be used flexibly locally, so not only the content but the method of the project will attract the target groups: a learning facility offered in different environments and attractive/interesting deliveries (methods, themes, periods, lecturer, materials) within nonformal education. Target groups are people who want to enforce their political participation at various levels while broadening their European perspective, e.g. voluntary workers and employees of local and national NGOs, migrant organisations, adult education providers, local and regional politicians, people working for local and alternative media, etc. We will develop 16 modules/themes each with different emphasis: the user can attend only modules they are particularly interested or all modules. Each module will be self-contained and nevertheless integrated in the whole concept. The contents is based on the diffusion of (simple) concepts connected with civic participation in democratic life to raise awareness of the concept of ''European membership'' and to promote and disseminate the values and objectives of the European Union. POWAR will increase and stimulate active participation in local political life and involve citizens closely in reflection and discussion on the EU enlargement and multicultural society. With a with info campaign and presence (TV broadcasting, Internet TV, Internet portal, international meetings) involving social partners and an exhibition of relevant materials, we want to disseminate and ensure the sustainability of the project activities. COORDINATOR: ESTA DANISMANLIK EGITIM VE ÖGRETIM HIZMETLERI TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI Perpa B-Blok Kat 13 No:2346 TR-34384 OKMEYDANI-ISTANBUL Phone: +90 212 3208616 Fax: +90 212 3208616 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Hümeyra BAYKAN PARTNERS: TURkISCHER BUND BERLIN-BRANDENBURG, DE SAKARYA ÜNIVERSITESI, TR BELGESEL SINEMACILAR BIRLIGI, TR INSPECTORATUL SCOLAR AL JUDETULUI MARAMURES, RO FUNDATION ROMANO GERMANA TIMISOARA, RO ESTA BILDUNGSWERK E.V., DE DIAN: PUBLICATIONS-CONSULTING-EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES, GR DEUTSCH - BULGARISCHES AUSBILDUNGSZENTRUM, BG FACULTY OF EDUCATION IN TRAKIA UNIVERSITY, BG OBSHTINA GRAD DOBRICH, BG OFFENER KANAL TV MÜNSTER, DE FINAL DERGISI DERSHANESI BAKIRKÖY 3 SUBESI, TR GRANT AMOUNT: 182352 € APPROVED BUDGET: 243137 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 51 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 PROJECTS REFERENCE: GRUNDTVIG - GENERAL EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION 225880-CP-1-2005-1-TR-GRUNDTVIG-G1 TITLE: OBELFA - OPEN BLENDED LEARNING FOR ADULTS DESCRIPTION: The social, economical and political changes, along with the development of the information society, clearly indicate that knowledge will be more and more the basis of our society. Therefore the lifelong learning process takes place not only in schools and in vocational contexts, but more and more in the private area. As a consequence, the methods of learning and teaching have changed rapidly along with the development of e-learning. The integration of e-learning often is the best option for arranging effective relationships between teachers and learners. Classical learning in classrooms changed into elearning about ten years ago but its success was limited because learners never came to the same environment with the instructors. Nowadays any approach becomes more wide spread, which is called blended learning. In this approach students follow the courses through ODL but from time to time they come to classrooms and discuss the subject with the tutors all together. By a mixture of face to face learning plus the usage of different electronic media (synchronous and asynchronous learning tools), the integration of e-learning in classic learning situations is an optimal possibility for the arrangement of effective learning processes. E-learning in the sense of blended learning represents a meaningful and beneficial module in further education as well as in private education. Through the integration of elearning, all participating partners want to develop abilities and motivation especially for the target groups which have not been interested so far in further training for different reasons. The main focus is on reviving interest on learning as a prerequisite for further education. COORDINATOR: ANKARA ÜNIVERSITESI CANKIRI MESLEK YÜKSEKOKULU Tasmescid Cad TR-18100 CANKIRI Phone: +90 3761231195/173 Fax: +90 3762133601 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Mehmet BICER PARTNERS: MACHM-IT.ORG E.V., DE TIMSOFT SRL, RO RESEARCH ACADEMIC COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE, GR TRAINING 2000, IT YORKSHIRE AND DEVELOPMENT CONSORTIUM, UK KONING WILLEM I COLLEGE, NL CFAE SERVER VOUGA - CRVCC, PT GRANT AMOUNT: 216951 € APPROVED BUDGET: 289269 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 52 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225285-CP-1-2005-1-BE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY AND ANTI-DISCRIMINATION TRAINING MODULE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION: CEJI proposes to develop and pilot a new training programme addressing diversity and discrimination issues related to religion, with subject-specific modules on anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, that can contribute to an improvement in the delivery of adult education where religious diversity and discrimination is a concern. This training programme is not designed as a form of interfaith dialogue, nor will it propose itself as an expert in the variety of religious traditions. It is designed in the spirit of anti-prejudice diversity education: to recognize and respect multicultural diversity, to confront prejudice and discrimination, and to develop intercultural skills. It brings a topic that has normally belonged only to the realm of religious leaders to the realm of adult educators who may or may not have religious expertise or affiliation. By working with adult educators active in community associations, providing concrete pedagogical tools, it is possible to transform religious differences from an obstacle to an opportunity. COORDINATOR: CENTRE EUROPÉEN JUIF D'INFORMATION Avenue Brugmann 319 BE-1180 BRUXELLES Phone: +32 2 3443444 Fax: +32 2 3446735 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Robin SCLAFANI PARTNERS: INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION OF THE GERMAN ADULT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, DE ISLAMISK-KRISTENT STUDIECENTER, DK PARTNERS BULGARIA FOUNDATION, BG THE SCARMAN TRUST, UK THE MULTIFAITH CENTER, UK LA LIGUE DE L'ENSEIGENEMENT DU CALVADOS, FR GRANT AMOUNT: 138368 € APPROVED BUDGET: 184490 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 53 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225314-CP-1-2005-1-BE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: LA CULTURE: ''CIMENT'' DE L'EUROPE DESCRIPTION: Les objectifs du projet sont: Concevoir, élaborer, expérimenter, évaluer, mettre en oeuvre et diffuser au sein d'une coopération internationale, des cours de formation destinés aux adultes qui doivent mettre en valeur le fonds commun et la diversité des cultures européennes. Cette dimension européenne de la culture doit contribuer à la construction d'une identité qui dépasse le niveau régional et national et ainsi conforter la cohésion de la nouvelle composition de l'Union Européenne. Par ailleurs, ces formations doivent amplifier ''l'éducation tout au long de la vie'', l'articulation centrale d'une participation plus responsable des citoyens au développement économique et social durable et au progrès de l'égalité des chances. Les publics cibles: Le cours élaboré, illustré, mis à l'épreuve et validé, ''le livre du maître'' concerne tout d'abord toute personne impliquée dans la formation des adultes et, au second degré, l'ensemble des apprenants adultes (bénéficiaires finaux). Pour atteindre ces objectifs, les partenaires du projet s'attacheront à construire ce cours en dialogue après avoir analysé les besoins, identifié les formations en cours et le niveau des publics-cibles dans les différentes zones de l'Europe. Ce travail d'élaboration s'appuiera sur une méthodologie appropriée à la formation des adultes et spécifique à la dimension européenne des contenus. Il sera accompagné d'une évaluation continue interne et externe et de mises en oeuvre expérimentales destinées à valider les contenus, les méthodes et les instruments de travail. Les résultats de cette dynamique seront : - La coproduction et la communication d'un matériau unique de dimension européenne sur la culture, un socle de compétences transposables en Europe et hors d'Europe, accessible à tous. - La publication d'un ouvrage destiné aux formateurs et aux apprenants adultes reprenant les contributions de l'ensemble du partenariat. - La création d'un site web qui reprendra et communiquera les données et les résultats acquis aux différentes étapes de l'évolution du travail. - La diffusion et la dissémination notamment par Internet afin d'assurer l'effet multiplicateur de l'action et par le biais d'institutions relais. COORDINATOR: CENTRE DE CULTURE EUROPEENNE avenue des Cerisiers 128 BE-1200 BRUXELLES Phone: +32 27340699 Fax: +32 27361932 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Marine IMBERECHTS PARTNERS: 54 UNIVERSITAT AUTÓNOMA DE BARCELONA, ES KØBENHAVNS DAG- OG AFTENSEMINARIUM, DK UNIVERSITE DE SZEGED, ECOLE SUPERIEURE PEDAGOGIQUE ''GYULA JUHÁSZ'', HU ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI UNIVESITÄT, BG SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES HILDERSTONE COLLEGE, UK GALATASARAY UNIVERSITESI, TR PROVIDUS ANALYTICAL RESEARCH CENTRE, LV GRANT AMOUNT: 110790 € APPROVED BUDGET: 156174 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 55 GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225378-CP-1-2005-1-CZ-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: TRAINING UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC STAFF TO BECOME TRAINERS IN OUTREACH ACTIVITIES DESCRIPTION: The widened role of Higher Education institutions is currently being discussed. Central and Eastern European (CEE) Universities need to become more open, dynamic institutions reflecting the market needs and actively participating in optimising their economic and social environments. Universities ought to reach out to their communities and offer their broad expertise. This can only be achieved via wide and varied partnership network including businesses, service organisations and public institutions. The predisposition for that is cultural change, firstly at Higher Education universities but also within all institutions involved. The project's aim is to promote the culture change within CEE Higher Education institutions, private and public bodies, and to involve them in carrying out/receiving outreach activities. It is being achieved by establishing a systematic triangle cooperation among the Higher Education institutions, private and public organisations and by addressing Higher Education management to incorporate the new concept. Additionally, it is supported by providing academic staff with needed skills to outreach. The project presents training courses promoting outreach philosophy. The training is addressed to: - Higher Education staff and management; - middle/senior management of private organisations; - public organisations staff and management. Developed training courses are: Outreach Training Course modules (Outreach Activities, Corporate Social Responsibility, Needs Analysis Skills). COORDINATOR: UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI Wurmova 7 CZ-771 80 OLOMOUC Phone: +420 585 633 391 Fax: +420 585 232 088 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Dusan SIMEK PARTNERS: TARA PROFESSIONALS, O.P.S., CZ BUSINESS LEADERS FORUM, CZ THE UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD, UK ZILINSKA UNIVERZITA, SK CENTRO SERVIZI PICCOLE E MEDIE INDUSTRIE, IT D. TSENOV ACADEMY OF ECONOMICS, BG DMD AGENCY SRO, CZ VEDECKO TECHNOLOGICKY PARK ZILINA, SK GRANT AMOUNT: 211660 € APPROVED BUDGET: 302373 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 56 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 224534-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING IN FURTHER EDUCATION: ROLE, TASK, POSSIBILITIES AND EUROPEAN DIMENSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES Improve the quality of counselling in adult and further education by developing a European training course. Increase the awareness for counsellors' needs. Improve opportunities for guidance and counselling. Support national policies in this area. TARGET GROUPS Directly: 1. The training course addresses Europe-wide all those persons who are working in the field of counselling in adult and further education or will do so in the future, i.e. staff of information centers for further education, of human resources development, pedagogical staff of adult and further education institutions. The course offer is especially aimed at individuals from the new member countries. 