Attachment C - Managed Wavelengths Rider This Managed

Attachment C - Managed Wavelengths Rider
This Managed Wavelengths Rider (“Rider”) is attached to, incorporated into, and deemed part of that certain Master Service Agreement (“MSA”) entered into
between FiberLight and Customer, as expressly authorized by such MSA, and shall be effective as of the effective date when this Rider is executed below. This
Rider provides additional terms and conditions governing the Managed Wavelengths Services. Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized or defined terms in
the MSA have the same meaning in this Attachment.
1. Service and Options
Remote Access Transport – shall mean those Services that can be provided from any site to any site:
Available Capacity Levels
Managed Wavelength
1 G, 10Gig and 100G Pt to Pt
2. Definitions
“Central Office Colo-to-Central Office Colo” shall mean Service between two central offices that have FBL’s networking equipment in place at the rate
“Central Office Colo-to-Hub” shall mean Service from a central office with FBL’s networking equipment in place to the FBL’s central networking site at the
rate specified.
“Client Protection” shall mean a four fiber handoff between FBL and Customer where the equipment between the two parties shall be configured with a
unidirectional linear protect scheme.
“Cross-Connect” shall mean the connection of Customer’s Service to another service, either within FBL’s Facilities or from FBL’s Facilities to a Third Party’s
Facilities. When available, the rate for a Cross-Connect is in addition to the standard charges and shall be calculated on an individual case basis and
included on the Service Order. Prior to FBL’s interconnection of a Cross-Connect to a Third Party Facility, Customer agrees to provide a letter of
authorization from such third party authorizing the interconnection of the Cross-Connect. Customer agrees that if such third party revokes its
authorization, FBL is expressly authorized to disconnect such Cross-Connect from such Third Party’s Facilities without any notice by FBL to Customer.
“Hub-to-Central Office Colo” shall mean Service from FBL’s central networking site to a central office with FBL’s networking equipment in place at the rate
“Hub-to-Point” shall mean Service from FBL’s central networking site to any location at the rate specified.
“Point-to-Central Office Colo” shall mean Service from any location to a central office with FBL’s networking equipment in place at the rate specified.
“Point-to-Hub” shall mean Service from any location to the FBL’s central networking site at the rate specified.
“Point-to-Point” shall mean Service from Customer’s or its User’s premise to any location at the rate specified.
“Premium ICB Loop” shall mean Service from FBL’s Central Office Colo to Point designated by Customer. Customer agrees that Premium ICB Loops are
intended to be used as an alternative when a Tail Circuit is not available.
“Protected Managed Wavelength Service” shall mean Service where FBL provides a single client-side interface across diverse network paths.
“Tail Circuit” shall mean Service from the local serving central office that would normally serve a remote location to that remote location at the rate
“Customer Switch/Protection” shall mean 2 separate circuits provided to Customer and Customer will provide switching of primary and redundant or any
Load balancing.
Provisioning Intervals
The following Provisioning Intervals shall apply to the following Services that are provided entirely on FBL’s Facilities:
Minimum Provisioning Service Interval (in Business Days, from date of Service Order)
Managed Wavelength - No equip. required
Managed Wavelength - Equip. required
(Interval to be provided by FBL)
The Provisioning Intervals for all other Services that are provided entirely on FBL’s Facilities shall be provided by FBL on an individual case basis (“ICB”)
and agreed upon in the applicable Service Order FOC.
If the Commencement Date does not occur prior to the scheduled Service Date with regard to Services provided on FBL’s Facilities in accordance with this
Product Supplement and such delay in the Commencement Date is not due to a Force Majeure Event or an act or omission of Customer, Customer’s Users
or their respective representatives, then the following remedies shall apply:
4.1 Delay of Recurring Charge. Customer shall not be obligated to pay the Recurring Charges until such time as the Service commences.
4.2 Termination of Service. If the Commencement Date does not occur on or before sixty (60) days following the applicable Scheduled Service Date, then
Customer shall have the right to terminate the applicable Service by providing written notice to FBL to the extent that such notice is provided prior to
the Commencement Date. In such event, unless otherwise provided in the Service Order, Customer shall not be obligated to pay, and shall receive
reimbursement for any amounts previously paid with regard to, any Recurring Charges or Non-Recurring Charges associated with such Service.
