LOCALIZED CORROSION OF 7XXX-T7 ALUMINUM ALLOYS IN CHLORIDE MEDIA1 Wilson de Jesus 2 Marinalda Claudete Pereira2 Roberto Zenhei 2 Abstract Corrosion behavior of 7010-T7, 7050-T7 and 7475-T7 aluminum-zinc alloys in weakly acidic 5% NaCl solution has been investigated using d.c. and a.c. electrochemical techniques. Dissolved oxygen influence upon corrosion mechanism has been discussed. Corrosion rate of these alloys in aerated solution is controlled by oxygen diffusion from solution towards cathodic sites through pores in corrosion films. Whereas in de-aerated solution, corrosion rate is mainly controlled by the dissolution process of a thin passive film. Pitting corrosion susceptibility increases in this order: 7475-T7<7010-T7<7050-T7 in both aerated and de-aerated environments. Key words: Aluminum alloys; Pitting corrosion. TÍTULO EM PORTUGUÊS Resumo Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Palavras-chave: Errrrrrrrr; Hnnnnnnnnn; Jnnnnnnnnnnnnn; Loooooooooo. 1 2 Technical Contribution to the xxst International Congress of the ABM, January 24-27th 2007, Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil. Sales Engineer,Heavy Industry of Schenck Process, Schenck Process GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany 1 INTRODUCTION Aluminum-zinc alloys use in aircraft components was not introduced until 1940s, after a long research in the mechanical stability of these alloys at a wide range of temperatures and pressures conditions. Aluminum-zinc alloys are attracting much attention because of their favorable strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance compared to conventional stainless steels.[1] Relatively little work has been done on corrosion of 7XXX aluminum-zinc alloys. Alloying elements such as zinc, copper, magnesium, and silicon added to aluminum improve mechanical properties but frequently reduce localized corrosion resistance, in particular, pitting and exfoliation corrosion. Stronger localized attack on alloys in comparison with aluminum has been ascribed to alloy surface microstructural heterogeneity.[2] Precipitates presence, inclusions and intermetallic particles provoke discontinuities during the layer growth and promote galvanic couples formation with the alloy matrix. Ternary and quaternary Albased particles frequently found in these alloys exhibit different electrochemical characteristics compared to the surrounding microstructure. Mg-containing particles tend to be anodic, while Cu, Fe and Mn-containing ones tend to be cathodic in relation to the matrix. In both cases, localized dissolution processes are promoted.[3] Since 7XXX aluminum alloys use to have good mechanical performance as aeronautical materials, it is essential to improve localized corrosion processes understanding. Therefore, this research aims to gain deeper insight at aluminum-zinc alloys corrosion mechanism in 5% NaCl, using d.c. and a.c. electrochemical techniques. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS EMBRAER S.A. (Brazil) has supplied 7010-T7, 7050-T7 and 7475-T7 aluminumzinc alloys, currently used to manufacture aircraft components. Metallic materials designation and chemical composition (weight %) are shown in Table 1. Open circuit potential measurements and potentiodynamics polarization curves at the 0.02 V min -1 scanning speed were carried out by an EG&G PAR 283 potentiostat/galvanostat. Experiments were made at 25o C 1o C in a conventional three-compartment double wall glass cell containing 5% NaCl solution at pH 6.0, which was prepared from analytical grade (p.a. Merck) reagents and bi-distilled water. Corrosion behavior has been studied in naturally aerated and de-aerated solutions. De-aeration was carried out before and during experiments by bubbling nitrogen into the solution. Table 1. Chemical composition (weight %) of aluminum alloys Alloy Nominal Zn % Mg % Cu % Zr % Fe % Mn % Cr % Si % 5.70-6.70 2.10-2.60 1.50-2.00 0.10-0.16 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.12 6.04 2.16 1.70 - 0.05 <0.01 0.01 0.09 7010 Experimental Aluminum alloy cylinders (cross-section 1 cm2) were embedded in polyester resin holders and employed as working electrodes. The counter electrode was a platinum wire and the reference one, a saturated calomel electrode (SCE). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were carried out by using an EG&G PAR 1025 FRD integrated with a PC system. In these experiments, an additional activated platinum probe coupled to the reference electrode through a 10 F capacitor was used to reduce phase shift errors at high frequencies. EIS data were collected at an open circuit potential in the frequency range between 10 5 Hz and 0.01 Hz at five points per decade. Before each experiment, working electrodes were mechanically ground with 600 and 1200 grade emery papers, polished with 1 m -Al2O3 and then rinsed with bidistilled water. Owing to the stochastic nature of localized corrosion processes, measurements had to be carried out at least four times. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In our previous work,[4] ‘as received’ aluminum-zinc alloys have been found to have elements homogeneity distributed and large numbers of ternary and quaternary aluminum-copper-iron particles with near-spherical and near-cylindrical geometries. After a laboratory immersion corrosion test in naturally aerated 5% NaCl solution,[5] corrosion products have formed a discontinue layer with remnant particles which induce pitting at their periphery and other particles, preferentially localized in grain boundaries, which initiate intergranular corrosion. Dissolution rates in mg dm-2 day-1 (mdd) of all metallic materials (15 mm x 15 mm x 1 mm specimens) were obtained from weight loss measurements. These measurements have provided the following corrosion rate ranking: 7475 (3.1 mdd) < 7010 (7.7 mdd) < 7050 (10.9 mdd). 3.1. Open Circuit Potential Measurements Figure 1 shows open circuit potential variation with time for aluminum-zinc alloys in aerated NaCl solution. In all cases, potentials increase rapidly during the first immersion hour and then it slowly decreases exhibiting oscillations as high as 0.01 V. Similar curves have been observed in other several alloys which undergo pitting corrosion in aerated chloride solutions.[6] The initial growth, breakdown and partial repair of corresponding passive film have explained this general behavior. The increase in anodic/cathodic area ratio with time is indicated by negative drift of open circuit potential. Surfaces microscopic observations after six immersion hours have revealed pitting corrosion in all alloys. However, formed pits on 7050-alloy surface are mainly hemispherical and own greater area than those formed on 7010 and 7475 alloys. -0,66 7475 7010 7050 E/V vs. SCE -0,68 -0,70 -0,72 -0,74 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 t/min Figure 1. Open circuit potential variation with time for aluminum-zinc alloys in aerated 5% NaCl solution. 3.2 Potentiodynamic Polarization Curves Fig. 2 Pereira et al. Potentiodynamic polarization curves of different alloys in aerated 5% NaCl have been recorded at a sweep rate of 0.02 V min-1 between –0.90 and –0.40 V. All curves seem to exhibit the same general features (Figure 2). Cathodic region displays a limiting current density (jl) associated with oxygen reduction reaction under diffusion control. Corrosion potential values (Ecorr) seem to be in good agreement with observed tendencies in open circuit potential measurements (Figure 1). In anodic region, current density increases with increasing applied potential due to the electrooxidation and dissolution processes. At potentials more positive than -0.60 V, a limiting current density (~0.1 A cm-2) for concentration polarization is reached. Among the studied alloys, 7050 appears to exhibit the most active Ecorr and the highest jl value (Table 2). This can be attributed to the depolarizer effect of intermetallic particles more noble than the alloy matrix, which acts as cathodes for oxygen reduction.[7] This way, different concentrations of cathodic aluminum-copper-iron particles, present in these alloys,[8] can modify the oxygen reduction rate. Table 2. Mean corrosion parameters values Aerated Solution De-aerated Solution Alloy jl/A cm-2 -Ecorr/V jp/A cm-2 -Ecorr/V -Epit/V -Erp/V Epit-Ecorr 7475 3.4 0.697 0.26 0.888 0.723 0.727 0.165 -0,4 7475 7010 7050 E/V vs. SCE -0,5 -0,6 -0,7 Ecorr -0,8 -0,9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -2 log(j/A cm ) Figure 2. Potentiodynamic polarization curves for aluminum-zinc alloys in aerated 5% NaCl solutions. 4 CONCLUSIONS Electrochemical and corrosion behavior of 7010-T7, 7050-T7 and 7475-T7 Fig.solutions 4 aluminum alloys in weakly acidic 5% NaCl have been characterized. These Pereira et al. alloys exhibit similar electrochemical response. Their localized corrosion resistances depend upon microstructural heterogeneity and surface film stability in aggressive media. Different behaviors of alloys in aerated and de-aerated solutions may be connected with different cathodic particles concentrations and changes in film porosity and thickness. The susceptibility to pitting corrosion increases in the order 7475-T7< 7010T7<7050-T7 in both aerated and deaerated environments. REFERENCES 1 STARKE JR., E.A.; STALEY, J.T. Title of article. Prog. Aeros. Sci., v. 32, p. 131-139, 1996. 2 MCCAFFERTY, E. Title of article. Corros. Sci., v. 45, n. 7, p.1421-31, 2003.