2. Trainer for the new course offer Indirectly: all people in Europe who need the counselling for planning their livelong learning. MAIN ACTIVITIES - Analysis of national counselling systems. - Developing and evaluating a European quality curriculum consisting of about 30 hours of training. - Developing and producing training materials for trainers und participants. EXPECTED OUTPUTS A tested and certified Grundtvig 3 training course with: - a modular curriculum - a comparison of the national systems of counselling in the partner countries - a transnational trainer team for the new course - job specification for the counsellors - a manual/CD-ROM for trainers and a folder/CD-ROM for course participants in German, English, Polish and Slovak - internet platform with a trainers pool and download area COORDINATOR: VOLKSHOCHSCHULE IM LANDKREIS CHAM E.V. Pfarrer-Seidl-Str. 1 DE-93413 CHAM Phone: +49 9971 8501-21 Fax: +49 9971 8501-30 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Franz ROIDER PARTNERS: GRANT AMOUNT: 57 UNIVERSITÄT REGENSBURG, INSTITUT FÜR PÄDAGOGIK, LEHRSTUHL PROF. DR. HANS GRUBER, DE BIURO OBSLUGI INICJATYW EUROPEJSKICH (BOIE), PL AKADÉMIA VZDELÁVANIA, SK SWEDISH TELEPEDAGOGIC KNOWLEDGE CENTRE AB, SE BEXLEY COLLEGE, UK 163543 € SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES APPROVED BUDGET: 223198 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 58 GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225236-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: DIGE_E - MANAGING DIVERSITY AND GENDER_EXPERTS FOR EUROPE DESCRIPTION: The DiGe_E Project will develop and test the curriculum ''managing diversity and gender competences''; compile/compare existing concepts (modules, tools, material) from different European countries; and develop and adapt training modules, addressed to diverse target groups. By doing so, it will build up a pool of diversity and gender experts Europe-wide for dissemination of results, further improvement of concept, as well as facilitate the exchange of experiences. Worked out guidelines for sensitive quality management of diversity intend to increase quality and sustainability of educational services and products. The project wants to improve access to education for diverse, marginalised groups and increase effectiveness of life long learning and motivation to learn. The project's target groups are key persons from adult education, qualification, projectmanagement trainers, teachers, instructors, counsellors, staff managers, administration staff, multipliers. Its heterogeneous partnership covers a wide range of target groups and, as a plus, partner's clients. The main activities will be: - to develop, adapt and test curriculum; - marketing, monitoring, evaluation, dissemination/sustainability; - international meetings; - final conference; - expert pool. Expected outputs are: - ''good practice'' examples; - training modules; - marketing strategy and material; - web-based services; - virtual community of experts; - monitoring and evaluation reports; - guidelines for diversity-sensitive criteria and procedures in quality managementsystems; - final transfer conference; - pool/network of ''Flying experts/trainers''; - virtual community open for newcomers. COORDINATOR: LANDESINSTITUT FÜR QUALIFIZIERUNG NORDRHEIN WESTFALEN Paradieser Weg 64 DE-59494 SOEST Phone: +49 2921-683 289 Fax: +49 2921-683 392 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Sabina KOCOT PARTNERS: 59 IUK - INSTITUT FÜR SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTLICHE TECHNIKFORSCHUNG GMBH, DE KNOWSLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE, UK VLAAMSE DIENST VOOR ARBEIDSBEMIDDELING EN BEROEPSOPLEIDING, BE SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES VALTER FISSAMBER AND ASSOCIATES LTD, GR SOCIALINIU INOVACIJU FONDAS (SIF), LT EUROPRAXIS 3 - FORMAÇÃO, LDA, PT ETELASAVON KOULUTUKSEN KUNTAYHTYMA, FI GRANT AMOUNT: 173230 € APPROVED BUDGET: 247471 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 60 GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225244-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: EVA - ENTWICKLUNG UND ERPROBUNG VON AUSBILDUNGSKURSEN FÜR AGENDA21-MODERATOREN DESCRIPTION: The objective of the project is to develop and test training courses for moderators of local AGENDA21 - processes at the European level. The AGENDA21 has been signed by 180 countries in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. At the Global, and also especially at regional levels, governments, communes, associations and all citizens together ought to stand up for a sustainable development of a future-oriented society. To improve the recently stagnant implementation at the local level, it is necessary to improve the qualification of the main actors. As modern teachers of adult education, they have to be familiar with communication, practice mediation and develop denouements of conflicts, know about legally prevailing circumstances and have to be experienced in public relations. In order to achieve this competence, existing experiences and materials should be lifted up to the present state of knowledge and methods, adapted to the general conditions of partner countries (AT, DE, GR, LT, LV, HU), and extended to the European dimension. This will lead to the training courses and the needed teaching materials. Since 2001, AGENDA21 participants from Thuringia and Hungary have met annually, and since 2003 also from Lithuania. Therefore, existing know how is on-hand. COORDINATOR: LÄNDLICHE ERWACHSENENBILDUNG THÜRINGEN E.V. Hinter dem Bahnhof 12 DE-99427 WEIMAR Phone: +49 364374980 Fax: +49 3643749810 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Alfred BAX PARTNERS: ARBEITSKREIS UMWELTBILDUNG THÜRINGEN E.V., DE KEA, VOCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE O.E., GR SOCIALAS INTEGRACIJAS CENTRS, LV JÜRMALAS PILSETAS DOME, LV LIETUVOS REHABILITACINIS PROFESINIO RENGIMO CENTRAS REHABILITATIONSZENTRUM BERUFLICHE BILDUNG, LT CSALAN KORNYEZET- ES TERMESZETVEDO EGYESULET, HU OKOLOGISCHE LANDENTWICKLUNG, AT GRANT AMOUNT: 190011 € APPROVED BUDGET: 259480 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 61 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225279-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: PRO-SAL - PROFESSIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT FOR ADULT'S LEARNING DESCRIPTION: Administrative non-teaching support staff in adult and continuing education establishments contributes to support the learners at the executive level in co-operation with trainers, programme planners and leading management. Their role is important for the effectiveness and quality of management activities of the organization and thus the efficiency of educational systems within a knowledge-based Europe. And this has an impact on elevating the participation in lifelong learning, especially as administrators are often the first contact that adult learners have. The project develops tests and carries out a Grundtvig 3 - training course to lift up professionalism concerning the work between learners and the education system, as well as to facilitate cooperation at the European level. The three courses to be held during the project will contain study-circle/role-playing/self-evaluation modules, one poster-session, presentations and an excursion to an establishment in the host country. Additionally the project will gather and disseminate information about the target group in relation with the project's evaluation and sustainability strategy. Three Reports will deal with the pre-requisites (What do we know about the persons? What are the tasks? What are their needs?), the European dimension of the group's contribution to adult and continuing education and the potential of Grundtvig 3 courses for the target group. COORDINATOR: DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FÜR ERWACHSENENBILDUNG E.V. Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 38 DE-53113 BONN Phone: +49 2283294256 Fax: +49 2283294256 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Mathilde GRUENHAGE-MONETTI PARTNERS: VOKSENOPPLAERINGSFORBUNDET, NO LATVIJAS PIEAUGUSO IZGLITIBAS APVIENIBA, LV WEDGWOOD MEMORIAL COLLEGE, UK NIEPUBLICZNA PLACOWKA OSWIATOWA-EST, PL FEDERATION OF SOCIETIES FOR SPREAD OF KNOWLEDGE, BG FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA PER L'EDUCAZIONE CONTINUA, IT GRANT AMOUNT: 159510 € APPROVED BUDGET: 219927 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 62 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225281-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: NETTRAIN - COOPERATION AND NETWORK COMPETENCES FOR KEY PERSONS IN THE ADULT EDUCATION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES Cooperative work between institutions of adult education and with other organisations and partners on regional as also on transnational level becomes more important for the realisation of life-long learning. On the one hand, trainers and teachers in the field of adult education are more and more demanded to act in regional and transnational networks. On the other hand, in the future they will also be asked to impart key-competences to learners in the various contexts regarding the working in cooperative and networked structures. Competence in networking on the one hand means expert-knowledge regarding cooperation and networks (typology, legal form, structures etc.), and on the other hand is a key-qualification, which enables to work in cooperative and networked structures. TARGET GROUPS The training course will be developed for key persons in adult education and qualification. It is also addressed to project managers of EU programmes. Key persons in the mentioned fields of education could be trainers, teachers, instructors, consultants and staff-managers. MAIN ACTIVITIES - Compilation of existing modules; - adaptation of already working modules, including methods, tools and training material; - development of quality criteria for good training modules; - test and evaluation of trainings; - dissemination of the idea of network and cooperation in the field of adult education. EXPECTED OUTPUTS - Training modules, inputs, didactical approaches, methods/tools, learning material; - compilation of existing concepts, approaches, trainings tools and methods from the partner countries; - criteria for good trainings courses; - methods and instruments for making network and cooperation competences more visible; - instruments to indicate the ability of institutions to network and cooperate. COORDINATOR: MOVE ORGANISATIONSBERATUNG STEPHANIE FRENZER, JOHANNES MASSOLLE, ANDREAS RAUCHFUSS GBR Alter Steinweg 46 DE-48143 MÜNSTER Phone: +49 251 44042 Fax: +49 251 44137 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Stéphanie FRENZER PARTNERS: 63 BUSINESS LINK, CZ EMMERCE EEIG, SE CAREER COUNSELLING CENTER OF SERRES, GR KNOWSLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE, UK INSTITUTUL ROMAN DE EDUCATIA A ADULTITOR, RO ROC MIDDEN NEDERLAND, NL SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRANT AMOUNT: 148278 € APPROVED BUDGET: 197705 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 64 GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225312-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: A-B-C-D - ADVANCED BLENDED LEARNING COMPETENCES AND DIDACTICS DESCRIPTION: As shown in previous European partner projects, blended learning demands new didactic concepts and methodologies for educationalists (e.g. authors, trainers, teachers, tutors) who deal with eLearning or blended learning arrangements. The project partnership will develop a 64 hours face-to-face (''presence'') course plus 50-60 eLearning hours per learner. The course is supposed to enable stakeholders of adult education to develop and realise combined training faster and more extensive and to some degree at a higher, comparable quality level. The project will be divided in 4 work packages: 1. Analysis of proven practice in blended learning arrangements: products will be partner profiles, inventories, analytical instruments and guidelines. 2. Development of a course for blended learning developers/trainers: in a European collaborative approach, each partner will develop course modules for blended learning educationalists that will be combined in developing workshops. 3. Realisation and testing of courses: the courses will be tested in 2 phases on the national (month 12-18) and transnational level (month 18-23) using a blended learning approach via an A-B-C-D Learning Management System. 