Fernley Rodeo Association 2015 Queen Competition August 6 & 7 2015 The Fernley Rodeo Association Queen Competition is being held to find young ladies ages 9 years to 26 years to represent Fernley & Fernley Rodeo Association, which includes Senior Pro Rodeo and a Barrel Race, as an ambassador in the community and state. NO ENTRY FEE to compete. However Contestants must secure sponsor funding. Applications are available online at fernleyrodeo.com Meet the Judges & Competition Begins! Thursday August 6, 2015 Fernley Out of Town Arena Contest Dates: August 6th CROWNING CEREMONY August 7th @ 6pm Fernley Fairgrounds in the Park Day of Ready Prepare for the Competition with experts! TBA Entry Deadline (must be postmarked by): Monday July 13, 2015 Applications and Packets are available by emailing Melisa Shepherd, Queen Committee Co-Chair at fernleyqueencochair@aol.com or call at 775-378-0669. Your packet will outline the competition schedule, dress requirements and judging categories. Check out Fernley Rodeo Association Queen & Princess on facebook!!! Duties include attending Fernley Senior Pro Rodeo events, August 4 through 9, 2015; additional Fernley events, parades and other identified supporting appearances. Throughout the year the queen will visit with clubs and service organizations and make a few appearances at events, while helping promote the Fernley Rodeo Association, the Fernley community, and recruit ladies for next year’s competition. Fernley Rodeo Association QUEEN COMPETITION The Fernley Rodeo Association Queen Competition is being held to select young ladies who have the desire and enthusiasm to serve as a good-will ambassadors for the Fernley Rodeo Association and the community. WHO IS Miss Fernley Rodeo? Miss Fernley Rodeo is an ambassador of our community who wishes to promote the sport of rodeo and it’s events, and in so doing, promotes the great Western way of life. She is the ideal Western type American girl who has an appealing appearance, a congenial personality and knowledge of the equine industry, our community, and the sport of rodeo. WHAT TYPE OF YOUNG LADY DOES THE MISS FERNLEY RODEO ASSOCIATION COMPETITION ATTRACT? • A young lady who wishes to be an ambassador of the community she represents, and the rodeo. • A young lady who loves horses and everything they represent, and who is willing to show the rest of our community what can be accomplished when surrounded by this environment. • A young lady who portrays excellent sportsmanship and high moral ethical character. • A young lady who understands the sport of rodeo and is able to explain and “promote” rodeo to anyone with whom she may come in contact, especially those unfamiliar with the sport. • A young lady who is able to speak intelligently and display dignity. FERNLEY RODEO ASSOCIATON PRINCESS: 9 – 13 years old FERNLEY RODEO ASSOCIATON TEEN QUEEN: 14 – 18 years old MISS FERNLEY RODEO ASSOCAITON: 19 – 26 years old MRS. SENIOR PRO RODEO: 40 years and up Several age groups and titles are available depending upon interest from young ladies in the community. Please see age descriptions outlined here. Important Information The Contest will be held on August 6, 2015 at the Fernley Rodeo Out of Town arena. Queen events take place beginning at 10 am on Thursday and end with coronation on Friday August 7, 2015 during our Dinner/Concert. Each contestant will be asked to sell tickets prior to the contest. The sooner we receive your application, the sooner you may receive the rodeo tickets to sell. (Money and unsold tickets will be due August 6, 2015 at orientation.) Each contestant is required to secure at least one sponsor/supporter in order to compete, as outlined in this packet in lieu of an entry fee. Friends, supporters and sponsors can be anyone you know! Fernley Rodeo Association Wardrobe/Dress Requirements: Please do not invest a lot of money in new clothes for the contest. We want you to feel comfortable, look neat, and enjoy your time with us. This is an area where you can have some questions, so please, freely call us to ask for guidance, if needed. The outfit to be worn during meet and greet on Wednesday (outfit #1) should be a pair of Wranglers, off the rack, any color and a dressy western shirt (may be embellished or custom made), boots, belt and western cowboy hat. Your horsemanship outfit (outfit #2) should be a pair of blue Wranglers, a white long sleeve shirt (may be eyelet, have white embroidery or clear crystals/rhinestones, NO