GRADE 9 ELA EXEMPLAR LESSON Quarter 3, Week 20: 01/14/13

Office of Academics and Transformation
Department of Language Arts/Reading
English Language Arts (ELA) Exemplar Lesson
Quarter 3, Weeks 22 & 23: 01/28/13 – 02/08/13
Learning Objectives
The goal of this lesson is to provide students an opportunity to explore targeted passages of complex text. Through teacher Read Alouds, audio
listening, careful student independent reading and rereading, and scaffolded discussion of text-dependent questions, students will analyze
an argument and its development. Vocabulary is learned from context and writing fosters a deeper understanding of text. The lesson
culminates in an evidentiary writing activity. Teachers may further scaffold activities to address individual students’ needs.
Rationale: This lesson guides students through activities that focus on analyzing the argument set forth in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech “I
Have a Dream”. It culminates in the generation of a literary analysis of the effectiveness of King’s use of rhetorical devices and figurative language
to convey his message, shape the perceptions of others, and serve as a catalyst for political change, or the writing of a persuasive speech on a
topic of relevance to students. Through a close reading of the speech and gained understanding of the historical context in which it was delivered,
students will be able to analyze how rhetorical devices such as analogies, allusions, repetition, and parallelism are effective persuasive techniques.
Text Title: “I Have a Dream” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
McDougal Littell Literature, pp. 600-609
Genre/Text Structure: Literary Nonfiction - (Speech)
Targeted Text Selections
p. 602, lines 1-7, 8-13; p. 604, lines 29-38; p. 605-606, lines 59-70, 71-92
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
[RL.9–10; RI.9-10; W.9-10; SL.9-10]
Lesson Sequence
Write a well-supported two-page literary analysis of the rhetorical devices used by Dr. King in his monumental speech, “I Have a
Dream.” Cite textual evidence to support your analysis ; and/or
Write a persuasive speech on a topic about which you feel strongly.
Activity 1:
What was King’s primary purpose in delivering this speech?
How did the political climate at the time impact the choice of language in the speech?
Why did this speech make such an impact?
Use Communication, Information and Media connections at,, or other online resources
to explore images capturing the cultural and historical events of King’s speech.
 - Play for students the video segment Ch. 9: The March on Washington to hear interviews from
those were with King on that day, or who were in the audience. According to them, what made King’s speech so effective? What
were some of the outcomes from this important march and speech?
Each student will read I Have a Dream, first independently, then through closer analytical reading. It is essential that students grapple
with challenging text on their own as frequently and independently as possible. Listen to the speech by using the McDougal Littell Audio
Anthology CD, if available, or a website such as .
Activities 2, 3, 4:
1. Returning to the text, the teacher will lead students through a set of text-dependent questions to compel closer rereading and analysis.
The targeted text should be in front of the students as they engage in their discussions.
2. Once teachers are logged onto the Carol Booth Olson lesson can be found at the following: This lesson includes a
Rhetorical Devices chart that can be used to help students identify and analyze rhetorical devices in the speech.
3. Model the technique for students by thinking aloud and explaining your thought process for several examples.
Quarter 3, Week 20: 01/14/13 – 01/18/13
Activity 5:
Martin Luther King Jr. is often viewed as a larger-than-life icon of the civil rights struggle. How does the author’s portrayal of her
husband make him seem more “human”?
1. Conduct a final discussion of text-dependent questions and allow time for students to complete notes on both the objective and subjective
views of Mrs. King.
2. Students prepare to write a documented response to explain the purpose and the point of view in Coretta Scott King’s memoir, “Montgomery
Boycott.” Use the graphic organizers, summation statements, and personal response notes to write a well-supported response.
3. Allow an extended amount of time for students to write a 2-page documented response. Use the 30-point mode-specific rubric to score the
summative assessment.
Targeted Text Selection
p. 602, lines 1-20
underlined words:
insufficient contextual
Refer to textbook.
BOLD words: Tier Two
momentous - of
great importance
defaulted – to fail
to keep a promise,
especially a promise
to repay a loan
promissory note – a
written promise to
repay a loan
Teacher Activities and Techniques
Text-Dependent Questions
Return to the text, and ask students a small set of guiding
questions about the targeted sections.
(Q1) How does this introductory passage (lines 1-20) establish
the historical context of the speech? Where else in the speech
does a historical allusion appear? What makes the use of these
allusions effective?