4. Dissemination and valorisation of the developed products and services: the services and products will be valorised and disseminated mainly through the transnational project clusters. COORDINATOR: BILDUNG UND PROJEKT NETZWERK GMBH Am Leinekanal 4 DE-37073 GÖTTINGEN Phone: +49 551 547070 Fax: +49 551 5470717 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Klaus-Peter MÜLLER PARTNERS: INSUP FORMATION, FR GENADIOS SJOLE, GR BULGARIAN ENERGY FORUM, BG BERUFLICHE BILDUNG FÜR JUGENDLICHE- CONSULT AG-ITALIAN BRANCH, IT ASOCIATIA PENTRU INVATARE PERMANENTA ''OPEN & DISTANCE LEARNING CENTER'', RO PÄDAGOGISCHES SEMINAR DER GEORG-AUGUST UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN, DE EEIG - EMMERCE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC INTEREST GROUP), SE GRANT AMOUNT: 182247 € APPROVED BUDGET: 263901 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 65 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225379-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: SENTRAINICT - TRAININGS FROM SENIORS FOR SENIORS DESCRIPTION: Objectives More and more voluntary work is carried out by elderly in the field of training of peers in ICT. Normally these trainers are not prepared to do this job with reliable quality. This project intends to improve the quality of seniors' ICT training given by seniors and to introduce a notion of quality management and certification in this sector. Target groups are a) senior trainers giving training to other seniors in ICT and coming from whatever professional background; b) organisations which organise, coach, provide ICT training for the elderly given by peers and the networks they belong to. Main activities Development of a methodology, a curriculum, a training course and a certification procedure for the objectives described, real life validation and localisation to six languages. Expected outputs A methodology and a training course, an assessment and certification tool and procedure, as well as implementation guidelines for organisations concerned. COORDINATOR: FIM NEUES LERNEN Konrad-Zuse-Str. 3 DE-91052 ERLANGEN Phone: +49 / 9131 / 85.247.37 Fax: +49 / 9131 / 85.247.38 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Paul HELD PARTNERS: BUNDESARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT DER SENIOREN-ORGANISATIONEN E. V. (BAGSO), DE BAYERISCHES SENIOREN NETZ BSNF, DE MASTER DISTANCIA S.L., ES UNIVERSITAT JAUME I, ES HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO/ AVOIN YLIOPISTO/ IKÄIHMISTEN YLIOPISTO, FI SVAZ DUCHODCU CESKE REPUBLIKY, CZ THE THIRD AGE TRUST, UK UNIWERSYTET JAGIOLLNSKI-UTW, PL GRANT AMOUNT: 183948 € APPROVED BUDGET: 276042 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 66 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225762-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: EDURA - AUFBAU UND ARBEITSWEISE VON BILDUNGS, INFORMATIONS, KOMMUNIKATIONS UND FAMILIENZENTREN IN LÄNDLICHEN REGIONEN DER EU DESCRIPTION: As far as development is concerned, the situation in rural regions, which have to some extent been left behind by economic progress in high-growth regions, is comparable in all EU states in terms of the problems, despite the differences between the countries. These rural areas all suffer from an exodus of young people, an unfavourable age structure, fewer education, communication and information resources, declining employment opportunities and high unemployment rates, and deterioration in the rural/local infrastructure. Development and trials of an integrative course on “Design and operation of education, communication, information and family centres in rural areas of the EU” will enhance the capacity of players in adult education to develop education and information structures and/or courses in order to make a contribution to improving the general social and economic conditions in rural areas in the EU. A wide variety of pedagogical and didactical approaches will be used. There will be an exchange of experience in existing institutions with suitable activity profiles. The needs of target groups in the project partner countries will be identified for the development of the training course and the teaching material. The project will develop a training course which will be offered twice within Grundtvig 3. It will have a guide for trainers and there will be a toolbox with, inter alia, examples of subjects and information covered. There will be examples of good practice, education information for business start-ups, people with disabilities and for the use of information technologies. In addition there will be a training programme for career guidance and a transnational network between the adult education institutions will be created. COORDINATOR: ITF SCHWERIN Greversmühlener Str. 18 DE-19057 SCHWERIN Phone: +49 3854885127 Fax: +49 3854885129 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Bernd PEVESTORF PARTNERS: VEREIN FÜR ARBEIT UND BILDUNG E.V.FAMILIENZENTRUM VORDER BOLLHAGEN, DE SUVALKIJOS REGION LOCAL GROUP (LWG), LT EUROPROFESSIONAL HUNGARY EC., HU MERIG MULTIDISZIPLINÄRES INSTITUT FÜR EUROPA-FORSCHUNG GRAZ, AT EBG EUROPSKE VZDEMAVACOE STREDISKE PRE POVOLANIE A SPOLOCNOST, SK ARSITODEMOU & HOWELLS CONSULTING LTD., CY AGENTUR FÜR INTERKULTURELLE KOMPETENZENTWICKLUNG ROY BENNETT DIPL. I.O.L., DE GRANT AMOUNT: 128255 € APPROVED BUDGET: 175694 € CONTRACT DURATION: 67 24 (in months) SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225251-CP-1-2005-1-GR-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: EQUAL - EVALUATION OF QUALITY ASSURANCE IN ADULT LEARNING DESCRIPTION: Quality assurance and evaluation are two of the most important elements in education and training. Quality assurance and evaluation methods and practices have been established to some extend in education of all levels and in vocational training. Especially in schools and universities, there exist common acceptable European quality criteria, indicators and evaluation methodologies. In adult education, however, due to the diversity of the institutes that deliver training, quality assurance and evaluation techniques are missing or they do not guarantee the expected result. The present project aims to develop, test and deliver a training course, addressed to managers, administrative staff and trainers of adult training institutes in the subject of Quality Assurance and Evaluation in Adult Education in institute level and in project level. The main activities of the project are: - the development of the training course (curriculum and materials); - training of trainers; - pilot tests of the course and delivery of the courses in two occasions. The expected outcome of the project is a pan-European training course on quality assurance and evaluation in adult education. COORDINATOR: IDEC Iroon Polytechniou 96 GR-18536 PIRAEUS Phone: +30 210 4286227 Fax: +30 210 4286228 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Natassa KAZANTZIDOU PARTNERS: CIFESAL INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING, ES SC FIATEST SRL, RO INNOVATE, IE ITURBROK, S.L., ES EKONOMIKOS IR VADYBOS FAKULTETAS, KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS, LT LINK MV - LANDESINITIATIVE NEUE KOMMUNIKATIONSWEGE MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN E.V., DE NEXUS EUROPE IRELAND LIMITED, IE GRANT AMOUNT: 202557 € APPROVED BUDGET: 270076 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 68 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225350-CP-1-2005-1-GR-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: PLAY2SPEAK : TRAIN TRAINERS ON HOW TO IMPROVE ORAL SKILLS OF DISADVANTAGED YOUNG ADULTS THROUGH SIMULATION GAMES DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES ''Play2Speak'' aims at enhancing the offer of skills on debating and oral communication through games simulating rhetorical and debating competitions. ''Play2Speak'' addresses four major needs: - to equip adult learning teachers with up-to-date knowledge, methods and practical expertise for active teaching/training adults through the use of simulation games; - to supply new more effective tools, courses, methodologies; - to equip financially disadvantaged and unemployed young adults with crucial oral communication and debating skills, necessary for insertion into the labour market; - to fight social exclusion and experiment with, promote and cultivate novel and more effective methods of learning/teaching disadvantaged adults by turning learning into an enjoyable experience. TARGET GROUPS - ''Play2Speak'' directly targets teachers and trainers involved in adult education as well as managers and administrators of educational/training programmes for adult learners. ''Play2Speak'' indirectly targets financially disadvantaged and unemployed young adult learners. MAIN ACTIVITIES ''Play2Speak'' will develop course materials and subsequently deliver a trainer seminar in order to conduct national seminars on debating and oral communication skills in UK, IE, NL, GR. Internal evaluation and validation, extensive dissemination activities and language adaptation will ensure the project's success and the integration of the course outcomes in the training curricula of the EU member states. EXPECTED OUTPUT The major output is a 28-hour training course to be delivered in four countries, which will empower teachers and trainers to effectively design and implement innovating and active learning methods such as simulation games within formal, informal and nonformal learning structures. Further outputs are a comprehensive trainer's manual, a trainee's manual, learning scenarios for role play, competition rules, a web site, as well as promotion and dissemination materials. The outputs of ''Play2Speak'' will facilitate to adopt role playing communication skills teaching in the national and European training curricula. The course will be offered as Grundtvig 3 course. ''Play2Speak'' brings together a balanced selection of complementary partners with solid knowledge and strong expertise in key domains, while also ensuring at the same time a balanced geographical representation of as many as 5 European countries (UK, CY, GR, NL, IE). COORDINATOR: QUALITY & RELIABILITY HIGH TECH APPLICATIONS INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL S. A. Konitsis 11B GR-151 25 MAROUSSI Phone: +30 2108029409 Fax: +30 2108029819 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Lambros KARATASSIOS 69 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES PARTNERS: QUALITY & RELIABILITY HIGH TECH APPLICATIONS INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL SOCIETE ANONYM, GR CONSULO THE PROFESSIONALS NETWORK, CY CINOP - CENTRUM VOOR INNOVATIE VAN OPLEIDINGEN, NL WALTHAM FOREST COLLEGE, UK INSTITUTE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EMPLOYEE ADVANCEMENT SERVICES (IDEAS), IE GRANT AMOUNT: 152622 € APPROVED BUDGET: 203497 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 70 GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225356-CP-1-2005-1-GR-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: AMADA - ASSESSMENT OF MATH KNOWLEDGE DEFICIENCIES OF ADULT LEARNERS WITH SOCIOECONOMIC DISADVANTAGES DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES AMADA aims to equip math adult educators with a systematic diagnostic methodology for assessing the level of quantitative skills of individuals. Based on this methodology, teachers will be able to customize the teaching process and implement specific programs in order to enhance the quantitative skills of socio-economically disadvantaged people targeted by the project methodology. TARGET GROUPS Teachers and adult trainers of mathematics. Social workers and experts working with socio-economically disadvantaged/marginalized people. MAIN ACTIVITIES After the user requirement stage, AMADA will develop course materials (such as 1000 rated original multiple-choice questions on numeric and math skills) and deliver training courses in the UK, The Netherlands, Greece, Poland and Ireland with a view to disseminate its potential and results all over Europe. Course delivery will be preceded by a ''train the trainers'' seminar. Documents will be translated in the courses' languages. Extensive dissemination activities will ensure the integration of the course outcomes in the training curricula of the EU member states. EXPECTED OUTPUTS - Equip math teachers with methodologies to address quantitative literacy deficiencies of socio-economically disadvantaged people. - Enrich the training curricula of organizations of adult education with innovative methodologies and assessment tools. - Offer Grundtvig 3 training courses. COORDINATOR: SALFO AND ASSOCIATES LTD - PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES Vouliagmenis Av. 11 GR-11636 ATHENS Phone: +30 2109210080 Fax: +30 2109211062 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Panagiotis TOUMBANAKIS PARTNERS: FREUNTHAL INSTITUUT, DEPARTEMENT WISKUNDE, UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT, NL AKADEMIA PEDAGOGICZNA IM. KOMOSJI EDUKACJI NARODOWEJ W KRAKOWIE, INSTYTUT MATEMATYKI, PL ARSIS KOINONIKI OPGANOSI YPOSTIRIXIS NEON, GR WALTHAM FOREST COLLEGE, UK INSTITUTE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EMPLOYEE ADVANCEMENT SERVICES (IDEAS), IE LAWSERVE LTD, CY GRANT AMOUNT: 140885 € APPROVED BUDGET: 187847 € CONTRACT DURATION: 71 24 (in months) SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225577-CP-1-2005-1-ES-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE GENDERS DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES The development of a course of training for trainers of adult learning to help them and their client groups to: - implement a real change of ''mindset'' leading to a more equal sharing of tasks, power and responsibilities within work, the family and domestic life; - explore and understand the roots of the inequalities, stereotypes and prejudices within inter gender communication; - incorporate beliefs and attitudes necessary to develop new models of masculinity and femininity; - improve the communication and understanding between the sexes, specifically both within their work situation; - implement individual strategic actions that redress