Scientific Bulletin of the Electrical Engineering Faculty – Year 10 No. 2 (13) ISSN 1843-6188 GLOBAL SURVEY OF GEOTHERMAL POWER PRODUCTION. ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF HIGH ENTHALPY TECHNOLOGIES R. RAMOS, M.E. MONDÉJAR, J.J. SEGOVIA, M.C. MARTÍN, M.A. VILLAMAÑÁN and C.R. CHAMORRO Grupo de Termodinámica y Calibración (TERMOCAL), Dpto. Ingeniería Energética y Fluidomecánica, Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales, Universidad de Valladolid, Paseo del Cauce, 59, E-47011-Valladolid, Spain E-mail: Flash power plants Flash steam power plants are used when a mixture of steam and liquid is produced at the wellhead of the hydrothermal reservoir. This type of reservoir is most common than vapor-dominant reservoirs. In single–flash power plants mixture from the wellhead is separated into different phases in a flash vessel and vapor is sent to the turbine-generator unit. Design of single-flash power plants may be improved if liquid-phase goes through an additional flash process to obtain more steam at a lower pressure. Double-flash power plants obtain more power output from the same geothermal reservoir than singleflash power plants, usually a 15-25 % more. Binary plants When water temperature in the geothermal reservoir is lower than 150 ºC appropriate technology is binary cycle. In binary plants working fluid, other than geothermal fluid, undergoes a closed cycle. Working fluid receives energy from geothermal fluid through a heat-exchanger unit and evaporates, expands in the turbine, condenses and a pump returns it to the heat exchanger. Most binary plants are based on Rankine or Kalina cycles. Other technologies Besides these traditional techniques are other interesting possibilities that increase global efficiency of geothermal power plants, like combined cycle and hybrid technologies with fossil fuels or with other renewable energies. Abstract: This communication presents world current status of geothermal power production. Geothermal energy has been used to produce electricity for over 100 years. Today world installed electric generation capacity is more than 10000 MW. Most of the geothermal power plants use the scarce high enthalpy hydrothermal resources. In this communication an analysis from energy, environmental and economic points of view of the high temperature (high enthalpy) geothermal power plants technologies is presented. Given some reservoir characteristics, optimization process allows to determine the best thermodynamic parameters for plant operation. For a given reference economic frame a financial analysis has been performed. Keywords: Geothermal energy, Geothermal power production 1. INTRODUCTION Electric generation from geothermal sources has a long history of more than one hundred years. In 1904, in Larderello (Italy), Prince P. G. Conti set up the first device able to produce electricity from a geothermal steam well. Ten years later, in 1914, in the same location, a 250 kW turbo-alternator was the first commercial geothermal power system connected to the electric grid. Since those historic days several countries have developed geothermal power plants using the relatively scarce high-temperature hydro-geothermal reservoirs. Electric energy produced from geothermal resources is only a small percentage, less than 0.5 % of world´s electricity needs, but emerging exploitation technologies will allow a significant increase of the contribution of this renewable energy source in a near future. 1.2 World current status of geothermal power production Geothermal power plants based in the above mentioned technologies are running in at least 24 countries in the world. Nowadays installed power capacity exceeds 10000 MWe, and annual energy produced is near 60000 GWh (2008 GIA Annual Report [1]). Table 1 shows installed capacity and annual electricity generated by country in 2008. Figure 1 shows the evolution of world installed capacity since 1975 (Bertani [2], 2008 GIA Annual Report [1]). Two periods with a bigger slope may be observed in this graph. The first, from 1975 to 1980, due to the effect of 1973 oil crisis in energy markets, and the second one, from 2005 to our days, due to the recent increasing interest in geothermal energy. Rising trend of this last period is confirmed by the large number of 1.1 Geothermal power generating technologies In general terms three main technologies are in use today to produce electricity from geothermal reservoirs. These well established technologies are dry steam, flash and binary plants. Technology used is directly related with the state of the fluid and its temperature as it comes from the well of the geothermal reservoir. Dry steam power plants Dry steam power plants use high temperature, vapordominant, hydrothermal reservoirs. Steam from the well passes through the turbine-generator unit and produces electricity. 