AB), boots, belt, and western cowboy hat. Outfit #1 may be worn for community visits. The outfit for Speeches and impromptu questions (outfit #3) is your choice and can include a shirt and slacks, a shirt and skirt, or a dress, all to be worn with boots, a belt, western cowboy hat and accessories. Please do not invest in a traditional leather rodeo queen dress, as we do not want to see these at this competition. This outfit is where you are encouraged to be creative and put together a modern, western outfit that reflects the current trends and styles that you enjoy. Take time to notice the NEW items in your local western stores and online. You may also choose to reflect a traditional look and use your freedom and creativity to show a new style you want to influence in consideration of the new trending in design. When considering the wardrobe schedule you can choose to have more than one of any of the outfits listed above, or you may choose to enter the competition using only one of each. This is acceptable on both counts. ALL OUTFITS SHOULD INCLUDE BELT, BOOTS AND HAT OF YOUR CHOICE! Horsemanship: Each Contestant must make arrangements to have a horse to ride for Round #1, an AQHA Reining pattern, for the horsemanship portion of the competition. Pattern will be chosen after all applications have been received. For Round #2, contestants over the age of eighteen, may be given the opportunity to trade out or switch to a horse they have never ridden to complete a flag run, queen wave run and pushing a cow through the arena, depending on and taking into consideration horses present and available. However, contestants should be prepared to participate in Round #2 with their own horse, if the trade out opportunity does not exist. All horses brought to the competition should be considered able to complete all areas of the competition safely and effectively with any rider. If the horse you ride for Round #1, is not able to participate in Round #2, you might be asked to make arrangements for another horse to be available. The coordinator and/or committee must approve all horses being brought so please communicate with them prior to the competition. Fernley Rodeo Association Speech Topic: You may choose one of the following topics for your 2-minute speech. Dress for speech will be outfit #3. Your hometown The sport of Rodeo or anything pertaining to rodeo or the western lifestyle The history and/or any topic relating to Senior Pro Rodeo/Fernley Rodeo Association ITEMS YOU WILL NEED TO TURN IN WITH QUEEN CONTEST ENTRY: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. One 8 x 10 color photograph, printed and on disk, or via email file (jpg or other). Photos are to be with no crown or banner, neutral background and bust photo only. (Photos will not be returned) Queen Contestant Biography (must be typed) Contestant entry form - NO ENTRY FEE FOR 2013/2014 Royalty Queen Contest Contract & Waiver Form Each Queen contestant will receive 25 admission tickets to sell prior to the Queen contest, after their entry is received by the Queen Director. Sponsor forms and money for each sponsor ENTRIES MUST POSTMARKED BY July 13, 2015 – NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. If you have any questions call Melisa Shepherd 775-378-0669 or email fernleyqueencochair@aol.com Qualifications 1. All contestants must bring in at least one Friend/Supporter level sponsor to compete as outlined, This is done so we may waive the normal entry fee required: $150 or more FERNLEY RODEO ASSOCIATION PRINCESS: 9 – 13 years old FERNLEY RODEO ASSOCIATION TEEN QUEEN: 14 – 18 years old $200 or more MISS FERNLEY RODEO ASSOCIATION: 19 – 26 years old MRS. SENIOR PRO RODEO: 40 years and up This may be done by combining several friends and/or approaching on friend or business to support you. Please use the special Fernley Rodeo Association Information sheet provided in this packet when you are securing supporters/sponsors. If you have questions, we are happy to guide you in this task. Please call us to ask any question you might have. Supporters/Sponsor money, ticket sales money, unsold tickets must be turned in on August 6, 2015 Fernley Rodeo Association 2. All contestants must be single, not have been married or pregnant, nor have any children out of wedlock, except Senior Pro Rodeo Queen. 3. Contestants must be residents of Nevada and reside in Lyon County or any county that borders Lyon County. Eligible counties are: Lyon, Washoe, Carson, Churchill, Storey and Douglas counties. 