Possible answer.
King begins his speech with a ‘five score years ago’ allusion to
Lincoln’s Gettysburg address to place the current
demonstration in a position of prominence. He also refers to
the Emancipation Proclamation, signed by Lincoln in 1863
which declared that all slaves in states still at war with the
Union were free. King refers to the rights of life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness granted in the Constitution and the
Declaration of Independence. also refers to the Declaration of
Independence in lines 81-85: “he Hold these truths to be selfevident…” These allusions are effective because of the imprint
they have on the American soul, their importance for laying the
foundation of the U.S. These are words which are cherished
and should be familiar to all American. King is emphasizing
that all Americans should be granted these rights.
(Q2) Making his Argument: What evidence does King provide
in lines 8-13 to support his claim that “the Negro still is not
p. 604, lines 29-38
Refer to textbook.
Legitimate –
Possible answer.
King cites segregation (line 9), discrimination (line 10), and
poverty (line 11) as evidence that African Americans do not
enjoy complete freedom.
(Q3) Reread lines 29-38. What rhetorical device does King use,
and what is the effect of using it? Where else in the speech is
this same device used?
Possible answer.
King uses repetition. By repeating ‘now is the time’ (lines 31,
32, 33, and 35) he stresses the urgency of the situation. In lines
76-78 King states
“Go back to Mississippi. Go back to
Alabama. Go back to South Carolina. Go Back to Georgia. Go
back to Louisiana. Go back to the slums and ghettos…”
King repeats ‘I have a dream” and uses the phrase “let freedom
ring” eleven times in his final two paragraphs to heighten the
emotional response in listeners, convey the immediacy of
action necessary in order to bring his dream of a more just
nation to fruition.
p. 605-606, lines 59-70
Refer to textbook.
Quarter 3, Week 20: 01/14/13 – 01/18/13
(Q4) Furthering his Argument: Identify the examples of racial
injustice that King provides as evidence to convince his
audience to share his views. Why are these examples
Possible answer.
King mentions police brutality, segregated hotels and motels,
the existence of ghettos, “For Whites Only” signs, voting
restrictions, and lack of concern for African Americans in the
issues for which they are able to vote.
p. 606 lines 71-92
(Q5) Reread lines 71-92. What examples of parallelism help
make the expression of ideas concise and memorable?
Possible answer.
“battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the
winds of police brutality”; “sweltering with the heat of injustice,
sweltering with the heat of oppression”, by the color of their
skin…by the content of their character”
Cross Genre Connections:
Examine the famous photograph American Gothic by
Gordon Parks.
Conduct online research to learn more.
(Q6) Why do you think Parks entitled this famous photograph
American Gothic, Washington, D.C. after the iconic Grant
Woods American Gothic painting? What do the titles mean?
What connection(s) can you make between the photograph
and painting?
(Q7) What message/theme or story is conveyed in these
(Q8) What connections, with regard to message or theme, can
you make from Park’s American Gothic to King’s I Have a
Dream speech?
(Q9) Extend your reflection of them of these works to include
the photograph Louisville Flood Victims 1937 by Margaret
American Gothic, Washington, D.C.
(Gordon Parks), 1942
Possible answer. (6-9)
Both artworks comment on American life and ideals. Woods’
painting has been both lauded as a reflection of Midwestern
values and the work ethic, while also viewed as a parody of
stereotypical roles and living prescribed roles. Parks was
reminded of this image when he met Ella Watson and
photographed her while in Washington, D.D. The photograph
shows a black woman, Ella Watson, who worked on the
cleaning crew of the FSA building, standing stiffly in front of an
American flag hanging on the wall, a broom in one hand and a
mop in the background. Parks had been inspired to create the
image after encountering racism repeatedly in restaurants and
shops in the segregated capitol city. (
Parks was bothered by Ms. Watson’s status in society and
plagued by the injustices occurring for Black Americans at that
American Gothic
(Grant Woods), 1930
Quarter 3, Week 20: 01/14/13 – 01/18/13
time. Parks. Woods could have been highlighting conveyed the
inequities of American society and the limited role of the
subject positive or negative aspects of Midwestern life,
whereas Parks. Commonalities between these works and that
of King’s speech are that American ideals are reflected and
brought forth for consideration and reflection by the viewer.
