Flavour characterization of fresh and processed pennywort (Centella asiatica L.) juices Pronprapa Wongfhuna, Michael H. Gordonb and Arunee Apichartsrangkoona a Department of Food Science and Technology, Chiangmai University, Thailand b Department of Food Biosciences, University of Reading, UK The flavour characteristics of fresh and processed pennywort juices treated by pasteurization, sterilization and high pressure processing (HPP) were investigated by using solid-phase micro-extraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons comprised the major class of volatile components present and the juices had a characteristic smell due to the presence of volatile compounds including βcaryophyllene, humulene, E-β-farnesene, α-copaene, alloaromadendrene and β-elemene. All processing operations caused a reduction in the total volatile concentration, but HPP caused more volatile acyclic alcohols, aldehydes and oxygenated monoterpenoids to be retained than pasteurization and sterilization. Ketones were not present in fresh pennywort juice, but 2butanone and 3-nonen-2-one were generated in all processed juices, and 2-nonanone and 2hexanone were present in pasteurized and sterilized juices. Other chemical changes including isomerization were also reduced by HPP compared to pasteurization, and sterilization. Keywords: Aroma; Flavour; Headspace volatiles; Centella asiatica; High pressure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 INTRODUCTION Asiatic pennywort (C.asiatica), also known as gotu kola and pegapa is one of the herbs grown in Thailand and other Asian countries that is claimed to possess various physiological effects. It has been used for hundreds of years as an anti-inflammatory and a treatment for leprosy and syphilis. It has been included in Thai traditional recipes as a poultice for wound healing (Farnsworth & Buryapraphatsara, 1992) and is commonly used as a vegetable and tonic (Pramongkit, 1995). Moreover, it has been reported that wound and ulcer healing are enhanced by its action in promoting fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis (Maquart, Bellon, Gillery, Wegrowski & Borel, 1990). Non-thermal methods for juice processing including high pressure have been applied more widely during the past few years. High pressure processing (HPP) is frequently applied in juice processing because it inactivates microorganisms with minimal damage to heat sensitive compounds. This method is capable of maintaining freshness and nutritive value (flavour, colour, vitamin content, biologically active components, etc.). The European Commission has included products processed by high pressure in the group of novel foods regulated by the Novel Foods Legislation. Herbal plants have commanded special attention due to their value. However, quality control of raw herbs and their products is essential to ensure quality, safety and efficacy. The flavour of herbal plants is due to essential oils which are complex mixtures mainly containing volatile compounds. The most volatile are mono (C10) and sesquiterpenoids (C15) that represent the major components of essential oils. Monoterpenoids may have acyclic, monocyclic and bicyclic structures, and occur in nature as hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, ethers, etc. Many literature reports describe the importance of monoterpenoids for the flavour of foods (Perez-Cacho and Rouseff, 2008). However, monoterpenoid chemistry is complex, since they are distinguished by structural characteristics, including the presence of endocyclic and exocyclic carbon–carbon double bonds, which present steric limitations and contribute distinct reactivities; functionalized and substituted skeletons; the presence