4. Contestants must attend Fernley Rodeo Association Senior Pro Rodeo and supporting events. Each contestant should try to sell a bundle of at least 25 general admission tickets for the Fernley rodeo. Rules and Regulations 1. Contestants must complete the contest application and submit the required documents along to enter the contest. 2. Each contestant must conduct herself in a professional manner, portray high moral standards and good sportsmanship, or she will be disqualified. 3. Contestants are to provide their own transportation to and from the contest and all promotional activities. 4. Contestants are required to have or make arrangements to have a suitable horse for use at the Rodeo and other related events, but it need not be the horse used in the contest. 5. Final decision in all categories will be that of the judges. 6. Contestants are required to provide their own wardrobes. 7. Parents, friends, and relatives are encouraged to attend any or all activities designated and agree to abide by all rules and regulations. Please invite them to come and provide the needed information to them. 8. Contestants are not permitted at any time during the contest or as reigning queen to drink alcoholic beverages, smoke, or use foul language in public. 9. All contestants and winner of the contest are required to dress western when representing the Fernley Rodeo Association and/or Senior Pro Rodeo in any capacity. 10. Any problems that arise should quickly be directed to your Queen Coordinator. 11. After the coronation, each contestant is expected to stay and behave appropriately as well as show good sportsmanship. Misconduct could cause ineligibility for future contests. Fernley Rodeo Association Application Instructions: Please type or write using ink. This entry form, one 8” x 10” color photo printed and on disk or via email file (jpg), the participant contract and waiver must be received on or before July 13. 2015 Fernley Rodeo Association Name: Phone #: ( ) Address: City: Zip Code: Email: Age as of September 18th: Date of Birth: _____________ Title Competing for: ________________________________________________ (see page 2 for age grouping) Your employer (if applicable): ____________________________________________ Elementary/Middle/High School: _________________________________________________________________________ College/Major: _______________________________________________________________ Life Goals /Career: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ How long have you been riding? Do you own your own horse? Daily newspaper in your area: _______________________________________________ Information about you and your horse (description of horse(s), events that you compete in, horse related awards that you have won, etc.): List your special activities, interests, and hobbies and awards or recognition you have received (not rodeo or horse related): Please write a short autobiography (80-90 words) about yourself for the program. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fernley Rodeo Association ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Please tell us why you want to REPRESENT the Fernley Rodeo Association and the NSPRA Rodeos in Fernley as a queen and what you want to offer the association as its 2015 queen/princess. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ** PLEASE RETURN THE APPLICATION, ONE 8” X 10” COLOR PHOTO PRINTED AND ON DISK OR VIA EMAIL FILE FORM (JPG), THE PARTICIPANT CONTRACT, AND WAIVER ON OR BEFORE JULY 13, 2015. MAIL TO: Gina Stammers PO Box 1392 FERNLEY, NV 89408 Fernley Rodeo Association Participant Contract I, the undersigned Fernley Rodeo Association contestant (MVD), agree to abide by the following statements, and understand that violation of any may result in my immediate disqualification from this contest: 1. I will attend all required activities and events as scheduled and directed. 2. I will maintain a desirable attitude, professional conduct, and be honest. 3. I will meet all eligibility requirements. 4. I will not act, appear, or be under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs at any time while representing the Fernley Rodeo Association. 5. I will not attempt to influence or affect the outcome of the contest at the expense of a fellow contestant, a contestant’s property or horse, or any other behavior or conduct deemed unacceptable by the Coordinator and/or Judges. 