American Fulbright Grantees

American Fulbright Grantees
in Hungary
Academic Year 2010/2011
Hungarian-American Fulbright Commission for Educational Exchange
H-1082 Budapest, Baross u. 62.
Tel: (36-1) 462-8040 Fax: (36-1) 252-0266
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Dr. Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty
Dr. Andrew Meszaros
Dr. Jerrold Blitefield
Dr. Richard Wayne Griffin
Dr. Karla Kelsey
Ms. Margaret McMullan
Dr. Barbara Price
Dr. Keith Kearnes
Mr. Pongracz Sennyey
Dr. Frederck Stoddard
Dr. Charles Z. Boukydis
Religious Studies
Medical Sciences
Rhetoric and Communications
Political Science
Creative Writing
Creative Writing
Business Administration
Library Science
Medical Sciences
Mr. Daniel Senders
Ms. Tennessee Dixon
Ms. Eszter Vincze
Ms. Ellen Parks
Mr. Blase Ur
Mr. Clinton Attaway
Mr. Jeffrey Frawley
Mr. Dennis Arlo Voorhees
Ms. Kathryn Hymes
Political Science
Music Education
Information Science
Creative Writing
Creative Writing
Teaching Assistants
Mr. James Harrell
Mr. John Shadeck
Classroom Teacher Exchange Program
Mr. David Grosskopf
Mr. Kent Bailey
Ms. Emily Moncrieff
Ms. Georgiana Tomisato
Mr. Francis Scaglione
Mr. Keith Lambert
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
I. Lecturers
Fall semester
Dr. Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty
Ms. Margaret McMullan
Spring semester
Dr. Andrew Meszaros
Dr. Jerrold Blitefield
Dr. Richard Wayne Griffin
Dr. Karla Kelsey
Dr. Barbara Price
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Dr. Elizabeth L. Hinson-Hasty
Associate Professor of Theology
Department of Theology
Bellarmine University
2001 Newburg Road
Louisville, KY 40205
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Religious Studies
Social Gospel Theology, Theological Ethics, Women
and Religion, Reformed Theology
Affiliation in Hungary:
Debrecen Reformed Theological University
H-4044 Debrecen
Kálvin tér 16.
Duration of Stay:
August 2010-December 2010
Academic Background:
Ph.D., Union Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 2002
M.Div., Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary,
B.A., William Jewell College, 1990
Professional Background:
Associate Professor, Bellarmine University, 2008present
Assistant Professor, Bellarmine University, 2004-2008
Assistant Professor, St. Andrews Presbyterian College,
Selected Publications:
Beyond the Social Maze: Exploring Vida Dutton Scudder’s Theological Ethics, T & T Clark,
To Do Justice, with Rebecca Todd Peters. Westminster John Knox Press, 2008.
Prayers for the New Social Awakening, with Christian Iosso. Westminster John Knox Press,
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Ms. Margaret McMullan
Professor of English
Department of English
University of Evansville
1800 Lincoln Avenue
Evansville, IN 47722
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Creative Writing
Creative Writing, Contemporary American Novel,
Southern American Literature
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Pécs
Department of English
Pécs, Hungary
Dr. Maria Kurdi
Duration of Stay:
September 2010- December 2010
Academic Background:
M.F.A., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 1988
B.A., Grinnell College, 1982
Professional Background:
Foreign Languages:
Professor, University of Evansville, 2003-present
Associate Professor, University of Evansville, 1996-2003
Assistant Professor, University of Evansville, 1990-1996
Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas, 1989-1990
beginner French and Hungarian
Selected Publications:
Sources of Light: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston, MA, 2010.
Cashay: Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA, 2009.
When I Crossed No-Bob: Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA, 2007.
How I Found the Strong: Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA, 2004.
In My Mother’s House: Thomas Dunne Books/ St. Martin’s Press, NY, NY, 2003.
