Disabled students

Postgraduate Information Sheet PG 051
Disabled students
If you require support during your studies because you have an impairment, medical condition, mental
health or specific learning difficulty, you should contact UWE’s Disability Service (Room 1E22, tel 0117
32 82564, e-mail disability@uwe.ac.uk). Staff there can tell you about facilities and support available at
UWE, and advise on obtaining funds and allowances.
You’re advised to contact the Disability Service on or before your arrival at the University, and your
Faculty as soon as possible after that.
Within the Faculty, there are various procedures and resources available to support your requirements:
If you need to request alternative arrangements for exams:
Disabled students may request extra time or other specific assistance (eg amenuensis, special
accommodation) for an exam or in-class test on provision of suitable supporting evidence eg
Educational Psychologists Report for Dyslexia.
If you need advice on these issues please go to FBL Reception and ask to speak to an Exams
Officer (tel. ext 82235).
Requests for alternative arrangements for an exam must be submitted to the FBL Examinations
Officer (via FBL Reception) no later than the dates shown below for each assessment period:
Assessment Period 1
04/01/11 – 14/01/11
Assessment Period 2
03/05/11 – 27/05/11
Assessment Period 3
08/08/11 – 19/08/11
The provision of alternative arrangements can’t be guaranteed for all exams.
Once you’ve registered as having special requirements for exams, it’s not necessary to resubmit
your request in subsequent years.
If you need assistive technology resources:
The following assistive programs are available on the majority of computers in the student computer
rooms in UWE. More information and guidance on accessing and using the software can be found
via the links below:
Read and Write text-to-speech software
PG051 LK / Last updated Sept 2010
This information sheet gives a brief summary only. For more details, please check other sources of information.
Inspiration mind-mapping software
Students may also request access to the JAWS software for visually impaired users. Please
contact a member of staff from the IT Services, Business and Law Technical Support Team in
Room 2B051 or email bl.itsupport@uwe.ac.uk.
UWE’s Disability Service (0117 32 82564) offers training in the use of assistive technology for
students who have had this recommended in a Study Needs Assessment. Further information is
available from the Disability Service.
If you wish to discuss your specific teaching and learning needs:
To discuss specific faculty support for your learning or related academic issues, please contact FBL
Student Support and Guidance Coordinator, Debbie Sturge ( ext 83411, email
If you have dyslexia, you can contact the Disability Service to discuss the support available to you.
You can also contact (via FBL Reception) FBL Student Advice Centre to discuss any general issues
or problems.
You should also know
It’s the student’s responsibility to contact the Disability Service for advice on available disabilityrelated support.
It’s also your responsibility to make the Faculty aware of your needs and to provide appropriate
UWE’s Careers Service has links with Disability Employment Advisers at a number of organisations.
They can offer guidance if you’re seeking full-time employment. You may also be eligible to apply
for short term access to work opportunities via the Employability and Diversity Project. Details are
available on the Careers Service website.
See also
Academic Registry website: Regulatory Framework 2010/11 – Sections E9, F19
Student Services website: UWE Diary and Info 2010/11 – Student Support
Disability Service website: www.uwe.ac.uk/advice/disability