of highly tensioned rings, and the possibility of bicyclic ring rearrangements. Chou (2005) identified nineteen compounds in the essential oil from C.asiatica in Taiwan as linalool, p-meth-1-en-8-ol, copaene, elemene, sesquiphellandrene, caryophyllene, thjosene, cadinene, acoradien, humulene, alloaromadendrene, farnesene, selinene, 1,5,5,81 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 tetramethyl-1,2-oxabicyclo [9,1,0] dodeca-3,7-diene, eudesmene, cuparene, caryophyllene oxide, phytol and hexahydrofarnesylacetone. Ali (2007) reported 23 compounds in this plant from Malaysia including α-pinene (1.2%), germacrene D (1.6%), (+)-cyclosativene (2.3%), β-farnesene (4.8%), β-cubebene (17%), α-caryophyllene (17%), α-humulene (22%), γmurolene (22%) and various components with concentrations less than 1% including βpinene, m-cymene, D-limonene, β-trans-ocimene, γ-terpinene, 1-bromoallene, β-linalool, trans-3-nonen-2-one, terpinen-4-ol, ο-menth-8-ene,4-isopropylidene-1-vinyl-, α-cubebene, ndecyl acetate, β-cedrene, δ-cadinene and caryophyllene oxide. Oyedeji & Afolayan (2005) also reported that the essential oil extracted from C.asiatica grown in South Africa contained 11 monoterpenoid hydrocarbons (20.20%), 9 oxygenated monoterpenoids (5.46%), 14 sesquiterpenoid hydrocarbons (68.89%), 5 oxygenated sesquiterpenoids (3.90%) and 1 sulfide sesquiterpenoid (0.76%). Components present included sesquiterpenoid hydrocarbons including α-humulene (21.06%), β-caryophyllene (19.08%), bicyclogermacrene (11.22%), germacrene B (6.29%) and myrcene (6.55%). Other reports included trans-β-farnesene and germacrene D as prominent constituents of the essential oil. The effect of heat treatment and HPP on pennywort juice flavour production has not been reported. In the present studies, we have analyzed fresh and processed pennywort juice aroma by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) using solid-phase microextraction (SPME). 1 2 3 4 5 4. GC-MS analysis Analysis was carried out with a Hewlett-Packard 5890 series П GC connected to a 5972 series MS and a 60 m VF-5 ms capillary column (i.d. 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm film thickness, Varian). The injector port was in splitless mode, and split flow was programmed to turn on after 0.5 min. The temperature of the injector was 250 ºC. The oven temperature was kept at MATERIALS AND METHODS 1. Raw material and preparation The plant sample was freshly harvested, with commercial maturity (2-4 months) obtained from high land, Chiangmai, Thailand. Upon arrival at the laboratory, the sample was washed with running tap water to remove debris and damaged portions. The leaves and petioles of pennywort were stripped from the plant and extracted with water (1:1 w/v) by grinding at room temperature for 15 min. This juice was filled in double layer of LDPE Stomacher pouch (Seward Limited, UK.) before HPP and filled in retort pouch (PET/nylon/aluminium/PP) (Royal Can Industries Co., Ltd, Thailand) before pasteurization and sterilization. The samples were subjected to pasteurization (90 ºC for 3 min), sterilization (121 ºC for 4 min) and HPP (400 MPa for 20 min at < 30 ºC). 2. Chemicals 1, 2-Dichlorobenzene (99% from Sigma-Aldrich Company, Ltd, Poole, UK) was used as an internal standard (IS) for GC-MS analysis, as this compound was not found in the pennywort juice. 3. Headspace concentration The sample (20 ml) was transferred to a 40 ml amber vial which was capped with a PTFE septum. 