the balances of power, responsibilities and tasks between home, work and personal life. TARGET GROUPS Trainers and facilitators of adult learning in the educational, social and private sectors (both formal and non formal) who deal with parental, youth, immigrants and family learning, with disadvantaged citizens, and with health education. MAIN ACTIVITIES - Research and analysis of gender awareness training being carried out in the European Union. - Training needs analysis amongst trainers who have participated in gender awareness trainings. - Research, develop, design, plan, run trials and adapt the course. Transnational meetings. - Set up, run and maintain the public webpage and training forums. Tutorial support for participants in the courses. - Evaluate course trials, design, plan and run the two Grundtvig 3 courses within the life of the project. - Dissemination: publish Manual and Guide to course and Report on trials, and Grundtvig 3 courses. Articles, website, attendance to conferences, offering the courses locally. EXPECTED OUTPUTS - A ''Training the Trainers'' course on gender equality issues; - a study of equal opportunities training; - a training needs analysis; - a guide for trainers; - a public webpage; - Internet forum for trainers. COORDINATOR: EL ARTE DE SER PERSONA Dos de Maig 272 , 1° 2° ES-08025 BARCELONA Phone: +34934 460033 Fax: +34934 501104 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Norman DUNCAN 72 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES PARTNERS: ESPAIS PER A LA IGUALTAT, ES AYUNTAMENT DE SITGES, REGIDORIA PER A LA IGUALTAT DE GÈNERE, ES WYZSZA SZKOLA HUMANISTYCZNO-EKONOMICZNA W LODZI, PL INTYTUT POSTEPOWANIA TWORCZEGO, PL THE CHRISTIAN HOUSING TRUST, UK DISSENS E.V., DE BEZIRKSAMT MARZAHN-HELLERSDORF VON BERLIN, ABTEILUNG JUNGEND UNF FAMILIE, DE GRANT AMOUNT: 215472 € APPROVED BUDGET: 287296 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 73 GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 223527-CP-1-2005-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: OLTRE L'EMERGENZA: STRATEGIE E STRUMENTI DI EDUCAZIONE E FORMAZIONE PRE-PROFESSIONALE PER RICHIEDENTI ASILO E RIFUGIATI DESCRIPTION: Through this project, ARCI Toscana and its local and international partners intend to elaborate, experiment and disseminate a transnational, distance online course aimed at operators, educators and trainers working with asylum seekers and refugees in the phase of pre-professional training, in order to improve their professional skills. More specifically, the intention is to exchange good practices, develop educational/training strategies and innovative self-learning materials which enable operators to respond in a more adequate way to the specific needs of refugees and asylum seekers promoting their access to more qualified training and professional opportunities. For this purpose, interactive, on training needs based learning modules will be elaborated and tested, with multimedia self-learning material which can be directly used by refugees and asylum seekers. The project will have a duration of two years and, as well as Italy, will also involve Poland, Sweden and Malta. For dissemination, the modules and materials produced will be made available online through a website, and also collected in a CD-ROM. A concluding international seminar is scheduled at the end of the project. COORDINATOR: ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE RICREATIVA ITALIANA COMITATO REGIONALE TOSCANO Piazza dei Ciompi, 11 IT-50122 FIRENZE Phone: +3905526297232 Fax: +3905526297233 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Dagmar SCHUSSLER PARTNERS: ASSOCIAZIONE NOSOTRAS, IT REGIONE TOSCANA, IT STUDIEFORBUNDET VUXENSKOLAN TJORN/STENUNGSUND, SE ALE KOMMUN, VARD - OCH OMSORGSNAMDEN, SE POLSKA AKCJA HUMANITARNA, PL UNIVERSITY OF MALTA, MT GRANT AMOUNT: 163290 € APPROVED BUDGET: 233272 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 74 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 224945-CP-1-2005-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: SPICES - SOCIAL PROMOTION OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION EXPERTISE AND SKILLS DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES - Creation of an innovative methodology and tools for need based InterCultural Communication (ICC) training in Second Language/Context Language Learning / Teaching (L2/Lc). - Promotion of ICC instruction for Adults. TARGET GROUPS Direct Targets: 1.a) Educators activating ICC & Lc/L2 training courses for Adults in Mobility. 1.b) ICC & Lc Facilitators. Indirect Targets: 2.a) Adults in Mobility. 2.b) Adults professionally in Contact with Mobility. MAIN ACTIVITIES - Identifying the training courses in ICC & Lc/L2 offered in the Partner countries; - identifying linguistic-communicative needs for Adults in Mobility through collection and analysis of written texts as well as spoken texts audio/video-recorded in bureaucraticinstitutional real-life settings; - creating learning-packs for all Targets; - testing the learning-pack for the Indirect Targets; - developing innovative training methodology; - experimenting/starting the training course for Direct Targets. EXPECTED OUTPUTS - Report of the training offer in ICC & Lc/L2; - definition of the linguistic-communicative needs of Adults in Mobility in bureaucraticinstitutional settings; - didactic prototypes (hardcopies and VHS/DVD); - guidelines for an innovative training methodology and the Grundtvig training course; - on-line publication of selected outputs. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PERUGIA Via degli Offici 14 IT-06123 PERUGIA Phone: +39 755854817 Fax: +39 755854817 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Gabriella Brigitte KLEIN PARTNERS: GRANT AMOUNT: 75 BAYERISCHE JULIUS-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITÄT WÜRZBURG, DE UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, ES KEY & KEY COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIAZIONE SENZA SCOPO DI LUCRO, IT UNIVERSITÀ TÀ MALTA, MT ASEC - ASSOCIATION FOR SPECIALIST COMMUNICATION, BG 217533 € SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES APPROVED BUDGET: 290045 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 76 GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225832-CP-1-2005-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: RAVT - REAL AND VIRTUAL TEXTURE DESCRIPTION: RAVT intends to create, in the field of European adult training, a ''Texture'' of virtual and real structures and languages in order to help managers and trainers working for the promotion of education of adults with disabilities. Course beneficiaries: trainers, staff and managers of associations and institutions from Italy, Latvia, Poland and the UK. Aims: - to re-launch coordinated collaboration ways among the people responsible for training/integration processes involving adults with disabilities; - to innovate methodologically and structurally the educative system and professional training; - to favour the collaboration and the exchange of different expertise at the systemic and intersystemic levels leaded by ITC; - to develop the personal and professional awareness in the management of the blended e-learning model supported by e-platforms. The course is subdivided in three operative modules of 140 hours (included the valuation and certification), subdivided in e-learning activities in class and in on-line training workshops. The course has a common staff and it intends to create training activities involving ITC in order to reduce the handicaps and to promote the access of disabled people to the European job market. The expected results are: - increasing awareness of e-accessibility, e-inclusion and e-participation among educators and trainers of adults with disabilities, since these elements are of paramount importance for the access of the disabled to new opportunities of the job market; - effective application of subsidiarity and solidarity principles, integration and active citizenship, throughout Europe. COORDINATOR: CENTRO STUDI ED INIZIATIVE EUROPEO Via Benedetto Leto 1 IT-90040 TRAPPETO Phone: +39 3285928156 Fax: +39 0917023269 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Vito LA FATA PARTNERS: CENTRO PER LO SVILUPPO CREATIVO ''DANILO DOLCI'', IT TOUCAN EUROPE LTD, UK TUKUMA RAJONA PASAVALDIBAS AGENTURA ''SOCIALAS PALIDZIBAS KOORDINACIJAS CENTRS'', LV DANMAR COMPUTERS, PL E2000, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 140494 € APPROVED BUDGET: 187327 € CONTRACT DURATION: 77 24 (in months) SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 224954-CP-1-2005-1-LU-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: FREIRE: ENTWICKLUNG EINES AUSBILDUNGSKURSES ZUR FÖRDERUNG EUROPÄISCHEN BEWUßTSEINS MIT BILDUNGSBENACHTEILIGTEN DESCRIPTION: Following the recent enlargement of the European Union, better methods for promoting European awareness and identity are needed. New EU Member State nationals taking part in educational measures need to be helped to acquire and consolidate their own European awareness and identity. It is also necessary to promote knowledge and understanding of the new EU Member States’ cultural identities in the long-established Member States. These requirements arise mainly for institutions which carry out educational work with disadvantaged groups, such as unskilled and unemployed young people and workers, migrants, etc. FREIRE will develop a training course to promote European awareness for educationally challenged persons using and adapting the pedagogical approach of Paulo Freire. The project will develop a training course that will give adult education experts a further training opportunity to integrate the European dimension in educational measures on a permanent and cross-disciplinary basis thereby making a lasting contribution to building up and promoting European awareness and identity. The approach is based on the pedagogical principles of the Brazilian educationalist Paulo Freire. The basic assumption is that education is a process of emancipation in which the life situation of the learner is the point of departure. This ensures, inter alia, that the learner’s needs are integrated right from the start. The curriculum will refer to the current situation on the basis of the language of the group and key themes from the participants’ backgrounds. There are three main phases in the learning process: self-perception, self-examination and self-confident action. In this process, learners become teachers and vice versa (dialogical learning). The project will design a five-day training course entitled “Promoting European awareness in the education of disadvantaged persons — participant-orientated learning in the context of the Freire teaching method”. The piloted and fully evaluated course will be delivered at least twice at European level as a Grundtvig 3 measure. COORDINATOR: EUROPÄISCHES ZENTRUM FÜR ARBEITNEHMERFRAGEN Johannes-Albers-Allee 3 DE-53639 KÖNIGSWINTER Phone: +49 2223 29980 Fax: +49 2223 299822 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Roswitha GOTTBEHÜT PARTNERS: VCWV - VLAMMS CENTRUM VOOR WERKNEMERSVORMING - TER MUNK VZW, BE IFES - INSTITUTUL DE FORMARE ECONOMICA SI SOCIALA, RO CFTL - CENTRO DE FORMAÇÃO E TEMPOS LIVRES, PT SAK - SOCIALNA AKADEMIJA, SI OSWALD-VON-NELL-BREUNING-HAUS, JUGEND-UND ERWACHSENENBILDUNGSSTÄTTE, DE VORMINGSCENTRUM AGORA, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 194929 € APPROVED BUDGET: 259906 € CONTRACT DURATION: 78 24 (in months) SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 224953-CP-1-2005-1-NL-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: EUSDET - ENLARGED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION: On 1st May 2004, the EU has been enlarged by another 10 countries and more are about to join. This enlargement needs to bring with it a proactive involvement of European citizens to efficiently understand and employ the concepts involved in Sustainable Development (SD). Since the World Summits in Rio de Janeiro (1992) and Johannesburg (2002), sustainable development (SD) has become an internationally recognised principle and goal. As a matter of fact, this is one of the Annual Priorities set out in the SOCRATES call for 2004/5. This is also reflected in the Lisbon European Council strategic goal. European citizens therefore need to be urgently trained in less theoretical and more practical ways if they are to be realistically motivated in being core drivers for achieving SD by 2010. This situation indicates the urgent need of providing adequate training to European adults (e.g. females upbringing their children) that for some reason are not aware, or have not had the opportunity of learning on the concept SD. To achieve this goal, there is a need first to train adult trainers about the concept of SD this is necessary because SD is a complex subject: there are many aspects, levels, problems and questions that, if inadequately understood, concrete steps towards achieving it could be blocked. The aim of this project is precisely to create a Grundtvig 1 course on Sustainable Development for adult trainers. COORDINATOR: CELTAS BV INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS Klingmakersdonk 102 NL-7326 GB APELDOORN Phone: +31 555330128 Fax: +31 555345339 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Henk KIEZEBRINK PARTNERS: IMPEGNO CIVILE, IT MACDAC ENGENEERING CONSULTANCY BUREAU, MT ASSOCIATION ACARE ENVIRONNEMENT, FR RIGAS TEHNISKA UNIVERSITATE, LT UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA BUCURESTI, RO AMERICANSKI UNIVERSITET BULGARIA, BG ALYTAUS KOLEGIJA, LT CAMERA DE COMERT BISTRITA, RO ASSOCIAZONE UNIVERSITARIA PER LA CULTURA INFORMAZIONE A GLI SCAMBI, IT GRANT AMOUNT: 144142 € APPROVED BUDGET: 192869 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 79 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225862-CP-1-2005-1-AT-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: UNITING EUROPE THROUGH CULTURES - ''WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE'' DESCRIPTION: Based on their previous experience at international and/or national level, six partners (from Austria, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Latvia and Romania) will develop and deliver a Grundtvig 3 Course. The aim of the course is to provide teachers/trainers in adult education with the skills and tools necessary when working in an increasingly multicultural environment throughout Europe. The project will set up a team of tutors who will pool together expertise from the different partners and their networks and devise the contents, teaching approach and evaluation methodology to be used within the course. The package thus created will be tested in two of the participating organisations and improved according to the feedback received. Starting from the latter part of the second year, the course will be included in the Comenius/Grundtvig Catalogue and offered to a wide European audience. Participants in the Grundtvig 3 Courses will thus acquire first-hand knowledge about the skills and tools needed when teaching/training in a multicultural environment. The course will not be a traditional intercultural training session, but will focus on ways in which teachers/trainers should be themselves aware and, at the same time, raise awareness about cultural diversity within the frames of their everyday work in the classroom. By using a common view on these skills and competencies - partly drawn from work on previous European and regional (Baltic) cooperation projects - and by stressing similarities rather than differences, the course will also strengthen the idea of European identity and the sense of belonging to a shared European community. COORDINATOR: THE BUSINESS CLUB Trubelgasse 24/16 AT-1030 VIENNA Phone: +43 676 31 87 336 Fax: +43 22327824821 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Ingrid WAGENHOFER PARTNERS: CENTRUM VOOR VOLWASSENENONDERWIJS DEURNE, BE VÄSTRA NYLANDS FOLKHÖGSKOLA, FI CONSILIUL LOCAL AL COPIILOR SI TINERILOR SIBIU, RO LIFELINK INTERNATIONAL, IE SIA VALDA, LV GRANT AMOUNT: 157084 € APPROVED BUDGET: 244770 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 80 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225294-CP-1-2005-1-FI-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: CABLE - COMMUNITY ACTION BASED LEARNING FOR EMPOWERMENT DESCRIPTION: Objectives: - to develop a model of training to enable local development workers employed by faith communities and civil society to enhance their role and improve their effectiveness as informal adult educators; - to develop European learning resources; - to provide more direct opportunities for excluded groups not normally reached by adult education; - to have an impact on national and European social organisations and faith communities in order to strengthen the educational profile of local development work. Target Groups - community development workers who work in localities with a high level of social exclusion; - active people who live in such areas. Main Activities - using skilled trainers with experience of running international learning programmes for adults to evaluate the training work so far undertaken by the project partners; - training trainers from the participating countries in order to develop a wider skilled training team and the basic learning resource manual; - testing the course, evaluating the actions, finalising the manual and organising the dissemination processes. Expected Outputs - a training course which enhances the educational capacity of local social and community workers; - a widely disseminated learning resource manual and a report; - an open web based information and documentation platform. COORDINATOR: DIAKONIA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Jarvenpaantie 640 FI-04400 JARVENPAA Phone: +358 407659025 Fax: +358 92715871 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Anthony ADDY PARTNERS: STIFTELSEN BRÄCKE DIAKONI, SE TRAININGSCENTRUM 'KOR SCHIPPERS', NL LATVIJAS PILSETAS, RUPNIECISKAS UN LAUKU MISIJAS KONTAKTU GRUPA, LV CHURCHES' COMMUNITY WORK ALLIANCE, UK EUROPAEISCHE ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT KIRCHE UND ARBEITSWELT, DE EKUMENICKA AKADEMIE PRAHA, CZ PARTENERI PENTRU SCHIMBARE, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 170902 € APPROVED BUDGET: 235338 € CONTRACT DURATION: 81 24 (in months) SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225324-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: ADULT EDUCATION TEACHERS - TRAINING IN EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION: At the start of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development training on Sustainable Development (SD) has been identified by UNESCO as a huge need across Europe. Our project tackles this need. Its aim is to improve the quality of life and the environment through enhancing the quality adult learning for SD across Europe. Objectives: - enhance adult education teachers understanding of SD; - develop adult education teachers skills to teach ''education for SD''; - build adult education teachers capacity to enable learners to relate SD to their learners personal and work lives; - provide a support network and resources for continuous professional development; - encourage adult education teachers to promote SD practices within their Institutes. Target Group: Adult education teachers, especially in rural communities. The activities involve four phases: - Planning and Preparation (course development ); - piloting (testing in partner countries); - practising (integration of ESD into adult learner programmes); - promoting (Dissemination and courses for Grundtvig 3 applicants). Expected outputs: - Documented Professional Development Course; - dedicated pages on the efseurope websites providing interactive support adult education teachers; - support materials for adult learners; - exemplar lessons and curriculum plans; - a network of adult teachers; promotional materials and web page. COORDINATOR: FIELD STUDIES COUNCIL Preston Montford UK-SY4 1HW SHREWSBURY Phone: +44 1743852160 Fax: +44 1743852101 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: James HINDSON PARTNERS: GRANT AMOUNT: 82 TIPPERARY INSTITUTE, IE ''UNWERSYTET WARSZAWSKI. UNIWERSYTECKIE CENTRUM BADAN NAD SRODOWISKIEM PRZYRODNICZYM, PL ANJAF-ASSOCIAÇÃO NACIONAL DE JOVENS PARA A ACÇÃO FAMILIAR, PT BRENDERUP FOLKEHØJSKOLE, DK KISHANTOSI VIDÉKFEJLESZTÉSI KÖZPONT KHT, HU 180857 € SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES APPROVED BUDGET: 248740 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 83 GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225588-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: EUPHONY - IMPLEMENTING TEACHER KNOWLEDGE DESCRIPTION: The project will develop teaching models based on a series of techniques derived from the study and experience of the effect of sound and music on the human being and on the environment. A course will be created to train teachers/facilitators working in the field of formal and non-formal adult education. This will be evaluated, certified and disseminated. First beneficiaries: the group of trainers in the partnership, then the trainers in the partnership organisations (in the phase of testing the course at national level), then teachers/trainers at a European level through two offerings as Grundtvig 3 courses. Outputs: - Course for trainers; - a Guide; - 2 music compact disc, a DVD; - a database, a website; - a transnational conference. COORDINATOR: THE MOSAICAS ART AND SOUND LTD Chepstow Crescent 29, Chepstow Court UK-W11 3ED LONDON Phone: +44 2072290446 Fax: +44 2072290446 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Teresa DELLO MONACO PARTNERS: ORPHEA MUSIC AND BOOK SERVICES S.R.L., IT CONSONANZE ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE, IT SYNTHESIS CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION, CY UNIVERSITY OF WALES SWANSEA - DEPARTMENT OF ADULT CONTINUING EDUCATION, UK MT EDUCACIÓN T FORMACIÓN, ES TEMPO SKALICÍ STREDISKO, CZ UNIVERSITY OF SIAULIAI, LT VISIO- THE GREEN CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL CENTRE, FI GRANT AMOUNT: 211717 € APPROVED BUDGET: 282374 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 84 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 226027-CP-1-2005-1-LI-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: TRAINING COURSE FOR THE PROMOTION OF VISUAL LITERACY DESCRIPTION: The Training Course will focus on enhancing people's visual awareness - an essential part of information literacy - through the development of skills such as observing one's environment, accessing information, analysing the context of visual representations, investigating their meaning and communicating one's own understanding of the objects perceived. The expected impact of the Project will be an increase in citizens who can ''read'' the various grammars of form, interpret the structure and meaning of images, decode and deconstruct them and thus become less susceptible to their (often surreptitious) influence. In the course of the training session participants will move from an emotional response to an analytical exploration of image content. Furthermore, it should help them realise how our way of seeing and looking is structured by the visual conventions of our own time as well as by variables such as gender, age or socio-cultural background and education. The expected outputs comprise a Handbook or user-guide to ''The Learning Eye'', the widely-acclaimed product of a previous Grundtvig project, Web-based teaching packs and background materials as well as guidelines about cultural differences in learning and teaching approaches and styles. All our activities such as course development, organisation and delivery as well as the production, testing and (Web)publication of training materials will take into account the cultural diversity of the users. COORDINATOR: KUNSTSCHULE LIECHTENSTEIN Im Buchholz 4 AT-6820 FRASTANZ Phone: +43 5522 78429 Fax: +43 5522 36446 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Ruth GSCHWENDTNER-WÖLFLE PARTNERS: THE BURREN COLLEGE OF ART, IE DONAU-UNIVERSITÄT-KREMS, AT PÄDAGOGISCHE AKADEMIE FELDKIRCH, AT SUOMEN MUSEOLIITTO - FINLANDS MUSEIFÖRBUND RY, FI ARKITEKTURMUSEET, SE NATIONALMUSEUM STOCKHOLM, SE BERGEN INTERNASJONALE KULTURSENTER, NO BERGEN MUSEUM, UNIVERSITETET BERGEN, NO GRANT AMOUNT: 252959 € APPROVED BUDGET: 352331 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 85 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225646-CP-1-2005-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: ACCED - CONTINUING EDUCATION DESIGNED FOR COUNSELLORS WORKING IN ADULT EDUCATION DESCRIPTION: The ACCED project aims to offer a coherent training course, compatible at the European level, designed for career counsellors/practitioners working in adult education institutions. The main project objectives are: - To design the training course concept. - To develop useful didactical materials/resources. - To test the outputs for validating and improving them. - To provide two Grundtvig 3 courses for all professionals interested at national and European level. - To disseminate and exploit the ACCED products. The target groups who will directly use the outputs will be the career counsellors/other staff working in adult education institutions. The ultimate beneficiaries are all adult learners, particularly unemployed people over 40 and young job seekers (16-25 years old) at risk of social marginalisation. The project outputs (the training course's concept, the didactical materials, the trainer's guide, the Grundtvig 3 course and the project website) will be developed during the following activities: - Realising/updating the project website. - Designing the training course's concept. - Developing the didactical materials and the trainer's guide. - Testing the training course. - Providing two Grundtvig 3 courses (Romania and Lithuania). - Disseminating the project's outputs. - Developing the sustainability strategy. COORDINATOR: INSTITUTUL ROMAN DE EUCATIE A ADULTILOR bvd. Vasile Parvan 4 RO-300223 TIMISOARA Phone: +40 256201694 Fax: +40 256201694 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Simona SAVA PARTNERS: DIE BERATER - RÖHSNER UNTERNEHMENSBERATUNG GMBH, AT CVU-STORKØBENHAVN, DK UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA, ES UNIVERSITATEA DIN BUCURESTI, RO SWEDISH TELEPEDAGOGIC KNOWLEDGE CENTER, SE CENTRUL DE ASISTENTA RURALA, RO VYTAUTO DIDZIOJO UNIVERSITETAS, LT GRANT AMOUNT: 185869 € APPROVED