48 Scientific Bulletin of the Electrical Engineering Faculty – Year 10 No. 2 (13) ISSN 1843-6188 geothermal power plants, mainly binary-cycle type, under construction, or planned, in several countries. Electricity generated is a better indicator of the great interest of geothermal energy than installed capacity since capacity factor of geothermal power plants is higher than other types of power plants, and by far the highest of all renewable. Capacity factor is defined as the actual electricity generated for a period of time divided by the energy the plant would have produced at full nominal capacity for the same time. For geothermal power plants capacity factor can reach values as high as 90 %, against much lower values for other renewable energies: hydro (20 - 70 %), biomass (25 - 80 %), wind (20 – 30 %), solar photovoltaic (8 – 20 %), solar thermal electricity (20 – 35 %) or tidal (20 – 30 %) (Fridleifsson, [3]). Table 1. Geothermal power installed capacity and annual electricity generated by country and total in 2008. Country Australia Austria China Costa Rica El Salvador Ethiopia France Germany Guatemala Iceland Indonesia Italy Japan Kenya Mexico New Zealand Nicaragua Papua N.Guinea Philippines Portugal Russia Thailand Turkey USA TOTAL Installed capacity MWe 0.1 1.1 27.8 162.5 204.2 7.3 14.7 6.6 53.0 575.0 992.0 810.5 535.3 128.8 958.0 632.0 87.4 56.0 1970.0 23.0 79.0 0.3 38.0 3040.0 10405.0 Electricity generated GWh/yr 2 3 96 1145 967 not available 2 18 212 4000 6085 5181 3064 1088 7056 3962 271 17 9419 90 85 2 105 15000 57957 1.3 The future of geothermal electricity High-temperature hydrothermal reservoirs are only a small part of the huge amount of energy stored in the Earth’s crust. Moderate-temperature hydrothermal reservoirs, by far more abundant, may be exploited through binary cycle power plants. This technology will become the most important contribution to global geothermal power production in a near future. In the long term, Enhanced (or Engineered) Geothermal Systems (EGS) will allow to exploit Hot Dry Rock (HDR) reservoirs. This will provide almost unlimited energy, since almost any geological site at a convenient depth could be considered as a reservoir. In 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) published a report on the future of geothermal power. The main conclusion was that EGS could produce 100 GWe, only in the U.S., by 2050, if a reasonable investment was guaranteed (MIT [4]). 2. HIGH ENTHALPY HYDRO-GEOTHERMAL POWER SYSTEMS Dry steam and flash power plants, which use the scarce high-temperature (high enthalpy) hydrothermal reservoirs, represent today more than 90 % of the total installed capacity. Binary power plants, despite being the more numerous, account for less than a 10 % of the total installed capacity, due to their small power per unit (less than 4 MWe by average). Table 2 shows number of units, total installed capacity and average size by plant type at 2007 (DiPippo [5]). Table 2. World power plant distribution by plant type (2007 data). Installed Average Capacity size Plant type Units MWe MWe Dry steam (DS) Single flash (1F) Double-flash (2F) Other (mainly binary) Figure 1. Evolution of installed geothermal power generation since 1975. It must be pointed out that in some of the countries mentioned in Table 1 more than 10 % of national power generation capacity is geothermal, and in some of these cases more than 20 % of electricity consumed in the country comes from this renewable source. 