1, 2-Dichlorobenzene (10 µl) was added and the vial was incubated for 5 min at 35ºC, before a 75 µm Supleco SPME fiber Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) was introduced and exposed to the sample headspace for 30 minutes. The SPME fibre was then inserted into the GC-MS injection port and held for 15 minutes with the adsorbed components being effectively desorbed. The isolation and GC-MS analysis of volatiles from each sample of pennywort juice was repeated 4 times. 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 50 ºC for 3 min and programmed to increase at 4 ºC min-1. The final temperature was set at 240 ºC and held for 5 min. Retention times for a series of n-alkanes (C5-C25) were determined in the study by an analysis under exactly the same conditions, and they were used to calculate the LRI values of detected compounds. The relative concentrations of the investigated compounds were calculated by relating the area of the internal standard to the area of the compound of interest, defined as: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Flavour of fresh juice The flavour compounds in fresh and processed pennywort juice treated by heat and high pressure treatment are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. Fresh juice and high pressure processed juice contained 40 and 39 volatile components that could be identified, respectively, whereas pasteurized and sterilized juice contained 39 and 38 volatile compounds respectively. 29 Components occurred in all the fresh and processed juice samples, although in some samples only traces of some compounds were detected. Fresh juice was characterized by a high content of the oxygenated monoterpenes; linalool (335.5 ng/L), geraniol (146.9 ng/L) and β-cyclocitral (42.5 ng/L) and the sesquiterpenoid hydrocarbons β–caryophyllene (1344.0 ng/L) and humulene (1602.2 ng/L) were present at higher concentrations in the fresh juice than other volatiles. Chou (2005) and Oyedeji & Afolayan (2005) reported that the main compounds in the essential oil of pennywort were linalool, copaene, elemene, caryophyllene, cadinene, humulene, alloaromadendrene, farnesene, selinene, cuparene, caryophyllene oxide, bicyclogermacrene and myrcene. All these components except for bicyclogermacrene were detected in fresh juice in this study, and the volatile compounds included 4 alcohols, 6 aldehydes, 4 monoterpenoid hydrocarbons, 3 oxygenated monoterpenoid, 19 sesquiterpenoid hydrocarbons, 1 oxygenated sesquiterpenoid, 4 miscellaneous compounds (Table 1) as well as 19 unknown components (data not shown). Forty different varieties of C. asiatica have been identified throughout the world (de Padua, Bunyapraphatsara & Lemmens, 1999), so differences in reported volatile components are not surprising. Relative conc. = [Peak area of particular compound] x IS conc. Peak area of IS Statistical analysis. Mean total volatiles were analyzed by ANOVA one-way with a Tukey’s post-hoc test to assess significant differences between processing methods (p <0.05). Effects of processing on chemical classes There is no published information about the effect of heat and HPP treatment on volatile components of pennywort juice. The total concentration of volatile compounds in fresh juice was higher than in processed juice (p<0.05) and there was a non-significant trend in the order sterilized juice > HPP juice > pasteurized juice, respectively. Reductions in the concentration of acyclic alcohols, aldehydes, oxygenated monoterpenes, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, and oxygenated sesquiterpenes were detected after some of the processing operation, whereas ketones increased significantly (Table 2). Aldehydes and oxygenated sesquiterpenes were present at higher concentration in fresh juice than in other samples (p<0.05), monoterpene hydrocarbons were also found in high concentrations but there was no significant difference between HPP and heat-treated samples (p>0.05). In addition, there was no significant difference between fresh and HPP juice (p>0.05) in the total content of alcohols, ketones and oxygenated monoterpenoids. Moreover, there was no significant difference between HPP and processed juice (p>0.05) in the content of acyclic alcohols, aldehydes, oxygenated monoterpenes, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated sesquiterpenes, miscellaneous compounds and total volatiles as shown in Table 2. However, HPP caused more flavour volatiles in the acyclic alcohols class to be retained, with a trend to 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 greater retention of aldehydes and oxygenated monoterpenoids (p>0.05) than pasteurization and sterilization. Effects of processing on non-terpenoid compounds The fresh pennywort juice contained aldehydes including hexanal and 2-nonenal that were presumably formed by enzymatic oxidation in the plant post-harvest and during preparation of the juice. (E)-2-Nonenal and hexanal are biosynthesized in plant tissues by lipoxygenase-mediated lipid oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (Vichi, Guadayol, Caixach, Lopez-Tamames & Buxaderas, 2007; Hatanaka, 1996), although they may also be formed by autoxidation. Processing of the juice reduced the concentration of these components, but hexanal was found in sterilized samples in higher concentrations than in pasteurized and HPP juice, so some formation of this compound by autoxidation is suspected under sterilization conditions. Other aldehydes including 2-methyl-propanal, 3-methylbutanal, 2-methyl-butanal, 2, 6-nonadienal and 2-nonenal had decreased or disappeared after thermal treatment. Aldehydes are known to degrade readily by chemical reactions including acetal formation which occurs in the presence of alcohols under acid conditions (Jerry, 1992). Ketones including 2-butanone, 2-nonanone, 5-methyl-2-hexanone and 3-nonen-2-one were present after processing but not in the fresh juice, with concentrations of 2-nonanone and 3-nonen-2-one significantly higher in sterilized than in high pressure processed juice indicating these components were formed due to the high temperatures employed in sterilization. Acyclic alcohols including 1-penten-3-ol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol and hexanol were found in high abundance in fresh and HPP juice. These compounds might be formed during sample preparation because no action was taken to inactivate enzymes prior to extraction in this study. Hexanol was detected in the HPP juices. Stone, Hall & Kazeniac (1975) reported that alcohols (hexanol) are formed in plant tissues by alcohol oxidoreductase activity on C6 aldehydes (hexanal). Effects of processing on terpenoid compounds The class of oxygenated monoterpenes was reduced in concentration by processing (Table 2). β-Cyclocitral and caryophyllene oxide were found in fresh juice but not in processed juice. Since these components were amongst the less volatile of the volatile fraction, it is probable that these components were lost by chemical transformation. It was clear that these volatile components were retained better by HPP than by pasteurization or sterilization. Linalool was the major component of the oxygenated monoterpene class present in fresh juice, but it was found to be reduced (p<0.05) by the thermal processing of pennywort juice. Sterilization and pasteurization caused big drops in the concentration of linalool. αTerpineol was not detected in fresh juice but it was formed in low concentrations in high pressure processed juice. This component is considered to be desirable in many fruits, whereas in others it is perceived as an off-flavour (terpentine-like) (Dung, Moi, Nam, Cu & Leclercq, 1995). It is known to be formed in citrus juices from limonene and linalool by acidcatalyzed reactions (Haleva-Toledom Naim, Zehavi & Rouseff, 1999). Rui, Xiaoyan, Taixiang & Guanjjian (2007) reported isomerisation of linalool and dehydration to monoterpenes shown as Figure 1. Geraniol was not detected in sterilized pennywort juice, but was present in the fresh juice and in samples processed by other methods. This is also susceptible to dehydration under acid conditions (Jerry, 1992). In this study, terpinolene and α-terpinene were found in heat-treated samples but myrcene, α-pinene and β-pinene were found in all samples. In contrast, limonene was present only at trace levels in fresh juice, which is in agreement with the findings of Chou (2005), although Ali (2007) did detect D-limonene in pennywort juice. Our studies show that γterpenene, which contributes bitter flavours, was found in higher concentration in processed 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 samples. Myrcene, which was described as contributing pine odour to Piatacia lenticus (Seo & Beak, 2005) was present at a high concentration in all samples. β-Pinene is a compound with a plastic and pine-like aroma present in Piper nigrum, Pistacia lenticus, Argyranthemum adauctum, Sideritis bigerana (Zheng, Kim, Kim & Lee, 2005), water dropwort (Seo & Beak, 2005), carrot (Kreutzmann, Thybo, Edelenbos & Christensen, 2008) and it is also important for the overall aroma of omija leaves (Zheng, Kim, Kim & Lee, 2005). It was found at higher concentration in fresh pennywort juice than in processed samples (p<0.05). The sesquiterpene class, including β-caryophyllene, humulene, E-β-farnesene, αcopaene, alloaromadendrene and β-elemene was the major class of volatiles present in pennywort juice. β-Caryophyllene and (Z, E)-β-farnesene contributed to the woody note in water dropwort (Seo & Beak, 2005). All samples contained germacrene D but only trace levels were present in fresh and HPP juice. It has been reported as the predominant sesquiterpene in various essential oils of Pinus canariensis, P. pauce and P. pinaster and as the major volatile compound of omija leaves (Zheng, Kim, Kim & Lee, 2005). β-Elemene was found at a higher concentration in fresh pennywort juice than in other samples (p<0.05). It has also been reported in omija fruits, Murraya koenigii, Stachys swainsonii spp melangavica and it was identified as the main component of basil oil and omija leaves (Zheng, Kim, Kim & Lee, 2005). The oxygenated sesquiterpene, caryophyllene oxide was only detected in the fresh juice. Chou (2005) and Ali (2007) also detected caryophyllene oxide in pennywort. Temperature and pressure are important parameters in determining the juice aroma which may be modified by thermal and high pressure induced reactions. Some of the compounds detected in the processed juice including calamenene have not been reported previously in fresh pennywort juice. However, the effects of processing on volatile compounds in pennywort juice have not been reported previously. Benefits of HPP Processing compared to Thermal Processing Methods The main justification for HPP of foods is that more valuable constituents, for example, aroma compounds and vitamins (Gotz and Weisser, 2002), are retained than in thermally processed foods. In this study, many compounds were conserved better by HPP treatment including linalool, geraniol, α-copaene, alloaromadendrene, β-selinene, α-selinene and cuparene. Some compounds were present in fresh juice but were lost during HPP including 2, 6-nonadienal, 2-nonenal, β-cyclocitral, γ-cadinene, caryophyllene oxide and 4 unknown compounds (data not shown). In contrast, some of the identified compounds