When Warhol Was Still Alive: The Crossing Press, California, 1994.
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Dr. Andrew Meszaros, PT, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Neuroscience, College of Medicine
The University of Toledo
3000 Arlington Ave; MS#1007; Toledo, Ohio, USA 43614
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Neuromuscular physiology; rehabilitation;
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Szeged
Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Sciences
Department of Physiotherapy
H-6726 Szeged
Temesvari kri. 31.
Duration of Stay:
February 2011- July 2011
Academic Background:
Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1998
M.S., Physical Therapy (Neuroscience), 1990
B.S., Bowling Green State University, 1988
Professional Background: Asst. Professor, Univ. of Toledo, Neuroscience, 2009-present
Asst. Professor, Univ. of Toledo, Physical Therapy, 2005-2009
Asst. Professor, West Virginia University, 2000-2003
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Iowa, 1998-1999
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
 "Repetitive eccentric muscle contractions increase torque unsteadiness in the human
triceps brachii." J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2010 Aug;20(4):619-26. Epub 2010 Jan 13.
PubMed PMID: 20060317; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2875352.
 "Low frequency fatigue in human quadriceps is fatigue dependent and not task
dependent." J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2008 Apr;18(2):308-16. Epub 2006 Dec 8.
PubMed PMID: 17157533.
 (invited address) "Tacit knowledge and the deception of human movement." Polyani
Society Meeting. Loyola University, Chicago, IL, USA. June, 2008.
 (invited address) "Sensorimotor manipulation in therapeutic exercise - 30 years of
fooling ourselves." The Science of Exercise: A Symposium. (organized by American
Physical Therapy Association). Columbus, OH, USA; March, 2009
 (grant) Interdisciplinary Research Initiative Award. "Arm fatigue disrupts trunk
neuromuscular function in low back patients."
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Dr. Jerrold Blitefield
Associate Professor
English Department
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
285 Old Westport Road
North Dartmouth, MA 02747
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Rhetoric and Communications
Rhetorics of Place; Social Movement Rhetoric; Political Rhetoric;
Visual Rhetoric
Affiliation in Hungary:
Eszterházy Károly College
Department of American Studies
3300 Eger
Eszterházy tér 1.
Duration of Stay:
February 2011- June 2011
Academic Background:
Ph.D.,Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2000 M.A., University of
Massachusetts Dartmouth, 1995
B.A., Manhattanville College, 1980
Professional Background:
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts
Dartmouth, 2005
Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts
Dartmouth, 2000-2005
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
Book chapter:
“It’s Showtime! Staging Public Demonstrations, Alinsky Style.” Rhetorics of Display.
Ed. Lawrence J. Prelli. University of South Carolina Press, 2006.
Refereed Article:
“Who Measures “Due Measure”? or, Kairos Meets Counter-Kairos: Implications of
Isegoria on Athenian Notions of Kairos.” Advances in The History of Rhetoric: The First
Six Years. Ed. Richard Leo Enos and David E. Beard. West Lafayette,
IN: Parlor Press, 2007.
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Dr. Richard (Rick) W. Griffin
Professor & Coordinator of Political Science
Social Sciences
Ferris State University
ASC # 2108, 820 Campus Drive, Big Rapids, MI 49307 USA
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Political Science
American Political Institutions; Hispanic?Latino Political
Studies, US-Mexico Border Politics & Culture, Social
Movements, Globalization
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Debrecen
North American Department, Institute of English and
American Studies;
Department of Political Science, Institute of Political
Science and Sociology
H-4010 Debrecen, P.O. Box 73.
Duration of Stay:
January – May, 2010
Academic Background:
Ph.D., Florida State University, 1970
M.S., Florida State University, 1969
B.S., Lamar University, 1967
Professional Background:
Foreign Languages:
Professor, Ferris State University, 1990-Present
Instructor, University of Texas-Pan American, 1987-90
Instructor, Austin Community College & Central Texas
College, 1987
Selected Publications:
“Agribusiness,” “Juan Cortina,” Labor,” “Labor Unions,” and “Social Movements,”
Border Encyclopedia, Greenwood Press, 2007.