Supp or Deferral Rights
With respect to any Services provided entirely on FBL’s Facilities, Customer shall have the right to request up to three (3) deferrals of the Scheduled
Service Date; provided that, unless otherwise agreed by FBL, in no event may Customer request a deferral of more than thirty (30) days in aggregate from
the Scheduled Service Date set forth in the initial FOC for the Service. The Supp Charges applicable to any such deferrals of the Scheduled Service Date
are set forth in this Supplement. With respect to any Services provided in whole or in part on Third Party Facilities, any rights of Customer to defer the
Scheduled Service Date and any associated charges shall be determined by FBL on an individual case basis.
Testing Procedures for Facilities
6.1 Testing Standards. Tests of each Service provided on FBL’s Facilities shall be made to determine whether the Service complies with the following
specifications and criteria pursuant to Section 2(a) of the Master Service Agreement:
(a) Managed Wavelength – the applicable Service must have a BBER of equal to or better than 10-12, a BIP Error Seconds of less than or equal to
6, and BIP Severely Error Seconds of zero.
(b) Other Services – The testing procedures and criteria for acceptance shall be determined on an individual case basis and set forth in the
applicable Service Order or other written agreement of the Parties.
6.2 Testing Periods. FBL shall use a reasonable duration for the tests for circuits provided on FBL’s Facilities.
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18 February 2016
7.1 Availability. If a Service Outage (as defined below) occurs with respect to Services provided entirely on FBL’s Facilities and FBL is unable to provide
the Services at the Availability Factors (as defined below), then FBL will credit Customer’s invoice for the applicable period with an amount equal to
the Service Outage Credit (as defined below) in the month following the request by Customer and determination of the applicable Service Outage
Credit pursuant to the provisions set forth below; provided that Customer must request such Service Outage Credit and such request must be made
within thirty (30) days of the applicable Service Outage. If a Chronic Service Outage (as defined below) occurs for any circuit, then Customer shall
have the right to terminate the applicable circuit consistent with paragraph (e) of Section 7.2.
7.2 Availability Factor. The following Availability Factors shall apply to the following Services that are provided entirely on FBL’s Facilities:
(i) Managed Wavelength Services
a. Unprotected – 99.9%
b. Protected (Network protection; no client protection) – 99.995%
c. Customer Switch/Protection– 99.995% one of the two diverse paths will be available
The Availability Factors set forth above shall be measured during each calendar quarter and is a measurement of the percent of total time that
Service is operative and deemed available to Customer in accordance with the above specifications when measured over such period.
7.3 Service Outage.
(a) A “Service Outage” shall mean that a circuit is unavailable during the relevant period either because (i) the circuit experiences a complete loss
of service or (ii) the circuit experiences a Transmission Problem. A Transmission Problem shall mean the following:
(i) For Wavelength Services a Transmission Problem shall mean when an OCn Service is experiencing a Severely Errored Second for ten (10)
consecutive seconds. Such Transmission Problem shall terminate when the applicable circuit experiences ten (10) seconds without a
Severely Errored Second.
(a) A Service Outage shall begin (except with regard to a Transmission Problem, for which, see the next-to-last sentence of this paragraph) upon the
earlier of FBL’s actual knowledge of the Service Outage or FBL’s receipt of notice from Customer of the Service Outage and shall end upon the
correction of the loss of service or the correction of the Transmission Problems as set forth above. In order to determine whether a
Transmission Problem exists, Customer shall be required to request and authorize an intrusive test to be taken of the applicable circuit;
provided an intrusive test shall not be required to the extent that FBL has installed equipment that is capable of monitoring such Transmission
Problems on an ongoing basis without the need for an intrusive test. The Parties will cooperate on the timing and manner in which any such
intrusive test is conducted, taking into consideration the need to minimize the interruption of Customer’s or other customers’ services. In the
case of a Transmission Problem, the Service Outage shall be deemed to have commenced upon Customer’s request for an intrusive test to the
extent such test determines that a Transmission Problem has occurred.