6. I agree for pictures to be released to newspapers as well as other publications for publicity of the Fernley Rodeo Association. Should I be selected as the 2015 Miss Fernley Rodeo Association and or Association Queen, princess etc., I also agree to the following: 1. As an official ambassador of the Fernley Rodeo Association or, MFRA, I shall represent rodeo in a positive, professional and honorable manner. 2. I will adhere to and demonstrate high moral, ethical and professional character. 3. I will represent excellent sportsmanship and humane treatment of animals in all competitive and recreational activities. 4. I will act, dress, and speak properly at any time while in public, including appearing in full western attire with hat, crown and banner when appropriate. 5. I will be available to all reasonable requests and opportunities to appear in public on behalf of Fernley Rodeo Association, including but not limited to: Nevada Day, Veterans, Fernley Christmas and July 4th parades; School visits to Cottonwood for Nevada Day, Fernley Intermediate for Special Olympics Day and any other reasonable visits that do not cause a conflict of schedule making it impossible to attend. 4-H meetings and/or other club meetings; Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo, Silver State Stampede and any other in state rodeos; Fernley Farm Days, Reno Rodeo and most of it’s queen appropriate activities; FRA queen workshops and Day of Ready for competition preparation; Nevada Queen competitions where possible AND ANY OTHER IDENTIFIED , Planned event by the queen coordinator. 6. I will allow my name and likeness to be used at no obligation in the promotion of Fernley Rodeo Association. 7. I will routinely consult with the Coordinator to schedule approved appearances, and not appear as MFRA unless previously approved by the Coordinator. 8. I will be present through the 2015 contest and coronation for Fernley Rodeo Association and will attend at the 2015 opening performance to pass on the title Miss Fernley Rodeo Association, Queen etc. 9. I understand that the crown/s and chaps (if provided) are property of the Fernley Rodeo Association committee, and should they be lost or damaged while under my control I will be held responsible for replacing them. I understand and accept that in the event that I fail to comply in part or whole with any of the above requirements as MFRA, I will promptly be relieved of my title and its inherent duties, responsibilities and benefits, and return all gifts and prizes. The first runner-up will then assume the position, including its duties and responsibilities for the remainder of the reign, provided that she meets the eligibility requirements. Should the first runner-up fail to meet those qualifications, or be unwilling to assume those duties, the second runner-up will be the new MFRA, also contingent upon meeting eligibility standards. All of the information contained within this application is true and correct. I understand, accept, and am willing to carry out the duties and responsibilities as outlined in this application, as MFRA or a runner-up. Printed Name: Signature: Date: Contact phone # ___________________________________________________________ Fernley Rodeo Association WAIVER OF LIABILITY I, ______________________ (PARTICIPANT) ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE VOLUNTARILY APPLIED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 2014 MISS FERNLEY RODEO ASSOCIATION COMPETITION AT THE FERNLEY RODEO OUT OF TOWN ARENA, WHICH INCLUDES RIDING HORSE, BEING AROUND UNFAMILIAR HORSES AND HORSE ACTIVITIES WHICH IS INHERENTLY DANGEROUS AND CAN CAUSE BODILY INJURY OR DEATH. I AM AWARE THAT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED ACTIVITIES ARE HAZARDOUS ACTIVITIES, AND I AM VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING IN THESE ACTIVITIES WITH KNOWLEDGE OF DANGER INVOLVED, AND AGREE TO ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. I UNDERSTAND MY ACTIONS HA THE GREATEST IMPACT ON MY OWN SAFTEY AND I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE CHOICES. I VERIFY THIS STATEMENT BY PLACING MY INITIALS HERE: AS CONSIDERATION FOR BEING PERMITTED BY FERNLEY RODEO ASSOCIATION/SENIOR PRO RODEO AND THE CITY OF FERNLEY TO PARTICIPATE IN THESE ACTIVITIES AND USE THEIR FACILITIES, I HEREBY AGREE THAT I, MY ASSIGNEES, HEIRS, DISTRIBUTEES, GUARDIANS, NEXT OF KIN, SPOUSE AND LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES WILL