BUDGET: 254187 € CONTRACT DURATION: 86 24 (in months) SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 COURSES GRUNDTVIG - DEVELOPMENT OF GRUNDTVIG TRAINING REFERENCE: 225749-CP-1-2005-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G11 TITLE: SOCIAL ART THERAPY FOR FACILITATORS IN ADULT EDUCATION DESCRIPTION: The project aims at improving the educational content of training materials in using social art therapy in adult education, specifically for disadvantaged people (youth, victims of violence, marginalized groups of people, people confronted with exclusion risk, etc). It also aims to facilitate networking, as well as to identify and share good practices in the field of social art therapy used in education. Target groups are potential art therapy facilitators: drama, fine arts, dance and music artists, social workers, teachers, pedagogues, psychotherapists and psychologists involved and to be involved in working with disadvantaged groups, particularly those exposed to violence and social exclusion risks. For these art therapy facilitators, the partnership will design and deliver a three-module course its methodological guide, as well as a web-based resource centre for practitioners. COORDINATOR: FUNDATIA CONCEPT Regina Elisabeta Blv. 44 Entrance A, 3rd Floor, Flat 34, 5th RO-050018 BUCHAREST Phone: +40 213111252 Fax: +40 213111253 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Radu Octavian MATEESCU PARTNERS: ART AND THERAPY, FR ESCUELA ESPAÑOLA DE TERAPIA REICHIANA, ES ASSOCIAZIONE INTERCULTURALE ''ROMA PORTO FRANCO'', IT ISTITUTO FERNANDO SANTI, IT GRANT AMOUNT: 155249 € APPROVED BUDGET: 221231 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 87 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG DISSEMINATION PROJECTS REFERENCE: 225925-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G12 TITLE: DILLLMULI - DISSEMINATION OF LIFELONG LEARNING ACTIVITIES IN MUSEUMS AND LIBRARY PROJECTS DESCRIPTION: Recent research suggests that cultural institutions such as Libraries, Museums, Cultural centres, etc., are considered by adult learners as more accessible and friendly learning environments than traditional educational institutions. Past pilot projects have dealt with these issues and have produced added value which often stays either within the persons and institutions involved in the project or within particular sectors or regions. There is a need to draw together the results of these projects working in the fields of museums, libraries and cultural centres, in order to develop more effective links and synergies between projects and networks. The main goal is to transfer and disseminate this knowledge and know-how to those professionally concerned, who may act as multipliers. By adding to their intrinsic value, sustainability of partnerships and results will be supported. The project will focus on the following particular aspects: - Access and widening participation strategies. - Innovative methodologies and strategies for the dissemination of outcomes. - Results and elements to be included in the continuing professional development CPD of the staff, of the involved to the project institutions. Final outcomes from Socrates phase 1 and 2 (1995-2005) of adult education projects working in partnership with cultural & educational organizations such as: Museums, Galleries, Libraries etc. (from Adult Education/phase 1, Grundtvig 1, 4/phase 2) will be examined. A pool of knowledge will be created through the collection of final outcomes of successful end products from the two generations of programs, according to criteria negotiated among partners. Outcomes: - a manual (''tool-kit'') of best practice on project-results and on general criteria for generally disseminating outputs of project-types will be elaborated. This ''tool-kit'' will be available in DVD or CD-ROM formats in English, with summaries in German, Greek, Swedish, Hungarian and French. It will available through internet (links will be made to the ISOC data bank of SOCRATES projects,, and the results will be presented for culture-experts in Italy and for education-experts at one of the two annual conferences of EAEA, in order to promote the dissemination to other countries outside the partnership of the project; - an ''art-gallery''; - an exhibition with visual results from the examined projects. COORDINATOR: KOMPETENZAGENTUR DACHAU-VOLKSHOCHSCHULE DACHAU GMBH Dr. Engert Str. 4 DE-85221 DACHAU Phone: +49 8131 71071 Fax: +49 8131 78342 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Edith RASCH PARTNERS: 88 MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR ADULT EDUCATION, GR REGIONE EMILIA ROMAGNA INSTITUTO DI BENI CULTURALI, IT PÉCSI TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM, HU ASSOCIATION EUROPÉENNE POUR L'ÉDUCATION DES ADULTES, BE SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 MDR PARTNERS, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 239793 € APPROVED BUDGET: 319724 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 89 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG DISSEMINATION PROJECTS SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG DISSEMINATION PROJECTS REFERENCE: 225754-CP-1-2005-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G12 TITLE: LILARA - LEARNING IN LOCAL AND REGIONAL AUTHORITIES DESCRIPTION: The two-year LILARA project follows on from the well-commended INDICATORS project which developed ''Stakeholder Audits'' for Lifelong Learning Cities and Regions and established an expertise network on the subject in the Socrates R3L programme. The project will: - develop a Learning Needs Analysis Audit to research the needs for Learning City/Region awareness learning in all parts of Local and Regional Authorities to assist their development as Lifelong Learning Cities, Towns and Regions; - research existing learning materials available to satisfy those needs from previous Socrates and other projects; - modify these for delivery in dissemination seminar/workshops in the partners' local and regional authorities based on the results of the Needs Audits; - develop and deliver new learning materials where satisfactory ones do not exist; - disseminate and market all these tools and materials to known city and regional networks through: 1) the publicity and programme for two dissemination conferences; 2) a website specially designed for the purpose; and 3) papers and articles in network magazines, journals and other publicity media. Each partner will work closely with local and regional authorities to develop a different aspect of the subject, so that the community, the politics, the city and region as a learning organisation, the stakeholders, social inclusion and general learning city characteristics are covered by the whole project. The outputs to be disseminated are therefore the Learning Needs Analysis Audit, the website, the seminars and workshops, and the new and modified learning materials. These will be the main output of the project and will also be disseminated via European conferences. Target audiences are managers, professionals and other employees in local and regional authorities and stakeholder organisations that offer formal and informal learning provision. COORDINATOR: UNIVERSITY OF STIRLING UK-FK9 4LA STIRLING Phone: +44 1786 467618 Fax: +44 1786 467633 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: PARTNERS: Michael OSBORNE ECOLE SUPERIEURE COMMERCIALE, TOULOUSE, FR UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK, IE UNIVERSITÁ DEGLI STUDI DI CATANIA, IT HOGSKOLEN AKERSHUS, NO PÉCSI TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM, HU GRANT AMOUNT: 168638 € APPROVED BUDGET: 353032 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 90 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG NETWORKS GRANTS REFERENCE: 225932-CP-1-2005-1-BE-GRUNDTVIG-G4 TITLE: EQUIPE PLUS - EUROPEAN QUALITY IN INDIVIDUALISED PATHWAYS IN EDUCATION PLUS DESCRIPTION: The overall aim of this continuation network, Equipe plus, is to add new tools and resources to the quality toolkit and embed its use in the management and practice of university lifelong learning (ULLL). The objectives are to: - inform and complement the work of the Bologna process by focussing on quality in university lifelong learning (ULLL) and promoting debate on the theme; - address the quality of universities involvement in Grundtvig and assist in networking between Grundtvig projects around the theme of quality; - provide an overview of quality arrangements in ULLL in at least 27 countries, identifying the need for further development and making recommendations - national quality reviews of ULLL; - develop indicators of quality in ULLL supported by case studies derived from best practice and taking account of definitions and practices in different countries; valorise the results of the first Equipe network and of other projects on quality in LLL; promote training opportunities for staff in ULLL on the theme of quality. The target groups are managers and practitioners in ULL. The main outputs will be: - an improved and integrated interactive website; - 27 national quality reviews for ULLL with a comparative summary; - indicators of quality in ULLL; - examples of best practice; - an evaluation of universities' involvement in Grundtvig projects; - meetings, conferences, seminars and workshops on quality in ULLL and on the quality toolkit. COORDINATOR: EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY CONTINUING EDUCATION NETWORK Balmes 132 ES-08008 BARCELONA Phone: +34 93 5421825 Fax: +34 93 5422975 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Pat DAVIES PARTNERS: 91 DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHÄFT FÜR WISSENSCHAFTLICHE WEITERBILDUNG UND FEMSTUDIUM E.V., DE PANEPISTIMIO IOANNINON, GR UNIVERSITÉ DE BRETAGNE OCCIDENTALE, FR UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK, IE UNIVERSITÀ ''GABRIELE D'ANNUNZIO'', IT KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS, LT DEBRECENI EGYETEM, HU UNIVERSITÀ TÀ MALTA, MT SZKOLA GLOWNA HANDLOWA W WARSZAWIE, PL UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO, PT UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, SI UNIVERZITA KOMENSKEHO V BRATISLAVE, SK LUND UNIVERSITET, SE UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITATEA DE VEST TIMISOARA, RO ORTA DOGU TEKNIK UNIVERSITESI, TR SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA, ES VYSOKÉ UCENÍ TECHNICKÉ V BRNE, CZ DANMARKS PAEDAGOGISCHE UNIVERSITET, DK UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID, ES TARTU ÜLIKOOLI, EE UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE - PARIS 6 -, FR LIBERA UNIVERSITÀ 'MARIA SS. ASSUNTA' DI ROMA, IT PANEPISTIMIO KYPROU, CY VIDZEMES AUGSTSKOLA, LV OPEN UNIVERSITEIT NEDERLAND, NL KARL-FRANZENS- UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ, AT TURUN YLIOPISTO, FI UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL, UK ICELAND UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, IS HOCHSCHULE LIECHTENSTEIN, LI UNIVERSITY OFF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND METALLURGY, BG GRANT AMOUNT: 390669 € APPROVED BUDGET: 520894 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 (in months) 92 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG NETWORKS GRANTS SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG NETWORKS GRANTS REFERENCE: 224790-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G4 TITLE: NILE 2 - NETWORK INTERCULTURAL LEARNING IN EUROPE DESCRIPTION: The enlarged Europe, enshrining the principle of diversity in its Charter of fundamental rights, is faced with manifold intercultural challenges. Based on its results and experiences in the first period from 2002 to 2005, the Network Intercultural Learning in Europe (NILE), bringing together partners from AT, BE, BG, CY, DE, ES, FI, FR, GR, HU, IT, LT, LV, NL, PL, RO, SK, SI, TR and the UK, seeks to support the different efforts and disseminate experiences of good practice in adult education across Europe designed for preparing citizens with diverse backgrounds in religion, language, culture and ethnic roots in learning to live together in respect for their otherness. Based on the needs of the target groups the new work programme of NILE addresses 4 key areas. This will enable the partnership to explore and analyse the possibilities of advancing the mainstreaming process of intercultural learning in adult education on a larger scale and on the structural level in all EU member countries. The focus and the main objective of NILE is: - to contribute to knowledge sharing, dissemination and transfer of good practice in intercultural learning generated on national and local level in a European dimension; - to include views of migrant, ethnic and religious minority communities in all issues of intercultural learning; - to identify present, emergent and future needs where European cooperation on the issue of intercultural learning can be beneficial to learners in non-formal adult education. NILE 2 will follow a principle of thematic clustering focussing on the 4 identified key areas: - assessing ways of adapting and transferring best practice in intercultural learning from one context to another; - exploring teaching and learning methods, which relate to intercultural