(b) Notwithstanding the above, a Service Outage shall not be deemed to have occurred and no Service Outage Credits will apply: (i) during periods
(A) of less than ten (10) minutes, (B) in which FBL is not given access to its Facilities or equipment that are required to provide the Services or to
remedy any Service Outage, (C) in which planned or scheduled maintenance or repair activities are occurring, (D) in which Customer or its User
continues to use the Services on an impaired basis, or (E) that are not reported to FBL within thirty (30) days of the date the Service was
affected; (ii) for interruptions that are caused by or due to (A) acts or omissions of Customer, its User or another third party, including without
limitation an interruption on the Third Party Facilities that may provide a portion of the Services, (B) the failure or malfunction of facilities or
equipment not owned or operated by FBL, including without limitation the failure of the power supply, or (C) a Force Majeure Event or (D)
disconnections by FBL for non-payment or other contract default or breaches by Customer; and (iii) for Services utilizing in whole or in part Third
Party Facilities.
(d) With respect to any Service Outages in excess of the Availability Factors, the Service Outage Credit shall be equal to an amount equal to (a) the
Recurring Charge applicable to the affected circuit during the calendar quarter in which the Service Outage occurred multiplied by (b) the
number of hours or fractions thereof that the Service Outage occurred during the applicable period divided by 2160 hours. Service Outage
Credits are calculated after deduction of all discounts and other special pricing arrangements, and are not applied to governmental fees, taxes,
surcharges and similar additional charges, nor are credits available for any usage based Services.
(e) Chronic Service Outage. An affected circuit shall be deemed to have experienced a Chronic Service Outage to the extent that in any calendar
month (i) three or more Service Outages have occurred with each such Service Outage having a duration of more than thirty (30) minutes or (ii)
one Service Outage has occurred for a duration of more than forty-eight (48) hours, in each case where the applicable Service Outage has been
reported by Customer to FBL with respect to any circuit within a calendar month. If a Chronic Service Outage occurs, then Customer shall have
the right to terminate the affected circuit upon providing written notice to FBL, without the incurrence of any Termination Charge; provided that
Customer terminates the applicable Service on or before the expiration of the calendar month following the month in which the Chronic Service
7.4 Background Bit Error Rate.
Standard. The following BBER standards shall apply with respect to Services that are provided entirely on FBL’s Facilities:
(i) Managed Wavelength Services 10-12
In order to test to determine whether a circuit complies with the above BBER standards, Customer shall be required to request and
authorize an intrusive test to be taken of the applicable circuit for the period set forth in Section 3.2 above; provided an intrusive test shall
not be required to the extent that FBL has installed equipment that is capable of monitoring such BBER on an ongoing basis without the
need for an intrusive test.
The Parties will cooperate on the timing and manner in which any such intrusive test is conducted, taking into consideration the need to
minimize the interruption of Customer’s or other customers’ services.
Remedies for Failure to Comply with Standard. If a particular circuit experiences a BBER worse than that set forth in (a) above that is
applicable to such circuit during such testing period, then FBL shall have a period of thirty (30) days to correct such deficiency. If after
such thirty (30) day period FBL has not retested such circuit in compliance with the BBER standards set forth above, then Customer shall
be entitled to terminate the applicable circuit upon providing written notice to FBL provided prior to the circuit complying with such BBER