were not present in fresh juice but were found in HPP juice including γ-terpinene, 2-butanone, 3nonen-2-one, α-terpineol, tetrahydrofuran and 3 unknown compounds. These findings indicate that HPP can induce chemical changes which generate new compounds from components of the original juice. Several compounds were detected in heat-treated juice but were not found in fresh and HPP juice, including α-terpinene and α-ylangene. Some compounds were only detected in processed juice including hexanol, α-terpinene, γ-terpinene, terpiolene, ketones, α-terpineol, α-ylangene, bicyclogermacrene, γ-cadinene, tetrahydrofuran and 13 unknown compounds. However, some compounds which have been previously reported as components of fresh pennywort juice including bicyclogermacrene, which was present at 11.2% of the essential oil isolated by Oyedeji & Afolayan, 2005 , were not detected in the current study. Hendrickx, Ludikhuyze, Van den Broeck & Weemaes (1998) reported that high pressure process-induced enzyme activation and inactivation are relevant to food quality; enzyme activation can arise from pressure-induced decompartmentalization (Butz, Koller, Tauscher & Wolf , 1994 and Gomes & Ledward, 1996). However, the aldehydes e.g. hexanal, which may be formed by enzymatic processes were at low concentrations after high pressure processing, so there is no evidence for this phenomenon in this study. 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Yu & Chiang (1986) reported that pasteurization (75 ºC for 40 s) of passion fruit juice caused about 45% loss of flavor compounds based on total volatiles. For this study, there was a significant reduction in volatiles between fresh and high pressure and pasteurized samples (p<0.05) and a non-significant trend for a reduction in total volatiles between fresh and sterilized juice (p>0.05) (Table 2). Carelli, Crapiste & Lozano. (1991) considered the effect of temperature on the release of aroma compounds in apple juice, and it was found that raising the temperature from 25 to 65 ºC caused an increase in interactions between aroma compounds (pentyl acetate, hexanal, hexanol) and macromolecules in apple juice (fructose). Jouquand, Ducruet & Giampaoli (2004) also reported that aroma compounds bind to macromolecules by hydrophobic interactions and this effect was enhanced by heat treatment, which caused the lower release of aroma compounds in pasteurized orange juice. Decrease in juice flavour on processing may be caused by these interactions or by evaporation or thermal degradation (Su & Wiley, 1998). γ 2- Cadinene was not detected in the fresh juice and in the high pressure processed samples but was present in the thermally treated samples. However, γ-cadinene was present in the fresh juice but may have isomerised to the 2-isomer on heating. In conclusion, it appears that several chemical changes occurred as well as loss of volatiles during the heating processes of pasteurization and sterilization. Our data suggest that thermal and HPP treatment can cause chemical changes in some plant components eg by dehydration or isomerisation reactions. Although the total volatile concentration in sterilized juice was higher than in juice processed by other methods (p>0.05), some volatile components that were not present in the fresh juice were formed at high levels in the sterilized juice eg. γ-terpinene, ketones, γ 2-cadinene and germacrene D. This indicates that high pressure treatment could maintain the flavour better than pasteurization and sterilization. The detection of ketones is a good marker that processing has been applied to the juice. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank Mr. Andrew Dodson, Dr. J. Stephen Elmore and Professor Donald Mottram, Department of Food Biosciences, University of Reading, UK. for assistance in the GC- MS analysis and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Thailand for the generous financial support through the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) grant. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 REFERENCES Adams, R.P. (1995). Identification of essential oil components by GCMS. Allured Publishing Corporation Carol Stream, Illinois, USA. Ali, M.S.M. (2007). Analysis of phenolics and other phytochemicals in selected Malaysian traditional vegetables and their activities in vitro. PhD thesis. University of Glasgow, UK. Baranauskinene, R., Venshutonis, R.P. & Demyttenaere, J.C.R. (2003). Sensory and instrumental evaluation of catnip (Napeta Caaria L.) aroma. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51, 3840-3848. Butz,P., Koller, W.D., Tauscher, B. & Wolf, S. (1994). Ultra-high Pressure Processing of Onions: Chemical and Sensory Changes. 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Concentrations of volatile compounds identified in fresh and processed pennywort juices Mean concentration ± sd (ng/L) A Compounds (m/z) Fresh Acyclic alcohols 1-penten-3-ol 123.5±54.0 a 1-butanol, 3-methyl- 29, 37, 39, 42, 51, 53, 55, 57, 60, 70, 77 19.7±23.2 ns 1-butanol, 2-methyl- 39, 41, 43, 45, 53, 55, 57, 59, 70 43.5±29.5 a Hexanol nf b Aldehydes Propanal, 2-methyl- 29, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 50, 53, 55, 57, 59, 72, 74 97.5±85.6 a Butanal, 3-methyl- 29, 37, 39, 41, 44, 50, 53, 55, 58, 71, 86 79.5±38.0 a Butanal, 2-methyl- 41, 57, 71, 86 187.1±105.1 a Hexanal 142.4±68.2 a 2, 6-Nonadienal 88.2±68.6 a 2-Nonenal 72.7±55.0 a Ketone 2-Butanone nf ns 2-Nonanone nf b 2-Hexanone, 5-methyl- 43, 53, 58, 71 nf b 3-Nonen-2-one nf b Monoterpenes hydrocarbon α-Pinene 92.5±39.1 a β-Pinene 108.2±43.5 a Myrcene 167.2±77.4 ns α-Terpinene nf ns Limonene trace ns γ- Terpinene nf b Terpinolene nf b Oxygenated monoterpenoids Linalool 335.5±148.6a α-Terpineol nf ns β-Cyclocitral 42.5±30.4 a Geraniol 146.9±74.6 a Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons α-Cubebene 147.3±57.5 ns α-Ylangene nf b α-Copaene 537.6±221.1ns β-Elemene 248.6±107.5 a β-Caryophyllene 1344.0±1049.2 ns β- Copaene 41, 55, 69, 91, 105, 119, 133, 161, 204 16.6±14.6 ns (E)- β –Farnesene 551.8±200.5 ns Humulene 1602.2±668.7 ns Alloaromadendrene 258.3±105.0 a δ-Cadinene 29.7±8.3 ns γ 2-Cadinene nf b γ-Curcumene trace ns Germacrene D trace b Valencene 146.0±102.0 ns β-Selinene 34.9±27.3 ns α-Muurolene 50.5±42.4 ns Bicyclogermacrene nf b α-Selinene 130.2±68.1 a Cuparene 192.8±81.1 a γ-Cadinene 96.5±30.8 ab δ-Cadinene (armoise-Maroc) 163.1±50.7 ns Calamenene 101.7±34.1 ns Oxygenated Sesquiterpene Caryophyllene oxide 37.7±28.8 a Miscellaneous Dimethyl sulfide 29, 35, 43, 45, 47, 49, 58, 62, 64 840.9±429.6 a Tetrahydrofuran nf b Furan, 2-pentyl- 53, 81, 109, 138 87.9±23.7 a 1-Methyl-3-isopropylbenzene 51, 57, 65, 77, 91, 103, 115, 119, 134 138.3±53.9 ns 5-ethyl-1-formylcyclopentene 39, 63, 67, 77, 81, 91, 95, 109, 124 64.7±49.9 a HPP method of identificationB LRIC Pasteurization Sterilization 28.1±21.4 b nf b nf b 6.2±8.7 nf nf 12.2±10.4 ab 20.1±16.2 a nf b nf b nf b nf b 35.2±25.2 ab trace b trace b 26.2±20.0 ab 62.5±47.6 ab 8.6±9.9 b nf b nf b nf b 8.1±6.3 b 53.2±27.8 ab nf b nf b nf b -b 90.4±48.9 ab nf b nf b se se MS+LRI msO MS+LRI 659 669 805 1162 1168 12.8±9.0 nf b 18.5±18.3 21.2±10.7 ab 11.1±9.5 58.8±32.6 a MS+LRI MS+LRI 601 1095 nf b 16.8±27.6 b 30.9±22.6 a 123.5±72.5 ab 14.5±12.1 ab 185.7±98.2 a 24.7±22.8 b 29.1±26.5 b 86.8±110.2 nf 9.3±15.8 13.0±22.3 ab nf b 20.1±11.3 b 21.9±16.4 b 72.2±61.6 nf 15.3±11.1 65.1±50.2 ab 25.5±19.6 a 31.4±23.9 b 