61 159 69 214 2471 4015 2191 834 40.5 25.3 31.8 3.9 To study high enthalpy hydrothermal power systems, Dry steam (DS), Single-flash (1F) and Double-flash (2F), from energy, environmental and economic points of view, we have defined three model power plants based on average size for actual geothermal power plants 49 Scientific Bulletin of the Electrical Engineering Faculty – Year 10 No. 2 (13) of each technology, and comparable reservoir conditions. Regarding reservoir characteristics we have assumed that saturated water at the wellhead has a temperature of 200 ºC (saturation pressure of 15.55 bar), for the three models, and is saturated liquid for the 1F and 2F model plants, and saturated vapor for the DS model plant. Specific exergy, e, for water streams at the wellhead are calculated by: e = h – h0 – T0·(s– s0) Table 4. Operating parameters of the three model plants (1) where h, s are water specific enthalpy and entropy at wellhead temperature and pressure, and h0, s0 are water specific enthalpy and entropy at ambient conditions T0 and P0 (T0 = 15 ºC and P0 = 1 bar). Mass flow, ṁ, at the wellhead is assumed to be 500 kg/s for the 1F and 2F models. To allow comparisons between the three models proposed even though DS power plant uses a qualitatively better resource, with a much higher specific exergy value, a smaller mass flow rate (96.90 kg/s) has been assumed for the DS power plant. This value has been calculated to make equal the exergy flow, Ė, of the three streams at wellhead: Ė = ·e ISSN 1843-6188 Item DS 1F 2F Wellhead T (ºC) 200 200 200 Wellhead P (bar) 15.55 15.5 15.55 Steam flow (kg/s) 96.90 - - First flash T (ºC) - 120.4 145.8 First flash P (bar) - 2.015 4.24 1F Steam flow (kg/s) - 78.74 56.04 Second flash T (ºC) - - 95.3 Second flash P (bar) - - 0.86 2F Steam flow (kg/s) - - 97.98 Condenser T (ºC) 50 50 50 Condenser P (bar) 0.124 0.124 0.124 Isentropic efficiency for turbines has been corrected according to the Baumann rule to take into account the fact that turbines for the three defined models will operate always in the wet region. Assuming the dry turbine isentropic efficiency to be constant ηtd = 0.85, the isentropic efficiency for a turbine operating with wet steam, ηtw, is given by: (2) ηtw = ηtd·(x1+x2)/2 Water properties are calculated from the IAPWS Formulation for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ordinary Water Substance for General and Scientific Use [6]. Table 3 summarizes main parameters defining reservoir characteristics at wellhead for these three model plants. where x1 and x2 are vapor quality at turbine inlet and outlet. In studied cases steam enters the turbine as saturated vapor, and x1 is always 1. Mass flow rate for the turbine in the DS plant is the same that comes from the reservoir. For 1F and 2F model plants steam flow is calculated from operating conditions in the flash separators. For the 2F model plant two independent turbines have been considered: one high pressure turbine (HPT) for the steam produced in the first flash, and one low pressure turbine (LPT) for the saturated vapor resulting from the mixture of steam produced in the second flash with the exhaust of the HPT. Results for the energy analysis are presented in Table 5. Table 3. Reservoir characteristics at wellhead for the three defined model geothermal power plants Item DS 1F 2F Water temperature (ºC) 200 200 200 State sat. vap. sat. liq. sat. liq. Specific exergy (kJ/kg) 940.76 182.33 182.33 Mass flow rate (kg/s) 96.90 500 500 Exergy flow (MW) 91.16 91.16 91.16 (3) Table 5. Energy analysis of the three model plants. Item ηtw Steam flow (kg/s) HPT ηtw HPT Steam flow (kg/s) LPT ηtw LPT Steam flow (kg/s) Turbine power (MW) Auxiliary consumption 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The three model plants defined above have been studied from energy, environmental and economical points of view. 3.1 Energy and environmental analysis Wellhead temperature and pressure are equal for the three model plants. In 1F and 2F model plants, the pressure (and corresponding saturation temperature) for flash separation has been optimized to obtain maximum power output in the turbines. Results for such optimization process are shown in table 4. Condenser pressure in all cases is assumed to be 12.4 kPa (condensing steam temperature of 50 ºC). 