learning when working with diverse minority/migrant groups; - promoting ways for educational institutions to achieve intercultural competence; - strengthening the cooperation between adult education and the media in order to promote intercultural learning. The main target groups of the Network are: - migrant, ethnic minorities, immigrant (self) organizations and teachers, trainers, students, volunteers and professionals working with these groups; - key persons to advance the mainstreaming of intercultural learning such as policy makers of adult education laws (public authorities on national and local level) and executive managers of adult education and academic institutions; - media professionals and non-formal media institutions (free radios, television, ethnic media). To achieve its main objective, activities will take place on a local, national and transnational level. NILE 2 will organize 5 meetings of thematic groups open to other Grundtvig actors; 2 European Conferences; a multilingual interactive website; 5 newsletters (in English); 1000 copies of a DVD on good practice in all languages of the partnership; and 500 copies each of a newspaper (all languages of the partnership) with recommendations for working with the media to promote intercultural learning. COORDINATOR: 93 INSTITUT FÜR INTERNATIONALE ZUSAMMENARBEIT DES DEUTSCHEN VOLKSHOSCHSCHULVERBANDES Obere Wilhelm Str. 32 DE-53225 BONN Phone: 0049-228-97569-36 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG NETWORKS GRANTS Fax: 0049-228-97569-41 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: PARTNERS: Beate SCHMIDT-BEHLAU FEDERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE UNIVERSIDADES POPULARES, ES ODYSSEE MAATSCHAPPELIJKE ONTWIKKELING, NL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ADULT CONTINUING EDUCATION, UK KONFEDERAZIJA NA NEZAVISIMITE SINDIKATI V BALGARIJA, BG CYPRUS ADULT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, CY LATVIJAS PIEAUGUSO IZGLITIBAS APVIENIBA, LV BASKENT KADIN PLATFORMU, TR LIETUVOS SUAUGUSIUJU SVIETIMO ASOCIACIJA, LT EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE EDUCATION OF ADULTS, BE INTERNATIONALES ZENTRUM FÜR KULTUREN UND SPRACHEN IN DER VOLkSHOCHSCHULE FAVORITEN, AT CITIZENNE, BE PROJEKTWERKSTATT UMWELT UND ENTWICKLUNG E.V., DE SUOMEN KANSANOPISTOYHDISTYS, FI INSTITUT PANOS PARIS, FR DAFNI VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTER, GR MAGYAR NÉPFOISKOLAI TÁRSASÁG, HU UNIVERSITA' POPOLARE DI ROMA, IT ZDRUZENIE FEMAN / SLOVENSKO - EURÓPSkA kULTÚRNA SPOLOCNOST', SK RAZVOJNO IZOBRAZEVALNI CENTER NOVO MESTO, SI MEDIA DIVERSITY (OPERATING AS MEDIA DIVERSITY INSTITUTE), UK CENTRE EUROPÉEN JUIF D'INFORMATION, BE TELEWIZJA OBYWATELSKA, PL UNIVERSITATEA ''AUREL VLAICU'' ARAD, ROMANIA, RO GRANT AMOUNT: 385550 € APPROVED BUDGET: 514066 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 (in months) 94 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG NETWORKS GRANTS REFERENCE: 225288-CP-1-2005-1-DE-GRUNDTVIG-G4 TITLE: INFONET ADULT EDUCATION DESCRIPTION: InfoNet intends to be a large-scale network of editors of journals and publications on Adult Education/LifeLongLearning (AE/LLL) from all over Europe; with national and international umbrella organisations of AE/LLL also taking part. By this, a European platform is to be set up aiming at establishing and improving the information stream between different actors of AE/LLL throughout Europe. This platform may give rise to a sort of European AE/LLL-community beyond single networks or organisations. Information on all relevant aspects of AE/LLL in Europe shall be exchanged within and by InfoNet: from simple information on conferences to scientific findings, from policy developments to best-practise examples etc. In particular, InfoNet wants to be a partner for disseminating results of other European networks and projects. In conferences and workshops, editors of AE/LLL-journals get in contact with their colleagues from other countries and are trained to become aware of the European dimensions of AE/LLL. In the 1st year, five working groups develop criteria for handling the information flow and technical aspects like translation. From the 2nd year on, a regular information service is implemented which works similarly to a news agency. The network is administrated by a coordination office which is helped by an information bureau in Brussels. COORDINATOR: AKADEMIE KLAUSENHOF Klausenhofstr. 100 DE-46499 HAMMINKELN Phone: +49 2852 89-329 Fax: +49 2852 89-300 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Michael SOMMER PARTNERS: 95 KANSALAIS-JA TYÖVÄENOPISTOJEN LITTO KTLO RY, FI KANSANVALISTUSSEURA, FI SUOMEN KANSANOPISTOYHDISTYS FINNISH FOLK HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION, FI STUIENFRÄMJANDET RIKSFÖRBUNDET, SE VUC FYN, DK VOKSENOPPLAERINGSFORBUNDET, NO WYZSZA SZKOLA FILOZOFICZNO-PEDAGOGICZNA IGNATIANUM, PL ANDRAGOSKI CENTER REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE, SI NEMZETI FELNOTTKÉPZÉSI INTÉZET, HU EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION AND SOCIAL POLICY - EIESP, FR FÉDÉRATION EUROPÉENNE POUR L'EDUCATION CATHOLIQUE DES ADULTES, BE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE EDUCATION OF ADULTS, BE ECUMENICAL ASSOCIATION FOR ADULT EDUCATION IN EUROPE, NL ROC ALBEDA COLLEGE, NL FORUM KATHOLISCHER ERWACHSENENBILDUNG IN ÖSTERREICH, AT VERBAND ÖSTERREICHISCHER VOLKSHOCHSCHULEN - VÖV, AT DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FÜR ERWACHSENENBILDUNG, DE INSTITUT FÜR INTERNATIONALE ZUSAMMENARBEIT DES DEUTSCHEN VOLKSHOCHSCHUL - VERBANDES E.V., DE RUHR-UNIVERSITÄT BOCHUM, DE PRAXIS POLITISCHE BILDUNG, DE ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC-SOCIAL ORIENTED EDUCATION CENTRES SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 IN GERMANY, DE UNESCO INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION (UIE), DE DEUTSCHE EVANGELISCHE ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT FÜR ERWACHSENENBILDUNG E.V., DE KENTRO PERIVALLONTIKIS EKPEDEUSIS KLEITORIAS, GR KIFE, KATOLIKUS ILFJÚSÀGI ÉS FELNÔTTKÉPZÉSI SZÖVETSÈG, HU LIETUVOS SUAUGUSIUJU SVIETIMO IR INFORMAVIMO CNETRAS, LT GRANT AMOUNT: 425850 € APPROVED BUDGET: 621140 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 (in months) 96 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG NETWORKS GRANTS SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG NETWORKS GRANTS REFERENCE: 225781-CP-1-2005-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G4 TITLE: FORMER SANS EXCLURE II DESCRIPTION: Le réseau ''Former Sans Exclure'' regroupe des organisations d'actions sociales et éducatives dont les pratiques de formation ont pour but l'amélioration et l'acquisition de compétences des intervenants sociaux, afin que les personnes en difficulté (re)deviennent coauteurs-acteurs de leur devenir et (re)trouvent leur pouvoir d'agir (concept d'empowerment). Constitué aujourd'hui, dans une visée partagée de changement social, autour de 22 partenaires de 10 pays européens, il contribue à l'amélioration de la qualité des interventions par l'élaboration d'une méthodologie qui prend en compte l'expertise des publics fragilisés dans l'élaboration de l'offre de formation. Il valorise les contenus de formation et d'éducation qui instaurent une relation de confiance et de coopération, une écoute empathique, un soutien des potentialités des personnes accueillies, un accompagnement vers l'autonomie sociale et l'exercice de la citoyenneté. Ce projet de prolongement du réseau concerne d'ores et déjà 30 partenaires, officiels et associés, de 15 pays, qui se reconnaissent dans les mêmes valeurs, et s'engagent à échanger leurs expertises, confronter les expérimentations des outils créés pour développer le socle méthodologique précédemment élaboré. L'extension du réseau doit permettre aux organisations d'action sociale et éducative de former un pôle-ressources, référence en matière de pratiques de formation novatrices, et renforçant la coopération européenne entre l'ensemble des acteurs. La double structuration en réseaux locaux, déclinaisons nationales du réseau européen, et en groupes thématiques doit faciliter l'interaction entre les acteurs par les regards croisés sur les clefs de réussite, les pratiques novatrices des différents pays, pour aboutir à leur capitalisation, qui a pour but d'organiser les connaissances acquises par la pratique pour les rendre transmissibles. COORDINATOR: LES AMIS DU RESEAU EUROPEEN D'ACTION SOCIALE - ESAN Rue Ste Catherine 60 FR-59000 LILLE Phone: +33 3 20551099 Fax: +33 3 20551099 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Frances ZIELINSKI PARTNERS: 97 PRESENCE ET ACTIONS CULTURELLES (PAC), BE PROEMPLEO S.COOP, ES OBCIANSKE ZDRUZENIE SLOVENSKY CAN SYNDROM, SK ENTWICKLUNGSZENTRUM FÜR BERUFLICHE QUALIFIZIERUNG UND INTEGRATION GMBH, DE ECLORE - ESPACE-ATELIER D'INITIATIVES COMMUNAUTAIRES DE DEVELOPPEMENT, FR PROACT - UNIDADE DE INVESTIGAÇÃO E APOIO TÉCNICO AO DESENVOLVIMENTO LOCAL, E À LUTA CONTRA A EXCLUSAO SOCIAL, PT COMITE BELGE DU RESEAU EUROPEEN D'ACTION SOCIALE- ESAN BELGIQUE, BE SWEDISH TELEPEDAGOGIC KNOWLEDGE CENTER, SE WSPOLNOTA ROBOCZA ZWIAZKOW ORGANIZACJI SOCJALNYCH, PL DISTRETTO SCOLASTICO N.13 FIRENZE, IT EUROPEAN SOCIAL ORGANISATIONAL AND SCIENCE CONSULTANCY ESOSC, IE BUSINESS AND CORPORATE MANAGEMENT LTD, UK LUENEBURG UNIVERSITAET - FACHHOCHSCHULE SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 NORDOSTNIEDERSACHSEN, DE DACORUM BOROUGH COUNCIL, UK FEDERATIA ORGANIZATIILOR NEGUVERNAMENTALE PENTRU PROTECTIA COPILULUI, RO ASSOCIATION DE LA FONDATION ETUDIANTE POUR LA VILLE, FR JYVÄSKYLÄN MAALAISKUNTA, FI VILNIAUS PEDAGOGINIS UNIVERSITETAS, LT GRANT AMOUNT: 256327 € APPROVED BUDGET: 366182 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 (in months) 98 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG NETWORKS GRANTS SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG NETWORKS GRANTS REFERENCE: 223923-CP-1-2005-1-NO-GRUNDTVIG-G4 TITLE: EMMA - EUROPEAN (NETWORK) FOR MOTIVATIONAL MATHEMATICS FOR ADULTS DESCRIPTION: The EMMA Network aims at creating a sustainable network of researchers, practitioners and policy makers in the field of general adult numeracy. The project will create and sustain the EMMA Portal, which will be the project's main means of dissemination and a tool for clustering and knowledge dissemination open to all European experts and educators involved in this field. The project will aim at gathering information and establishing contact with all relevant European projects, and will organize two annual Clustering Conferences, as well as a series of Study Visits for the partnership, which will double as Grundtvig 3 courses open to all interested experts and practitioners. The main expected impact will be in terms of benchmarking of national strategies and approaches, especially in terms of awareness raising. The primary target group consists of trainers and advisors who meet adults with numeracy problems. The secondary target group are the adults themselves. Special focus areas: trainers at the work-place, trainers in immigrant education, counsellor services and policy makers. COORDINATOR: VOX, NASJONALT SENTER FOR LÆRING I ARBEIDSLIVET Pb 6139 Etterstad NO-N-0602 OSLO Phone: 004723381346 Fax: 004723381301 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Graciela SBERTOLI PARTNERS: UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA, UB, ES HOGESCHOOL VAN UTRECHT, FACULTEIT EDUCATIEVE OPLEIDINGEN, ARCHIMEDES TRAINING EN ADVIES, NL NASJONALT SENTER FOR MATEMATIKK I OPPLÆRINGEN, NTNU, NO DANMARKS PÆDAGOGISKE UNIVERSITET (DPU), DK NATIONELLT CENTRUM FÖR MATEMATIKUTBILDNING, SE LATVIJAS PIEAUGUSO IZGLITIBAS APVIENITA (LAEA), LV UNIVERSITÄT LINZ, INSTITUT FÜR DIDAKTIK DER MATHEMATIK, AT ERGON K.E.K, GR PIXEL ASSOCIAZIONE, IT FIATEST, RO CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE FORMATION À LA VENTE ET À LA NÉGOCIATION COMMERCIALE, FR ANDRAGOSKI CENTER SLOVENIJE (ACS), SI DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FÜR ERWACHSENENBILDUNG E. V., DE MAGYAR NÉPFOISKOLAI TÁRSASÁG, HU LONDON LIFE LONG LEARNING UNIT - LONDON SOUTH BANK UNIVERSITY, AT VLAAMS ONDERSTEUNINGSCENTRUM VOR DE BASISEDUCATIE, BE GRANT AMOUNT: 258695 € APPROVED BUDGET: 344926 € CONTRACT DURATION: 24 (in months) 99 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG THEMATIC SEMINARS REFERENCE: 225255-CP-1-2005-1-BE-GRUNDTVIG-G41 TITLE: PASS - PRATIQUES ET POLITIQUES D'ALPHABETISATION ET D'ACQUISITION DES SAVOIRS DE BASE DESCRIPTION: Le développement de l'alphabétisation et de l'acquisition des savoirs de base des adultes est un élément essentiel de la construction d'une société européenne de la connaissance. Il est fondamental de permettre à tous ceux qui le souhaitent d'accéder, près de chez eux, à une alphabétisation de qualité, qui tienne compte de leurs besoins et qui se base sur leur participation active. Par alphabétisation nous entendons l'acquisition des savoirs de base nécessaires pour développer une participation citoyenne active, et ce par des adultes n'ayant jamais été scolarisés ou par des adultes qui, bien qu'ayant été scolarisés parfois de longues années, ne savent ni lire, ni écrire, en le comprenant, un texte simple lié à leur vie quotidienne, et ce dans aucune langue. Ce projet