36.8±27.1 b 160.6±117.7 15.3±15.3 28.6±18.3 131.9±92.8 a 8.1±7.3 ab MS+LRI MS+LRI MS+LRI msN MS+LRI MS+LRI msF 940 987 993 1025 1037 1066 1094 208.0±177.4ab 5.4±7.9 nf b 45.7±45.0 b 83.6±48.1b nf b 22.9±17.1 b 82.0±49.5b nf b trace b MS+LRI MS+LRI MS+LRI MS+LRI 1106 1210 1235 1258 71.7±90.2 nf b 250.6±302.5 78.3±96.3 ab 710.3±864.0 44.7±24.7 6.8±9.0 ab 108.0±54.1 67.9±40.0 b 464.3±252.4 89.8±56.7 17.4±9.7 a 207.4±140.2 111.7±66.3 ab 750.0±449.8 msD msL msD msE msF 1361 1387 1394 1405 1444 248.5±338.9 685.6±827.7 105.8±134.0 ab 29.0±26.2 nf b 34.8±44.3 trace b 17.2±21.7 52.8±83.2 24.1±32.2 -b 46.7±61.5 ab 65.2±80.5 ab nf b 72.3±94.8 38.0±42.5 15.7±11.8 520.8±274.6 533.7±292.8 35.0±42.8 b 35.7±38.7 78.3±40.1 a 39.9±18.2 93.7±72.8 ab 68.6±32.0 13.9±9.2 11.6±12.6 ab 17.4±16.7 b nf b 84.0±46.2 ab 126.7±67.6 65.0±34.5 22.4±12.1 882.2±562.5 777.5±425.3 48.5±41.9 b 34.1±23.7 88.6±57.0 a 64.7±40.3 186.8±118.4 a 75.4±50.5 25.3±27.6 17.0±9.7 a 34.2±24.4 ab nf b 128.0±84.0 a 209.1±135.7 89.9±57.2 se msG msH msD msJ msI msE msD MS+LRI msE msL msD msK msM msD msD msJ 1451 1461 1481 1485 1393 1494 1498 1504 1514 1515 1518 1520 1521 1535 1535 1538 1544 nf b nf b nf b 190.3±159.7 b 71.5±58.1 a trace c 187.9±125.5 b trace b 13.7±12.3 bc 361.1±149.9 ab -b 34.2±19.9 b 54.3±63.8 91.6±68.1 nf b nf b A MS+LRI se se MS+LRI se se MS+LRI 689 736 741 873 567 1095 1145 msE 1613 se MS+LRI se 532 633 995 148.3±95.3 se 1033 nf b se 1042 Approximate quantities (ng) in headspace from 20 ml of sample were estimated by comparison with 100 ng of 1,2-dichlorobenzene internal standard, mean values of 3-4 replicates analyses are given; compounds identified below 2 ng are reported as trace; -, less than 0.5 ng; nf, not 9 found. B MS+LRI, mass spectrum and LRI agree with those of authentic compound; ms, mass spectrum agree with spectrum in mass spectral database or with those reported in previous studies as listed below; se, tentative identification from structure elucidation of mass spectrum. C LRI; Liner retention indices on a VF-5MS column D Kondjoyan, N. & Berdague, J. (1996) E Noueira, P., Bittrich, V., Shepherd, G., Lopes, A. & Marsaioli, A. (2001) F Quorn® G Priestap, H.A., van Baren, C.M., Lira, P.D.L., Coussio, J.D. & Bandoni, A.L. (2003) H Flavornet I Kilic, A., Hafizoglu, H., Kollmannsberger, H. & Nitz, S. (2004) J Vichi, S., Riu-Aumatell, M., Mora-Pons, M., Guadayol, J.M., Buxaderas, S. & Lopez-Tamames, E. & (2007) K Adams, R.P. (1995) L Baranauskinene, R., Venshutonis, R.P. & Demyttenaere, J.C.R. (2003) M Sacchetti, G., Maietti, S., Muzzoli, M., Scaglianti, M. Manfredini, S., Radice, M. & Bruni, R. (2005) N Flamini, G., Cioni, P.L., Morelli, I., Macchia, M. & Ceccarini, L. (2002) O Skaltsa, H.D., Demetzos, C., Lazari, D. & Sokoric, M. (2003) Table 2. Concentrations (ng/L) of volatile product groups Compound groups Acyclic alcohols Aldehydes Ketones Monoterpene hydrocarbons Oxygenated monoterpene Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons Oxygenated sesquiterpene Miscellaneous Total Fresh 186.8±54.4 a 665.6±44.7 a nf b 367.9±69.4 ns 524.9±149.5 a 5651.9±424.9 a 37.7±28.8 a 1634.2±168.6 a 9069.±1898.3 a Total concentration ± sd (ng/L) HPP Pasteurization 66.7±9.5 ab nf b 132.6±24.4 b 61.4±21.3 b 29.5±8.7 b 194.1±50.3 ab 162.8±30.2 219.9±26.8 259.1±97.6 ab 106.4±39.5 b b 2530.8±201.1 2431.6±165.2 b nf b nf b 435.8±41.3 b 550.6±42.4 b 3617.2±851.5 b 3564.0±821.9 b Sterilization nf b 90.4±36.9 b 270.1±81.7 a 412.8±61.0 82.0±41.0 b 3859.8±263.6 ab nf b 1168.6±77.5 ab 5883.7±1319.9 ab Total concentration with different letters within a row are significantly different (p<0.05) (Tukey’s), non significantly different (ns), compounds identified below 0.5 ng are reported as not found (nf). 10 11