“AMERI-CAN: A Role Playing Simulation for Teaching American Governmentt and Democracy,” Perspectives: Ethical Dimensions of Genral and Liberal Education, April, 1998.
“Political Opportunity, Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: The Case of the South
Texas Farm Workers,” The Social Science Journal, Volume XXIX, No. 2 (1992), 129-152.
“Drugs & Political Corruption in South Texas,” South Texas Studies, Victoria Colg, 1991.
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Dr. Karla Kelsey
Assistant Professor
English and Creative Writing
Susquehanna University
514 University Avenue, Selinsgrove, PA 17870
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Creative Writing
Poetry; Form; 20th Century American Modern and PostModern Poetry; Creative Writing Pedagogy; Multi-Genre
Creative Writing; Critical Theory; Book Reviews; Small
Press Publishing
Affiliation in Hungary:
Eötvös Loránd University
Department of American Studies
H-1088 Budapest
Duration of Stay:
February 2011-May 2011
Academic Background:
Ph.D., University of Denver, 2005
M.F.A., University of Iowa, 2001
B.A., UCLA, 1998
Professional Background:
Assistant Professor, Susquehanna University, 2006Current
Visiting Professor, Susquehanna University, 2005-2006
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
Iteration Nets: Boise State University, Ahsahta Press, 2010.
Knowledge, Forms, the Aviary: Boise State University, Ahsahta Press, 2006.
The Constant Critic: Editor and Contributor, Fence Books online book review site.
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Dr. Barbara A. Price
Professor, Quantitative Analysis
Department of Finance & Quantitative Analysis
Georgia Southern University
PO Box 8151, Statesboro, Georgia 30460
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Business Administration
Managerial Decision Analysis, Applications of Statistics,
Time Series Forecasting, Assessment of Learning, Excel
Applications, Optimization using Linear Programming
and Solver, Online Learning
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Debrecen
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Department of Economics
H-4028 Debrecen
Kassai ut 26
Duration of Stay:
January/February 2011 – June 2011
Academic Background:
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University, 1973
M. S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University, 1971
B.S., Grove City College, 1969
Professional Background:
Professor, Georgia Southern University, 1996 - Present
Associate Professor/Professor, Winthrop University,
1982 - 1996
Associate Professor, Lynchburg College, 1980 – 1982
Assistant/Associate Professor, Mississippi State
University, 1978 - 1980
Selected Publications:
Randall, C. H., Price, B. (2008) Assessing Learning Outcomes in Quantitative Courses:
Using Embedded Questions for Direct Assessment. Journal of Education for Business, 83(5),
Price, B., Zhang, X. J. (2008). Is One of these Texts Right for Your Business Forecasting
Course? Decision Line (vol. 39, pp. 14-18).
Campbell, C. R., Price, B., Swift, C. O. (2007). Two Sides to Every Story: Supervisor and
Subordinate Views on Leader-Member Exchange, Attributions and Performance. Journal of
the Academy of Business Administration, 12(1 & 2), 38 - 49.
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
II. Researchers
Fall semester
Dr. Keith Kearnes
Mr. Pongracz Sennyey
Dr. Charles Z. Boukydis
Spring semester
Dr. Frederick Stoddard
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Dr. Keith A. Kearnes
Department of Mathematics
University of Colorado
Boulder CO 80309-0395
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Algebra, Logic, Combinatorics
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Szeged
Bolyai Institute
Aradi vertanuk tere 1
H-6720 Szeged
Duration of Stay:
August 2010- January 2011
Academic Background:
Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, 1988
M.S., University of California at Riverside, 1983
B.S., University of California at Riverside, 1982
Professional Background:
Professor, University of Colorado, 2007
Associate Professor, University of Colorado, 2001-2007
Associate Professor, University of Louisville, 1999-2001
Assistant Professor, University of Louisville, 1997-1999
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
Cardinalities of residue fields of Noetherian integral domains, with G. Oman,
Communications in Algebra (to appear).