NOT MAKE CLAIM AGAINST, SUE, OR ATTACH THE PROPERTY OF FERNLEY RODEO OUT OF TOWN ARENA OR ANY OF THEIR AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER ACTS, HOWEVER CAUSED, BY EMPLOYEE, AGENT, OR CONTRACTOR OF FERNELY RODEO ARENA OR ANY OF THEIR AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS AS A RESULT OF MY PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTIVITIES DESCRIBED ABOVE. I FOREVER RELEASE FERNLEY RODEO ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE AND FERNLEY RODEO OUT OF TOWN ARENA AND ANY OF THEIR AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS FROM ANY AND ALL ACTIONS, CLAIMS OR DEMAND THAT I, MY ASSIGNEES, HEIRS, DISTRIBUTEES, GUARDIANS, NEXT OF KIN, SPOUSE AND LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES NOW HAVE OR MAY HEREAFTER HAVE FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITIES DESCRIBED ABOVE. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I AM AWARE THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND A CONTRACT BETWEEN ME, (IF UNDER 18) MY PARENT/ LEGAL GUARDIAN AND FERNLEY RODEO ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE AND FERNLEY RODEO OUT OF TOWN ARENA AND/OR THEIR AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS AND I SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL. EXECUTED AT , CITY 20___ ON STATE DATE PLEASE SIGN, PRINT NAME ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER PARTICIPANT / RELEASER PARENT / IF UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Fernley Rodeo Association A young lady’s experience gained from participating in any one of the Miss Rodeo competitions is immeasurable. The pageants offer young women the opportunity to garner one of the richest experiences of their lives, while creating solid foundations for their future endeavors. Lifelong friendships are made and many doors are opened—to all competitors, as well as the young lady selected to wear the crown. F S Rodeo Queens are well versed on the sport of professional rodeo, rodeo in our state, horsemanship skills, appropriate appearance, have a pleasing personality and are excellent public speakers. Rodeo Queens are ideal western-type girls who take to heart the job of representing America’s number one sport. They work to educate the public and raise the awareness level of professional rodeo and its related industries. They represents the interests of professional rodeo and the western way of life, including good character traits, a never say die attitude and the compassion to care about the community and those around her. Friend & Supporter Sponsor Acknowledgement & Thank You Listed on appropriate materials, including program for Fernley Senior Pro Rodeo , on queens page I’ve Gone Country Sponsorship Acknowledgment & Thank You Logo on materials, including program for Fernley Senior Pro Rodeo, on queens page Banner in rodeo arena during performances Giddy Up Sponsorship Acknowledgment & Thank You Logo on appropriate materials, webpage and/or facebook page, including program for FSPR, on queens page 1/4 page ad in Senior Pro Rodeo program and Banner in rodeo arena during performances 12 tickets to rodeo performance Turn & Burn Sponsorship Acknowledgment & Thank You Logo & link where appropriate, webpage and/or facebook page, including program for Vaquero Days, on queens page 1/2 page ad space in Senior Pro Rodeo program Banner in rodeo arena during performances and 24 tickets to rodeo performance Queen/Princess Appearance at one scheduled company event 4 VIP seats at queen competition Company logo wear will be worn as provided (when appropriate & pre arranged) $50 - $200 or IN KIND support $250 - $500 $550 - $750 $750 - $1000 NAME: _____________________________________ ______ Friend & Supporter ($50—$200) Company: __________________________________ ______ I’ve Gone Country ($250—$500) ADDRESS: __________________________________ ______ Giddy Up ($550—$750) CITY: ______________________________________ ______ STATE: _________________ Turn & Burn ($750—$1000) ZIP: ____________ PHONE: ____________________________________ EMAIL: ___________________________________ CELLULAR: _________________________________ _______YES! We want to become a partner! We will need sponsor provided logos and/or art for your ad within established deadlines. You can send this to FERNLEYRODEOQWUEEN@YAHOO. We will contact you to discuss details when we receive your formal request to become a partner and sponsor! Fern Que