7.5 Mean Time to Repair.
Mean Time to Repair (“MTTR”) shall be the average time required to repair a Service and restore its availability and is stated in terms of equipment
and cable outages. The time is measured from the time that the Service Outage is reported by Customer to FBL until the Service is available. With
respect to Services provided on FBL’s Facilities, FBL will use all commercially reasonable efforts to (a) repair network equipment within an average of
two (2) hours of when FBL’s technical representative arrives on the applicable site where the equipment is located, not to exceed a total of four (4)
hours from the time the Service Outage is reported and (b) have the first fiber on a cable cut restored within an average of six (6) hours of when FBL’s
technical representative arrives on the applicable site where the cable cut is located, not to exceed a total of eight (8) hours from the time the Service
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18 February 2016
Outage is reported. Such averages will be calculated over a calendar quarter basis. FBL will undertake repair efforts on equipment or fiber when FBL
first becomes aware of the problem, or when notified by Customer and Customer has released all or part of the Service for testing, at which point a
trouble ticket will be established. Notwithstanding the above, the failure of FBL to meet such standards shall not constitute a default under this
Agreement and FBL shall not be liable to pay Customer any penalties or damages or credit any portion of the Recurring Charges or Non-Recurring
Charges under this Agreement as a result of such failure, other than as set forth in Section 4.1 above.
The following rates shall apply to the Service:
8.1 Ancillary Services:
(a) Cancellation Prior to FOC: Wavelength Services $5000
Any charges not set forth above shall be governed by and as set forth in the respective Service Order, for which a FOC has been received. Upon
written notice by FBL to Customer, FBL shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to amend the rates and Charges set forth in this Supplement for any
Services ordered after the date of such amendment of this Supplement; provided that for the avoidance of doubt, subject to the Agreement, such
amendment shall not apply to any Services that are subject to a Service Order for which FBL has accepted via a written FOC prior to the date of such
8.2 Dispatch Fee.
If a trouble ticket is opened and FBL dispatches a technician with the repair issue, being found to be the customer’s responsibility a fee will be
charges called “Dispatch Fee” in the amount of $275 non-recurring.
Customer’s Duties to Cooperate
Customer or its representative must cooperate with FBL in the installation process, which includes accurate completion of an Order Form containing
detailed demarcation information and other onsite contact listings, and of the necessary technical questionnaires (IP Questionnaire, BGP Questionnaire,
etc.) as provided by FBL. Customer or its representative must be physically present at the time of installation. During installation and at all other times,
the Customer will allow access and if necessary provide escort, for FBL’s or its representatives’ necessary personnel to perform the installation and
maintenance of the Service, to the designated building’s phone closet(s) or telecommunications room or to the Customer's premises for the purposes of
survey, installation, operations and maintenance of the Service, after prior arrangement between the parties. Customer’s failure to cooperate shall release
FBL from its obligations pertaining to the Installation Guarantee part of the SLA, and shall not suspend the Service Date and thus the billing start date. In
the event of technical problems relating to the Service, the Customer will ensure that FBL’s or its representatives’ service engineers have unrestricted
access to the designated building’s phone closet(s) or telecommunications room or to the customer premises equipment. Customer’s failure to provide
access shall release FBL from its obligations pertaining to the Network Availability part of the SLA.
10 Demarcation Point
10.1 Within a FBL data center: If Service delivery takes place within a FBL data center, FBL will deliver the Service at a demarcation point situated on the
FBL equipment. FBL will provide, maintain and operate the necessary wiring (“Cross- Connect”) for Customer to connect to FBL’s service at the
indicated demarcation point. FBL will provide such Cross-Connect against fees such as indicated on the Order Form.
10.2 Within a third-party data center: If Service delivery takes place within a third party data center (i.e. that is not owned and/or operated by FBL); FBL will
deliver the Service at a demarcation point situated on the FBL equipment. Unless otherwise agreed, Customer will at its own cost provide, maintain
and operate the necessary wiring (“Cross-Connect”) to connect to FBL’s service at the indicated demarcation point. If Customer and FBL agree that
FBL shall provide such Cross-Connect, then FBL will provide such Cross-Connect against fees such as indicated on the Order Form.
10.3 Within an On-Net corporate building: If Service delivery takes place within an On-Net corporate building, FBL will deliver the Service at a demarcation
point situated on the FBL equipment within the Customer’s suite. FBL will provide, maintain and operate the necessary wiring (“Riser”) between the
building entry and the indicated demarcation point.