Definable principal congruences and solvability, with P. Idziak, E. W. Kiss and M. Valeriote,
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 157 (2009), 30--49.
Axiomatizable and nonaxiomatizable congruence prevarieties, with J. B. Nation, Algebra
Universalis 59 (2008), 323--335
Automorphism groups of squares and of free algebras, with S. T. Tschantz, International
Journal of Algebra and Computation 17 (2007), 461--505.
Quasivarieties of modules over path algebras of quivers, Studia Logica 83 (2006), 333--349.
Clones of finite groups, with A. Szendrei, Algebra Universalis 54 (2005), 23--52.
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Mr. Pongracz Sennyey
Associate Director of Libraries
Duke Library
Furman University
3300 Poinsett Hwy
Greenville, SC 29613
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Library Sciences
Collections, Digital Initiatives, Technical Services.
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Szeged
Szeged University Library
H-6722 Szeged, Ady Ter 10
Duration of Stay:
September 2010- December 2010
Academic Background:
MLIS University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign, IL.
MA Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. 1991
BA Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro,
TN. 1989
Professional Background:
Associate Director of Libraries, Furman University 2007
Head, Collection Management Services, University of
Vermont 2004
Collection Development Librarian, Western Carolina
University 2000
Collection Development and Management Librarian,
Bradley University, 1996
Foreign Languages:
Hungarian, Portuguese, Spanish
Selected Publications:
“Exploring the Future of Academic Libraries. A Definitional Approach” Accepted for
publication in the June 2008 issue of Journal of Academic Librarianship
“The Library is Dead, Long Live the Library” Journal of Academic Librarianship. (v. 34, n.
2, 2008).
“A Vision for the Future of Academic Library Collections” The International Journal of the
Book (v. 4, no. 4)
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Dr. C. F. Zachariah (Zack) Boukydis
Clinical Associate Professor
Institute of Psychology
Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, IL USA
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Neurodevelopment of At-Risk Infants; Consultation with
Parents, Infants and Staff in NICU’s
Affiliation in Hungary:
Semmelweis University
Department of Pediatrics
H-1085 Budapest, Ulloi ut 26
Duration of Stay:
September 2010- February 2011
Academic Background:
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 1979
M.Sc., University of London, 1974
B.A., University of Toronto, 1971
Professional Background:
Clinical Associate Professor, Illinois Institute of Tech,
Associate Professor, Erikson Institute, 2004-2008
Assistant Professor, Merrill-Palmer Institute 2002-2003
Assistant Professor, Brown Medical School 1985-2001
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
Women’s response to viewing ultrasound during routine screens in an obstetric clinic. C.F. Z.
Boukydis, M.C. Treadwell, V. Delaney-Black, K. Boyes, M. King, T. Robinson, and R.
Sokol. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 2006, (25): 721-728.
Ultrasound consultation to increase resiliency in pregnancy. Annals of the New York
Academy of Science, Resilience in Children, 2006, (1094): 268-272.
Working with parents and their infants in NICU settings: Use of joint observations and
neurobehavioral assessment. C.F.Z. Boukydis. Early Childhood Services. 2008, (2:1): 43-58.
Mother-child consultation during drug treatment: Research and innovative clinical practice.
C.F.Z. Boukydis and B.M. Lester Harm Reduction Journal, 2008, (5:6): 1-8.