50 DS 1F 2F 0.783 0.810 - 96.90 78.74 - - - 0.822 - - 56.04 - - 0.793 - - 97.98 55.59 26.92 34.25 (% of turbine production) 5 7 8 Plant power (MW) Exergy efficiency Capacity factor (%) Elect. Gen. (GWh/yr) 52.81 25.04 31.51 0.579 0.275 0.346 90 90 90 416.49 197.21 248.50 Scientific Bulletin of the Electrical Engineering Faculty – Year 10 No. 2 (13) ISSN 1843-6188 Energy consumptions for auxiliary equipment in the plants have been estimated to be a 5% of the turbine production for the DS model plant, a 7% for the 1F plant and 8% for the 2F model plant. For the estimation of electricity generated per year (GWh/yr) a capacity factor of 90% has been assumed. The net annual CO2 emission reduction is estimated to be 159122 tons of CO2 for the DS plant, 75345 tons of CO2 for the 1F plant, and 103777 tons of CO2 for the 2F plant. Table 8. Operating parameters of the three model plants Item DS 1F 2F 659406.7 223036.9 378932.7 SPP (yr) 4.9 8.8 6.0 IRR (%) 11.6 3.0 8.0 COE ($/MWh) 29.58 48.23 32.39 NPV (k$) 4. CONCLUSIONS 3.2 Cost, financial and sensitivity/risk analysis In order to make economic comparisons independent on specific location characteristics some assumptions have been made to estimate initial cost of geothermal power plant and other economical parameters for these three model plants. Total initial cost is partly proportional to installed power capacity, plus a fixed amount for steam field exploration and exploitation. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) cost per year is assumed to be proportional to energy production, with different coefficients for each model plant (7 $/MWh for DS, 7.5 $/MWh for 1F and 8 $/MWh for 2F). Resulting values are resumed in Table 6. It is not surprising that the defined model for Dry-Steam geothermal power plant has the best values from energy, environmental and economic points of view. Net power is more than twice than 1F model plant, and twice is also the CO2 reduction. Cost of energy is as low as 2.96 c$/kWh. Simple Payback Period is less than 5 years, and the Internal Rate of Return is bigger than 11 %. Even when we have assumed that exergy flow from the well is the same for the three models, it is clear that DS reservoir is much better than 1F and 2F reservoirs, and that can be seen in final value of exergy efficiency for the three models (0.579 for DS, 0.275 for 1F and 0.346 for 2F). Unfortunately, it is also clear that vapor-dominant reservoirs are less frequent in nature than liquid-dominant ones. More interesting is the comparison between 1F and 2F proposed models, as they use identical reservoir characteristics. Introducing a second flash separator, and modifying operating parameters for the whole plant, results in an increment of installed power capacity of more than 25 % (from 25.04 MW to 31.51 MW). Simple Payback Period is reduced from 8.8 to 6 years, and Internal Rate of Return increases from 3 % to 8 %. Cost of energy is reduced from 4.82 c$/kWh for the 1F model plant to 3.24 c$/kWh for the 2F model plant. Table 6. Economical parameters assumed for the three model plants Item Total initial cost (k$) O&M (k$/yr) Project life (yr) DS 1F 2F 171335.0 146023.4 156330.8 2915.4 1479.0 1988.0 30 30 30 Interest rates used in the economical analysis are summarized in Table 7. Table 7. Interest rates and other economical parameters Item Fuel cost escalation rate (%) Inflation rate (%) Debt ratio (%) Debt interest rate (%) Debt term (yr) Electricity export rate ($/MWh) Electricity export escalation rate (%) Value 4.5 2 100 6 20 91.3 2.1 5. AKNOWLEDGMENTS Support for this work came from the Junta de Castilla y León GR152. 6. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] Technical and economical parameters resumed in Tables 4, 5, 6 and 7 are used as input in the RETScreen Clean Energy Project Analysis Software (RETScreen [7]). This software, developed by the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Department, evaluates the energy production and performs the environmental, as well as the economical, financial and sensitivity/risk analysis of energy projects. Feasibility of the three model plants is evaluated in terms of the Net Present Value (NPV), Simple Payback Period (SPP), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Cost of Energy (COE). Values obtained for these parameters are shown in Table 8. [4] [5] [6] [7] 51 GIA (2008) 2008 GIA Annual Report (available at: Bertani R. “World geothermal power generation in the period 2001 – 2005”. Geothermics. 2005, 34, 651–690. Fridleifsson, I.B. “Status of geothermal energy amongst the world’s energy sources”. Geothermics. 2003, 32, 379–388. MIT (2006) The Future of Geothermal Energy- Impact of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) on the United States in the 21st Century. MIT Press, Boston, USA. mal.html DiPippo R. Geothermal Power Plants. Second Edition. Oxford: Elsevier, 2008. 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