Further, King’s speech highlights the need for positive American
ideals and opportunities to be attainable by all Americans. The
disparity between the “American Dream’ or attainment of
American ideals and Middle class life is sharply evident in
Bourke-White’s photograph Louisville Flood Victims 193 which
contrasts Black Americans waiting in a bread line while the
white, Middle Class, smiling and prosperous family drives
through the countryside with their dog, almost happy and
oblivious to the plight of other Americans. They are living “The
Way.” While their compatriots are not. Bourke-White captured
this and many images showing racial injustice throughout the
world. The thread that ties these artworks is the questions:
‘What American ideals? For whom do American ideals apply?
Why is there this disparity in segments of the American
For more information on Woods’ American Gothic visit The Art
Institute of Chicago website:
Louisville Flood Victims 1937
(Margaret Bourke-White)
Formative Assessment/ Rubrics
Summative Assessment/Culminating Independent
Writing Task
Extension Activities/Further Resources
Class discussion(s) on text-dependent comprehension questions, writing responses
(Reader Response journals, graphic organizers, summations, or prewriting activities)
serve as formative assessments.
Write a well-supported two-page literary analysis of the rhetorical devices
used by Dr. King in his monumental speech, “I Have a Dream.” Cite textual
evidence to support your analysis ; and/or
Write a persuasive speech on a topic about which you feel strongly.
Technology: – (see links embedded in pacing guide)
A Teacher Curriculum Guide for Dr. King can be found at the following:
Graphic Organizers at
Student Copy
Targeted Text Selection
p. 602, lines 1-20
Refer to textbook.
Quarter 3, Week 20: 01/14/13 – 01/18/13
underlined words:
insufficient contextual
BOLD words: Tier Two
Student Activities and
Text-Dependent Questions
(Q1) How does this introductory passage (lines 1-20) establish
the historical context of the speech? Where else in the speech
does a historical allusion appear? What makes the use of these
allusions effective?
(Q2) Making his Argument: What evidence does King provide
in lines 8-13 to support his claim that “the Negro still is not
p. 604, lines 29-38
(Q3) Reread lines 29-38. What rhetorical device does King
use, and what is the effect of using it? Where else in the
speech is this same device used?
Refer to textbook.
Quarter 3, Week 20: 01/14/13 – 01/18/13
p. 605-606, lines 59-70
Refer to textbook.
(Q4) Furthering his Argument: Identify the examples of racial
injustice that King provides as evidence to convince his
audience to share his views. Why are these examples
p. 606 lines 71-92
(Q5) Reread lines 71-92. What examples of parallelism help
make the expression of ideas concise and memorable?
Possible answer.
Cross Genre Connections:
Examine the famous photograph American Gothic by
Gordon Parks.
(Q6) Why do you think Parks entitled this famous photograph
American Gothic, Washington, D.C. after the iconic Grant
Woods American Gothic painting? What do the titles mean?
What connection(s) can you make between the photograph
and painting?
(Q7) What message/theme or story is conveyed in these
(Q8) What connections, with regard to message or theme, can
you make from Park’s American Gothic to King’s I Have a
Dream speech?
(Q9) Extend your reflection of them of these works to include
the photograph Louisville Flood Victims 1937 by Margaret
American Gothic, Washington, D.C.
(Gordon Parks), 1942
Quarter 3, Week 20: 01/14/13 – 01/18/13
American Gothic
(Grant Woods), 1930
Louisville Flood Victims 1937
(Margaret Bourke White)
Formative Assessment/ Rubrics
Summative Assessment/Culminating Independent
Writing Task
Extension Activities/Further Resources
Class discussion(s) on text-dependent comprehension questions, writing responses
(Reader Response journals, graphic organizers, summations, or prewriting activities)
serve as formative assessments.
Write a well-supported two-page literary analysis of the rhetorical devices
used by Dr. King in his monumental speech, “I Have a Dream.” Cite textual
evidence to support your analysis ; and/or
Write a persuasive speech on a topic about which you feel strongly.
Technology: – (see links embedded in pacing guide)
A Teacher Curriculum Guide for Dr. King can be found at the following:
Graphic Organizers at
For further information regarding this document contact the Department of Language Arts/Reading, Secondary District Instructional Supervisors,
Dr. Erin Cuartas, Ms. Laurie Kaplan or Dr. Sharon Scruggs-Williams, 305-995-3122; for ELL questions, contact the Division of Bilingual Education and World
Languages District Supervisor, Ms. Caridad Perez, 305-995-1962.