Consulation with parents and infants in the perinatal period. CFZBoukydis, Brookes
Publishing Co. Baltimore, MD., (in preparation; publication date October, 2010),
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Dr. Frederick Rhode Stoddard II
Post Doctorate Researcher
Molecular Pathobiology
Drexel University College of Medicine
245 N. 15th Street, MS 435
Philadelphia, PA. 19102
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Medical Science
Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology, Surgery, Breast
Cancer Molecular Physiology
Affiliation in Hungary:
Semmelweis University
2nd Department of Pathology
Duration of Stay:
January 2011- May 2011
Academic Background:
Ph.D., Drexel University, 2010
M.D., Temple University, 2002
B.S., University of California, San Diego, 1998
Professional Background:
Post Doctorate Researcher, Drexel University, 2010
Ph.D. Candidate, Drexel University, 2005-2010
Teaching Resident, Drexel University, 2004
Surgical Resident, Drexel University, 2002-2005
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
Stoddard FR 2nd, Brooks AD, Eskin BA, Johannes GJ. Iodine alters gene expression in the
MCF7 breast cancer cell line: evidence for an anti-estrogen effect of iodine. Int J Med Sci.
2008 Jul 8;5(4):189-96
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Mr. Daniel Senders
Ms. Tennessee Dixon
Ms. Eszter Vincze
Ms. Ellen Parks
Mr. Blase Ur
Mr. Clinton Attaway
Mr. Jeffrey Frawley
Mr. Dennis Arlo Voorhees
Ms. Kathryn Hymes
Teaching Assistants
Mr. James Harrell
Mr. John Shadeck
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Daniel Sender
Doctoral Candidate, DMA (Violin)
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20712
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Aspects of Hungarian Folk Music in the Music of
Bartόk, Kodály and their 20th Century Contemporaries.
Affiliation in Hungary:
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
H-1061 Budapest, Liszt Ferenc tér 8
(36-1) 462 - 4613
Duration of Stay:
September 2010 – May 2011
Academic Background:
D.M.A., University of Maryland, exp.2011
M.M., University of Maryland, 2007
B.M., Ithaca College, 2004
Professional Background:
Violinist, Adelphi String Quartet, 2009-Present
Foreign Languages:
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Tennessee Dixon
MFA Candidate
Theatre: Scenic Design
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia 23284
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Theatre: Design
Image Projection and Scenic Design, Interactive Media,
Animation, Inter-media Performance, Illustration
Affiliation in Hungary:
Pál Frenák Dance Company
György Ujváry-Pintér
H-1052 Budapest, Semmelweis u. 4
Budapest Dance School
Dr. Ivan Angelus
1036 Budapest, Perc u. 2
Duration of Stay:
September 2010 - May 2011
Academic Background:
M.F.A.Candidate, Virginia Commonwealth University
B.F.A., Academy of Art College 1985
Experiment in International Living:Japan:
Printing 1979
Professional Background:
Multi-media Artist and Developer, 1994-2004
Adjunct Professor, School of Visual Arts, 1993-2003
Illustrator- Freelance, 1985-1994
Selected Projects:
ShadowPlay with David Leong, Gary Hopper and Leland Faulkner
(multimedia theatrical production), 2008
Nomad:The River with Yin Mei (multimedia dance performance), 2002
Touching the Moon with Jin Hi Kim (interactive music/dance performance), 2001-2002
Backtide at the Altar (multimedia performance), 1998
Scrutiny in the Great Round (cd-rom) Calliope Media, 1993
Web Site:
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Eszter Vincze
Current academic title: Student
Department: Political Science
Home Institution: Amherst College
Home Institution address: Amherst, MA
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Political Science
Europeanization; Political Parties
Affiliation in Hungary:
Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Department of Political Science
H-2081 Piliscsaba Egyetem u. 1
Duration of Stay:
September 2010- May 2011
Academic Background:
B.A., Amherst College, 2010
Foreign Languages:
French, Hungarian
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Ellen Parks
Bachelor of Music
Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music
The University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station E3100
Austin, Texas 78712
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Music Education
Music Education; The Kodály Method; Voice
Affiliation in Hungary:
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Kodály Institute, Kecskemét
H-6000 Kecskemét, P.O.Box 188., Kéttemplom köz 1.