10.4 At an Off-Net Customer Location: Off-Net Services are being delivered to the Customer Location indicated in the Order Form through a third-party
local loop to be provisioned by FBL on behalf of Customer. As such, the Customer and FBL agree that the charges set forth in the Order Form for
such Service assumes that such Service will be terminated at a pre-established demarcation point or minimum point of entry (MPOE) in the building
housing the Customer Location, as determined by the local access provider. FBL may charge Customer additional nonrecurring charges not
otherwise set forth herein for such Service where the Customer or local access provider determines that it is necessary to extend the demarcation
point or MPOE through the provision of additional infrastructure, cabling, electronics or other materials necessary to reach the Customer Location. It
shall be the Customer’s responsibility to allow access to the facility for the local access provider, as well as to facilitate or coordinate with the property
owner at the Customer Location, all additional space, and electricity determined by the local access provider to be necessary to provide the Service.
FBL will notify Customer of any additional non-recurring charges, if any, as soon as practicable after FBL is notified by the local access provider of the
amount of such charges. From time to time, FBL may provide, and Customer may accept, budgetary estimates for the extension of the demarcation
point to the Customer Location along with the initial Order Form. These estimated costs may be based on certain known costs or typical installations
that do not require extraordinary efforts by the provider to extend the service. In the event actual costs exceed the budgetary estimate, FBL will notify
the Customer as outlined above.
11 In addition, the charges and the Term set forth in the Order Form for the Service assumes that such Service can be provisioned by FBL through the local
access provider selected by FBL (and/or Customer) for the stated Term. In the event FBL is unable to provision such Service through the selected local
access provider or the selected local access provider requires a higher cost or longer Service Term than that set forth in the Order Form, FBL reserves the
right, regardless of whether FBL has accepted the Order Form, to suspend provisioning of the Service hereunder and notify Customer in writing of any
additional non-recurring charges, monthly recurring charges and/or Term that may apply, or to cancel the Service set forth on the Order Form. Upon receipt
of such notice, Customer will have five (5) business days to accept or reject such changes. If Customer does not respond to FBL within the five (5)
business day period, such changes will be deemed rejected by Customer. In the event Customer rejects the changes (whether affirmatively or through the
expiration of the five (5) business day period) or if FBL elects to cancel the Service ordered herein, the affected Service will be cancelled without
cancellation or termination liability of either Party.
12. Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) & Credits
12.1 Managed Wavelength SLAs.
Availability Metric
Unprotected Service 99.9%
Protected Service
Customer Protected/ Switched 99.995%
Mean Time To Respond
Fiber Cut
4 Hours
4 Hours
12.2 SLA Credit Structure
If the Service fails to meet the standards set forth in this Rider, the Customer shall be due a credit in accordance with the following credit structure.
The Customer must notify FBL Customer Care of a SLA Credit event in writing, and FBL will validate the claim within 10 business days. If FBL
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validates that the Service did not meet the performance standards set forth in this Rider, FBL will issue a credit in accordance with the terms on the
next invoice. Force majeure and planned maintenance events effecting service will not be factored into how the SLA performance will be credited
and will be credited only on a prorated basis.
12.2.1 Availability Credit Structure – OnNet
Cumulative Calendar Month’s Unavailability
(in hours: minutes: seconds)
24:00:01or greater
Duration of Interruption
No Credit
5% of MRR
10% of MRR
20% of MRR
50% of MRR
75% of MRR
100% of MRR
12.2.2 Availability Credit Structure – OffNet (Type 2 and Type 3)
Cumulative Calendar Month’s Unavailability
Duration of Interruption
(in hours: minutes: seconds)
No Credit
10% of MRR
20% of MRR
30% of MRR
40% of MRR
24:00:01or greater
50% of MRR
13. Electronic Signature. Each party to this Rider agrees to use electronic signatures and to be subject to the provisions of the U.S. E-SIGN Act (i.e., the
Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN, Pub.L. 106-229, 14 Stat. 464, enacted June 30, 2000, 15 U.S.C. ch.96).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, FBL and Customer, confirming their consent to the terms and conditions contained in this Rider and intending to be legally
bound hereby, have executed this Rider as of the dates set forth below.
FiberLight, LLC
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