porte sur une étude des pratiques et politiques d'alphabétisation et d'acquisition des savoirs de base et sur l'organisation d'un séminaire thématique qui permettra: - D'identifier, de diffuser et de valoriser les résultats, méthodologies et ''bonnes pratiques'' des projets d'alphabétisation soutenus par l'Europe et plus particulièrement par les programmes Socrates et Grundtvig. - D'entamer un travail de recherche et d'analyse portant sur la comparaison des pratiques et politiques d'alphabétisation des différents états membres. - De diffuser des pratiques et politiques d'alphabétisation les plus susceptibles de favoriser une participation citoyenne active. Il créera les conditions nécessaires pour fonder un réseau européen réunissant l'ensemble des acteurs travaillant dans le champ de l'alphabétisation, afin de développer l'analyse et la mutualisation des leurs pratiques, d'informer les autorités politiques européennes, nationales, régionales et locales et d'aider à leur prise de décision en matière d'alphabétisation et d'acquisition des savoirs de base. COORDINATOR: LIRE ET ECRIRE Antoine Dansaert 2a BE-1000 BRUXELLES Phone: +32 2 5027201 Fax: +32 2 5028556 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Catherine STERCQ PARTNERS: KULTURELLE AKTION UND PRÄZENZ VOG, BE CONSEIL REGIONAL DU CENTRE, FR FEDERATION NATIONALE DES ASSOCIATIONS POUR L'ENSEIGNEMENT ET LA FORMATION DES TRAVAILLEURS IMMIGRÉS ET LEURS FAMILLE, FR NATIONAL ADULT LITERACY AGENCY, IE UNIONE NAZIONALE LOTTA CONTRO L'ANALFABETISMO (UNLA), IT FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA PER L'EDUCAZIONE CONTINUA, IT COMMUNITIES SCOTLAND, UK THE QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY OF BELFAST, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 69024 € APPROVED BUDGET: 156159 € CONTRACT DURATION: 100 12 (in months) SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG THEMATIC SEMINARS REFERENCE: 225426-CP-1-2005-1-FR-GRUNDTVIG-G41 TITLE: L'INTERVENTION SOCIALE DES JEUNES EN DIFFICULTE EN MILIEU RURAL : VERS L'INSERTION SOCIALE ET PROFESSIONNELLE DESCRIPTION: Objectifs généraux : En milieu rural, renforcer l'efficacité de l'intervention locale au près des 16/25 ans en difficulté par le développement des connaissances, les échanges transnationaux, la constitution d'un network et la prise en compte de cette question au niveau politique. Objectifs concrets : - Elargir le partenariat (nombre de pays impliqués x2) dans la perspective d'un network. - Valoriser et approfondir les travaux initiés lors du projet Grundtvig 1 (première analyse sur les nouveaux pays partenaires). - Réaliser un séminaire avec les présence de partenaires de terrain, experts/ universitaires et responsables politiques (environ 300 personnes). - Capitaliser et diffuser les résultats acquis. - Préparer une suite aux travaux (contacts avec les responsables politiques, dossier Grundtvig 4 réseau). Groupes cibles : - Groupe cible final : les 15/25 ans en difficulté en milieu rural. - Groupe cible : professionnels, décideurs, experts/chercheurs. Principales activités : - Recherche de nouveaux partenaires et mobilisation. - Analyse sur les nouveaux pays partenaires sur la base d'une grille d'analyse commune (issue des travaux Grundtvig 1). - Préparation et organisation du séminaire, production de documents de synthèse, mobilisation des intervenants. - Réalisation du séminaire. - Capitalisation (actes du séminaire, synthèse des débats), diffusion (via internet en particulier) et poursuites travaux : vers un network. Résultats escomptés : - Production de documents d'analyse, de synthèse et de communication autour de la thématique retenue. - Participation équilibrée lors du séminaire des différents groupes cibles. - Sensibilisation aux questions soulevées, à terme prise en compte dans les projets de mesures et politiques à mener. - Contacts avec les décideurs pour poursuivre expérimentalement sur deux aspects : évaluation comparative et mises en place de politiques adaptées. - Poursuite de l'élargissement du partenariat : network. COORDINATOR: UNION RÉGIONALE DES FÉDÉRATIONS D'OEUVRES LAÏQUES DE BOURGOGNE rue de Strasbourg, 63 FR-71017 MACON CEDEX Phone: +33 3 85384748 Fax: +33 3 85384469 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Salvatore MARTEDDU PARTNERS: 101 DIPUTACIÓN PROVINCIAL DE ALMERÍA, ES ACTO - ACÇÕES E TERRITÓRIO, PT SOUTH DOWN / SOUTH ARMAGH LEADER, UK ASSOCIATION EUROPE DES JEUNES, HU SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 RESPIRO, FR CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE-LABORATOIRE DYNAMIQUES SOCIALES ET RECOMPOSITION DES ESPACES, FR GRANT AMOUNT: 44845 € APPROVED BUDGET: 59984 € CONTRACT DURATION: 12 (in months) 102 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG THEMATIC SEMINARS SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG THEMATIC SEMINARS REFERENCE: 225315-CP-1-2005-1-NL-GRUNDTVIG-G41 TITLE: A FRAMEWORK FOR TRAINING AND LEARNING FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION: The objectives are: - To provide a forum for discussion of the core elements of a common framework for training and learning for community development relevant to the diversity of European contexts. - To assess the extent of European co-operation in existing programmes of adult education which provide opportunities for informal and non-formal training and learning for community development. - To assess and identify the community development elements in adult education with a focus on specific communities of interest (i.e. people with disabilities, women, minority groups, cultural groups) and neighbourhood-based adult education for community groups. - To build foundations for a sustainable Grundtvig network on ''Training and learning for community development'' which provides opportunities to value non-formal and informal learning. Target Groups: those involved as trainers or teachers in setting up, planning and carrying out informal adult education courses on topics relevant to community development. Main Activities: - exchange of ideas and experience on core content of training for community development; - planning, networking, organising seminar: Transversal links relevant to sustainable development, gender mainstreaming, to people with disabilities and to cultural diversity. Expected Outputs: - 2 planning meetings; - 1 seminar; - evaluation meetings and report; - 1 follow-up meeting; - website with 11 on-line monthly Bulletins; - e-group; - 4 contact groups; - proposal and initial membership of network on Training and Learning for Community Development; - on-line reference material. COORDINATOR: STICHTING COMBINED EUROPEAN BUREAU FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Trummon West Laghey IE-00 DONEGAL Phone: +353 74 9723129 Fax: +353 74 9723129 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Margo GORMAN PARTNERS: 103 VLAAMS INSTITUUT TER BERVORDERING EN ONDERSTEUNING VAN DE SAMENLEVINGSOPBOUW, BE KÖZÖSSÉGFEJLESZTÖK EGYESÜLETE, HU CENTRUM FÖR SAMHÄLLSARBETE OCH MOBILISERING, SE KRISTELIGT STUDENTER - SETTLEMENTET, DK ASOCIATIA ROMANA DE DEZVOLTARE COMUNITARA, RO COMMUNE DI BOLOGNA SETTORE ISTRUZIONE- CENTRO DI SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 DOCUMENTAZIONE/ LABORATORIO PER UN' EDUCAZIONE INTERCULTURALE, IT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, UK GRANT AMOUNT: 62360 € APPROVED BUDGET: 83201 € CONTRACT DURATION: 12 (in months) 104 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG THEMATIC SEMINARS SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG THEMATIC SEMINARS REFERENCE: 224854-CP-1-2005-1-AT-GRUNDTVIG-G41 TITLE: CROSS OVER - ADULT EDUCATION IN EUROPEAN BORDER REGIONS AS A TOOL FOR THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION DESCRIPTION: A specific form of transnational European education work is cross-border cooperation. More than on a transnational level, learners in border regions are confronted with problems such as different conditions for access to the respective education systems, different administrative structures or graduation certificates which cannot easily be compared. But also different languages and different cultural settings as well as historical developments play an important role. Providers of adult education who want to cooperate across borders have to deal with different legal regulations or programmes which are not sufficiently reconciled with each other. Furthermore, there is no European education programme that focuses on the promotion of cross-border education cooperations. That is the more surprising as especially border regions are the touchstone for the success of the European integration and often have the role of pioneers. Nevertheless, different models of cross-border education cooperations have been developed and implemented in European border regions, differing widely in quality and quantity. The sample of models reaches from common language courses of neighbouring adult education classes to professional education centres where different neighbouring states cooperates. The ''Cross Over'' consortium offers for the first time a European Thematic Seminar dealing with cross-border cooperation in adult education. 15 partner institutions from 9 European countries, representing 10 European border areas, shall organize a common seminar on cross-border cooperation and share their experiences with other interested target groups in different fields of education and in different European border regions. The seminar will take place in June 2006 in the Austrian-Hungarian-Slovakian border area. COORDINATOR: BURGENLÄNDISCHE FORSCHUNGSGESELLSCHAFT Domplatz 21 AT-7000 EISENSTADT Phone: +4326826688612 Fax: +43268266 8620 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Alfred LANG PARTNERS: 105 VERBAND ÖSTERRREICHISCHER VOLKSHOCHSCHULEN, AT BURGENLÄNDISCHE KONFERENZ DER ERWACHSENENBILDUNG, AT LANDESVERBAND BURGENLÄNDISCHER VOLKSHOCHSCHULEN, AT EIGENBETRIEB KULTUR UND BILDUNG DER STADT HOYERSWERDA, DE VOLKSHOCHSCHULE STADTVERBAND SAARBRÜCKEN, DE VOLKSHOCHSCHULE AACHEN - DAS WEITERBILDUNGSZENTRUM, DE ROC RIJN IJSSEL, NL KEMI-TORNION AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI STIFTELSEN UTBILDNING NORDKALOTTEN, SE NYUGAT-DUNÁNTÚLI REGIONÁLIS FEJLESZTÉSI ÜGYNÖKSÉG KHT, HU AKADÉMIA VZDELÁVANIA, SK CENTRUM VZDELÁVANIA NEZISKOVÝCH ORGANIZÁCIÍ, SK CENTRAL EUROPEAN CULTURAL COOPERATION EEIG, CZ VIESOJI ISTAIGA SIAULIU REGIONO PLETROS AGENTURA, LT SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRANT AMOUNT: 77081 € APPROVED BUDGET: 109905 € CONTRACT DURATION: 12 (in months) 106 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG THEMATIC SEMINARS SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG THEMATIC SEMINARS REFERENCE: 225381-CP-1-2005-1-PT-GRUNDTVIG-G41 TITLE: BRIDGES TO AUTISM DESCRIPTION: The Grundtvig project ''Bridges to Autism'' is a Thematic Seminar that will produce at the end a proposal to a Grundtvig Network on the theme Lifelong Learning in Adult Education in Autism. Its main objectives are: - To research educational needs of adults with autism, their families and staff in several European countries. - To prepare basic information and research results in adult education in autism in order to lay the foundation for a Grundtvig Network on the same theme. - To foster the European co-operation among countries with a diversity of geographical situations and different cultures in order to foster the lifelong learning of their population. - To foster independent study using new information and communication technologies (e.g. the e-learning platform of the project ''Side by Side''). - To contribute to the dissemination of good practices in adult education in autism. - To disseminate the results of the project in broader geographical terms. - To provide a forum for debate on concrete aspects of policy and practice of adult education on autism with the aim of improving the quality and European dimension on autism. The target groups are persons with autism, their families and staff (women and men). The partners are APPDA Portugal (co-ordinating institution), Autismo Burgos (Spain), Autistik (Check Republic), Universidade dos Açores (Portugal), Autisme-Europe, Portuguese Federation for Autism, l'Abri Montagnard (France), Consiglio Nationale sulla Disabilità (Italy), Synapsis Foundation (Poland) and Autism Foundation (Hungary). The results of the research will contribute to new educational programs to attend the needs detected. COORDINATOR: ASSOCIAÇAO PORTUGUESA PARA AS PERTURBAÇOES DO DESENVOLVIMENTO E AUTISMO Rua José Luís Garcia Rodrigues Bairro Alto da Ajuda PT-1300-565 LISBOA Phone: +351 21 3616250 Fax: +351 21 3616259 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Isabel COTTINELLI-TELMO PARTNERS: ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE AUTISME EUROPE, BE FEDERAÇÃO PORTUGUESA DE AUTISMO, PT ASOCIACIÓN DE PADRES DE PERSONAS CON AUTISMO DE BURGOS, ES L'ABRI MONTAGNARD, FR AUTISTIK, CZ UNIVERSIDADE DOS AÇORES, PT CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE SULLA DISABILITA, IT FUNDACJA NA RECZ UMACNIANIA WIEZI RODZINNYCH I SPOLECZNYCH ''SYNAPSIS'', PL AUTIZMUS ALAPITVANY, HU GRANT AMOUNT: 40357 € APPROVED BUDGET: 53810 € CONTRACT DURATION: 12 (in months) 107 SOCRATES COMPENDIUM 2005 108 GRUNDTVIG - GRUNDTVIG THEMATIC SEMINARS