Duration of Stay:
September 2010- May 2011
Academic Background:
B.M., University of Texas at Austin, 2010
Professional Background:
Music Intern, Oak Hill United Methodist Church,
Austin, Texas, 2009-2010
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Blase Ur
Program Development Specialist and Lecturer
School of Engineering
Rutgers University
98 Brett Rd., Room B-110, Piscataway, NJ 08854
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Computer Science / Informatics
Computer Security, Privacy, Social Media and
Information Networks, Human-Computer Interaction,
Applied Cryptography
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Debrecen
Faculty of Informatics
H-4032 Debrecen
Egyetem tér 1.
Duration of Stay:
September 2010 - May 2011
Academic Background:
Will begin PhD program at Carnegie Mellon University
School of Computer Science in Fall 2011
A.B., Harvard University, Computer Science 2007
Professional Background:
Program Development Specialist, Rutgers University,
Senior Project Coordinator, Rutgers University,
2007 – 2010
Lecturer, Rutgers University, 2008 – 2010
Foreign Languages:
Spanish, Hungarian
Selected Publications:
Evaluating Attack Amplification in Online Social Networks.
Ganapathy. W2SP (Web 2.0 Security and Privacy), 2009.
Blase E. Ur and Vinod
Privacy in Social Networking: A Usability Study. Blase E. Ur. Undergraduate Thesis, 2007.
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Clinton Attaway
English & World Literature
Pitzer College
1050 N. Mills Ave.
Claremont, CA 91711
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Multicultural Policy
Affiliation in Hungary:
Central European University
Nationalism Studies Program
Nador u. 9, 1051 Budapest, Hungary
Duration of Stay:
August 2010- June 2011
Academic Background:
B.A., Pitzer College, 2010
Professional Background:
Research Assistant; Modern Language, Literature, &
Culture Dept.; Pitzer College, Claremont, California
Associate Teacher; Tierra del Hombre Montesouri
School; Quito, Ecuador 2009
Teacher of English as Second Language; Pitzer College,
Claremont, California 2008
Assistant; School Plus; Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 2006-2007
Foreign Languages:
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Jeffrey Frawley
English Department
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Creative Writing
Affects of war (World War II & Siege of Budapest) on
intergenerational relations; significance of memory;
historical narrative; family legend & myth
Affiliation in Hungary:
Atilla Pók
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of History
H-1014 Budapest Úri utca 53
Duration of Stay:
December 2010- September 2011
Academic Background:
M.F.A., New Mexico State University, 2009
B.A., University of Oregon 2005
Professional Background:
Instructor, New Mexico State University, 2006-2011
Foreign Languages:
Spanish, Romanian
Selected Publications:
Fiction & fiction reviews in Ellipsis, Puerto del Sol & Timberline magazines.
Nonfiction in various newspapers & Forest & Oregon Business magazines.
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Dennis Arlo Voorhees
Creative Writing
University of Oregon
5243 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Creative Writing: Poetry
Affiliation in Hungary:
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church
Department of English Languages and Culture
H-1088 Budapest
Reviczky u. 4.
Duration of Stay:
September 2010- May 2011
Academic Background:
MFA University of Oregon
BA University of Montana
Professional Background:
GTF Instructor: College Composition and Creative
Writing Poetry
Foreign Languages:
Selected Publications:
Dear Abbey: Redivider, Fall 2008
Tell Me No Front Porch, 2007
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Kathryn Hymes
Graduate Student
Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Linguistics
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Mathematics and Linguistics
Research and Study in Mathematical Linguistics
Affiliation in Hungary:
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Computer and
Automation Research Institute (SZTAKI) H-111
Budapest, Lágymányosi u. 11.
Duration of Stay:
September 2010- May 2011
Academic Background:
B.S. University of California at Los Angeles, 2006
Professional Background:
Intern, Machine Translation, Baidu, Beijing, China, 2010
Visiting Student, Statistics, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland,
Intern, Symantec, Inc., Santa Monica, CA, USA, 2006
REU in Applied Math, UCLA, 2005-6
Foreign Languages:
French, Spanish
Selected Publications:
“Frequentist evaluation of intervals estimated for a binomial parameter and for the
ratio of Poisson means,” (co-author) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
Research: A, January 2010
“Hamming Codes in the Context of DNA Self-Assembly” (co-author) The 14th
International Meeting on DNA Computing, 2008
“Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry in Understanding the Correlation Between
Thermal Stability and Protein Stability: A Case Study” (co-author), 2005
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
James Harrell
Graduate Student
Policy and Management/Bilingual Education
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
English Teaching Assistant (ETA)
Public Policy, Education
Bilingual Education, Immigrant Education
Affiliation in Hungary:
Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Department of English
Duration of Stay:
September 2010- May 2011
Academic Background:
M.A., Universidad de Alcalá-Henares, 2010
B.S., Carnegie Mellon University, 2009
Professional Background:
English Teacher, Colegio Alkor, 2009
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Carnegie Mellon
University, 2007
Education Consultant Intern, Pittsburgh City Council,
Fulton/Gow Fellow, US Congress, 2008
Foreign Languages:
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
John E. Shadeck
M.A. Art & Visual Culture Education
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
English Teaching Assistant
Art & Visual Culture Education
Pinhole Photography, K-12 Teacher Certification in Art
Affiliation in Hungary:
University of Pannonia
H-8201 Veszprém
Egyetem u. 3.
American Corner Veszprém
H-8200 Veszprém
Komakut tér 3.
Duration of Stay:
September 2010- June 2010
Academic Background:
M.A., University of Arizona, 2010
B.A., University of Rhode Island, 2006
Professional Background:
Art Teacher, City High School, Tucson AZ, 2009-2010
Artist Residency, Hungarian Multicultural Center, 2009
Internship, Hockney-Falco Thesis, 2008-2009
Graduate Teaching Assistant, UA, 2007-2010
Tucson Museum of Art, 2007-2009
Foreign Languages:
Spanish (Int.), Hungarian (Int.)
Selected Publications:
Pinhole Photography in Art Education, Lulu Publishing, 2010
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Classroom Teacher Exchange Program
Mr. David Grosskopf
Mr. Kent Bailey
Ms. Emily Moncrieff
Ms. Georgiana Tomisato
Mr. Francis Scaglione
Mr. Keith Lambert
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
David Grosskopf
Language Arts Co-Chair, Ninth Grade Chair
Language Arts
Roosevelt High School
1410 Northeast 66th Street, Seattle, Washington 98115
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Classroom Teacher Exchange
Affiliation in Hungary:
Szakiskola Dráva Völgye Középiskolája
Drava River Middle and High School
7570 Barcs Latinca S. utca 13.
Duration of Stay:
August 2010-July 2011
Academic Background:
Ed.M., Harvard University, 1995
B.A., Oberline College, 1994
Professional Background:
Teacher, Roosevelt HS, Seattle, WA, 1997-2010
Teacher, Oak Harbor HS, Oak Harbor, WA, 1995-1997
Foreign Languages:
Reading ability in Spanish and German
Selected Publications:
“Writing Myself Awake,” The Quarterly, 2004
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Kent Bailey
Current academic title: Teacher
Department: Social Sciences
Home Institution: Loudoun Valley High School
Home Institution address: 340 Maple Ave. Purcellville, VA 20132
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Classroom Teacher Exchange
U.S. History/ European History/African History and
International Relations
Affiliation in Hungary:
Ady Endre Gimnázium Debrecen
H-4024 Debrecen Liszt Ferenc u. 1.
Duration of Stay:
August 2010- June 2011
Academic Background
M.A., The George Washington University 2009
B.A., Valparaiso University
Professional Background:
Teacher Loudoun Valley High School 2007-Present
Foreign Languages:
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Emily Marie Moncrieff
English Department
Alta Loma Elementary School
9750 North 87th Avenue
Peoria, Arizona 85345
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Classroom Teacher Exchange
Reading Specialist, Curriculum and Instruction
Affiliation in Hungary:
Baar-Madas Reformatus Gimnazium
Budapest, Lorantffy utca 3. 1022
Duration of Stay:
September 2010-June 2011
Academic Background:
B.A., University of Northern Arizona 2003
M.A., University of Phoenix 2006
Professional Background:
6th grade Writing Teacher, Bicentennial North School
7th grade Reading Teacher, Bicentennial North School
8th grade Language Arts Teacher, Alta Loma Elementary
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Georgiana Tomisato
ESOL Teacher
Annandale High School
4700 Medford Drive
Annandale, VA 22003
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Classroom Teacher Exchange
English and ESOL
Affiliation in Hungary:
Madách Imre Gimnázium
1073 Budapest
Barcsay u. 5.
Duration of Stay:
September 2010- June 2011
Academic Background:
MA in ESOL, University of Hawaii at Manoa
BS in Education, University of Texas at El Paso
Endorsements: English, Physical Education and Health
Professional Background:
Teacher, Fairfax County, Virginia 1989 - present
Summer School Coordinator, Fairfax County, 1995
Curriculum writer, Fairfax County, 1991-1996
Coordinator Title VII, American Samoa 1987-1989
Teacher, American Samoa, 1980-1987
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Francis Scaglione
Visual Arts
Wheat Ridge High School
9505 W. 32nd Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Classroom Teacher Exchange
Drawing, Painting, Printmaking
Affiliation in Hungary:
Munkácsy Mihály Gimnázium
High School: Grammar School, Art
Kossuth Lajos utca 48.
Kaposvár 7400
Duration of Stay:
August 2010- July 2011
Academic Background:
M.A., University of Denver, 2007
B.F.A. State University of New York, Fredonia, 2002
Professional Background:
Art Teacher, Wheat Ridge High School, 2006 – present
Art Teacher, Morey Middle School, 2004 – 2005
Art Teacher, Cole Middle School, 2003
Selected Honours:
Honoured Teacher Speaker, Commencement Ceremony Buelle Theatre, May 2010
Exemplary Performance Award, Jeffco Public School District, April 2010
Creator / Executive Director of FRESH 23 Fashion Show, which developed into
Vans® Custom Culture, National High School Art / Design Project, 2008 – 2010
Jeffco Celebration of Excellence Award, District Presentation, May 2008
Good To The Core: Teacher of the Month Award, January 2007
CAEA Teaching Scholarship, Colorado Arts Education Association, May 2006
Chester Teacher of the Month Award, Denver Public Schools, April 2005
Creativity Research Grant Recipient, State University of New York, April 2002
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
Keith Lambert
Language Arts Teacher / Head of Curriculum and Instruction
Language Arts / Administration
Common Ground High SChool
358 Springside Ave.
New Haven, CT 06511
Date of Birth:
Grant Category:
Teacher Exchange
English / Language Arts
Curriculum and Instruction
Affiliation in Hungary:
PTE Babits Mihaly Gyakorlo Gimnazium &
15 Veress Endre Utka
Pecs, Hungary 7633
Duration of Stay:
August 2010- August 2011
Academic Background:
Master’s of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Connecticut
Bachelor’s of English Language Arts, University of Connecticut
Professional Background: Head of Curriculum and Instruction, Common Ground High
School, 2009-2010
Teacher, Common Ground High School, 2005-2009
Teacher, Jill Kinmont Boothe School, 2004-2005
Foreign Languages:
English, limited Spanish
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011
American Fulbright Grantees in Hungary, Academic Year 2010/2011